Mars in 1st House for Taurus Ascendant

Mars in Taurus is strong and in enemy’s sign. Such persons are found to be very cautious about their self respect. He will be obstinate, or rash temperament, clever and unsocial. Wife will be of afflicted health. He can be subjected to poor blood circulation high blood pressure but even heart attack cannot be ruled out. Dependant on his children and troubles in hopes. His health will not be robust. Comforts from children and threats from enemies is indicated. He will be proud and will try to overpower his wife, Relations with other women and gain through them. Normally he will not stay at his home and will have more comforts outside. Danger of imprisonments and wound.
The native is physically weak and unhealthy, The disease of impurity of blood is revealed through blood reports. The native takes some steps to be healthy. The native creates good relations with foreign connections.
The native spends much in daily life. The native gets some happiness through utilization of land and buildings property. The native loves his wife and gives much importance to her. The native enjoys sufficient family pleasures.
The native works hard to get success and progress in business. The native earns sufficient wealth. Wife can add to the income. If Venus is well placed and good in strength then all good results for above mentioned traits can be seen.
Mars in 2nd House for Taurus Ascendant

The native always faces hurdles and hindrances in connection with financial gains and family happiness. One can be in some Govt. service and will be surrounded by the opponents. He will be blessed with wealth and property but the same will be wasted. Last part of life will be troublesome. Others will be benefitted from his assets. Gain from children is not indicated. Gain by marriage and secret affairs and methods.
He sometimes loses his wealth. He enjoys illegal gains from overseas connections.
He is generous and polite and speaks sweetly. He faces difficulties in the way of higher education. He is not happy with his children. They create some problems in his daily routine life. He suffers loss of health and is always worried and anxious.
He loses advantage of long span of life and benefit of inheritance. However, he is fortunate and religious.
Mars in 3rd House for Taurus Ascendant

Mars is debilitated here. Devoid from comforts of brothers. Younger brother will suffer a loss, of rash temperament, disease of ears. Relation with widows are indicated. His wife will be a patient of blood circulation. Not virtuous and will be of unhealthy thinking. Legal or religious disputes, troubles on short journeys. Occult Learning.
The native is physically weak and loses his courage. He gets separation from his younger brothers and sisters. He faces some troubles with wife and has deficiency in enjoying sexual pleasures. He works hard to get success in business but in vain.
He suffers loss of wealth. He makes efforts to exert influence on enemies and overcomes difficulties. He is fortunate and religious. He worships almighty God and gets divine help.
He participates in religious activities. He is unhappy with his father and loses his love and blessings.
Mars in 4th House for Taurus Ascendant

Diseased body, loss of land and property, weak and diseased mother. Not good for uncles and maternal uncles. Strained relations will relatives. Gain of Property by marriage, chaste wife and happy married life. Limitations at end of life.
The native is unhappy with mother. He loses her love and blessings. He refrains from benefit of utilization of land and buildings. His domestic life is somewhat desperate and miserable. He gets separated from motherland and travels to a foreign country.
He is happy with his wife and gives importance to her. He enjoys sexual pleasures. He increases his business and gets success and progress with the help of foreign connections.
He has enmity with father and is unable to derive his dues from his father and government.
Mars in 5th House for Taurus Ascendant

The native is courageous and intelligent. He is slightly weak in education. He suffers loss of children. He is worried and anxious about worldly affairs. He is not satisfied with his wife and lacks sexual pleasures.
He loses his big business and suffers the loss of income. Grief from children in middle of life. Poor, ill famed and sorrowful life. Loss by speculation. Secret sorrows and difficulty through love and speculation.
He loses his long span of life and benefit of inheritance. He increases his income through overseas connections.
He works hard day and night to be successful in his business. He raises his income up to some extent.
Mars in 6th House for Taurus Ascendant

The native is fearless and influential. He overcomes enemies. He has enmity with his maternal grandfather. He worries about his wife and business. He is likely to suffer from the disease of diabetes.
In case if Mars forms vipreet raja yoga here then very good results can be seen.
Worried from opponents, litigation of property and travel to foreign land. Danger from fire and animals. After youth, life will be miserable due to many obstacles and troubles. Disease of blood.
He is fortunate and religious. He worships almighty God and gets divine help. He participates in religious activities. He spends much for the welfare and happiness of his family. He is worried to get success in his occupation/profession.
He earns some wealth with the help of overseas connections. He is physically weak and unhealthy.
Mars in 7th House for Taurus Ascendant

The native is bold and courageous. He has a mixed type of relations with his wife, sometimes happy and sometimes angry as wife will have some Mars like qualities. If Venus is well placed then both will have good relationships. He suffers weakness in sexual pleasures. He is hard-working and laborious and strives hard to succeed and progress but faces great difficulty in continuing his business activities.
Devoid from comforts in early part of life. Worries and disturbed mind from wife. Wise, clever, good orator and argumentative. Cruel and plans fruitlessly for his advancement. In middle of life he will meet with success, respect and will be blessed with wealth, Success is law swits.
He is unhappy with his father. He loses his blessings and gets no support. He faces many hurdles and hindrances in the occupational profession. The government does not appreciate him. He is physically weak and unhealthy. He is worried about personal health and family wealth.
Mars in 8th House for Taurus Ascendant

The native is lean and thin, very weak and unhealthy. Early part of life will be happy. Last past of life will by full of troubles and turmoils. Under debt. Untimely unhappy death. Loss of property, wealth and respect.
He has some organ-related disorders below the navel in the body. He loses the advantage of a long life span and the benefit of inheritance.
He suffers the loss of family land and buildings property. He suffers the loss of accumulated family wealth. This loss is on account of excess expenditure made by his wife. He is not happy with his wife.
He travels abroad and earns his livelihood in a foreign country. He works hard to be successful in his occupation profession. He faces many hurdles and hindrances in
Mars in 9th House for Taurus Ascendant

Mars gets exalted here. The native is lucky and religious. Lucky, famous and born in a respected family. Favour and authority from Govt. One will hold a good post but he will be strict and cruel in behaviour and decisions. Will be entangled in many cases but will be exonerated after efforts. His brothers will also be lucky and hold a good position. Marriage to a stranger from after foreign travel. If afflicted shipwreck etc. Wife can be intelligent and of high status.
He worships almighty God and participates in religious activities. He gets divine help and feels happy. He spends much for the happiness of his family. He earns wealth through overseas connections.
Because of excess expenditure, he faces some problems in his occupation/profession. Ultimately, he earns sufficient wealth. He is not happy with his younger brothers and sisters. He faces some property disputes with them.
He suffers some loss through his mother and loses the benefit of using family land and buildings property.
Mars in 10th House for Taurus Ascendant

The native works hard to be successful in his occupation/profession. He earns adequate wealth but he suffers a heavy loss of wealth through father and gets exhausted. He loses respect and honour in the government and society.
The native has some disorder in body and suffers from disease of impurity of blood. He has an educated and influential wife. Both have mixed feelings in enjoying sexual pleasures.
He loses mother’s love and blessings and also benefit of utilization of land and buildings property.
If devoid of good aspects or affliction separation from wife in youth. Grief from children, loss of wealth and property. One may loose his savings even. A troubled and worried life. His profession will be somewhat odd like smuggling, murders etc. One can be exiled from the city or country
Mars in 11th House for Taurus Ascendant

Abundance of agriculture land and gain there form. Gain of money from disputes and litigations. Frequent journeys in life. Danger from enemies. Confrontation with some big family in middle age.
The native is hard-working and courageous. The native strives hard and gains sufficient wealth through his occupation/profession. The native has an intelligent wife. He gets some profits from her family.
The native also earns wealth through foreign sources. The native can also be unhappy with his wife and lacks sexual pleasures. The native suffers the loss of good education and has differences with his children.
The native influences enemies and has full control over them. The native gets the work done cleverly. Such a native is most selfish and cunning.
Mars in 12th House for Taurus Ascendant

The native spends much for family needs and has no control over expenditure. Wastage of money in property and ligitation. Service in Army.
More than one wife. Old age will be miserable and loss of money. Unhappy marriage, secret sorrows and death at the hands of enemies.
The native suffers the loss of wealth through his wife. The native works hard to get success and progress, but he earns lesser wealth.
The native is unhappy with his younger brothers and sisters and holds adverse relations with them. The native influences and overcomes enemies and gets the work done.
The native is unhappy in the company of his wife. His sexual life is painful. He has extra-marital affairs outside.