Vastu Tips for Kitchen
Kitchen is where healthy and nutritious food is cooked. Kitchen is the place of transformation of energy– because it’s in the kitchen where all the raw and uncooked food is transformed into delicious meals. The same food then provides energy and nourishment to family members. And it is that energy which is transformed into action. So Vastu and Energy of Kitchen should be given utmost importance. Hence some essential Vastu tips for kitchen is shared in this article.
A non-vastu complaint Kitchen can give following results:
- Health Loss–loss of health for the cook and head of the family and diseases
- Financial Loss–financial condition deteriorates
- Family Disputes–clashes within family and separation
And many other …….
In this article you will get to know a lot about the Vastu tips for kitchen, what to do and what to avoid.

- It’s best to place your kitchen in the southeast direction, as this is where Agni or the lord of fire reigns supreme. If that’s not possible, north west works as well.
- Try not to locate the kitchen in the north, south west or north east direction, as that can lead to domestic upheavals and rifts in the family.
- For some unavoidable reasons which cannot be re-modified or re-constructed for the kitchen that face the north or the north east direction – Remedy it to some extent by placing the stove in the southeast direction, and ensuring that the north east corner is clutter-free. If the design permits, extend the north east corner to make space for a Pooja room.
- For a west or north facing house, place the kitchen along the north west direction, so that you look towards the north while cooking. If your house faces the east or the south, the best place for the kitchen would be the south east.
- One must always face the east while cooking. Therefore, cooking appliances like microwave ovens and gas stoves need to be aligned along this direction.
- Place the kitchen sink along the north or north east direction. Don’t place it on the same or parallel direction as that of the cooking platform. As per Vastu Shastra, fire and water oppose each other and can have negative consequences if both elements are placed together.
- Water filters should be placed in the northeast portion of the kitchen. The N-E side is where the rays of the sun come in first, and exposing water to them will ensure it gets sterilized and purified for consumption.
- If the stove and sink are close to each other, place a bone china vase between them as a remedy.
- Refrigerators should be placed in the SOUTHWEST or NORTHWEST kitchen corner.
- Kitchen counter-tops being fixed in the South-East walls.
- Appliances like ovens and fridges can only be placed in available spaces such as S-W or N-W corners.
- Microwave ovens must be placed in the South-East corner. As with the stove, microwaves are also used to cook food and can be placed within that area.
- Exhaust fans should be installed in EAST walls, while cooking stove and oven kept in the S-E corner. It is a given that the exhaust fan or chimney should be placed in the opposite or East direction.
- Avoid the colour black in the kitchen; instead opt for colours such as yellow, orange, pink, brown and white.
Ensure that the windows open out to the east or the north for natural light,

What should be Avoided:
- Avoid kitchen directly under or above pooja/prayer room.
- Do not have kitchen directly under or above toilets.
- Avoid kitchen directly under or above bedroom.
- Do not place cooking gas burner or stove directly in front kitchen’s entrance door.
- Do not have main door of kitchen in any corners; place it in East, North or West wall.
- A kitchen in North-East causes mental tension among family members and they suffer great losses. This is a common vastu defect, if – in your home – the kitchen is in the North-East corner.
- Kitchen in South-West leads to clashes among family members.
- A kitchen in North-West direction is acceptable but it leads to increase in monetary expenditure.
- Avoid Kitchen in the North direction; as North is Lord Kubera’s (the God of Wealth) direction, having kitchen in North will increase expenditure of family beyond expectations and control.
- Never face west while cooking as this leads to severe health problems to the cook.
- If – while cooking – the cook faces south then family has to face monetary losses.
- Avoid black color for kitchen wall and flooring.
- Avoid keeping refrigerator in North-East direction.
What you should Do (Essential Vastu tips for kitchen):
- Place platform of the kitchen in East and South-East corner.
- Put cooking gas burner or stove in South-East corner of kitchen, make sure that it is a few inches away from wall.
- Provide “L” shaped platform, next to the kitchen’s main platform, near South wall and use this platform for keeping and operating microwave ovens, mixer/grinder etc.
- Use North-East to set up wash-basin or sink in the kitchen.
- Use North-East or North side to keep drinking water and utensils for drinking water.
- Keep grain boxes, pulses, various spices, salt etc. in South or West direction.
- Have two windows/gaps in East and West walls of kitchen and place an exhaust fan in any of the windows/gaps.
- You can optionally place a dining table in North-West or West side of kitchen.
- Keep light weight things in East or North in kitchen.
- The cook must always face towards East while cooking; this ensures good health of family members.
- Use yellow, orange, rose, chocolate or red as floor and wall colors of kitchen.
- You can place a refrigerator in South-East, South, West or North direction of Kitchen. If the refrigerator is in South-West direction then place it a foot away from wall else it will often get out-of-order.
- Give sacred offering to fire of the first thing you prepare in kitchen to make sure peace and prosperity.
- Clean kitchen, kitchen platform and utensils daily at night before sleeping. It has been observed that leaving unclean utensils in the sink during night attracts stomach and sleep disorders in the family members.
This concludes all the Vastu tips for kitchen which will benefit & give relieve from all the existing problems one is facing in there life.