Rahu in 1st House for Aries Ascendant

The native is unattractive in complexion and unhealthy. The native looks sickly and diseased by face. It shows his weak personality. The native with Rahu in 1st House for Aries Ascendant is courageous and intelligent. The native with Rahu in 1st House for Aries Ascendant gets a good education. The native loves his wife and enjoys family pleasures.
The native takes up secretive efforts and questionable strategies to succeed in business. The native with Rahu in 1st House for Aries Ascendant is selfish and fearless. Problems regarding children. Stomach related problem. Weak memory, will power & confidence. Unfavourable for married life, partnership & for daily wagers. Misunderstanding with father. Native won’t believe in religion.
When Rahu is in the Ascendant Aries and are not associated with any malefic planet, one is blessed with respect, wealth rank in life and army. Brave and of commanding personality, conveyance and good luck will follow. But if conjoined or aspected by a malefic, reverse results will be experienced.
The native with Rahu in 1st House for Aries Ascendant is lucky and performs religious duties. The native overcomes the challenges bravely and becomes famous in society.
Rahu in 2nd House for Aries Ascendant

One will be dubious and insincere in speech, tender hearted, gain through sovereign, wrathful and happy. Disease in mouth or face.
The native with Rahu in 2nd House for Aries Ascendant appears mentally worried. The native gets a loss of wealth and separation from family. The native faces domestic problems and family bickering. The native with Rahu in 2nd House for Aries Ascendant always cares for enemies. The native is courageous and restless. The native loses their long span of life and the benefit of inheritance. The native with Rahu in 2nd House for Aries Ascendant regards his father.
Good results will be seen in life if Venus is well placed and in good strength. All positive results regarding disease, debts/loans, enemies, accidents, court-case/litigation & success in competition persist. Removal of obstacles. Good results regarding work-profession
The native with Rahu in 2nd House for Aries Ascendant is clever in earning wealth. The native takes up secret efforts and opts for questionable methods to get enough wealth and be prosperous in society. The native leads a wealthy life.
Rahu in 3rd House for Aries Ascendant

The native with Rahu in 3rd House for Aries Ascendant is brave and courageous. The native exercises full control over his younger brothers and sisters. Proud, hostile to brothers strong Willed, long lived and wealthy.
They help and co-operate with them. The native loves his spouse and enjoys family pleasures. The native is bold and fearless. The native with Rahu in 3rd House for Aries Ascendant exerts pressure on others.
The native is fortunate and religious. The native believes in supreme power and performs religious duties. The native with Rahu in 3rd House for Aries Ascendant is intelligent and influential. Native will have bold personality. Rahu gives good results in this sign and house. Good for married life, partnership & for daily wagers. Favourable for father. Native will believe in dharma. Advantages from siblings. Gains will be high
The native works hard to earn wealth to be known as successful and popular.
Rahu in 4th House for Aries Ascendant

The native with Rahu in 4th House for Aries Ascendant loses his mother’s love and affection. The native with Rahu in 4th House for Aries Ascendant is unhappy and discontented. The native loses domestic peace, land, and other comforts in life. The native loses the benefit of longevity and the benefit of inheritance. The native suffers mental stress. Sometimes he is seen as happy and sometimes sad. This situation makes others astonished.
The native with Rahu in 4th House for Aries Ascendant gets their father’s love and support. The native with Rahu in 4th House for Aries Ascendant succeeds after making lots of secret efforts.
The native spends a lot of money for family welfare and happiness. One will have friends, happy, medium life, not intelligent and will cause sorrows.
Rahu in 5th House for Aries Ascendant

The native does not get a good education and unhappy with his children. The native is unfortunate, irreligious, and mentally worried. The native keeps no faith in almighty God and does not perform religious duties. The native with Rahu in 5th House for Aries Ascendant is cranky and harsh in speech.
The native frequently gets engaged in fights with others. The native with Rahu in 5th House for Aries Ascendant is unable to understand others. The native takes up secret efforts to get gains in business.
The native with Rahu in 5th House for Aries Ascendant is weak in health. The native will have troubles through travels, from Govt.; one may be childless, hard hearted and suffers from belly ache.
It affects their personality. The native with Rahu in 5th House for Aries Ascendant leads an unhappy and disturbed family life.
Rahu in 6th House for Aries Ascendant

The native with Rahu in 6th House for Aries Ascendant is brave and courageous. The native keeps the upper hand over enemies and overcomes all types of difficulties and problems. The native regards their father and uses secret devices to succeed in their occupation/ profession. The native faces some hindrances from the side of their maternal grandfather.
The native with Rahu in 6th House for Aries Ascendant overcomes the hardships and increases his earnings. The native with Rahu in 6th House for Aries Ascendant is intelligent and selfish. The native with Rahu in 6th House for Aries Ascendant gets victory over court cases and leads a happy and prosperous family life.
Troubles through enemies, servants and employees. Wealthy and long lived. He will suffer from disease in the anus
Rahu in 7th House for Aries Ascendant

The native experiences some problems with their wife and feels dissatisfied with sexual pleasures. The native with Rahu in 7th House for Aries Ascendant manages a residential house with great difficulty. The native pursues the business efficiently but suffers many difficulties and problems.
The native with Rahu in 7th House for Aries Ascendant cleverly wins over them and earns some wealth. The native use illegal methods to get more gains.
Loss of wealth through intrigues with women, suffers separation from his beloved, loses his manhood, influence of opposite sex and becomes self willed.
It affects badly on his health and personality.
The native with Rahu in 7th House for Aries Ascendant is bold and courageous.
The native with Rahu in 7th House for Aries Ascendant works hard to maintain family status and feels happy.
Rahu in 8th House for Aries Ascendant

If Mars is afflicted then Rahu Mahadasha and Antar dasha can be bad. Short life, wicked deeds, disease of wind and limited issues. Defective limb.
The native with Rahu in 8th House for Aries Ascendant is always worried in daily routine life. The native faces many deadly internal diseases in the abdomen. The native with Rahu in 8th House for Aries Ascendant faces Death inflicting problem. The native loses his long span of life and benefit of inheritance. The native is a man of bitter policies.
The native spends much for treatment on illness and he is short of money. The native is weak in health. The native with Rahu in 8th House for Aries Ascendant is unhappy with mother.
The native with Rahu in 8th House for Aries Ascendant loses the benefit of land.
The native leads a troubled and painful family life and is always anxious.
Rahu in 9th House for Aries Ascendant

The native with Rahu in 9th House for Aries Ascendant is unlucky and irreligious. The native feels nervous in connection with his destiny. The native has no faith in the power of almighty God. The native does not perform religious duties. The native is always worried and mentally disturbed.
The native with Rahu in 9th House for Aries Ascendant is unhealthy. The native with Rahu in 9th House for Aries Ascendant thinks brave and bold. One will speak opposing, head of family, village or mayor of city and do wicked deeds.
The native uses many improper schemes secretly to increase more income. The native puts in a heavy loss. Such a native leads a struggling and disturbed family life and suffers respect and honour.
Rahu in 10th House for Aries Ascendant

The native with Rahu in 10th House for Aries Ascendant is not happy with his father. The native suffers some hurdles and hindrances in progress in occupation/profession. The native follows latent intuitive powers to get his work done and succeeds after big efforts. The native is always in the grip of worries, anxieties and difficulties. The native loses his wealth and family happiness.
But if placement of Saturn is good with good strength then this position of Rahu in 10th house is good and in this case Rahu here will always give favourable results taking the Native to great heights. Native may get raised to high post. May get great success in politics. Job settlement in foreign land is a possibility. Good connectivity with foreign sources. Famous, limited issues, fearless, wicked deeds and will engage himself in other’s business.
The native fall prey to one of the diseases. The native with Rahu in 10th House for Aries Ascendant feels unhealthy.
The native with Rahu in 10th House for Aries Ascendant is not happy with his mother. The native loses the benefit of using land and buildings.
The native with Rahu in 10th House for Aries Ascendant leads an unhappy life.
Rahu in 11th House for Aries Ascendant

The native will be prosperous, limited children, long lived and may suffer from ear disease. The native gets heavy gains and increases his wealth. Sometimes they use the most secret and questionable methods and works hard to achieve their ends. The native is selfish and miser but laborious and courageous. The native works hard and earns wealth.
If Saturn is also well placed and strong then the native with Rahu in 11th House for Aries Ascendant becomes financially strong and gets good gains in life.
The native is weak in education, and none of the family members supports him. The native with Rahu in 11th House for Aries Ascendant feels lonely and sad.
The native with Rahu in 11th House for Aries Ascendant loves his wife and enjoys sexual pleasures. The native takes a keen interest in his business and gets more gains.
The native with Rahu in 11th House for Aries Ascendant leads a happy and wealthy family life.
Rahu in 12th House for Aries Ascendant

The native will do sinful acts secretly, will spend much and will suffer from a water-disease. Unnecessary obstacles, illegal actions and deeds and expenses. The native puts up heavy expenses, finally succeeds in controlling expenditure and shows enmity towards overseas sources. The native with Rahu in 12th House for Aries Ascendant is devoid of the mother’s love and property. The native with Rahu in 12th House for Aries Ascendant always feels nervous, even when he faces serious difficulties in spending money for the family’s pomp and show.
The native with Rahu in 12th House for Aries Ascendant is afraid of enemies and always debts. It tells about his health, longevity and inheritance.
The native loses their health and advantage of a long life span and benefit of inheritance.