The timing is very important in Astrology. Dasha and various factors related to Dasha also termed as planets periodicity has deep link with the timing of events, psychological transformation and evolution of the soul in our life. Analysis of Dasha and its sub-periods help us to foresee and understand the events in our life and focus our thoughts and energies accordingly along with related opportunities, some cautions and remedies.
Mahadasha or Planets Periodicity or ruling period of a planet not only signifies the timing of events in our lives, but at deeper level the cyclic energies has intense relation to our evolutionary path.
We can also interpret Dasha system as a divine and ever existing calendar and clock of life events that runs in cycles of 120 years extending over birth and re-birth.
The main Dasha period is called Mahadasha or planets periodicity of 9 planets, which is further sub- divided into sub periods called as Antar Dashas, Pratyantar Dashas, and Sookhshama Dashas. Antardasha is the extended period of a Mahadasha that is subdivided into various smaller periods. In other words, Mahadashas are divided into nine segments called antardashas, where all the 9 planets have their influence within the major influence of the planet which is a ruler of mahadasha. Antardasha is also known as ’sub-ruling-periods’ which run in the same order as the Mahadashas.
There are three important things for an event to take place in a native’s life – The Natal Chart, Transit and Dasa. The natal chart shows the potential. The order of events is described under Dasa and Mahadasha system.
This Dasha system is called as Vimshottari Dasa. (Though there are several other systems of Maha Dashas mentioned in ancient scripts Vimshottari Dasa system of 120 years is mostly followed)
Whether the Mahadasha is auspicious or inauspicious for you depend upon several factors like position of that planet in your birth chart, whether it’s malefic or benefic. This duration of planets gives direction to the events in your life.
Following s the chart of the 120 years of periodicity of all 9 Planets
Planet | Time Period ( in Years) | Nakshatra |
Sun | 6 | Krittika, Uttara Phalguni, Uttara Ashada |
Moon | 10 | Rohini, Hasta, Sarvana |
Mars | 7 | Mrigashira, Chitra, Dhanishtha |
Rahu | 18 | Aridra, Swati, Satbhisha |
Jupiter | 16 | Punarvasu, Vaisakha, Purva Bhadrapada |
Saturn | 19 | Pushya, Anuradha, Uttara Bhadrapada |
Mercury | 17 | Ashlesha, Jyeshtha, Rewati |
Ketu | 7 | Ashwani. Magha, Moola |
Venus | 20 | Bharani, Purva Phalguni, Purva Ashadha |
The Birth Star at the time of birth, or the Nakshatra Star through which Moon is passing at the time of birth and the planet which rules that particular Pada of Nakshatra is from where the first Dasha starts from birth time.
Before interpreting the effects, occurring and timing of events of Dasha periods, it is very important for an astrologer to calculate the overall strength of the planet under consideration, its role for particular lagna or ascendant as well as moon sign, which house it has lordship, its placement etc. There are several rules and tested methods to arrive at this analysis. Though different scriptures show different methods of taking the base of calculation, it is always better to analyze the same from all the three ascendants that is – Moon, rising ascendant (Lagna) and Sun.
During mahadasha of any planet, that planet will give effects or a result in two parts that is total mahadasha period is divided in to two. First will give results of the rasi placed first from ascendant then the second one in case a planet governs two signs or houses- for example Mercury rules Gemini as well as Virgo signs). We can further analyse it Nakshatra wise.
Sun Mahadasha:
When Sun is in good strength and dignity, its mahadasha will be luminous. It will give aggression and power to the person generating eminence, creative opportunities. Good physical health and positive approach to life is seen during Sun main period. Persons will feel the glow and energy in these areas. Sun will carry the ego to the house its aspects. Person will get support from persons in high authority. Native will experience success in efforts. This mahadasha can also favour father. Good social life is also indicated. Some person may gain in spiritual life. Sun is a powerful, progressive, and potent planet, held to be supreme among the imperial stars. Its luminosity gives optimism, authority, cheerfulness and potency and its heat gives aggression and arrogance. It is the life giver among all planets. People under Sun Mahadasha often enjoy a good social standing because of support and favors from eminent people of authority and government. Such natives also enjoy an authoritative position themselves but may also suffer estrangement from family.
These natives enjoy ample wealth and gain from multiple sources of income, especially related to weaponry, fire, state, property, and medicine. Sun Mahadasha also makes the person spiritually inclined and often fond of pilgrimage. Moreover, it makes one anxious and restless, due to recurrent fears of theft, enmity, authority, health problems and fire. But despite these vicissitudes on personal level, such a person has a good social life.
But when Sun is weak in strength due to either of the reasons, then reverse results and events are seen.
Moon Mahadasha:
When Moon is good in overall strength during its main period, it enhances the individual consciousness and sensitive nature and experiences as per the basis of the house moon is lord in the chart. As a great nourisher, moon nourishes, protects and let him grow and also enjoy material life. Person feels happy and inclines to pleasures & luxuries. There is financial benefit. Some may even feel the inclination to deep intuition, yoga and things connected with mind and heart. Moon represents beauty, femininity, purity, charm, softness, emotions, art, love, money, status, progeny, luxuries, auspicious events, prosperity, mental peace, mother, silver and so on. During Moon Mahadasa, the native often feels inclined towards artistic pursuits. This period boosts creativity in the person. Native experiences vivid dreams and fantasies during this period. Moon takes you on an inner journey, towards spirituality and higher knowledge. However, Moon also brings mental instability, depression, laziness, and moodiness in case of malefic influence.
But when Moon is weak in strength due to either of the reasons, then reverse results and events are seen.
Mars Mahadasha:
When Mars is good in overall strength during its mahadasha period, increases the vitality and latent energy of the person. The person feels more conscious in motion and expression. The subjective forces flower to objective patterns and activities. Some may feel change in relationships and transformations. Person receives supports from brothers. Persons working in forces are benefitted. A person can use this energy in right and transformative way. There can be impulsive manifestations. There can be creative activities and advancements in life. Mars’ Mahadasa runs for a period of 7 years. Mars is the karaka of passion, ambition, energy, aggression and enthusiasm. The major fields it represents are sports, physically demanding activities, marketing, sales, military, surgery, and war. During the Mahadasa of Mars, the native has to increase the amount of energy he or she puts into these key areas of life. Mars Mahadasa is marked by an increase in aggression. Mars gives burns, wounds, and disputes with brother due to land and property matters. In case of malefic influence, the native may also suffer from allergies, low blood pressure, bone weakness and lack of energy.
But when Mars is weak in strength due to either of the reasons, then reverse results and events are seen.
Rahu Mahadasha:
Rahu Mahadasa runs for as long as 18 years. Rahu is a shadow planet and is considered malefic. However, its Dasa also brings positive changes in life. Native experiences a surge of energy and enthusiasm to be self-dependent, stand on one’s own feet and make a mark with own efforts. Rahu gives a new capacity to take informed decisions. However, it is also the planet of confusion. During Dasa, it plays with your imagination and gives a lot of confusion in key areas of life such as career, marriage and family. A sort of restlessness persists in life during this period. Health issues also strike, mostly as a result of own actions. On a positive note, Rahu Dasa can also give authority and power to the native too. Gains and rise in government sector are also possible but a lot depends upon its placement in the chart. Here is the influence of the Antardasas of different planets under Rahu Mahadasa.
Jupiter Mahadasha:
When Jupiter is good in overall strength during its mahadasha period, the person expands in material manifestation. There are pleasant experiences, good social associations. Person develops inclination towards learning. There can be auspicious and religious ceremonies and travels associated with these activities. Good for growth of children. Creative skills and knowledge of person can increase during this main period. Depending on the phase of life, there can be marriage, birth of children and ownership to house and vehicles also. The duration of Jupiter Mahadasa is of 16 years. Jupiter is the planet associated with wealth, riches, fortune, spirituality and happiness in married life too. It also represents liver. Benefic placement of Jupiter in the chart means, the native would lead a prosperous life. Jupiter elevates and expands the aspects of the area where it sits in the horoscope. People under the Mahadasa of Jupiter get success in teaching, banking, lectureship, education, finance, jewelry, marriage counseling, loan processing, psychology, spirituality, politics, administration etc.
Children also perform well when Jupiter Mahadasa is going on. During this period, Jupiter blesses the native with improved judgment and wisdom. Native makes right decisions in life and aspires to achieve great heights in career too. This Mahadasa also increases your inclination towards spirituality and religion. It is also marked by warmth and betterment in relationships, especially married life. Here are the results of several Antardasas of Jupiter.
But when Jupiter is weak in strength due to either of the reasons, then reverse results and events are seen.
Saturn Mahadasha:
Saturn’s main period brings such events that create transformation in the person, firstly creating restrictions and delays, and later developing deep insight and understanding. Depending on the ownership of the houses, it gives good results also with hike in service, but accompanied with great hard tasks and responsibilities. There can be benefits from items relate to Saturn such as insurance, oil and gas, iron and factories. Its main period also secludes the person and the person is unable to enjoy. There can be emotional exhaustion. The main purpose of Saturn during its mahadasha is to develop the latent chakra of the individual that is the sparking of the inner light. Person may develop certain special skills during this period. In fact, it acts as a great friend and guide, but with hard task and discipline. Saturn Mahadasa runs for 19 years in one’s life. This ringed planet is associated with karma, hard work, limitations, ambition, discipline and longevity. Saturn specifically related to workers, employees, handicapped, old age people, diseases and joint pain. Saturn Mahadasa is often the marking period in the spiritual journey. Many gurus and leaders are born and made during this period. Saturn gives challenges and results in line with your karma. It gives success but the journey towards success is not smooth, so as to make you modest and grounded and value what you attain. Naturally, Saturn thus poses many hurdles in life during Mahadasa. It is period when natives experiences disputes, delay, distance, detachment, and sometimes denial too. These challenges are specifically felt in career and social life. Saturn Mahadasa can be very positive for natives having strong placement in the chart. It can also give the native inner strength, willpower and courage to fight off challenges and gain name & fame.
Mercury Mahadasha:
When Mercury is good in overall strength during it mahadasha period it activates the intellect and logical faculties of the person. Person gains from business and educational activities. Its main sphere is in the chitta or mental level. It churns the thought process. Person starts looking at things, experiences and happenings with a sharpened intellect. Support from family and relations are seen. Some persons may travel during this mahadasha and develop commercial activities. Mercury’s Mahadasa runs for as long as 17 years in one’s life. During this period, native observes changes in level of creativity, intelligence, management skills, communication, speech, and so on. This period usually brings progress in career, profits, progressive ideas, and improved writing ability. People in trading, anchoring, accountancy, politics, dealing, banking, and teaching do very well during this time. For students, this is a favorable people to study political science, diplomacy and commerce. Native feels a lot of peace of mind in familial matters too. If Mercury is week or afflicted during this period, native has to suffer from nervous disorders, skin problems, mental issues, lack of concentration, memory loss, and defame too.
But when Mercury is weak in strength due to either of the reasons, then reverse results and events are seen.
Ketu Mahadasha:
Ketu during its main period develops a feeling of disillusion in the person. Only if the person has understood the previous mahadasha of mercury well and transformed himself in the psychological level can be truly benefited from the main period of Ketu. Here Ketu helps the individual realize the causes behind all manifestations. But at the same time, it is opposite of materialism. So, if the person is developed can be benefitted by this mahadasha in spiritual progress, and if not developed then this mahadasha will create lot of unhappiness, misery and frustration. Good placement of Ketu in them chart also gives the person income, comforts, material gains. If it is placed favorably in your chart, its Dasa makes you more spiritual. You may begin to channelize your energy and time towards philosophical subjects, virtuous pursuits, worshipping, and practicing Ayurveda. This Dasa boosts one’s involvement in spiritual tasks and gives inner strength to the native. You may also enjoy a lot of domestic comforts and luxuries during this time. You might feel religiously inclined and your interest in Yoga and meditation increase during this period.
Native also builds a tendency to move towards spiritual liberation during Katu Mahadasa as one feels detached from the material world and more inclined towards occult realms, things beyond common understanding. Ketu also boosts one’s inclination towards travel. Sometimes, Ketu Mahadasa also causes unwanted fears and confusions, pain in legs, stomach issues, mental strain, accidents, fear from poison, weapons etc. Problems in family life and loss of wealth are a few other negative possibilities of Ketu Mahadasa if placement is not favorable.
Venus Mahadasha:
When Venus is good in overall strength during its mahadasha it enhances luxurious conditions, acquires items related to art, beauty, physical sensations and materiality. Person develops inclination towards comforts and food and sex. Venus also develops artistic nature during this period. There can be hike in service and good cooperation. Depending on the phase of life, this mahadasha can give marriage. The Dasa period of Venus runs for as long as 20 years. It is a benefic and tender planet, a watery feminine energy. Venus is strongly linked to love, passion, beauty, marriage, arts, music, creativity, luxuries, wealth, indulgence, sex, media and fragrances. It is essentially the planet of the senses – of smell, sights, sound, taste and touch. When Venus is benefic in the chart, it brings a lot material comforts and prosperity. Native does well in artistic industries such as media, fine arts, dance, music, entertainment etc. Venus affords the native with magnetism to attract opposite sex. It gives comfort of vehicles, jewellery, luxuries, home, royal status and profit from all aspects
But when Venus is weak in strength due to either of the reasons, then reverse results and events are seen.