Ketu in 1st House for Aquarius Ascendant

Gives short life, tribulations, loss and scandals. Eyes and face and be afflicted. Of not commendable character and of vile habits. Avaricious, industrious and worried. No domestic happiness. The native with Ketu in 1st House for Aquarius Ascendant is unattractive and physically lean and thin. The native has a sign of a wound somewhere in his body. The native is laborious and courageous. The native with Ketu in 1st House for Aquarius Ascendant labourers are hard to increase their wealth and status in society. The native is self-confident and has good patience.
Results will be favourable if placement and dignity of Saturn is good. Ketu here will give more good results. New heights to personality of native in dasha-antardasha. Good activation of health & personality. Advantages for mind & wisdom. Favourable regarding/from children. Possibility of uncertain gains. Success in love-affairs. Good for married life, partnership & for daily wagers. Native will be in good terms with father. Will believe in dharma. Possibility of foreign travels
The native is skilled and intelligent. The native loves his wife and enjoys sexual pleasures. The native with Ketu in 1st House for Aquarius Ascendant works hurriedly to earn money quickly. The native conceals his weakness or worries. The native with Ketu in 1st House for Aquarius Ascendant ultimately gets the honor in society.
Ketu in 2nd House for Aquarius Ascendant

The native is physically strong and fearless, but he cannot protect accumulated family wealth. The native with Ketu in 2nd House for Aquarius Ascendant feels a dearth of money. Unfortunate in finances, indebtedness, loss and damage to estates, sorrow, fears and worry concerning money matters. May cause some defects in eyes. Mouth diseases.
The native faces disturbance in the family and gets separation. The native appears frustrated.
The native with Ketu in 2nd House for Aquarius Ascendant is truthful and has much endurance and patience. The native overcomes enemies. The native with Ketu in 2nd House for Aquarius Ascendant works hard to improve his occupation profession. The native uses occult practices for more gains. The native increases his family wealth. He lives an aristocratic family life. Person has diplomatic communication. . Finances will be in bad shape. Financial instability persist. Family won’t be supportive. Native will be far off from family. Tone will be aggressive. All negative results regarding disease, debts/loans, enemies, accidents, court-case/litigation & failure/delay in competition persist. Unnecessary obstacles will persis. Problems regarding work-profession
Ketu in 3rd House for Aquarius Ascendant

The native with Ketu in 3rd House for Aquarius Ascendant is bold, energetic, fearless, and self-confident. The native with Ketu in 3rd House for Aquarius Ascendant works hard to get success in business. The native faces hurdle and encounters opposition from his younger siblings. Misunderstanding with father/siblings. Even siblings may go for hatching conspiracy against native. Tone will be aggressive. Reduced gains. Minor health problems persist. Problems in married life, partnership & for daily wagers. Even too much hard-work wont result in gains. Native wont believe in God/dharma . Problems in/from foreign travel
The native loves his wife and enjoys all pleasures of family life. The native follows improper methods in business and earns enough wealth. The native with Ketu in 3rd House for Aquarius Ascendant is lucky and religious. The native has faith in almighty God. The native performs religious activities. The native is influential and leads a happy and prosperous life. Mental anxiety, obstinate, less comforts from brothers and unprofitable journeys. The native will be intelligent, courageous and destroyer of enemies. Good for finances, loss of brothers is indicated. Long life but injury and wound to arm is indicated.
Ketu in 4th House for Aquarius Ascendant

The native is smart and endowed with a great deal of endurance. The native with Ketu in 4th House for Aquarius Ascendant gets into trouble with his mother and faces separation. The native loses control of all immovable properties. The native takes risks to travel abroad. The native resides in a foreign country very far from his birthplace. Loss through land and buildings. Family troubles, may be devoid from parental property, many secret enemies, loss, difficulties and troubles through them. Many unproductive journeys. If Ketu is exalted and well-aspected, all 4th house matters will be benefitted.
The native with Ketu in 4th House for Aquarius Ascendant loses the advantage of life longevity. Mother’s health will always have problems. Problems for mother. Problems in buying to home, land & vehicle. Chest related problems. Obstacles/problems in work/profession. Work won’t get settled in dasha-antardasha. Wasteful expenses will be high. Possibility of foreign settlement & native will be success in sub-ordination on foreign land. Native won’t be able to do business/work of own by investment
The native respects his father and works hard to succeed in his occupational profession. The native with Ketu in 4th House for Aquarius Ascendant earns some wealth and much. He is worried.
Ketu in 5th House for Aquarius Ascendant

Denial or shortage of children, little happiness through them as they will be disobedient, excessive or irregular pleasure will bring much harm. Evil nature, stomach disease, influence of evil spirits, good education, intelligent but worried.
The native is mentally weak and faces difficulty in getting an education. The native with Ketu in 5th House for Aquarius Ascendant bears troubles and speaks bitterly. The native is unable to explain his real views. The native faces troubles from his children. The native is neither lucky nor religious. The native loses divine power.
The native with Ketu in 5th House for Aquarius Ascendant works secretly to serve selfish motives and gains much. Failure in love/romance/affairs. Possibility of uncertain loss. Weak yoga of male child. Mental peace will remain disturbed. Depression related problems as Ketu is getting getting debilitated in house of mind/brain/wisdom. So, mental depression persist. Misunderstanding with father & elder siblings. Reduced gains. Aspect on lagna will create health issues. Problems with elder siblings. Problems in gains/benefits. Minor health problems persists
The native is careless and proud. The native with Ketu in 5th House for Aquarius Ascendant lacks truth and modesty. The native does not bother about the hurdles in completing the work.
Ketu in 6th House for Aquarius Ascendant

The native with Ketu in 6th House for Aquarius Ascendant is brave and courageous. The native removes all types of difficulties. The native influences over enemies. The native has patience and gets success in disputes/lawsuits. The native with Ketu in 6th house for Aquarius ascendant gets rid of all diseases. The native loses his father’s support. All sorts of problems in dasha-antardasha. One problem ends & another gets initiated. Problems regarding disease, debts/loans, enemies, accidents, court-case/litigation persist. Job related problems. Fights-enmities in dasha-antardasha. Native have to be calm here, else more problems. Work-profession related problems. Wasteful expenses will be high. Finances will be in bad shape. Financial instability persist. Family won’t be supportive. Native will be far off from family. Tone will be aggressive. If dasha of Ketu at younger age, native may go far off from native land for studies. Problems in foreign travels. Native won’t be at good position in foreign land and will always be in subordination position.
The native suffers because of various physical afflictions, loss through servants. Many enemies, but one will overpower them. Danger through reptiles or animals. Eye and teeth troubles. Famous, strong, fixity of purpose, over all good health. Early life will be unhappy. Liked by relatives but uncordial relations with his maternal uncles.
The native with Ketu in 6th House for Aquarius Ascendant faces hindrances and hardships in his occupation/profession. The native is rough in approach. The native works hard to increase his earnings using fair or unfair means and gets good gains. The native violates modesty. The native with Ketu in 6th house for Aquarius ascendant is fearless and influential.
Ketu in 7th House for Aquarius Ascendant

The native gets sufferings from his wife and is deficient in sexual pleasures. The native with Ketu in 7th House for Aquarius Ascendant has some diseases in his secret organic body’s secret organ. The native gets severe difficulties controlling the family. The native comes across serious hurdles in business. Problems in married life, partnership & for daily wagers. Partner will be vicious/crook & suggested that native shouldn’t go for partnership. Daily wages will be hit badly, inauspicious results. Misunderstanding with siblings. Reduced gains. Health related problems. Unnecessary hard-work. Useless short travels. Troubles through enemies and opponents, troubled married life. Destruction of enemies, aimless travelling, sickly wife, may cause separation from wife. Illicit connections with women avaricious, adulterous, worried and heavy expenditure. Loss of vitality and fear from thieves.
The native with Ketu in 7th House for Aquarius Ascendant works patiently and diligently to get success. The native hardly earns his livelihood. The native has secret friends who help him to get good gains. The native with Ketu in 7th House for Aquarius Ascendant is bold and obstinate. The native with Ketu in 7th House for Aquarius Ascendant works hard and manages his family affairs tactfully.
Ketu in 8th House for Aquarius Ascendant

The native has many anxieties in life, which creates a deficiency in the longevity of life and benefit of inheritance. The native with Ketu in 8th House for Aquarius Ascendant faces internal disease in his stomach. The native suffers from a death-inflicting situation. The native with Ketu in 8th House for Aquarius Ascendant is restless and careless. Obstacles/tensions in dasha-antardasha. Wasteful expenses will be high. Finances will be bad. Family will never be supportive. Tone will be very unpleasant. Worse downfall in dasha-antardasha. Native will get negative results unnecessarily
Loss of goods through fraud. Sudden or violent death affecting the longevity. Wounds and separation from dear ones. Stomach troubles and opposition of enemies. The native has desires for other’s property and wives. If aspected by benefic, the native gets wealth and is long-lived. Gain of money after obstruction.
The native with Ketu in 8th House for Aquarius Ascendant is rude and proud. The native with Ketu in 8th House for Aquarius Ascendant spends much on illness. The native is influential and creates foreign collaboration and works patiently to increase hereditary wealth. The native respects his mother and controls the property.
Ketu in 9th House for Aquarius Ascendant

The native is neither fortunate nor religious. The native has no faith in almighty God. The native with Ketu in 9th House for Aquarius Ascendant engages himself in good deeds to be fortunate and performs religious duties. Ketu in this position in 9th house gives good results subject to good placement and strength of Venus. Very good for personality. Native here will get results of hard-work. Good terms with younger siblings. Possibility of short tour/travels, which will be fruitful. Advantages regarding children. children will progress in dasha-antardasha. Stomach health will be good. Possibility of uncertain gains
The native with Ketu in 9th House for Aquarius Ascendant is healthy, fearless, and skilful. The native shows his personality. Unfortunate voyages, curious dreams, trouble and danger of imprisonment in foreign land. Worried and religious, hypocrite, intelligent, proud, courageous and wealthy. Pilgrimage, unhappiness from brothers. He will suffer in respect of father. if well-aspected, the evil effects will be mitigated.
The native with Ketu in 9th House for Aquarius Ascendant works hard to flourish his business but always fails to earn enough wealth. The native tries to get a good education. The native loves his children and gets some strength from them. The native appears to be happy and peaceful in his domestic life
Ketu in 10th House for Aquarius Ascendant

The native is bold and courageous. Loss of position due to deception, treachery and adverse public conditions. Such as sudden depressions, changes or failures. Courageous, pushing, popular and brilliant. Philosophical bent of mind. No happiness from father or vice-versa. Of questionable character, many journeys and travels, obstacles but will overcome them. Accident from conveyance and animals. Economical and accumulates money. The enemies will be crushed.
He faces trouble with his father. The native with Ketu in 10th House for Aquarius Ascendant works hard to succeed in the occupation/profession. The native faces many hurdles and bears mental anxieties. The native faces opposition from the government.
But Favourable results regarding work/profession can be seen if Mars is well placed. Finances will be good. Family will be supportive. Native will be close to family. Tone will be diplomatic. Native will be in good terms with mother. Advantages/delay in buying vehicle, land, home etc.. All positive results regarding disease, debts/loans, enemies, accidents, court-case/litigation & success in competition persist
The native with Ketu in 10th House for Aquarius Ascendant gets a loss of status, yet he appears wealthy, happy, and reputed. The native is physically weak but laborious. The native with Ketu in 10th House for Aquarius Ascendant tries to earn wealth and ultimately gets gains. The native loses his mother’s love and property. The native enemies harass him. The native family life is disturbed.
Ketu in 11th House for Aquarius Ascendant

Undesirable associations, loss of opportunities and failure of hopes, false friends. Wealthy, popular, good authority gain and success. Performs good deals and commands respect. Few sons, worries from children. He will become licentious, diseases of stomach and anus are indicated. If afflicted, reverse results.
The native with Ketu in 11th House for Aquarius Ascendant works hard for progress and success in life and earns enough wealth. The native is low in earnings and can also follow illegal methods. The native gets sudden wealth. Benefits from elder siblings. Minor health problems persists. Advantages from hard-work & short travels. Favourable regarding children. Good for married life, partnership & for daily wagers. Native will be very caring for wife. New avenues of work-profession in dasha-antardasha.
The native with Ketu in 11th House for Aquarius Ascendant keeps engaged to get more wealth to become prosperous and famous.
The native is enterprising and energetic. The native is intelligent, fearless, and optimistic. The native with Ketu in 11th House for Aquarius Ascendant works with patience and tackles all the problems which come in the way. The native lives a happy, peaceful, and wealthy domestic life.
Ketu in 12th House for Aquarius Ascendant

The native spends much and is worried because of excessive expenditure. The native with Ketu in 12th House for Aquarius Ascendant faces some difficulties but controls them. The native loves his mother and gets the benefit of property. The native with Ketu in 12th House for Aquarius Ascendant influences enemies politely to get the works done. Wasteful expenses will be high. Mental tension due to unproductive expenses. Possibility of foreign settlement. Native may go far-off from native land. Person can turn to spirituality in later stage of life and gain in this spiritual life. Problems in job/sub-ordination work Issues in initiating work after investment. Obstacles will be all time high. Even after lot of hard-work native won’t get rid of mental tension. This brings negative changes in native’s personality. Native won’t be able to control his/her aggressive tone. Negativity & frustration get developed in body
Loss and trouble through secret enemies, bad health secretive, sinful deeds. More expenditure, victorious in disputes. Worried. Diseases of Feet, naval, anus or eye-diseases. He is weak and volumptuous. Liability of improvement and restrictions. The native is determined to get success. The native faces problems tactfully. The native with Ketu in 12th House for Aquarius Ascendant creates new sources to earn money. The native gains through overseas sources. The native gets the benefit of the longevity of life and inheritance. He lives long.