Venus in 1st House for Aries Ascendant

Blessed with conveyance, wealth and sweet spoken relations with opposite sex, more daughters, travelling and foreign travels. In middle life some reversals. Legal litigations in financial matters. Troubles in eyes. The native is handsome, artistic, clever, capable, and successful in worldly affairs. The native gets respect and honour in government and society. The native shows his influential and adorable personality. The native with Venus in 1st House for Aries Ascendant has a perfect family.
The native with Venus in 1st House for Aries Ascendant possesses a beautiful wife. The native loves her and enjoys sufficient sexual pleasures. Good for daily source of income.
The native with Venus in 1st House for Aries Ascendant gets happiness from the family. The native with Venus in 1st House for Aries Ascendant is skilful, lucky, and religious. The native believes in the power of the almighty God. The native participates in religious activities. The native has a perfect business and earns sufficient wealth. The native leads a happy, peaceful, comfortable, and respectable family life.
Venus in 2nd House for Aries Ascendant

The native with Venus in 2nd House for Aries Ascendant is healthy, skilled, and fortunate. The native has a large family and sufficient wealth. The native undertakes different occupations professions from time to time to earn wealth. The native faces some problems in pursuing occupations/professions. Ultimately, he gets success and earns sufficient wealth. Venus here is in its own sign. Native will be in very good terms with family. Verbal communication would be pleasing. Finances will be in good shape. Financial stability persist. Some unnecessary and obstacles will be there in its Mahadasha and antardasha,
Gain through personal ingenuity and industry and by marriage. One will be a good orator. If Venus is afflicted, loss through partnership, contracts, law suits, women, death of wife or partner during its Mahadasha period. The native increases family wealth. The native maintains his position and family status. The native with Venus in 2nd House for Aries Ascendant has a beautiful wife. The native with Venus in 2nd House for Aries Ascendant is happy in his wife’s company. The native with Venus in 2nd House for Aries Ascendant loves her and enjoys sexual pleasures. The native gets the advantage of a long span of life and the benefit of inheritance.
Venus in 3rd House for Aries Ascendant

The native with Venus in 3rd House for Aries Ascendant is handsome, courageous, careful, and clever about his duty. The native with Venus in 3rd House for Aries Ascendant works hard to get success in his business. The native progresses and earns immense wealth. The native occupies a good position and respects and honours society.
Marriage in relations or neighbours, gain from wife, gain through educations writings, short journeys, When afflicted loss through above. Legal or religious disputes and enmity with brothers or neighbours.
The native has helpful younger brothers and sisters. They co-operate with him. The native is good-looking and influential. The native with Venus in 3rd House for Aries Ascendant gets a wife of religious nature. The native loves her and enjoys sufficient sexual pleasures.
The native with Venus in 3rd House for Aries Ascendant is lucky and religious. The native believes in God’s supreme power and performs religious duties. The native is honourable and respectable. The native enjoys all domestic and worldly affairs.
Venus in 4th House for Aries Ascendant

The native with Venus in 4th House for Aries Ascendant is handsome and healthy. The native gets happiness from family and accumulates wealth. The native respects his mother and gets her love and blessings. The native enjoys the benefit of management of land and buildings property. The native maintains a good position in society. Property by marriage, chaste partner, happy wedded life, gain through parents, land, mines and house hold goods. When afflicted loss through above pursuits. Litigation over property. Possibility of two marriages.
The native has a good wife and enjoys family pleasures. The native respects his father and gets his affection and blessings. The native with Venus in 4th House for Aries Ascendant father supports him.
The native himself is tactful in approach. The native has a good occupation/profession. The native works hard and gets success in the occupational profession. The native with Venus in 4th House for Aries Ascendant earns sufficient wealth.
The native enjoys honor and respect in government and society. Such a native is lucky, religious, and wealthy. The native with Venus in 4th House for Aries Ascendant leads a pleasurable and respectable family life.
Venus in 5th House for Aries Ascendant

Gain by investment, speculation, pleasure, entertainment. Pleasure through wife. Loss through speculations, enmity with children if Venus is afflicted.
The native with Venus in 5th House for Aries Ascendant is handsome and well educated. The native suffers from some problems during the period of higher education. Ultimately, they complete higher education. The native with Venus in 5th House for Aries Ascendant is eloquent in speech and is a good communicator.
The native with Venus in 5th House for Aries Ascendant is unhappy in his wife’s company. The native loses family pleasures and indulges in outside sex. The native is always mentally worried and is also unhappy with children.
The native with Venus in 5th House for Aries Ascendant has a good business. The native strives hard and uses his skill and understanding to get success. The native gains immense wealth. Such a native is fortunate and religious. The native believes in almighty God and participates in religious activities.
The native is very clever and leads a successful and respectable social life.
Venus in 6th House for Aries Ascendant

The native with Venus in 6th House for Aries Ascendant is physically weak but courageous and intelligent. The native with Venus in 6th House for Aries Ascendant is always worried about status and wealth. The native suffers difficulties because of enemies. The native will marry to a lady below his status mentally or socially, has sickly and evil disposed employees but gain through them. When afflicted reverse results and loss through sickness.
The native with Venus in 6th House for Aries Ascendant cleverly controls them. The native uses secret methods to succeed and earn some wealth to maintain a happy living. The native with Venus in 6th House for Aries Ascendant suffers ill-health.
The native is unhappy with his spouse and feels dissatisfied in enjoying sexual pleasures. The native spends much. He has no control over expenditure. The native always keeps on borrowing money to fulfil family needs. The native tries to gain some money from foreign sources. The native leads a struggling life.
Venus in 7th House for Aries Ascendant

Venus here is in its mooltrkona sign. The native with Venus in 7th House for Aries Ascendant is bold and intelligent. The native gets a beautiful wife and a rich father-in-law. The native with Venus in 7th House for Aries Ascendant has good family bondage. The native loves his wife and enjoys excessive sexual pleasures. The native conducts his business with skill and cleverly and earns sufficient wealth.
The native possesses a good position and status in society. The native with Venus in 7th House for Aries Ascendant gets respect and honor. Gain by marriage, contracts, business and dealing with others especially with women. Success in law suits, marriage in good family, the partner may prove cold, untrue or hostile. It afflicted troubles in unions and through open enemies, competition and theft.
The native with Venus in 7th House for Aries Ascendant leads a happy, peaceful, prosperous, and respectable life. The native is attractive and healthy, energetic, efficient, and clever. Their personality is adorable.
Venus in 8th House for Aries Ascendant

The native is physically weak and unhealthy but intelligent and influential. The native gets the advantage of a life span life and the benefit of inheritance and has a long life. Gain by legacy and goods of the dead through money of the partner. Gain of money or property by marriage. May be early death of partner, difficulty in inheritance. If afflicted loss of money through marriage and partnership. Trouble in financial matters.
The native loses wealth and strives hard to get success through foreign collaboration. The native with Venus in 8th House for Aries Ascendant is unhappy with their wife. The native with Venus in 8th House for Aries Ascendant is passionate but is deficient in sexual pleasures.
The native tries to enhance the wealth and happiness of the family. The native strives hard to succeed in business but faces many hardships. The native with Venus in 8th House for Aries Ascendant cleverly overcomes them and increases family wealth. The native with Venus in 8th House for Aries Ascendant maintains his dignity and is happy.
Venus in 9th House for Aries Ascendant

The native with Venus in 9th House for Aries Ascendant is very fortunate, influential, and clever. The native believes in the supreme power of the almighty God. The native participates in religious activities and gets Divine help. The native gets happiness from his spouse and family. The native earns sufficient wealth and spends it for family welfare.
The native with Venus in 9th House for Aries Ascendant is courageous and hard-working. Marriage to stranger from far off place, gain by wife’s relations and inlaws. Partner’s journey to foreign land. Gain through books, sea trading, long journeys, philosophy, religion and science etc. If afflicted loss through above.
The native younger brothers and sisters are also happy and cooperative. The native with Venus in 9th House for Aries Ascendant works hard and gets success. The native with Venus in 9th House for Aries Ascendant increases his wealth. The native gets respect and honor in society. Such a native leads a happy, comfortable, and prosperous family life.
Venus in 10th House for Aries Ascendant

The native with Venus in 10th House for Aries Ascendant is handsome, healthy, and intelligent. The native with Venus in 10th House for Aries Ascendant respects his father and gets his blessings and support. The native works hard to get success in his occupation/profession and earns sufficient wealth easily. The native enjoys the appreciation and honor from the government and society. An honourable partner beneficial to the professional career. Gain by occupation, profession, merchandising, Govt.; and in-laws. If afflicted, financial loss through employer, rivals, employment. Public disgrace or scandal through a union or enemy.
The native with Venus in 10th House for Aries Ascendant respects his mother and gets her love and affection. The native enjoys the power to manage and maintain the land and residential house property.
The native with Venus in 10th House for Aries Ascendant becomes very rich and famous. Such a native is clever in getting all happiness, peace, and prosperity in family life.
Venus in 11th House for Aries Ascendant

The native with Venus in 11th House for Aries Ascendant is good-looking, healthy, intelligent, and influential. The native possesses success and progress in his occupation/profession. The native elder brothers and sisters also support him. The native earns sufficient wealth and enjoys respectable life in society. The government appreciates him.
Gain through friends. Accidental fortunes. Two wives or marriage with widows. If afflicted, troubles with wife and friends and loss though them.
The native with Venus in 11th House for Aries Ascendant has a beautiful wife. The native regards her and enjoys good sexual pleasures.
The native acquires higher education. The native has good children. The native loves them and gets strength from them. The native is most selfish and clever. The native leads a happy, peaceful, and wealthy life.
Venus in 12th House for Aries Ascendant

Venus gets exalted here. The native with Venus in 12th House for Aries Ascendant spends much and loses his wealth. The native with Venus in 12th House for Aries Ascendant cannot control heavy expenditure. The native with Venus in 12th House for Aries Ascendant family and relatives may appear unhappy.
The native improves his business and cleverly earns sufficient wealth through foreign sources.
The native with Venus in 12th House for Aries Ascendant is always afraid of enemies. The native with Venus in 12th House for Aries Ascendant politely overcomes them. The native uses some secret methods and gets the work done. The native has a quarrelling nature. The native leads an ordinary struggling life. The native enjoys luxury too much, Wife of such native is very loving and has long life. There can be foreign travels also.
If Venus is afflicted then unhappy marriage, secret sorrows, jealously, sickness. Partner or opponents cause imprisonment or fear of it or danger through them. Gain through secret mission, hospitals sanatorium, occult science or large animals. If afflicted, may deny marriage.