Scorpio 2022 Predictions
Position and Transit of Planets in 2022 for Scorpio:
The position and transit of planets during the year 2022 for Scorpio will be as follows:
This year on April 13, Jupiter would enter Pisces your 5th house. Rahu will enter in Aries Sign your 6th house on 12 April and Ketu enters Libra your 12th house on same date. Saturn remains in Capricorn your 3rd house till 28 April 2022 and will enter Aquarius your 4th house on 29 April 2022. Saturn in retrograde motion will re-enter Capricorn on 12 July 2022 and will remain there throughout 2022. Venus which is lord of your 7th and 12th house will transit to your 3rd house Capricorn on 27th February and then will enters Pisces your 5th house on 27 April and then will enter Taurus your 7th house on 18th June and then will enter in Virgo your 11th house on 24th September and then will be in Libra your 12th house on 18 October. Mars will enter Sagittarius your 2nd house on 16 January then it will enter Capricorn your 3rd house on 16th February and will enter in Aries your 6th house on 27 June. Sun will enter your 6th house Aries on 14 April and will enter in Leo your 10th house on 17 August and then will be in Scorpio your own sign on 16 November. Mercury which is lord of your 8th and 11th house will be retrograde motion in the beginning of the year on 14th January in Capricorn sign your 3rd house.
Profession and Career
The year 2022 is going to remain average. You may suffer from mental problems due to transit of shadow planet i.e. Rahu is in your sixth house which will also aspect your 10th house of career and profession and therefore, you should be positive in your attitude in the month of April and May. After this, you will experience some changes at your workplace from the end of May to September due to the transit of Saturn in your fourth house which will aspect your house of profession. However, these changes will remain favourable if you are persistent, patience, hardworking and use your attitude well. There are strong possibilities of getting success for those who are engaged in foreign business or working with an MNC. There are chances of promotions for those who are associated with jobs while on the other, new contacts will bring new business opportunities.
Although you have to be careful from the month of till November as far as your career is concerned due to the transit of eight lord of suddenness in your tenth house of profession. This period will push you to work harder and only then you will receive success in your endeavours. Rest of the year will be highly favourable as you will get maximum financial benefits and chances of promotions are also there. Besides this, you are advised to control your emotions.
Those who are connected with government jobs may face many problems. However, the situation will change from the middle of the year when the Sun will transit from your ninth house in July. If you review the business aspect, this year will be very favourable and you will have success in your planning for enhancement of your business from the middle of May.
Beginning of the year would be moderately auspicious for profession perspective. Do not involve yourself in partnership business otherwise you would incur losses rather having gains. Your latent enemies could create hindrances and problems in domain your work. Therefore, without deposing faith in anybody go on doing your work by applying your own mental capabilities. During this period, it is your self-confidence only which would lead you to success. You would succeed in your business and domain of work only by dint of your hard work and devotion.
Time period after April 13 would be favourable. Jupiter aspects Tenth House, hence people who are absorbed in service would get reverence and incessant cooperation of their high officials at their place of work. You would find solutions of your problems by dint of your work efficiencies and capabilities.
Finance and Wealth
Beginning of the year would be favourable on an average for economic perspective. In the beginning of the year, there are indications for expenditure on purchase of land, building, vehicle etc. There would be expenditure on health problem of a family member. Seeing the financial life of the Scorpio zodiac people, the year is going to give mixed results. Especially, your expenses will increase in the beginning of the year since the sixth house lord will be in your house of accumulated wealth , as a result of which, you may face financial stress by spending money uselessly. However, Mercury is going to transit in Pisces in the month of March and this will prove to be financially favourable.
After this, you will be successful in getting money from different sources for the period from May to September since Jupiter will aspect your house of income during this time. Also, you may get back your stuck money during this period. Besides this, you will succeed in getting money from secret sources and you will be participating in religious gatherings wholeheartedly. Further, there are chances of getting financial help from the better half in November and December as Mars your own lord will transit from your house of marriage.
After April 13, due to aspect of Jupiter on Eleventh House, there would be enhancement in incessant flow of income and hence you could get rid of prolonged debts. Expenses would be incurred on auspicious ceremonies in the family.
House, Family and Children
This year would be auspicious for family and society perspective. In the beginning of the year, due to effect of Saturn in Third House, there would be growth of your prowess and working efficiency. Your family environment would be favourable and peaceful because of Jupiter is posited in Fourth House. Your enemies would be afraid of you. You would accomplish some task for social progress or social welfare. As per the Scorpio horoscope 2022, married people will have a pleasant time and you will be successful in resolving differences and misunderstandings. There are chances of increase of love and romance in your relationship due to the aspect of dynamic Mars in the fifth house of love. Especially, the beginning of the year is going to be highly favourable but the transit of Saturn in Aquarius in April month will bring some ups and downs. During this, there are possibilities of conflicts over petty issues due to the influence of Saturn. In this context, you are advised to resolve all your problems by understanding each other well and showing faith in each other.
After this, you are likely to get free from court related matters from September to November and there are chances that results may come in your favour since your sixth lord will be in a strong position. This will leave a positive impact on your married life directly and you will be enjoying with your spouse wholeheartedly. If you are passing by marriageable age, the period from September till the end of the year is going to be highly auspicious and there are possibilities that you might get the partner of your choice.
The year 2022 states that people with Scorpio zodiac sign will be less favourable in terms of family life. There are chances of unfavourable results during the first quarter of the year. You may also experience some problems. The situations will turn better in the months of April and May due to the placement of the fourth house of domestic happiness and mother in its own house and during this time, your mother will play a key role and stand by you like a walking and holding stick.
After this, your family life may be affected by the transit of Mars in the period from June to September but you will put in your efforts to keep all the members together. Also, you will not only have the blessings of elders but also have their assistance. Some differences may be observed among younger siblings in the middle of September month due to the placement of Saturn in the third house. In this regard, you are advised to maintain protocol while dealing with them.
The love life of Scorpio is going to be favourable and there are possibilities of enhancement of love, affection and romance. However, you are suggested to play safe in the month of January and February as there are chances of arguments over certain matters during this time due to the influence of Saturn in your fifth house of love.
From the middle of March till September, both of you will be busy in creating a pleasant atmosphere to maintain good relations and with the progress of love in between, the understanding will also deepen. Those who are in search of a lovable partner, the period September to November will afford the best opportunities due to the grace of Jupiter. In the last two months of the year i.e. In November and December, some of the lovers may take the decision to tie the knot.
After April 13, time period would turn more favourable and auspicious. At that time, you would not get full cooperation of your brothers and family members. You would be mentally satisfied. Auspicious ceremonies would be accomplished in your family.
This year would be moderately auspicious for children point of view. Your children would take a higher step by dint of their hard work. They would attain their goals on the basis of their mental capabilities. If they intend to have higher education, they would get admission in a well reputed institution. Beginning of the year would be auspicious for your second child.
On April 13, Jupiter would transit Fifth House. Due to this transit, if your child is in marriageable range of age he/she could solemnize his/her marriage. Your children would make progress in every aspect of life.
The transit of Saturn and Jupiter will prove to be good for your health, especially, the transit of Jupiter in the middle of April will help you get rid of chronic diseases. Besides this, the transit of Saturn in Capricorn in the last part of the month of April will make you feel healthy and strong.
During this period, you will get rid of stomach related problems. However, precautions must be taken in respect to your mother’s health for the period from August 13 till mid-October as there are chances of physical problems and mental Besides this, you may be a victim of an accident or physical injury and therefore, you have to be extremely careful while driving.
This year would be favourable if there is no disease earlier. You would not be able to pay whole hearted attention for your health because of prior engagements in social activities. In the beginning of the year, Ketu in Ascendant could cause mental worries for you. Rahu in Seventh House might affect health of your spouse adversely which would become a cause of mental worries for you.
Education and Competition
This year would be moderately auspicious for students. If you are preparing for competitive examination to get a service or admission in a well reputed institution then there are strong indications for achieving success in the later half of the year.
Due to effect of Rahu in Sixth House, your enemies would acknowledge your supremacy. Those who have not yet got a job would be employed during this period of time.
The year 2022 is going to remain average from the education point of view. The period from January till March is going to be comparatively better since the Lagna lord Mars will aspect the fifth house of education in the beginning of the year. After this, you have to take special care from May till September as the timings seem to be unfavourable and therefore, you will have to study harder than before, otherwise, there are chances of adverse results and you may feel upset. This time period is going to be a little stressful for the students pursuing higher education. They are advised to take help from teachers or Gurus. If you are preparing for competitive exams, the period from May to October will be extremely favourable for you due to the presence of the fifth house lord in its own sign and there are possibilities of getting good success. Besides this, the timings after the month of September are giving positive indications of success for secondary level students. During this, you will achieve greater progress and success by securing good marks. Along with this, Saturn is going to transit in Aquarius in the last phase of April month. As a result, there are chances of relocation of certain students from October till December.
Travel and Transfer
This year would be auspicious for journey perspective. Due to the effect of Saturn in Third House, you would undertake long journey along with many short journeys. In the beginning of the year, because of aspectual effect of Jupiter on Twelfth House, there are strong indications for your foreign tour.
Rahu in Seventh House could affect journeys related to your profession. After April 13, you along with all members of family might plan to undertake a pilgrimage.
Note: These are general predictions for Scorpio for 2022 based on transits of planets over the year. More accurate personalized analysis and predictions with remedial advice can be done after analyzing the individualized birth chart/ horoscope, the placement and overall strength of planets in the natal chart, ascendant and moon sign and analysis of divisional charts, yogas and doshas, mahadashas, antardashas and conjunctions along with the annual chart (varsh Kundali) and the transits.
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