Rahu in 1st House for Taurus Ascendant

The native with Rahu in 1st House for Taurus Ascendant can have a weak constitution. The native shows his unhealthy personality. The native with Rahu in 1st House for Taurus Ascendant is courageous, clever, selfish and secretive. There can be discord in married life when Venus is not positive and strong.
Good position and wealth if Venus is well placed and strong.
The native is always worried and anxious. Sometimes, he falls prey to the illness of hysterics. The native with Rahu in 1st House for Taurus Ascendant adopt illegal methods to earn a livelihood. The native may reside in foreign land. He will enjoy respect, regard, high status in life and will be a man of authority. He will face some difficulties in middle part of his life.
The native faces the calamities bravely and gets success.
Rahu in 2nd House for Taurus Ascendant

The native with Rahu in 2nd House for Taurus Ascendant works hard for getting wealth and maintaining the status of the family. The native sometimes faces troubles in getting wealth but easily overcomes them.
The native with Rahu in 2nd House for Taurus Ascendant is courageous and clever in earning wealth. The native makes secret plans and uses illegal methods to get wealth for family status and prosperity. Verbal communication can be some harsh. Possibility of sudden and unexpected gains seen.
Rahu in 3rd House for Taurus Ascendant

The native with Rahu in 3rd House for Taurus Ascendant is weak and cowardly and experiences some loss and separation from his younger brothers and sisters. Trouble in eye. Less comforts from brothers. Average profession. Loss and wastage of time in property litigations. Break in education.
The native works secretly to earn wealth. The native with Rahu in 3rd House for Taurus Ascendant is selfish and wants to be successful in society, but he is neither lucky nor religious. The native can face some health problems in life.
Rahu in 4th House for Taurus Ascendant

The native with Rahu in 4th House for Taurus Ascendant loses their mother’s affection. The native is unhappy. The native with Rahu in 4th House for Taurus Ascendant loses property and leaves his birthplace. Obstacles in gaining vehicles, land and house. Problems can be faced in profession. Mental peace can be disturbed.
The native feels restless and suffers in life. The native with Rahu in 4th House for Taurus Ascendant uses secret methods and makes pre-planning plans to earn money for better living and happiness.
The native spends much and enjoys life cleverly.
Rahu in 5th House for Taurus Ascendant

The native with Rahu in 5th House for Taurus Ascendant is seen as worried and unhappy with the children and loses his education. The native is unlucky and mentally worried. He is cranky and talkative.
If Mercury is well placed and strong, sudden and huge financial gains during the Mahadasha and Antardasha of Rahu. The native with Rahu in 5th House for Taurus Ascendant is very clever to get his work done by others within time limits. The native has a weak constitution.
Rahu in 6th House for Taurus Ascendant

The native with Rahu in 6th House for Taurus Ascendant is brave and courageous. The native exerts great influence on enemies and overcomes all types of difficulties and troubles cleverly. The native with Rahu in 6th House for Taurus Ascendant faces hindrances from the maternal grandfather’s side.
The native is selfish and cautious. The native with Rahu in 6th House for Taurus Ascendant overcomes all hindrances and hardships. The native indulges in diligent work and feels happy.
Rahu in 7th House for Taurus Ascendant

The native with Rahu in 7th House for Taurus Ascendant is unhappy with his wife and feels a deficiency in sexual pleasures. The native consults a doctor to get sexual pleasures. The native with Rahu in 7th House for Taurus Ascendant is most selfish. He loses his father-in-law. Misunderstanding with spouse. Native won’t be in good terms with spouse. Finances may get blocked. Delays in inflow of finances. Unfavourable results regarding partnership. Bad results regarding personality. Possibility of unnecessary hard-work & short tour/travels
The native works hard at the place of occupation/ profession and faces many troubles there and in the family. The native with Rahu in 7th House for Taurus Ascendant uses questionable gains. It affects his health and personality. The native gets no help from his siblings.
Rahu in 8th House for Taurus Ascendant

The native with Rahu in 8th House for Taurus Ascendant is disturbed about his longevity. The native gets some abdominal troubles in his stomach and is always worried in daily life.
The native with Rahu in 8th House for Taurus Ascendant feels impatient and depressed. The native spends much on illness and loses his earnings. However, he manages gains from overseas connections.
The native with Rahu in 8th House for Taurus Ascendant is a sufferer and weak in health. His family life is quite unhappy. During its Mahadasha or Transit to 8th house there can be possibility of some gain through inheritance.
Rahu in 9th House for Taurus Ascendant

The native with Rahu in 9th House for Taurus Ascendant faces great loss with anxieties and nervousness in the house of destiny. The native shows himself as wealthy and religious but in reality, he does not believe in God and appears to be an atheist.
The native with Rahu in 9th House for Taurus Ascendant is always unhappy. The native is not healthy. The native with Rahu in 9th House for Taurus Ascendant thinks brave and uses many improper schemes secretly for income.
The native is restless but does not get name and fame. If Saturn is well placed and strong then the native can prosper it its Mahadasha. There can be foreign travel also and some gains.
Rahu in 10th House for Taurus Ascendant

The native with Rahu in 10th House for Taurus Ascendant is dissatisfied with their father and works with anxiety in the occupational profession. The native puts in his best efforts to progress his position and status. The native with Rahu in 10th House for Taurus Ascendant is always worried but if Saturn is well placed and strong then the native gets good progress in career and profession. The native can also gain in politics.
The native loses family happiness and his health. The native with Rahu in 10th House for Taurus Ascendant is wealthy and gets fame in government and society, but actually, he is not. The native gains some money by doing hard labour.
Rahu in 11th House for Taurus Ascendant

The native with Rahu in 11th House for Taurus Ascendant faces obstacles and hardships in the way of income. The native makes more efforts to get gains more than required.
The native with Rahu in 11th House for Taurus Ascendant uses the most secret and unauthorised methods to achieve his ends. The native is clever, skilful and selfish. There can be problems in child birth and in married life.
The native with Rahu in 11th House for Taurus Ascendant never loses his patience and works hard to get success and happiness in life. If Jupiter is well placed and strong then Rahu will give beneficial results in this house.
Rahu in 12th House for Taurus Ascendant

The native with Rahu in 12th House for Taurus Ascendant puts heavy expenses and loses much wealth. The native is worried and unable to manage the expenditure. The native with Rahu in 12th House for Taurus Ascendant faces many difficulties regarding enemies, debts and diseases.
The native never feels nervous, even when he faces severe difficulties or miseries. The native with Rahu in 12th House for Taurus Ascendant controls them using improper methods.
The native is influential and later on succeeds in fulfilling his aim and getting family happiness.