Intensity Numbers
Intensity as a notion means ‘the concentration of strength or force. Some names have more numbers than usual names, and it is special, as the concentration of power differs from usual and it needs manifestation in some way. The letters in your name that occur more than once are the basis of your Intensity Number in Numerology. It displays your talents, things you can give to others, and the path you follow into the whirlwind of life.
It is the skills you obtain, the gift you can give and the track that leads you to exciting life full of events. Sometimes concentration of force of vibration explores a channel for its expression and becomes a hidden passion.
These intensity numbers have been found to be of such necessary evaluation because it can change the course and field of career and occupation also.
The intensity number is based on the letters frequently used in the name of a person. It provides a mirror image of your abilities that empower you to rule out on your destiny.
How to see and Calculate Intensity Numbers:
The intensity number is based on the letters and related numbers frequently used in the name of a person.

Example Name: RAHUL SINGH
R=9 S=1
A=1 I=9
H=8 N=5
U=3 G=7
L=3 H=8
It is observed that Numbers 3, 1, 8 and 9 are reflecting two times.
Similarly, in many Names it will be observed that some letters and corresponding numeric numbers are seen to be intensifying or concentrating even 4 to 5 times.
Meaning of Intensity Numbers
Intensity Number 1
You are sure of who you are, who you want to be, you know that you will definitely succeed. Your aim is to develop yourself more and more, and to get what you want by any means, you are a great leader. Your enthusiasm is hard to beat. More than average one’s makes a person extremely ambitious with the sense of being first in whatever they do. Originality and creativity can be found in abundance with desire of influencing others. Sometimes it can also make a person very arrogant and egoistic.
Intensity Number 2
As the number presumes, you are a lovable person, and you can be a great partner, as you have a lot of things to share in the relationships. You are sensual, touchy and have well-developed intuition. You are an aesthetic and creative person. Think about opening your own art-oriented or inspirational business. If two is repeated more than once in a name it makes a person very adaptable and patient with desire of creating harmony and peace as noise disturbs them.
Intensity Number 3
You can motivate and inspire those, who are beside you and you can even become a brilliant coach. You have a talent to entertain people and you do it in your own special way. Art, music, literature are the best fields of your work. The stage is the place where you should be. Three, if repeated twice or more in the chart of a person makes it his urge to express himself either through writing, singing, speaking or some other form of self expression.
Intensity Number 4
You are a perfectionist a little bit: you like it organized and well planned. The things around you have their place and practical usability. Also, you admire wild and great nature, it astounds you. You like order in all things. One with number 4 as their hidden passion number has a strong need of managing and organizing. Your determination and following routines with discipline can make you achieve great things in your life.
Intensity Number 5
You are a family person, you like the freedom of life and can be surprisingly good in projects with short terms and you are even more skilful if your work has to do with foreign journeys. Your sense of humor and intelligence make you a great author, or a problem-solver with good sense of humor. You have strong urge for newness in situations as you are very adaptable and ready to accept challenges. Good communication skills and public relations can make you do wonders in field of sales and marketing.
Intensity Number 6
You are loyal to your beliefs and ideas, you are sociable and “community” person, and some people may use your willingness to help. You can speak to people and listen to them, and it makes you a great in psychology, in education, or in administration. Serving others is what you crave for. There can be a deep urge of taking responsibility and sacrificing yourself for welfare of others. Healing and counselling comes naturally to you.
Intensity Number 7
You are smart and pragmatic, you believe only in facts and the things you see. You have a discerning mind, which makes you a specialist in many spheres. Also you really care about those close to you. Try yourself in engineering and other Sciences. If 7 is present even once is your name, it makes you analytical, proof demanding and highly capable of doing some specialized work with perfection. You want to solve the hidden mysteries and discovering new things is what you desire. Many great scientists have 7 prominent in their chart.
Intensity Number 8
You are an enthusiastic and purposeful person. You can imagine the result, before the start. You work well, and you like to be praised for the work done well. You can make a great coach, designer or make-over expert. Strong desire to attain material rewards through businesslike approach and good judgment of events and people make you attain power and position. Many 8’s in name can make you forceful, dominating and ruthless.
Intensity Number 9
You are talented and inclined to artistic activity; you want to have active and exciting lifestyle. You are very purposeful and want to be independent in all senses. You are motivated enough to be whomever you want. Nine’s in name more than thrice gives extra ordinary artistic talent. You are the one who is looking for a situation that is good for all. But too many nine’s can also make you impractical and you may start living in a fancy world. Hidden passion can be understood and also be studied in combination with talent number and temperament while choosing professional career because it has a great deal of impact and gives us a path to explore & express the extreme force present within us.