Expression or Destiny Number
Your Expression Number, which is derived from all the letters in your full birth name, shows the opportunities and goal, the person you want to be with the talents, abilities and shortcoming that were encoded with you with birth.
The total of all the letters in one’s full birth name is variously called the Expression, Mission or Life Purpose number by numerologists. Composed of both the vowels and the consonants, it represents the blending of our inner and outer selves. This number shows us who we truly are and what we must be in life. This is where we feel most comfortable and how we automatically act.
The Expression Number tells us what we do best, and, by extension, our inherent talents and career potential. We are naturally attracted to occupations that we resonate to, so this number can be a strong factor in our choice of a career.
How to Calculate Your Expression Number
Refer to the following Pythagorean Chart

To find your Expression number, add the numerical values assigned to of each letters in your full name; reduce them to single digits; add the single digits; and reduce them again to a single-digit number.
Do not reduce the Master numbers 11, 22 and 33 when calculating the Expression number.
Total 1+6+8+5= 20 and further 2+0= 2
Total 7+3+1+7+5+9= 32 and further 3+2=5
Final Total for first and last name is 2+5=7
So, Expression Number of John Player is 7
What does each number expresses:
Expression Number 1
The Expression number 1 makes you tend to be a strong individualist, both self-reliant and dependable. A natural leader, you’re at your best when in charge. You’re capable in almost any business or art form, and your possibilities are unlimited when you can do your own thing. Directness is one of your great strengths, but do not let your ego and impatience get in the way of your effectiveness. Also, take care that your mind does not run ahead of your ability to implement your ideas.
It indicates you are independent and individualistic. It represents the risk taker and a pioneering spirit. Self-reliant, confident, and perhaps sometimes overly opinionated, you are more likely to try the untested and new things. You like the freedom to choose your path and make your own decisions. Be wary of being overly competitive, and too self-centered and critical of others.
Expression Number 2
The 2 Expression Number indicates you are more intuitive and sensitive to the world and the people around you. You are more likely to crave balance and peaceful resolution to conflict, which makes you better equipped to work and deal with others. Be wary of being thrown off balance by negative people or situations around you.
The Expression number 2 signifies a person who can sense the feelings of others, and this makes you a natural peacemaker. You bring love to your circle of family and friends, and inspire others to be more patient and tolerant. You dress modestly, as you are not really interested in being the center of attention. In fact, you are quite happy to go along with the crowd. Take care to look after your own interests, so that your tendency toward passivity does not cause you to end up with the short end of things.
Expression Number 3
The Expression number 3 signifies that you tend to be an outgoing, optimistic and ambitious person. Attractive and charming, you will make your way in life through social contacts. Socially adept and facile with words, you are a natural performer who can handle all kinds of people and situations. You also have an artistic flair. Your strong points are versatility; and the fact that you seldom let life get you down. You need, however, to watch out for a tendency to embellish the truth for effect.
The number shows that you tend to be outgoing, with a more uplifting and optimistic energy than others. You are a creative spirit and likely more drawn to the Arts, or other similar outlets where your energy can be focused on bringing forth that which is in your imagination. Be wary of becoming too cynical, irresponsible, and undisciplined, as this will hinder progress in your creative ventures.
Expression Number 4
The 4 Expression Number is one of a builder. You are more grounded, methodical, and practical. Because you are likely more drawn to order and stability, you tend to be more reliable and responsible, and as such, are often seen as the bedrock of your family or business. Be wary of getting stuck on overly small details, and being too stubborn or rigid.
Number 4 makes you tend to be the workhorse who loves to organize things, devise systems, and make sure that everything has its place. You are especially good with your hands, and feel most comfortable in the material world where you can see the tangible result of your efforts. Not one for flash, you prefer to dress in good taste and in the best quality. Basically conservative, you are loyal and responsible, but can be rather too cautious at times.
Expression Number 5
The 5 Expression Number reflects your love of freedom, excitement and new experiences. You are more of a free spirit, eager to explore and try new things. You tend to be very adaptable, hating the “routine” and not follow the social norms. Be wary of changing your mind too often, of getting bored too quickly, and leaving whatever the job or project at hand unfinished.
This number makes you to be the well-travelled, experienced person who can fit in with any group of people. Your finest talent lies in your ability to cope with anything. People notice you because you’re different and a bit daring. Never predictable, even to yourself, you need great variety in your work and life. Guard against a tendency to be rather unreliable, and try to develop self-discipline to control obsessions with things like food and sex.
Expression Number 6
The Expression number 6 gives you a wonderful ability to help people sort out their lives. Armed with a clear sense of right and wrong, you have a solution for any dilemma, and you can be extremely logical and capable when dealing with others’ problems. The service-oriented professions are perfect for your natural protective instincts. You also make an excellent parent, but must learn to curb a sometimes overly zealous concern that can involve you where you don’t belong
Number 6 shows you are loving and honest, and as such you often play the role of healer or counsellor. You have a tendency to put the need of others before yourself, and often feel the need to sacrifice your time and yourself to take care of others. Be wary of being too overprotective, meddling into other peoples’ affairs, and not giving those you care about their own personal space.
Expression Number 7
The 7 Expression Number indicates you are inquisitive, intelligent, and have a yearning to attain truth, knowledge, and wisdom in all aspects of what is the very essence of existence. You are likely to be more introverted and require your own space and alone time to pursue your own projects. Be wary of becoming too secretive, cynical, and cutting yourself off from those around you.
Number 7 as your expression number makes you an intellectual who needs to analyze and investigate the dynamics of life. In search of meaning, you are drawn to the psychological, the scientific and the occult, and you can master many levels of understanding. People may often misinterpret your natural dignity as aloofness. Your constant search for perfection and the need for an intellectual solution to problems can sometimes bring frustration, but you have the potential for bringing new kinds of understanding to the world.
Expression Number 8
The 8 Expression Number shows that you are ambitious, disciplined, and hard working. These qualities, along with being a good and efficient planner, and a tendency to see things the way they truly are, often result in great success in whatever field you choose to work in. Be wary of being too stubborn and intolerant of others, and try to keep the right balance in all your pursuits.
Expression number 8 makes you the business leader, the organizer and the practical achiever. You get what you want through resolve and stamina. You have an air of authority that instils confidence, and your innate business sense attracts success. You’re quick to seize opportunity and enlist others to help you. Power comes easily to you, and it is sometimes hard for you to relinquish your natural tendency to dominate.
Expression Number 9
The Expression number 9 makes you tend to be a universe-oriented person who is by nature compassionate and understanding. You are a true humanitarian who also has the potential for high artistic achievement. A romantic at heart, you have emotions that swing from high to low. You could help humanity, and a job utilizing your aesthetic sense and sympathetic nature would suit you. Just do not drain yourself emotionally by becoming involved in too many things at once.
The 9 Expression Number indicates you tend to be drawn to causes and endeavours with a purpose to make the world a better place. Idealistic, a humanitarian, and a visionary, you can inspire others to help you achieve the greater good. Be wary of craving validation for your work, and being taken advantage of by those who do not see the world as you do.
Expression Number 11
The 11 Expression Number is a higher vibration of the Number 2, and as such indicates you are highly intuitive and sensitive to the world and the people around you … sometimes even to the point of seeming psychic. You tend to be idealistic and crave balance and peaceful resolution to conflict. Be wary of being too idealistic, impractical, and sharing your feelings openly with others.
As an Expression number, the master number 11 can indicate great potential as an enlightened thinker with excellent intuition and vision. You have the ability to create harmony out of conflict, but can have difficulty maintaining your own equilibrium. Your tastes run to the exotic, and you have a mysterious and otherworldly air. Spiritual in nature and high-strung, you are best off when working with others who are more practical than you. The supreme idealist, you need to become more grounded if you are to apply your ideals to the real world.
A master number is too powerful a vibration to be used all the time. Instead, it requires special circumstances and energies. In daily life, you will find that you tend to express yourself on a more human and compassionate level. Here you can sense the feelings of others, and this enables you to be a natural peacemaker. You bring love to your circle of family and friends, and inspire others to be more patient and tolerant. You dress modestly, as you are not really interested in being the center of attention. You are quite happy to go along with the crowd. Do not allow a tendency toward passivity to cause you to end up with the short end of things.
Expression Number 22
As an Expression number, the master number 22 indicates a tremendous potential for achievement on a grand scale. You can conceive, inspire, organize and make things work on a far-reaching, even international level. You have few limitations and you can do just about any job well. You’re best as the master architect who can tear down and build up with remarkable efficiency and results. A creative visionary with an analytical and practical mind, you are still very much in tune with human nature, the way it operates, and the way it can be manipulated.
For achieving the potential of the master number 22 calls for some special circumstances and energies. In daily life you will find that you tend to express yourself on a more human level. Here you become the workhorse who loves organizing things, devising systems and making sure that everything has its place. You are especially good with your hands, and feel comfortable in the material world where you can see the tangible result of your efforts. Not one for flash, you prefer to dress in good taste and in the best quality. Basically conservative, you are loyal and responsible, but should guard against a tendency to be too cautious.
The 22 Expression Number is a higher vibration of the Number 4, and as such is often referred to as a master builder. You are grounded, methodical, practical and with persistence, determination, and will power you can turn dreams into reality and create, build and accomplish things that will last for lifetimes. Be wary of being inhibited by doubt, and getting stuck on overly small details.
Expression Number 33
The 33 Expression Number is a higher vibration of the Number 6 and is often referred to as the master teacher. You have a tendency to put the need of others before yourself, and often feel the need to sacrifice your time and yourself to take care of others. Be wary of being too overprotective, meddling into other peoples’ affairs, and not giving those you care about their own personal space.