Saturn in 1st House for Taurus Ascendant

Saturn aspects on 3rd, 7th and 10th houses. One will be shy, immoral, less comforts from wife, relations with brothers will not remain cordial, education will be limited, not so witty and intelligent, reversal in profession. May not be able to maintain the ancestral property, relations with higher up may not be balanced.
Long inland journeys and progress during its Mahadasha.
The native can also possess some charm in appearance. The native is lucky and influential if Venus is well placed and strong. Sometimes he appears to be obstinate, marring his personality. The native is brave and courageous but does not get much help from his younger brothers and sisters.
The native works hard and gets good gains. The native has enmity with his wife and feels deficient in sexual pleasures. The native respects his father and gets affection and blessings from him. His father helps him in his occupation/profession.
The native works hard and gets success. The native gains sufficient wealth. The native gets respect and honour in government and society. The native is interested in local politics and enjoys happy social life.
Saturn in 2nd House for Taurus Ascendant

The native is lucky. The native believes in the power of the almighty God. With Devine help, he increases family wealth. His family is dignified and has a good status. The native is a good speaker and gets respect and honour in the government and society but he lacks in personal happiness.
The native gets some satisfaction through their mother but he is unable to manage land and buildings property. The native feels restless He gets the advantage of a long span of life and lives long. The native gives the least importance to religious activities.
The native is always busy working hard to get good success. Devoid of comforts from parents, greedy, will face financial difficulties in life, weak eyesight, more expenditure than income. In middle part of life and during 14th, 36th, 48th and 60th years of life, one will face difficulties. Gain through foreign merchants and persons and publications. Gain in profession and from Govt.
The native earns sufficient money and accumulates it. The native has a bond with their father, government and society. The native feels dependant. The native leads a wealthy life.
Saturn in 3rd House for Taurus Ascendant

The native is energetic, courageous, industrious and very influential. The native is dissatisfied with his younger brothers and sisters. They do not help and support him. His father is nice to him. The native helps and supports him. No happiness from brother, diabetic, defective eye sight, brothers will be prosperous, strained relation with younger brother, sickly wife, abortions and break in education. Progress through research, and travels. Gain through in-laws. Honour through journeys and Govt.
The native works hard and gets success and honour in the government and society. The native is intelligent, learned and a good communicator.
The native speaks politely. The native gets happiness and strength from children. The native is fortunate and believes in the power of almighty God. The native makes huge progress by his hard labour and wisdom.
The native follows religious traditions and activities. The native is careless in expenditure, spends much, and gets no help from overseas connections. The native leads a happy life.
Saturn in 4th House for Taurus Ascendant

The native is dissatisfied with his mother and lacks her blessings and facility of land and residential property utilisation. The native exerts full influence over enemies and gets the work done.
The native can have many hidden enemies. Bad health and less longevity for mother. Some obstacles will be faced in profession. Less comforts of no ancestral property. Not much favour from father. Low type profession. Gain through in-laws. Scientific inheritance.
The native enjoys help from their maternal uncle. The native undertakes difficult tasks, strives hard and earns sufficient wealth.
The native gets honour and respect in government and society. The native is physically fit and has an adorable personality. The native is religious and participates in religious activities.
The native gets success and prosperity and leads a happy, peaceful, and respectable family life.
Saturn in 5th House for Taurus Ascendant

The native is intelligent and learned. He gets higher education. The native gets progress in business with children’s help and gets gains by his intelligence and wisdom. The native achieves respect and honour in government and society.
The native also gets blessings and happiness from their father. The native is not pleased with his wife. The native is frustrated.
The native strives hard to succeed and progress in day to day business with some routine labour and gains sufficient wealth. The native spends some amount for family needs, and some accumulate savings. Strained relations with elder brothers.
The native is eloquent in speech. The native is religious and participates in traditional religious activities. The native leads a happy and respectable life.
Saturn in 6th House for Taurus Ascendant

The native exerts influence over enemies and gets much strength from their father. The native earns wealth, respect, and honour in government and society. The native is irreligious. His participation in religious activities appears to be merely a show. The native loses the advantage of a long span of life and the benefit of inheritance. Victory over enemies. Well wisher of all and good friends, wastage of money, less comforts from relations and loved ones. Ill health fear from animal and thieves. Benefit from Govt. rich, tactful and malacious, difficulty in foreign land.
The native is anxious about family expenses. The native works hard to succeed in business and maintain the family position. The native is careless and depends on other influential sources.
The native is not happy with his daily routine of life and feels insecure in earnings. The native has enmity with brothers and sisters and gets no help. The native leads an unhappy and painful family life.
Saturn in 7th House for Taurus Ascendant

The native is uncomfortable in the family despite being fortunate. No comforts from marriage. Two marriages (subject to other checks), indifferent, rich, devoid of respect and wealth unsuccessful in efforts and profession. Delayed marriage and unhappy married life. Marriage to stranger whose relatives will oppose. Gain through Law suits.
After facing some difficulties, he gets some Success and progress in his occupation/profession through his father, government and society. The native is fortunate and religious. Possibility of foreign travel.
The native believes in the power of almighty God, and up to some extent, he participates in religious activities to get divine help. The native is handsome, good looking and healthy. The native is unhappy with his mother.
The native loses the benefit of the utilization of land and buildings. The native does not get benefit from inheritance. However, he leads a happy and comfortable family life.
Saturn in 8th House for Taurus Ascendant

The native does not primarily have a long span of life and benefit of inheritance, but ultimately he gets some improvement in both. The native is disturbed because of his father. His father does not help him. The native himself strives hard to succeed and progress in his occupation/ profession diligently with foreign collaborations.
Long lived. Some problem with the Govt., not well respected. Unscrupulous and unhealthy. Gain by long journeys, estates, law suit and insurance of deceased persons.
The native always tries to earn immense wealth but incurs damages to become famous and faces many problems. The native is well educated and has a feeling of Divine power.
The native is happy with his children and gets some strength from them, but he leads an ordinary life.
Saturn in 9th House for Taurus Ascendant

The native is fortunate and believes in almighty God’s power; He participates in religious activities. The native respects his father and gets his happiness, blessings and help. The native does energetic work and earns adequate gains. Learned, respected and intelligent, strong Willed, selfish, covetuous, suspicious, prudent, loss of wealth, strained relations with elder brothers. Inheritance from wife’s parents. Prophetic dreams, many fine qualities, Gain through learning, writing, publishing and research.
The native earns money through malefic ways. His younger brothers and sisters do not help him, but they deceive and cheat.
The native influences enemies diligently and overcomes them. The native gets respect and honour in government and society. The native increases his earnings and becomes financially strong. Such a native leads a happy, wealthy, religious and respectable family life.
Saturn in 10th House for Taurus Ascendant

Saturn in 10th house is posited in own house. It will make the native practical, able, diplomat, ingenious, well versed in machinery, residence in foreign land. Strained relations with father. Honour, credit, and esteem through science, literature or travel. Long travel, gain and good progress in profession and career during its Mahadasha.
The native respects his father and gets his love and blessings. His father supports him for success and progress in his occupation profession. The native gets great respect and honour in government and society. The native is careless and spends money lavishly, and he is unable to earn money through foreign sources.
The native is unhappy with his mother and does not benefit from using land, and other comforts of life. The native has enmity and displeasure with his wife.
The native loses family pleasures. The native starts a big business and feels a bit gloomy but soon progresses and gets good favour. Such a native is lucky and successful.
Saturn in 11th House for Taurus Ascendant

The native is intelligent and works hard to get passive income. The native is lucky and gains wealth for his good deeds. The native gets respect and honour in government and society. The native is lucky and gets good health. It shows his adorable personality. Long travel, gain and good progress in profession and career during its Mahadasha.
The native is religious and participates in religious activities. The native gets higher education. The native gets happiness in children’s company; He enjoys the advantage of a long span of life.
The native passes through some difficulties and loses the benefits of inheritance. The native leads a comfortable life. The native spends a lot of money and gets loss in finance.
Diseased and of weak constitution, lean body, devoid of wealth, loss of money, Scheming will face difficulties. Less comforts from brothers. Fortunate friendship on voyages and with high ups. Ambitions ideals. The native experiences his weakness in controlling expenditure. His misdeeds and mean habits create problems in getting money from overseas sources. The native loses respect and honour in government and society. Good results only if Jupiter is well placed and in good strength and dignity.
Saturn in 12th House for Taurus Ascendant

The native spends a lot of money and gets loss in finance. The native experiences his weakness in controlling expenditure. His misdeeds and mean habits create problems in getting money from overseas sources. The native loses respect and honour in government and society. His income is very less. Loss of office and honour etc. through business associates who will become enemies also and through religion, science and journeys. May seek seclusion in middle part of life. Difficulties in employments.
The native influences enemies and gets the benefit of wealth from disputes and court cases. The native is a little bit fortunate but believes in almighty God. The native leads an ordinary life.