Jupiter in 1st House for Taurus Ascendant

The native is unhealthy. He suffers from some health problems. He is to exercise for improving his health and to become fit. This is essential to get the advantage of a long span of life. He intelligent and gets higher education. He is not happy with the children. They create problems. He suffers because of them.
He is unhappy with his wife and experiences a lack of domestic happiness. He suffers hurdles and hindrances in business and hardly gets some success. He is unlucky and irreligious.
He has no faith in the power of the almighty God and does not participate in religious activities. He is always worried about his health. He takes pain to work hard to get success and good gains. He thinks of his dignity and prosperity in society.
No doubt Jupiter is in enemy sign. It is lord of 8th house so malefic; but since here it is posited in Lagna when Venus is well placed and strong and Jupiter here is not aspected by malefic and under good nakshatra then it is quite strong. It will confer rank, authority, respect, wealth and blesses with long life. Self respected and comforts from wife and progney. Quite, social, generous and will hold a good rank in society. Very kind to lower rank persons. He will waste his property and may come under debt. He will be courageous and make donations. He will have gain from foreign trade of export and import. Legacies, overpower his enemies and obstacles.
Jupiter in 2nd House for Taurus Ascendant

Learned, intelligent, command over many languages and scholar. Obstacled in accumulation of wealth. Middle part of life will be troublesome. Losses and a troubled life. Realisation of debts, gain through deceased and friends.
The native faces some difficulties in maintaining family status and happiness. He uses his full strength to earn wealth and ultimately succeed in maintaining family status and increasing family wealth. He speaks politely. He influences enemies, conquers them, and gets success in his work.
If Mercury is well placed and in good strength or there is exchange of house and placed in 11th then extremely good for finance and wealth.
He gets an advantage of a long life span and the benefit of inheritance. He has a long life. He is not cordial with his father. He differs in views and suffers obstacles in his way to success and progress.
He is worried in connection with the government and society. He tries to come out of worries. He strives hard to achieve success and progress in his occupation/profession and ultimately earn some wealth. He gets respect and leads a happy family life.
Jupiter in 3rd House for Taurus Ascendant

Though Jupiter in Cancer gets exalted. This is not a happy position and indicates wealthy, and learned, but all will be destroyed and one will be under debt. Early part of life miserable. Death of brothers. Property litigations. No gain from brother. Young age will be somewhat happy for a short duration.
The native is valorous, courageous and influential. He influences his younger brothers and sisters. They are happy and helpful. They co-operate with him. He is happy in the company of his wife and enjoys family pleasures. He works hard to succeed and progress in business and earns sufficient wealth.
He gets an advantage of a long life span and the benefit of inheritance. He lives long. He is unlucky and irreligious. He does not believe in almighty God’s power and gives no importance to religious activities.
If Moon is well placed and good in strength he gets immense gains and maintains his dignity and status. He leads a happy, wealthy and prosperous family life.
Jupiter in 4th House for Taurus Ascendant

Religious and charitable, wealthy, learned, and well respected. Blessed with happiness, property and land, Honest, even tempered and man of good deeds. Comforts from wife. Gain of ancestral property and legacies.
Very good results if Sun is well placed free from malefic aspects.
The native has respect for his mother. He enjoys all happiness and benefits concerning land and buildings property. He is worried about separation from his mother. He suffers obstacles in the family and loses family pleasures. He has mixed relations with his father. Sometimes he is happy in the company of father and other time he is happy in the company in his occupation.
He easily gets angry and disobedient. He tries to succeed in his occupation/profession and achieves the benefit of sufficient gains with contacts in foreign countries. He suffers opposition from the government and society. He uses his occult powers to succeed in his career and become famous in life.
Jupiter in 5th House for Taurus Ascendant

The native is weak in education, but he has good oratorical ability. He gets an advantage of a long life span and the benefit of inheritance. He suffers troubles from children. He experiences unhappiness in their company. He is fortunate and acquires commendable knowledge of religious texts.
He has full faith in almighty God and performs all religious activities. He uses occult powers during conversation to earn adequate money.
If Mercury is good in strength and placement then Intelligent, learned, wealthy and famous. Will lead a comfortable and prosperous life. May go to foreign land due to some property disputes in the family. Much happiness and pleasure through children and friends. Loss through speculations.
He has another business. He works hard to get success and
Jupiter in 6th House for Taurus Ascendant

The native is not lucky. He suffers healthily. He is intelligent and wise and cleverly controls enemies, and gets the work done. He suffers the loss of a long life span and the benefit of inheritance.
He has enmity with his father and dislikes the government views.
He tries to succeed in his occupation/profession but is deficient in earning sufficient money. A good friend, sweet speech, worries from opponents, diseases. Danger of ill fame in youth. Unsuccessful in hopes and faithful servants.
He hardly gains some money to cater to the family’s daily needs. He spends much for family happiness and earns more through overseas connections. His family is not happy. He loses his respect in the family.
He leads an unhappy domestic life. If Venus is good in strength then some good results can be seen,
Jupiter in 7th House for Taurus Ascendant

Intelligent, clever and learned but devoid of wealth. Married in a respected and reputed family but inspite of all resources, influence and capability, there will be no success and comforts. Many enemies. Not good profession. Under debt. Will earn moderate money through many sources after struggle. A rich partner or to whom money comes unexpectedly. Success in law suits.
The native suffers difficulty in the daily routine of family life. He tries to maintain his nobility and self-respect. He has mixed relations with his wife, sometimes happy and angry. When he is happy, he enjoys sexual pleasures.
He works hard to get success in business and earns some money. He gets help from foreign countries. He is dynamic in approach and uses superior techniques and methods to draw more gains in day to day life.
He is handsome and intelligent, but he appears very weak and tired. He loves his younger brother and sisters. They are happy and courageous and co-operate with him. Such a native is selfish and is always focused on accumulating wealth.
Jupiter in 8th House for Taurus Ascendant

The native gets advantage of long span of life and benefit of inheritance. He has a long life. It lacks the sources of income. He has mixed relations in the joint family and spends as much as the requirements of family.
He makes efforts to earn and accumulate wealth with the help of foreign connections. He has politeness in behaviour. A good crafts man but no gain from that. Unhappy and under debt. Will engage himself in many professions but will remain worried and financially tight. Loss and troubles through friends.
Sometimes he gets the blessings of his mother and other time not but he enjoys the benefit of using land and buildings property. He is dissatisfied with his income, being lesser than requirements.
He appears feeble and unhealthy. His feebleness comes in the way of maintaining his dignity, status and prosperity in his routine life. He leads an ordinary life.
Jupiter in 9th House for Taurus Ascendant

The native is unfortunate and irreligious. He does not believe in God’s almighty and gives no importance to religious activities. He lacks a good income and is always worried about wealth. The native is unattractive in appearance and very weak. He has some health problem and appears restless in daily routine life.
Birth in a respected family. Low deeds. Malacious thoughts and actions. Loss and unfulfilment of hopes. Journeys, loss and troubles through journeys. Death can be in a distant land by drowning or voyages.
He is somewhat courageous. He strives hard to succeed in business and improve his position in the government and society. He loves his younger brothers and sisters and gets their full support.
He is intelligent and clever but weak in higher education. He loves his children and gets some happiness from them. He leads a happy family life despite a lack of progress and prosperity.
Jupiter in 10th House for Taurus Ascendant

The native has some enmity with his father. His father does not support him. He himself tries to get success in business. He works hard to increase income but suffers the loss of earnings. The Native maintains connections with friends abroad to earn some money.
The government and society do not favour him. He gets some respect at home. He uses all techniques and methods to get success. He wants to earn more wealth and improve his family status. He has some problems with his mother and tries to remove those problems by maintaining cordial relations.
His mother experiences uneasiness with him, and he loses the benefit of utilization in land and buildings property. His enemies also create some difficulties in the way of his occupational profession. Learned, intelligent and well respected. Generous, honest and good deeds. Learned in Vedic, ancient literature and Ayurvedic science. A few sons, will command respect in people and will hold a position of command and authority. Death of native through war or violent death. He tries again and gets the advantage of a long span of life and the benefit of inheritance. He lives long but leads a restless life.
Jupiter in 11th House for Taurus Ascendant

Learned and well educated. Wealthy, but wealth will be destroyed through sons and relations, No sincere friend’s and opposition from relations. Loss and troubles through women. Death among friends.
The native is intelligent and industrious. He ears immense wealth by using successful methods. He gets advantage of long span of life and benefit of inheritance. He lives long. Though he has some bitterness with younger brothers and sisters yet he gets good support and help from them.
He is weak in education but he has some occult powers. He uses them to increase his earnings. He is not happy with his children. They create problems.
He tries to get some illegal gains with the help of his wife and enjoys sexual pleasures. He works hard to get success in business and to earn sufficient wealth. He leads a happy and prosperous family life.
Jupiter in 12th House for Taurus Ascendant

The native spends much and earns judiciously from overseas connections. He has cordial relations with his mother and gets her love and blessings. He enjoys the benefit of managing and utilizing land and buildings.
He has enmity with his maternal grandfather. He faces some problems with enemies and overcomes them wisely and carefully. He experiences some deficiency with regards to wealth.
Under debt, a preceptor of religion, journey to foreign land, generous, good deeds but some time will act in an immoral way. Difficulty over inheritance, fear of imprisonment and deceitful friends. Good friendship with occultists. He works hard to earn money.