Vastu for Dining Room
Family that dines and sits together forever stays together. The dining room is the room in the house where all the members of the family come together, eat food, talk and have a fun time together. The room is meant to bring everyone closer and have a chit chat session, know each other better. It is also a place where important and close guests are entertained and served.

- Placement for the Dining Room: The Dining room can be an autonomous room or in continuation with the kitchen in the east, west or south side. Often people feel confused about the direction, but when it comes to the dining room, any direction is suitable, all it takes is it must be near to the kitchen.
2. Near and same floor as the Kitchen: The Dining room should be on the same floor as the Kitchen. There is no point of having the Dining room on any other floor other than the Kitchen as it will become difficult to carry utensils and hot food. So, Vastu advises to always keep the dining room and kitchen on the same floor for smooth flow of work.
3. Perfect Shape for the Dining Table: The finest form of the Dining Table according to Vastu Shastra is Square or Rectangle. There are many Shapes like round, oval, hexagon or any other irregular shapes dining tables are available but they are best avoided. When sitting at a table one needs enough space so that one can eat comfortably. At the same time, there should be enough space on the table to accommodate everyone’s plates, which is why the square and rectangular shape is preferred.
4. A place for the Dining Table: The best place for the dining table is in the center of the room. Avoid touching dining table with walls as it is easier to sit on all the chairs. In case, the dining table touches the wall, make sure only one side gets covered, and rest of the space is free and spacious enough to sit.
5. Way to sit on the Table: Vastu also give guidelines on how to sit on the table. When it comes to sitting on the dining table, one should sit facing east, north or west side. The head of the family must take the east side, and the rest of the family can sit facing east or north or west side. It is considered good when the sun rays enter directly from east direction and brighten up the day. Avoid sitting south facing as the North Pole and south facing direction repel each other and create an imbalance in life.
6. Things to Avoid: In a house, all the rooms are adjoining and interconnected. Make sure to construct bathroom away from the dining room as it is considered very unhygienic and uncomfortable to eat near a bathroom. Also, in case the door of the bathroom is left open, the foul smell is very uncomfortable to bear, thus avoiding dining room near bathrooms is best.
7. Door for the Dining Room: The door of the dining room must not be facing the entrance door. It is very awkward when people from outside can watch a person or the family eating. So, keeping the entrance door away from the dining room door is the best. Also, the best directions to fix the door are east, north and west directions.
8. Colours for the Dining Room Walls: The appropriate colours for the room can be light blue, yellow, saffron, peach, light green or light shades of pink and orange. Using these shades stimulate the appetite and also make the look bright, big and interesting.
9. Wall Decors: When it comes to the dining room, we can always hang nature related paintings, food related paintings or posters, and famous chef’s painting with motivational quotes. Vastu Shastra advises hanging nature paintings as they give a calming effect on the mind and make a person feel relaxed and at peace while eating.
10. Placement for Wash Basin: Earlier, people used to have a small wash basin in the dining room to make it easy to clean hands and mouth after eating. Vastu Shastra says that if there is a wash basin in the dining room, the perfect place to fix the basin is in North or east side of the room. Having a basin in these sides makes it easy to reach the wash basin and also the sun rays coming from east side keeps the water pure.

Other Things to keep in mind while in Dining Room:
• While eating, try to be relaxed and stress-free.
• Make a habit of eating together at least once in a day.
• Speak politely while eating and converse about positive things in a respectable manner.
• Playing soft and subtle music in the dining room attracts positive vibrations and creates a blissful ambience while eating.
• While eating food, make sure that there is no television, computer or laptop in the dining room as they work as a distraction. Instead, interact with your family and have a gala time.