Mercury in 1st House for Sagittarius Ascendant

Mercury here can confer dignities, honours through merit, intelligent, good natured and of good behaviour. Wealthy and blessed with comforts of life. High ambitions, gain through Govt.; unions, partnership, love of women and gain through them. Connection with the process of law. Such persons are found well versed in Mathematics and are connected with medical Science. The native with Mercury in 1st House for Sagittarius Ascendant is courageous, intelligent, and influential. The native possesses a good knowledge of worldly affairs. His personality is adorable. Mercury in 1st House for Sagittarius Ascendant makes a person powerful and industrious. The native respects his father and conducts a lucrative business.
The native gets honour and fame in the government and society. The native with Mercury in 1st House for Sagittarius Ascendant lives long. The native marries a rich and beautiful lady. The native is happy in her company and enjoys sexual pleasures. The native uses his wisdom and skill in conducting his business well. The native is fortunate and gets success and earns enough wealth. The native takes full care of the family through income. Such a native is always successful and well-reputed. The native leads a happy and wealthy life.
Mercury in 2nd House for Sagittarius Ascendant

Skilled in arts, gain by marriage, average financial position, may be afflicted in lower part of body through some disease. Gain of money through trade, industry, profession or Govt.; office. If afflicted or combust, loss of money through partnership contracts, unions, law suits or through women. The native with Mercury in 2nd House for Sagittarius Ascendant is intelligent and ambitious. Mercury in 2nd House for Sagittarius Ascendant makes a person hardworking and laborious. The native works hard and gets success and progress in the business. The native with Mercury in 2nd House for Sagittarius Ascendant earns much wealth. The native also gets a lot of wealth from their father.
The native possesses a big family. The native faces some excessive control by their wife. The native desires to enjoy more sexual pleasures. The native is respectable in the family. The native keeps the expenditure of the family under control. The native progresses through business and gets honour and fame in the government and society. The native is wealthy and leads a royal life. The native enjoys all comforts in life. He is renowned. He has a long life.
Mercury in 3rd House for Sagittarius Ascendant

Mercury in 3rd House for Sagittarius Ascendant makes a person handsome, energetic, courageous and ambitious. The native with Mercury in 3rd House for Sagittarius Ascendant is modest and hard-working. The native conducts good business. His younger brothers and sisters co-operate with him. The native with Mercury in 3rd House for Sagittarius Ascendant gets remarkable success in a gentle way.
The native raises his earnings and controls his expenditure. The native brings progress in family welfare. The native feels happy and earns name and fame in the government and society. The native has full faith in almighty God. He always performs his religious duties. Such a native is wealthy and lives with decency. The native leads a peaceful family life. He enjoys a long life.
Mercury in 4th House for Sagittarius Ascendant

Property by marriage, a chaste wife, gain and honour through parentage, lands and property. Success in last part of life. Interest in reclamations, colonization, cooperative movements, horticulture, mining, architecture or Archaeology. Changeable profession, gain through women and influence. The native with Mercury in 4th House for Sagittarius Ascendant is physically fit and healthy. The native with Mercury in 4th House for Sagittarius Ascendant is educated and intelligent. The native lacks happiness from their mother and loses land and buildings’ benefits. The native feels unhappy with his wife and children. The native becomes restless in family affairs.
The native believes in Almighty God’s power and takes part in religious activities. The native gets their father’s love and co-operation. The native conducts his occupation/profession systematically to register success. The native with Mercury in 4th House for Sagittarius Ascendant faces some difficulties. The native makes progress and accumulates enough wealth. The native gets respect and honour in the government and society. The native leads a happy domestic life. He has a long life.
Mercury in 5th House for Sagittarius Ascendant

The native with Mercury in 5th House for Sagittarius Ascendant is intelligent and laborious. The native possesses higher education. The native with Mercury in 5th House for Sagittarius Ascendant is polite and sweet-spoken. Mercury in 5th House for Sagittarius Ascendant gets a person the love and happiness of the children. The native loves his wife and enjoys sexual pleasures. She is accommodating. An intelligent and learned person. Pleasure through wife, relations with children will be cordial and comforts from them. Native’s children will suffer from sickness but rise to honours. Gain through speculation, pleasures, young people, sports and stage. A good writer and a God fearing man.
The native likes the company of their father. The native conducts a big business and increases his earnings wisely. The native manages the expenditure of the family. The native earns wealth by his intelligence and self-awareness of duties and responsibilities. The native has self-pride. The native is sweet-spoken and maintains secrecy. The native earns enough money. He gets respect and honour everywhere. The native leads a well-mannered, happy, peaceful, prosperous, and religious life.
Mercury in 6th House for Sagittarius Ascendant

The native with Mercury in 6th House for Sagittarius Ascendant is intelligent and wise. The native loves his wife but faces deficiency in sexual pleasures. Lean and weak constitution. Educated but happy, loss, gain from education. Wife may be in service and source of financial help. Happy and gain through children in old age. Modest worldly position, gain and honour through service and employment. The native may marry below his status, mentally or socially has sickly wife and badly disposed employees.
The native faces problems politely and wins over enemies. The native encounters enmity and opposition from their father. The native withstands enough troubles in his occupation/profession and gets some success.
The native with Mercury in 6th House for Sagittarius Ascendant gains a little money. The native gets some money from their maternal grandfather. The native loses respect and honour in the government and society. The native spends much and experiences difficulty in eating and accumulating wealth. The native follows secret methods to increase his earnings through overseas sources. Mercury in 6th House for Sagittarius Ascendant kind and gentle and leads a simple life.
Mercury in 7th House for Sagittarius Ascendant

Gain through law suits and dealing with public generally. Honour and reputation assisted by marriage and partnership in a responsible concern. Comforts from wife, comfortable old age. Comforts from conveyance, success in law suits. Gain through business and trade. Mercury in 7th House for Sagittarius Ascendant makes a native is fortunate. The native with Mercury in 7th House for Sagittarius Ascendant marries a beautiful, influential and clever lady. The native loves her and gets peace and happiness. His father-in-law is a famous man. The native enjoys sexual pleasures very much. He is industrious and full of self-pride. His father co-operates with him.
The native has a good business, and he runs it successfully. Mercury in 7th House for Sagittarius Ascendant gets decent progress in business with appreciable success and ears wealth. The native gets the benefit of long life and power of inheritance. The native lives long. He is handsome and good-looking. The native is brave and strong. His personality is adorable. The native leads a happy, peaceful, prosperous, and honourable family life.
Mercury in 8th House for Sagittarius Ascendant

The native with Mercury in 8th House for Sagittarius Ascendant is physically bold and strong. The native is energetic and laborious. The native gets advantage of longevity of life and benefit of inheritance. The native has a long life. He has full faith in religion. The native worships almighty God and performs religious duties. The native with Mercury in 8th House for Sagittarius Ascendant experiences some wealth problems in family.
Not so well educated unless aspected by Jupiter. Gain and honours in handling the estate and money of others, also through law suits, legacies, inheritance, insurance etc. of deceased persons. Money or property by marriage, death of partner, some inheritance but difficulty over it. Unsuccessful hopes and worries. Mercury in 8th House for Sagittarius Ascendant makes a person works hard to get success in business. The native tries to push up new schemes for increasing wealth but he suffers loss and gets confused in business. The native appears magnificent in the daily routine of life. The native does not love his wife and has some deficiency in sexual pleasures. The native gets disrespect in the government and society. The native takes work contracts to foreign countries to increase his wealth for raising his standard of living.
Mercury in 9th House for Sagittarius Ascendant

Mercury in 9th House for Sagittarius Ascendant makes a person healthy, handsome, and attractive in features. The native is lucky and has faith in almighty God. He performs religious duties well to get divine help. The native gets a beautiful and dutiful wife. Gain by partner’s relatives. Partner’s journeys to foreign. Honourable, voyages, professional journeys, honour through learning, writing, publishing, research or philosophy. Of sanguine temperament. A religious or intellectual father. If afflicted contentions with religious or scientific people. The native enjoys all comforts and pleasures of life with her. The native earns a lot of wealth and gets honour and fame in the government and society.
The native with Mercury in 9th House for Sagittarius Ascendant is bold and courageous. The native respects his father and gets good business. His younger brothers and sisters also co-operate with him. The native works hard and achieves business success. The native earns a lot of wealth. He also gets hereditary wealth. Such a native leads a happy and prosperous. The native with Mercury in 9th House for Sagittarius Ascendant lives long.
Mercury in 10th House for Sagittarius Ascendant

Skilled in all jobs, valorous, truthful, and devoted to elders, will be religious and endowed with wealth. The native with Mercury in 10th House for Sagittarius Ascendant is healthy, handsome, intelligent, and knowledgeable. Mercury in 10th House for Sagittarius Ascendant gets a person their father’s love and support. The native with Mercury in 10th House for Sagittarius Ascendant is courageous and fortunate. The native gets a beautiful and influential wife and enjoys sexual pleasures. He feels powerful.
The native works hard to succeed and progress in his occupation/profession. The native increases the family wealth. He gets great respect and honour in the government and society. The native spends much for the happiness and comforts of the family. The natives face problems in getting the property of land and buildings. A native is a man of prestige. Such a native leads a royal and peaceful family life.
Mercury in 11th House for Sagittarius Ascendant

The native with Mercury in 11th House for Sagittarius Ascendant is fortunate, skilful, and clever. The native loves and respects his parents. The native gets a beautiful wife and enjoys sexual pleasures very much. The native conducts good business. He gets huge gains from his energetic, enthusiastic, and hard-working habits and keeps up his position and dignity in the government and society.
The native is intelligent and farsighted. Blessed with wealth and property. Trouble through wife and children. Eminent friends among legislators and those in high Govt., or professional positions. An honourable fortune. The native is helpful to his associates and others. Ambitious ideals. The native achieves higher education. The native with Mercury in 11th House for Sagittarius Ascendant speaks politely. The native gains happiness of children. Such a native is handsome, healthy, and a man of word. He leads a happy, peaceful, wealthy, and dignified family life. Mercury in 11th House for Sagittarius Ascendant makes a person lives long.
Mercury in 12th House for Sagittarius Ascendant

Generous and knowledge of law. Unhappy marriage, secret sorrows, jealousy, vexation and sickness. Partners or opponents can cause lot of fear, partnership in business is not gainful. Loss of office of honour, dignity etc. through business associates who become secret enemies. Unfortunate environments and conditions, professional secrets, difficulty in employment. Gain from occult science or metaphysics. The native with Mercury in 12th House for Sagittarius Ascendant spends too much, yet he keeps expenses under control. The native is intelligent and hard-working and gains from foreign countries. The native loses his longevity of life and the benefit of inheritance. The native with Mercury in 12th House for Sagittarius Ascendant makes his father unhappy. The native works hard to become successful in business.
The native faces some problems and bears loss in business. The native loses favour in government and society. The native is religious and spends much on pilgrimages. Mercury in 12th House for Sagittarius Ascendant makes a person very bold, wise, and polite. The native influences enemies by his wisdom and politeness and gets the work done. The native achieves success by winning court cases. The native feels nervousness and always struggles for success.