Heart’s Desire or Soul Urge Number
As a human being, we are ruled by mind and heart. Mind is rational and logical but heart is emotional and sensitive. Numerology helps us to understand our heart’s desire, which once realized plays a significant role in making selections for the personal and professional life. It helps us to gain an understanding of why we want the things that we want.
The Soul Urge Number is also significant as it gives you more awareness about the reasons why you are drawn to specific things and why you do certain things.
The number pertains to the emotions like Love, hate, hopes, fears, desires, ambitions, insecurities etc. Deciphering this hidden, personal code reveals your core desires, your inner cravings and urges. It shows up your passions and your fears and what motivates you on a deep, spiritual level. The Soul Urge, quite simply, reveals the guiding force behind what your Soul came here to experience in this lifetime.
What we think and what we feel can often be at odds with each other so it is only natural that we should give both of them their own forum to speak to us. How we feel is also significant to how we develop in accordance with our Life Path.
Calculation of Heart’s Desire or Soul Urge
Total of the vowels (A, E, I, O, U) in your name is your Heart’s Desire or Soul Urge Number.
Take out the vowels in first, middle and last name separately and then add it to single digit which can come from 1 to 9. (As explained in earlier articles, the Master Numbers 11, 22 and 33 are not to be further reduced to single digits)
Consider following chart for calculating.

A= 1
E= 5
I= 9
O= 6
U= 3
Example: Let’s take a Name DEEPAK SHARMA
In the first word Deepak there are Vowels: E E and A. So 5+5+1=11
In the last word Sharma there are Vowels: A A. So 1+1= 2
So totalling both is 11+2= 13 and reducing 13 to single digit is 1+3=4
So the Heart’s Desire or Soul Urge Number for Deepak Sharma is 4.
Another Example: ANJU AWASTHI
Vowels in the first name: A and U. That is 1+3=4
Vowels in last name: AA and I. That is 1+1+9+11
So the Heart’s Desire or Soul Urge No is 4+11=15 and 1+5=6
So the Soul Urge Number of Anju Awasthi is 6
Heart’s Desire Number 1 –
These people are both passionate and fiercely independent. These people do not enjoy asking anyone for help, which in part is due to their perfectionism. The Number One’s crave stimulation and are always in search of the next best idea in order to bring their next project to life. Mental stimulation is necessary for the happiness and survival of a One.
In some cases, others feel slightly intimidated by this Soul Urge Number. This often has to do with the energy and passion of this number, that others might feel they are unable to match up to the expectations of what the Numerology Number 1 can do.
You like to be your own boss, the urge to be ahead of others makes you do work in determined manner. It’s difficult for you to work as a subordinate as you want to lead and not to follow. You need freedom and should run your own business as you need an opportunity to show leadership abilities. You have a deep belief that what you feel, say and do has great value in the world (and you’re right).
You desire to be heard, and for others to follow your lead. You trust your own instincts, often above the views and perspectives of others, and have the makings of a great leader and a pioneer for change.
You may have issues with authority throughout your life, not least because your self-assuredness often means that others look to you for guidance and direction, regardless of the position you take.
You are committed and loyal, however, your dominant nature means others are easily silenced in your presence, and you may not even notice the hurt feelings of those you leave in your wake. You must be careful that your confidence isn’t confused with arrogance, and your desire for progress doesn’t create needless competition.
Whilst you’ll never be fulfilled unless in a position of authority or power, try to make friends on the way up. You never know when you may need some loyalty in return.
Heart’s Desire Number 2 –
Most people under this number are powerful, yet a quiet force. This often means that the number 2’s prefer working “behind the scenes”. This numerology number is always classy, poised, and supportive and a persuasive and trusted advisor that has a lot more influence than most people are aware of.
Your Soul Urge is to be needed, admired and loved by all. At heart you are very gentle and sensitive person who needs peace and cooperation for growth. It will be advisable to get into supportive or counselling roles as you get to know how others are feeling. You are the one who seek companionship to blossom.
You are motivated by relationships and have a deep need to connect with others. You are sensitive and tactful and always striving to ensure harmony, balance, and cooperation prevail wherever you are. In fact, life can begin to feel very uncomfortable, very quickly at the first sign of conflict or drama, so you do your very best to keep the peace (and it’s something you’re good at!)
You may have issues with self-trust throughout your life, not because you don’t value yourself, but because you always need someone else’s opinion or perspective to measure, contrast or connect to your own. Without an external point of reference, you can feel lost, or even lonely.
Your strong, often intuitive connection to others means that you’re a natural team player and a valuable contributor to the whole. But you must ensure that your kindness and sensitivity doesn’t leave you too open or vulnerable. Strong emotional boundaries will ensure you’re not taken advantage of in life.
Heart’s Desire Number 3 –
This number is associated with a natural love of life. For those influenced by Number 3, they are perpetual children. This does not necessarily mean a childish person, but rather that they become excited about their life in a similar way to a child. This includes a wide-eyed wonder, or that life is filled with many opportunities.
Soul Urge Number Three’s are outgoing, the life of any party and optimistic. They have natural charisma and charm, that easily draws people to them. This number rarely looks for meaningful and deep friendships. The three’s prefer good acquaintances that are around when they want to have a little fun. On the other hand, number three enjoy assisting others, and they are often inspirational to those around them.
Your Soul Urge is to cultivate and express your own personal magic. Number 3 at heart makes a person imagine and day dream about their love. Expression through singing, dancing, and painting makes you color your life in an artistic manner. Discipline is the key to your success as your artistic talent has enormous potential to be taken as vocation.
You are inspiring, witty and original and instinctively see the positive side to every situation. You seek pleasure and fun and this makes you magnetic to other people, as you can’t help but share your shiny perspective with everyone around you.
You’re a performer at heart and love nothing more than an adoring audience. This means you have the potential to achieve great fame and recognition in your life, especially within the Arts.
You’re likely to be disorganized and even scattered in your approach to life. This can make you appear uncommitted or disloyal, so it’s vital for you to learn to channel and devote your creativity to fewer, larger projects as you grow.
You will always have critics in life.
Heart’s Desire Number 4 –
Your Soul Urge is to find beauty, order and stability in the chaos of life.
You want secure and good family life which makes you work hard and attain financial security. Practical and rational at heart but still capable of giving immense love, you are sincerely concerned for your loved ones. Routine and consistency is never hard time for you.
Number Four is linked with people that can always be relied on to obey all the rules and to do things the right way. With these people, things are either wrong or right, or white or black, with no gray areas.
Numerology number 4 is associated with planners. These people are very predictable and always have a routine in place. When things do not go as planned, the Four can become anxious.
For the Four, everything will be planned and thought out in a systematic way. These people follow guiding principles and traditional values, and they usually have very little time for people that do not have a strong moral compass
You find a Zen-like satisfaction in performing the simplest repetitive, domestic or practical chores as you feel in most alignment with your essence when restoring harmony to unbalanced situations. You are a creator of systems and love to make plans and organize the world around you. Others feel an innate sense of security and stability when near you, and you’re often called upon for advice and counsel.
It’s likely that you fear change or uncertainty, which means you may miss out on opportunities to grow. It’s important that you give yourself enough space for spontaneous actions, and frequently do things that take you out of your comfort zone.
You’re incredibly loyal, patient and generous. But your straight-talking attitude can sometimes be received as a little harsh or unkind (though never intentional) so developing greater skills of empathy and tact, would likely serve you well.
Heart’s Desire Number 5 –
This number is associated with free spirits that are extremely fun to spend time with. This Soul Urge Number is linked with people that are continually trying out or looking for new things to do.
The Five is a blast to be around, provided others are not depending on this person to assist with an important project. Certain people may consider the Five’s to be a bit flighty. The Fives detest routines or being tied down or forced into a long-term commitment. Numerology number 5 is also associated with restless people that are prone to hopping from one situation to the next trying to find out where they fit in. The Fives are also super social and very friendly. Since most of these people are so focused on their “freedom”, they rarely join any “fixed” groups as they prefer to keep their options open.
Soul Urge Number Fives have fantastic energy, and they usually spread these good vibes all over the place. Perhaps their most endearing trait has to do with their openness when it comes to the opinions of others
Your Soul Urge is to experience as much variety as you can. Change is a key to your success. Your flexibility and adaptability makes it a necessity for you to be involved in works that fulfil your desire to be free from limitations. Public relation is a good job for you as it gives you opportunity to meet new people every day. Even in love affairs you are changeable but once committed, committed for life time.
You have an inquisitive mind and a thirst for adventure that is only satisfied when you’re on a quest of discovery. Travel is your passion, and you feel at your most alive when you’re on the open road, meeting new people and experiencing new things. This means that you may quickly become jaded or restless and struggle with commitment in ordinary life. And if you feel too hemmed in, either by a situation or a partner, then you’ll quickly find ways to rebel.
Your enthusiasm inspires others and you easily make friends. Unfortunately, maintaining these relationships can be much harder for you, as once the initial spark of excitement has worn off you’re often resistant to opening up to others in deeper ways.
Heart’s Desire Number 6 –
Your Soul Urge is to nurture and care for others.
Numerology number six is classified with a group of people that are highly supportive and nurturing. This is a number that is regarded as the “motherhood” or “fatherhood” number. The 6’s make this planet a better place for everyone. They only want the very best for everyone that they meet, and are often found fighting against the injustices in the world or protecting the underdog.
The Soul Urge Number 6 is also the people that have a passion for teaching others along with offering advice and guidance to any person that needs it. These people even fight for justice for the people that are unable to defend themselves, and they will often do whatever they can to ensure others get what they deserve.
Due to their loving nature, this is also the type of person that is easy to take advantage of. These people are always able to see good in everyone, and they are consistently and reliably caring and honest.
Your Number makes you understanding and caring. Good domestic life is a must for you as it provides you contentment. Responsible and self sacrificing nature makes you centre of love for others. Your well balanced approach helps you in performing well in both your personal as well as professional life.
You love people and have a true gift for creating the right conditions for others to flourish and reach their highest potentials. You have a deep need to provide for other people’s needs and an intuitive sense of what those needs are.
You are happiest when you can see the positive results of your influence unfolding, and witness the people around you thriving and happy.
But this selfless approach to life can often lead to you neglecting your own needs, so you must ensure your energy does not become depleted and you regularly care for yourself, as much as for others.
You may have perfectionist tendencies, leading to very high expectations of yourself and of others which means it can be very difficult for you or anybody else to reach the lofty goals you set.
This can lead to disappointment and resentment, so you must learn to let go, or true fulfilment and happiness will always be elusive.
Heart’s Desire number 7 –
Your Soul Urge is to discover meaning in the world around you. Person likes to spend time alone, meditate or understand philosophy of life. Perfectionist in all the spheres of life; be it work, business or home, the number seven person can live alone for whole life. For them, love is not based on attachment or affection.
The 7s, do not enjoy having to work in a group because for one they are introverted, and two they are far more productive when left to work alone. The Soul Urge Number 7 people love working, mainly when what they are doing is stimulating their minds. They also like to spend a lot of their time on their own. This allows them to peacefully question things such as, “the meaning of life”.
You’re a natural seeker of knowledge, on an endless quest to find out the “hows” and “whys” of life. Whether in scientific, historical, literary or mystical realms, you have a deep yearning to always understand more. Because of your questioning nature, you can often feel as though you don’t quite belong in the world.
That other are able to simply accept things at face value is a mystery to you, so it’s likely that you instinctively separate yourself from them and may be perceived as an outsider.
In truth, you are unique, and your perspectives are of great value to the world. Discovering healthy expressions and outlets for your thoughts and theories is vital if you are to fulfil your potential, and gain the trust of your peers.
You must also work to develop self-trust, as however much groundwork and research you do, ultimately, your truth will be found within.
The number 7s are also highly intuitive when they allow themselves to utilize this trait. It can be difficult for this type of person to rely on their intuition as they are always in search of an analytical solution for just about everything.
For the 7s that use spiritual practices such as meditation, this can assist them in connecting with their intuition.
Heart’s Desire Number 8 –
Your Soul Urge is to find power, status, and prosperity. Materialistic at heart, the person with heart number 8 want to live a lavish lifestyle i.e. big house, car and bank balance. Monetary gain is what makes him motivated. Though marriage is important for him; he is usually found dominating and is too involved in money matters that he misses the important aspects like expressing love to his near and dear ones.
To put things into perspective, the 8’s are associated with a drive to be successful in everything that they do. They are also the type of individuals that naturally seem to be great at just about everything. These people also share the qualities that are essential to reach these goals, regardless of what they set their minds on.
The 8s are organized, have excellent leadership skills, are a great judge of character, and they are highly efficient. Self-discipline also comes quickly to these types of people. These people work extremely hard to achieve their goals, and even when they face setbacks, they can regroup and often return even stronger.
You are motivated by success and achievement, especially when it’s rewarded financially. But this isn’t a selfish yearning – your desire to control resources stems from a deep need to improve the lives of others and distribute wealth accordingly. You understand commerce, trade, and industry and want it to benefit those you love.
You are confident, ambitious and have high levels of stamina. Your strong sense of purpose may come across as domineering to others, but really you just want to achieve the success that you work so hard for!
Your challenge is not to be overcome by material gains, but to go the extra mile and use the money and power that you so naturally magnetize, for the greater good. You are a natural leader, so ensure that you lead by example and act with integrity at all times. You have the capacity to instil great trust and respect from others, so it’s vital that the power you wield isn’t abused.
Heart’s Desire Number 9 –
Your Soul Urge is to make the world a better place for the collective. Number nine makes a person show his love in an impersonal manner as he/she is very kind, forgiving and compassionate by nature. Romantic at heart but changeable in love affairs may make him lose love of his life unless taken extra care of. Impersonal side of nine makes a person radiate away love for all.
The people that fall under number 9, often have a deep understanding of the concept of the inner-being. The 9s are incredibly deep, which means they see past just the surface. Religion, race, and culture are not important to a 9, as they feel every living thing holds value, is worthwhile and essential.
These people are also very generous when it comes to their energy, money and time. They will often go to great lengths when it comes to empowering people that are not able to fight for what they believe in. However, these people can sometimes be a bit standoffish. This is because they rise with ease above the everyday concerns and annoyances that many people become entangled in.
You’re a humanitarian at heart, and yearn to leave a lasting legacy of wellness and love wherever you go. Deeply altruistic, you only want the best for people, and have the rare gift of seeing into their souls and knowing exactly what this is.
You have visionary perspectives and are unwaveringly positive. You have the uncanny ability to always see (and believe) in the best possible outcome in any situation.
You desire to impart your wisdom, experience, and insight to others, but must be careful that your well-wishes don’t come across as overbearing. Often regarded as someone who has all the answers (and willingly offers them) can mean that others come to resent and rebel against your advice. Or alternatively, they resist thinking for themselves when they’re around you, so you must be very careful that your desire to help doesn’t interfere with others’ need to find their own way through life, and crucially, make their own mistakes.
It is also important for you to learn the art of fair exchange. You have such a generous spirit that you can easily give, give and give without receiving anything in return. Your idealistic nature would love to believe you are setting an example, but in reality, you could be creating an unhealthy imbalance of energy.
Heart’s Desire Number 11 –
Your Soul Urge is to trust your inner voice and express this confidently into the world. You are a sensitive and insightful soul, and it’s likely that you have psychic gifts and the ability to channel high-frequency information. This can be a challenge – you may often feel ungrounded or nervous, or too empathically aware of what others are feeling.
You are creative and have a calming influence on others. In fact, it’s likely that other people are instinctively drawn to you, sensing your highly healing frequencies by simply being in your presence.
You may often feel like you are on a search for deep, spiritual truths and try to find these in many other people and their teachings. But your challenge is to go within and seek the peace you so desire inside of yourself.
This is the most intuitive when compared to the other numbers and it also a number that is a symbol for a person to reach their highest insights spiritually. The 11s are sensitive and empathetic to vibrations that occur in their environments, more specifically the energies of others.
It can be difficult for Number 11s. Everyone is attracted to an 11 and wants to spend time with them, yet these types of people prefer to be on their own, as they are real introverts.
They also need enough time to dream about things and to put thought into how they can manifest these dreams into their realities. 11s enjoy subjects like religion or metaphysics. These people are often lost in thought, and those around them would love to understand what goes on inside the head of an 11.
It is common for the 11s to try out different spiritual and religious cultures. They also usually take a bit from the differing belief systems and then discard the rest. They typically create their belief systems, which is typically based on what makes them feel more connected to their Divine purpose. These people are often regarded as fascinating and have a lot to teach others around them.
Heart’s Desire Number 11 –
Your Soul Urge is to catalyze the transformation of the world.
You are a visionary, and an architect of the future. Your utopian perspectives inspire others and provide the ambitious goals that others need to continually evolve. But you are also grounded, stable and practical so it’s unlikely that you regard your visions as anything but ordinary!
You often have unconscious memories of what Divine love feels like. For this reason, many might experience a “homesick” feeling. As children these people often felt slightly odd or “out of place”, and they often wonder why things feel so strange to them. For many 22s, they often believe that they do not fit in, regardless of their situations or circumstances.
This has to with that on the Soul Level, the 22s have a deep understanding of the Grand Design, and they serve the purpose of bringing success and joy to the lives of others in the way of demonstrating living a truly spiritual life. These people are here intending to improve humanity when they become inspirational to others.
The 22s are regarded as old souls that come with a lot of experience. This means that these people have already lived over many lifetimes where they were able to develop a spiritual understanding and foundation that is incredibly strong.
Just like the Soul Urge 4, others feel an innate sense of security and stability when near you, so you inspire a great deal of confidence in them. As such, you will make a great leader, manager, and organizer of people. In fact, you will begin to realize your true calling only when you begin to see your grandest visions materializing with the help of others, whom you have carefully directed.
You must be sure that you follow your souls calling in life, and do not become lethargic and too safely confined in your comfort zone. Soul Urge 22s are destined for great things, but courage and self-belief must come first, lest their talents are frittered away.