Moon in 1st House for Taurus Ascendant

Moon is Taurus is strong and exalted, will indicate a wealth man, of fair complexion and sanguine temperament. Will respect elders. He will be intelligent, lucky and attain high position in life. He will be blessed with more sisters then brothers. Such a native will have influence of opposite sex on his life, fond of good food and dress. He may suffer from cough or bronchitis in life.
The native is courageous, ambitious, and a man of morals. The native regards his brothers and sisters, and they respect, support, and help him. The native gets respect and honour in society. The native is able to accumulate wealth and assets when Venus is well placed.
The native is a little bit unhappy with their wife but enjoys sexual pleasures. The native encounters some difficulties in becoming successful in business and feels restless managing family affairs.
If Moon and Venus are afflicted and negative then the native always faces family problems and leads a worried and disturbed life.
Moon in 2nd House for Taurus Ascendant

The native is healthy, courageous and industrious. Moon in this position will give limited progney. Wealth and comforts will be a one’s command. One will be inclined to non-religious activities of sweet speech but not clear and worries through opponents. Money through educational affairs, short journeys and fond of music etc. The native works hard and accumulates sufficient wealth and accumulates it. The native gets happiness in the family. The native is unhappy with his younger brothers and sisters.
The native gains through a career in the daily routine life. The native gets the advantage of a long span of life and the benefit of inheritance.
The native has a long life. Overwork affects native health, and native feels physically weak and tired.
Moon in 3rd House for Taurus Ascendant

The native is brave, bold, courageous, industrious, hardworking and happy. The native loves his younger brothers and sisters and gets their full support in the business. People like him, and he achieves popularity and honour in the government and society.
The native is unfortunate and irreligious. The native strives very hard patiently to become fortunate and famous.
Moon in own house, confers one with wealth, good rank and authority. One will be learned and intelligent. More sisters than brothers are indicated. Benefit from higher education. Good deeds and speech. Inclination towards religious work. The native worship Almighty God to get his divine help.
Moon in 4th House for Taurus Ascendant

The native respects his mother and gets her love and blessings. Moon posited in Leo sign indicates travelling and writing in connection with home affairs and property. If afflicted or weak troubles through brothers over the above. The native enjoys the management power of land and buildings. The native gets happiness from his brothers and sisters. They support him.
The native succeeds in getting all comforts in family life. The native has no cordial relations with his father but the father helps him. The native is enthusiastic, skilled and enterprising. The native undertakes his occupation profession as a part of life and earns adequate wealth.
Moon in 5th House for Taurus Ascendant

The native is intelligent, learned, deep thinker and a good communicator. The native gets higher education. The native loves his younger brothers and sisters and gets their help. Learned and intelligent but no gain and comforts therefrom, abundance of opponents, relations with opposite sex, less gain from children. More daughters. Pleasure through journeys, children, brethren and travel.
The native is the father of good children. The native attends them nicely and gets strength from them. The native is a man of morals and wisdom.
The native succeeds in getting good gains. The native enjoys all pleasures in life. The native achieves respect and honour in the society.
Moon in 6th House for Taurus Ascendant

The native is very bold and courageous. The native faces some problems and disputes created by his enemies. Will be trouble due to some blemishes, obstinate, and sorrowful. Quarrelsome and ill reputed. Disease of ears. Difficulties through brothers. Sickness or injury through journeys.
The native influences and overcomes them and ultimately succeeds in solving the disputes and lawsuits. The native acquires good gains.
The native differs views from his brothers and sisters and feels exhausted. The native spends much money for the happiness and welfare of the family.
The native strives hard to get sufficient gains from overseas connections.
Moon in 7th House for Taurus Ascendant

Moon gets debilitated here. The native is not happy with his wife, not even maintaining sexual relations. The native is also unhappy with his brothers and sisters. They do not support him. The native faces many difficulties and loss of wealth in pursuing his occupation/profession.
Quarrelsome, wicked and obstinate. Very tactful and mischievous.He will have influence of opposite sex, loss through wicked women. Favour from Govt., and officers. Marriage through journey or to one of kin.The native is always worried. The native is handsome and good looking. The native enjoys good health.
The native is energetic and courageous. The native gets honour and respect in life.
Moon in 8th House for Taurus Ascendant

The native is bold and courageous. The native gets an advantage of a long life span and the benefit of inheritance. The native has a long life. The native suffers separation from his brothers and sisters. The native shows interest in occult studies and appears strong in daily routine life.
The native is laborious and industrious. The native strives hard to earn wealth. The native visits foreign countries for better gains. The native is polite in speech.
No ancestral property, early life troubled and miserable. Less comforts from mother and brothers. False accusation, or death of brethren. The native always thinks about the welfare of his family.
Moon in 9th House for Taurus Ascendant

The native is fortunate and religious. The native derives favour through destiny. The native is religious in nature and believes in the power of almighty God. The native performs religious duties well and is happy and satisfied. Gain of ancestral property. Famous and good businessman. Comforts from parents. Gain from trade and business. A comfortable life provided the Moon is strong in pakashbala and well aspected. Long journeys and gain through publishing and Science.
The native is courageous, industrious, active and happy. The native works hard to get good earnings. The native earns adequate money.
The native maintains good relations with his younger brothers and sisters.
Moon in 10th House for Taurus Ascendant

The native is unhappy with his father. The native creates dissensions and differences in his dealings with his father. The native shows the progress of government and society’s progress and earns respect and honour.
A good rank and profession but danger to respect. One may be devoid from comforts of children and parents. Troubles and grief from brothers. One will remain indebted to others. Gain through journeys, writing and professional pursuits.The native gets good support from his brothers and sisters. The native gets happiness, pleasing memories and blessings from his mother. The native enjoys the benefit of using and managing land and buildings.
The native gets full favour of his family.
Moon in 11th House for Taurus Ascendant

The native is laborious and industrious. The native works hard to get good gains. Clever and obstinate. Low profession, there will generally be obstacles at the time of promotion and gain. Diseased, troubled all ill fame. People will not respect him. He will interfere in the property affairs of his sister. Sometimes he will get respect but on the other hand will also be defamed and carry ill repute, Friends through journeys, fruitful hopes and gains.
The native earns sufficient wealth and accumulates it. The native increases wealth through encouraging support of his elder brothers and sisters. The native speaks sweetly and always changes his thoughts.
The native gets pleasures and wallows in luxuries. The native is intelligent, learned and farsighted. The native achieves higher education. The native gets happiness and strength through children.
Moon in 12th House for Taurus Ascendant

Moon in 12th House for Taurus Ascendant makes the person spend a lot of money for family’s happiness and pleasures. The native has no trouble incurring a lot of expenditure. The native earns wealth through overseas connections. The mind of the native is highly energetic and imaginative.
The native can gain from communication of religious texts and spirituality and occult learning. Mother can also be very religious. The native can also be seen with keen interests in sports.
Voyages. Not so happy, extravagant, early part of life troublesome. Good deeds and also charitable spending. Sorrows through brothers. Occult Learning. Danger of enmities while travelling. The native overcomes his enemies and gets the work done. The native gets success in disputes and lawsuits by his manoeuvre and wisdom.
Moon in 12th House for Taurus Ascendant can give permanent settlement into foreign lands or far away from home. The person can make good wealth from International or Foreign Businesses. The younger sibling of the native can also be successful in foreign lands.
The native should keep himself/ herself away from intoxicating substances, alcohol and drugs.