Personality Numbers
The side of yourself that you show to the world is reflected by your Numerology Personality number. It’s a lot like your Ascendant in Astrology — it doesn’t represent every aspect of your personality, but the traits that you choose to share with others. This number also reveals the type of first impression you make and how other people perceive you.
In numerology one of the core numbers which helps you a great deal while handling worldly affairs is your personality number.
Personality can be defined as a composition of your behaviour and response towards outer world, how you present yourself and your interpersonal skills to deal with people you meet in day to day life.
How to Calculate Your Personality Number
Assign numeric values to consonant in your name by referring the table given below:

Add together the numerological values only of all the consonants in your full birth name. Then keep summing until you reach a single digit (or Master Number).
What are the consonants? Easy way to remember and understand is – Total Alphabets in the above chart Minus Vowels. (That is we have not to take or add the numeric value corresponding to A E I O U)
Sum up the total of your first name and last name separately reduce them to single digit. Master numbers like 11 or 22 are not reduced.
Now add digits arrived from first and last name.
Number received is Personality Number.
A=1 (not to be considered)
O=6 (not to be considered)
Add total of numerical values (excluding the values of vowels) That is 8+9+9+1+5=32 and 3+2=5
O=6 (not to be considered)
Add total of numerical values (excluding the values of vowels) That is 6+9+4=19 and 1+9=10 and 1+0 = 1
So Personality Number of Harrison Ford is 5+1= 6
Personality Number 1
Numerology personality number makes fine leaders. As a number 1, they are dignified and likable. Overall, they have outstanding qualities. Number 1s are fearless leaders with great levels of perseverance and stamina. They are very efficient and are always at the forefront. They are gifted with the skills to manage people and see projects through.
These people dress to impress, and they are very conscious of the impression they make on others.
These people tend to give out impression of a self sufficient individual with leadership qualities. People with personality number as one, are quick-witted and courageous to take charge of events. They seek admiration and want to stand out in a crowd. Creativity and originality can be seen in their dressing style.
Personality Number 2
These people are often found shy but make friends with almost every person dues to their subtle and gentle ways. A cooperative and a amiable person to gel with. They are very rhythmic and lovers of music. Tidiness and fine sense of dressing can be seen in number 2 people.
The role of number 2 is the peacemaker. They are reliable and fair. Number 2 people make outstanding mediators because they are calm, tranquil, and trustworthy. This Numerology is also exceptionally down-to-earth friendly and a good listener. Their sensitive natures convey great patience.
They tend to be fussy with their appearance and choose style over comfort.
Personality Number 3
This Numerology has an exceptional ability to express themselves. They are talkative, friendly, and highly artistic. Number 3 people are eternal optimists which makes them a charming and pleasurable presence. Giving love and affection is easy for this Numerology. They are great conversationalists and come across as highly engaging. Also, they are also great listeners.
Number 3s adore jewellery and are sometimes showier the necessary in their style of dress.
Self expression and artistic ways is what make them gain attention and affection of others. Life of the party are can be called trend setters as they have their own creative and flashy style of dressing. Their talkativeness facilitates making friends even with strangers.
Personality Number 4
Four numbers might appear serious and boring but this is their consistency and genuine concern for other which make them practical solution finders for their family and friends. Their advice is frequently required taken before making decision. They get dressed in clothes with accurate fitting and quality.
The number four is hardworking, serious and practical.
These individuals are highly dependable, reliable and trustworthy. They have a great love for family and community. Many people consider the number 4 as highly devoted. This Numerology has a deep love for learning and respectful and committed to the core.
Personality Number 5
Number 5s are freedom-oriented, changeable, and adventurous types. This individual is an unforgettable presence with their originality, rapid-fire wit and touch of nervous energy. Conversations with this Numerology is exhilarating and provoke deep thoughts. They are very enthusiastic when sharing their ideas, and their boundless energy inspires others.
The number 5 is always on-trend, especially in clothing and fashion. They love modern styles.
Versatile and upbeat in their actions five appears as a free bird. They are adventurers and want to experience life to the fullest. Their good communication skills make them successful in spreading ideas and awareness and are good at public relations. Five’s are very conscious with their dressing pattern and move with fashion.
Personality Number 6
People with personality number six give out a very good impression to others not through their dressing style as they believe in inner beauty which makes them negligent towards outer appearance. Well Balanced and warm soul one who gives comfort to those who comes in close contact with them.
The overarching theme of this Numerology is sympathy and compassion. This individual finds great fulfilment in the role of protector and nurturer. Number 6 people have a loving disposition, and people lean on them for support. They are highly responsible, generous and make good counsellors. The number 6 radiates calmness and patience and has the ability to unify others. People look to them for solace in times of turmoil.
They do not pay much attention to fashion and prefer casual or vintage styles.
Personality Number 7
Mysterious and magnetic are the best words to describe sevens. Reserved as their worlds resides in cave i.e. their mind. In spite of their mysterious nature they leave a magnetic impression on people as are good natured. Dressing style is alternative sometimes very conscious and at times they don’t care much about clothes they are wearing.
The number 7 comes across as an outsider or loner. Although they seem aloof, they are friendly once you get to know them. This Numerology is highly observant and wants to know how things work. They are knowledge seekers. Number 7 people have a passion for discovering and asking deep questions. They are highly philosophical and may come across as an enigmatic personality. Although they come across as a secretive and a puzzle to others people listen to them because of their innate wisdom. The words of number 7 people are often profound.
Personality Number 8
his Numerology impresses others with their ease in taking executive positions of influence. They are worldly, friendly, and optimistic. Number 8s are authoritative and influential. They have a powerful presence and an enthusiasm that makes them memorable. The number eight is a competent hard worker who will happily execute any task. They can take on and manage large-scale projects with great success!
This number prefers fashions that use heavy fabrics, sports-themed, or anything that is well made.
Strong and executive like personality are efficient with good judgment power. They are confident and enthusiastic can be dominating at times . Eight like to dress themselves in heavy and expensive clothes as it show offs their executive and richness.
Personality Number 9
Nine’s have very cordial and soothing manners. They are sympathetic and helpful but are sensitive. Some people find them arrogant and impractical but it is due to their idealistic nature. Get dressed in almost all universal colours representing love for all.
This Numerology will often look younger than their age. They come across as friendly and generous. The number 9 is trustworthy, selfless, understanding, compassionate, and service-oriented. Others can depend on this individual who radiates a spiritual vibe. People seek their advice and wisdom. They are highly tolerant and have a sympathetic heart.
When it comes to fashion number 9 people should avoid black clothes because it is not flattering on them. Instead, they should choose light-coloured garments such as pastels.
Personality Number 11
Spiritual trends always interest the master number 11.
This Numerology is highly devoted to spiritual matters, and they have above-average intuition. These individuals have great healing energy. They may find themselves involved in the health and wellness field.
Personality Number 22
The master number 22 is usually the one with their hands dirty! Number 22 has both a well-developed intuition and a grounded, practical side. These folks love practical and hardwearing fashions.
These individuals are great communicators and tend to know how to delegate. They are usually surrounded by a crowd who are all happy to help with whatever new project they have on the go.
Master 22 is not so concerned with the latest style, and they will often go for something classic and durable.