Saturn in 1st House for Leo Ascendant

The native with Saturn in 1st House for Leo Ascendant lacks beauty in appearance and unhealthy. catches some disease. The native is fortunate, religious and influential and lives long. The native is brave and courageous. The native pursues daily occupation diligently. Native’s brothers and sisters also help him.
The native is happy with wife and enjoys sexual passions and pleasures. The native is not happy with his father and loses his blessings and support. The native is worried and faces hardships getting success in his occupation/ profession. The native is courageous and laborious. The native works hard to get success, respect and honour in government and society. At last he gets a little satisfaction.
Saturn in 2nd House for Leo Ascendant

The native with Saturn in 2nd House for Leo Ascendant gets some success and some loss in family wealth and finds trouble in a joint family. The native with Saturn in 2nd House for Leo Ascendant gets dissatisfaction with his mother and loses her blessings and benefit of handling land and residential property. The native with Saturn in 2nd House for Leo Ascendant feels restless. He loses his longevity of life and the benefit of inheritance.
The native with Saturn in 2nd House for Leo Ascendant works hard to earn money and gains some wealth. He leads a life in between happiness and sorrows. His domestic life is also painful.
Saturn in 3rd House for Leo Ascendant

The native with Saturn in 3rd House for Leo Ascendant is energetic, courageous, and influential. The native with Saturn in 3rd House for Leo Ascendant is satisfied with his brothers and sisters. His father also supports him. The native gets victory over enemies. He gets respect and honour in government and society.
The native with Saturn in 3rd House for Leo Ascendant is intelligent but lacks higher education. He speaks bitterly. The native with Saturn in 3rd House for Leo Ascendant experiences some hardship with children. He is happy with his wife and enjoys sexual pleasures. The native is fortunate and strives hard for success in his business. He follows religious traditions. The native is careless in expenditure, spends much and earns from overseas connections.
Saturn in 4th House for Leo Ascendant

The native with Saturn in 4th House for Leo Ascendant is dissatisfied with his mother. The native faces some hardships to get the facility of managing land and residential house property. The native dislikes his wife and reluctant to incur domestic expenses.
The native with Saturn in 4th House for Leo Ascendant loses family pleasures. The native with Saturn in 4th House for Leo Ascendant lives long and follows religious traditions. The native with Saturn in 4th House for Leo Ascendant keeps full control and influence over enemies and gets gains from disputes and court cases.
The native gets their father’s affection and blessings, honour and dignity in government and society. The native with Saturn in 4th House for Leo Ascendant enjoys happiness with its daily occupation/profession. The native is physically weak, having some disease, but he is very steady and obstinate in getting victory over life and diseases. The native with Saturn in 4th House for Leo Ascendant needs comforts and happiness in life.
Saturn in 5th House for Leo Ascendant

The native with Saturn in 5th House for Leo Ascendant acquires good education. The native with Saturn in 5th House for Leo Ascendant is intelligent, fortunate and eloquent in speech but he speaks somewhat bitterly. The native with Saturn in 5th House for Leo Ascendant is mentally confused on account of children. The native is skilful and influences the enemies.
The native also gets blessings and happiness from father. The native is pleased with his educated wife and enjoys sexual pleasures. The native pursues his everyday business very diligently but native is unlucky in raising his income. The native with Saturn in 5th House for Leo Ascendant feels frustrated. The native with Saturn in 5th House for Leo Ascendant is industrious and careful.
The native works hard for success, progress in business and gets good gains with some routine labour. The native later on accumulates some wealth. He is religious and participates in religious traditions. The native always experiences worries and anxieties in his joint family
Saturn in 6th House for Leo Ascendant

The native with Saturn in 6th House for Leo Ascendant influences enemies and gets the advantage of court cases. The native gets respect and honour in society. He experiences some distress with his wife and is deficient in sexual pleasures. The native has no faith in God and does not care for religion. His participation in religious activities appears merely a show.
The native with Saturn in 6th House for Leo Ascendant lacks the longevity of life and the benefit of inheritance. The native with Saturn in 6th House for Leo Ascendant spends much for family and gains from foreign sources. The native with Saturn in 6th House for Leo Ascendant gets happiness from brothers and sisters. The native is laborious and works hard to face hardships and maintain the business’s progress and position.
Saturn in 7th House for Leo Ascendant

The native with Saturn in 7th House for Leo Ascendant is good-looking and passionate. The native has some enmity with his wife but he enjoys sexual passions and pleasures. The native faces some problems with his sexual organ. The native works hard and gets success and progress in the daily life of the business.
The native with Saturn in 7th House for Leo Ascendant is fortunate. The native works hard to increase his business and gets respect in society. The native is selfish and does not believe in the almighty God. The native with Saturn in 7th House for Leo Ascendant is not attractive in appearance. The native with Saturn in 7th House for Leo Ascendant gets no happiness from their mother. The native loses the benefit of handling land and residential property, vehicular facility and is devoid of other comforts of life.
Saturn in 8th House for Leo Ascendant

The native with Saturn in 8th House for Leo Ascendant has a short span of life and does not enjoy the benefit of inheritance. The native with Saturn in 8th House for Leo Ascendant is unfortunate and shows his unhappiness with his wife and also faces hurdles and hindrances from enemies. The native with Saturn in 8th House for Leo Ascendant loses honour and dignity in the community.
The native with Saturn in 8th House for Leo Ascendant is industrious and eloquent in speech. The native respects his father and gets his support but faces hindrances in getting success and progress in his occupation/profession. The native with Saturn in 8th House for Leo Ascendant collaborates with foreign countries and earns massive.
The native makes efforts to get honour in government and society. The native is intelligent but has some deficiency in education and children. Family life is not peaceful.
Saturn in 9th House for Leo Ascendant

The native is not fortunate but puts up a show of being fortunate. The native does not believe in religion and rarely participates in religious activities. The native leads a luxurious life and gets respect and honour in government and society.
The native with Saturn in 9th House for Leo Ascendant lives long. The native works hard to increase his income through personal contacts in foreign countries. The native is happy with his brothers and sisters. They help to enhance his skills.
The native with Saturn in 9th House for Leo Ascendant never cares for his enemies. The native with Saturn in 9th House for Leo Ascendant influences and wins over them. The native with Saturn in 9th House for Leo Ascendant always looks happy, but family life is not peaceful.
Saturn in 10th House for Leo Ascendant

The native with Saturn in 10th House for Leo Ascendant is skilful and industrious, capable and courageous. The native with Saturn in 10th House for Leo Ascendant works hard and gets great success and progress in his occupation/profession. The native with Saturn in 10th House for Leo Ascendant also gets great respect and honor in government and society.
The native with Saturn in 10th House for Leo Ascendant is careless and takes wrong steps on expenditure. The native spends money lavishly. He gets mother’s love, affection, blessings, and advantage of handling all types of property and vehicle facility. The native loves his wife and enjoys sexual pleasures. Such a native is most selfish. The native faces hindrances in achieving peace and happiness in life.
Saturn in 11th House for Leo Ascendant

The native with Saturn in 11th House for Leo Ascendant is ambitious and industrious. The native with Saturn in 11th House for Leo Ascendant works hard to succeed in the house of income. The native gains sufficient wealth through his enemies from foreign countries.
The native with Saturn in 11th House for Leo Ascendant is not attractive in appearance. The native with Saturn in 11th House for Leo Ascendant has some deficiency in some parts of his body. The native is intelligent but lacks higher education and the support of his children.
The native gets happiness from his beloved wife and enjoys sexual pleasures in life. The native is worried about his longevity of life and the benefit of inheritance. The native always faces hurdles and hindrances in life.
Saturn in 12th House for Leo Ascendant

The native with Saturn in 12th House for Leo Ascendant has weakness in expenditure. The native with Saturn in 12th House for Leo Ascendant spends much money on treating diseases and gets loss in finance. The native with Saturn in 12th House for Leo Ascendant makes some efforts to earn from overseas connections.
The native with Saturn in 12th House for Leo Ascendant faces problems from his enemies. The native works hard to increase his wealth using secret methods and tricks. The native is restless, and his family life is disturbed. The native has great influence over enemies. The native is unlucky and has less faith in God. The native sometimes gets happiness and peace in the family, but sometimes he loses it.