Formation of Kala Sarpa Yoga in Chart:
This yoga is found in many horoscopes. The formation or configuration of this yoga is formed as per following conditions:
All the seven planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn) should be engulfed between Rahu and Ketu. That is no planet should be outside the Axis or Orbit of Rahu and Ketu.
If there is any planet with Rahu or Ketu (in the same house occupied by Rahu or Ketu) then it should be checked whether it is inside the orbit or degrees or outside the axis. It should be inside the orbit. Even if any of the planet is placed with Rahu & Ketu then too this yoga is formed and results will be seen on the basis of this formation.
It can also be understood in this way. If successively, five houses behind these Nodes- (Rahu and Ketu) are empty or are not occupied by any of the planet then Kala Sarpa yoga is formed.
Usually, it has been found that even in any birth chart there are one or more good yogas, even Raja Yoga, but Kala Sarpa yoga obstructs them and puts a veil over it. With the formation of Kala Sarpa yoga, it is always found that moon will be weak due to several of the reason, some important planets may become combust. And beneficial planets aspects are not found on other planets.
Mahadasha and Antardasha of Rahu and Ketu along with particular angle formation during transits usually bring great ups and downs and changes in different spheres of life.
Few Examples of Kaal Sarpa Dosha Formation:

Kaal Sarpa Yoga Formation: From Ascendant or from Moon ?
In my view and experience, the formation and its effects for analysis and suitable remedies, the formation of this yoga should be studied from both- Ascendant as well as from Moon, then only proper personalised analysis can be arrived.
Kaal Sarpa Dosha: Reference in Classical Texts:
There is great disparity in the opinion and beliefs of many astrologers over this Dosha. Some say that there is no such dosha in astrology as this does not finds any reference in classical texts like Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra, Brihat Jatak, Saravali etc. Whereas, some say that this dosha does exist. On the other hand, some believe that this dosha is highly inauspicious whereas others say that it can be good also. Whereas, the great astrologer and researcher Dr. B. V. Raman has accepted the formation of this Dosha and given his views on it.
My Views:- Yes: Kaal Sarp Dosh Exists, but has been wrongly interpreted
Any science, like Astrology also is a continuous research oriented subject in all the continents, civilizations, time and all research, experiences and recordings should be given due recognitions and respect which keep growing the knowledge over different yugas.
Similarly, if effects related to configuration of Kaal Sarpa Dosha have been and are being experienced by many people and subsequently analyzed by dedicated astrologers, it should be given due importance and should be considered.
I myself have observed and analyzed many horoscopes having Kaal Sarpa Dosha and strongly put my point that this Kaal Sarpa – Dosha as well as Kaal Sarpa Yoga does exist and also feel that further extensive research needs to be done on Yogas or Doshas formed by Rahu and Ketu Axis.
Kaal Sarpa Configuration: Can be a DOSHA & Can be a YOGA – Both:
Secondly, there is misconception among many that Kaal Sarpa configuration is highly inauspicious, dangerous and gives lots of troubles in life and that life goes wasted and there is no result of efforts. The fact is that Kaal Sarpa configuration can be a Dosha as well as a Yoga.
Following personalities & celebrities have Kaal Sarpa Configuration in their Horoscopes:
- Dhiribhai Ambani
- Sachin Tendulkar
- Lata Mangeshkar
- Pandit Jawahar lal Nehru
- George Bush
- Saddam Hussain
- S. Radhakrihnan
- Emperor Akbar
- Ronald Reagan
- Margaret Thatcher
- Morari Bapu
- Virginia Brooks
- Benjamin Smith
- Harshad Mehta
- Donald Trump
- Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
This yoga or dosha has power in itself to raise the person to great heights on both the sides of life. Like a great Swing- of Energy either up or down. It can be auspicious and inauspicious both.
Actually, the formation or configuration of Kaal Sarp in any horoscope gathers tremendous energy forming a vortex at a particular point of the chart instead of being scattered or uniform. This energy level and formation, if utilised and comprehended properly in conscious manner can help a person. But only few persons are able to realize this potential, while majority of the persons having this configuration fail to understand this energy, the points of vortex, sign and bhava involved within a particular axis, which ultimately creates a great disturbance between – Thoughts- Perceptions- Actions and Reactions leading a troubled life.
As a result, majority of the persons having Kaal Sarpa configuration in their charts face extreme difficulties, obstacles and problems in their lives related to mental, physical, occupation, profession, relationships, health, finance, progeny, marriage and more.
Secondly, Astrologer should never give any prediction only on seeing Kaal Sarpa Dosha in any person’s horoscope. Entire horoscope needs to be analysed to see whether it has potential of Kaal Sarpa Dosha or Kaal Sarpa Yoga, Signs where Rahu and Ketu are placed, exaltation and strengths of other planets and whether Rahu takes the lead or Ketu takes the lead. Also, particular study of Sun, Moon & Saturn needs to be done in such charts.
Because, it is also an observed fact that persons having Kaal Sarp configuration in their horoscopes either lead a miserable and life full of obstacles, problems and troubles in their first phase till middle age and then suddenly gain results, money and fame in their lives and profession and on the other hand some may gain in their first half till middle age and have sudden downfall in their health, finances, relationships, profession in the later half of their lives.
Also, it is seen that when Ketu takes the lead and under certain placements, some persons gain significantly in philosophical and spiritual areas of life with developed meditation or yoga, whereas some when Rahu takes the lead may become become big politicians, businessmen, sophisticated and big criminals. Whereas, some of them may develop chronic disease and some may ruin their relationships.
I would like to mention that persons having Kaal Sarpa Yoga or Dosha in their charts are in a developed phase of evolution requiring self analysis and discovery along with cleaning of their karmas with rightful approach in thoughts and perceptions in a conscious manner will help and just the opposite if not done consciously.
This Yoga also makes a person a hard worker, dedicated, honest and brave.
Sometimes, this Kaal Sarpa Configuration has also been found to effect generation after generation in a particular family, which needs further deep study and analysis by an Astrologer.
Transformation of Perception & Change of Meaning:
This configuration requires change in its perception because it can be a Dosha as well as it can be a Yoga. Conscious awareness of the energies of Rahu & Ketu their working and transformation is the way.
Kaal means Time. Kaal also means Death. Sarpa means Serpent or Snake. So Kaal Sarpa means – Time in the hands or mouth of Snake Or Death.
Kaal also represents MahaKaal or Lord Shiva – Beyond Time. And Sarpa also means – Kundalini Energy in the form of Serpent Energy.
How you look at it?
This is the great dance of- Thoughts- Images- Perceptions, stored Karmas and the Energy.
Causes of Kaal Sarpa Dosha:
There can be many reasons for Kaal Sarpa Dosha or Yoga formation in any person’s chart. Some reasons are given below:
- It can result from wrath or curse of animals particularly snakes due to harming, killing and destroying their abodes, hills, trees, killing innocent animals and destroying their eggs in past lives. Sometimes it has also been observed that such sins committed by father or forefathers have their effect on coming generations.
- Due to lots of sins done in past lives depriving people of their freedom, rights.
- Leaving the righteous path & practices of ancestors.
- Due to ill treatment towards women on a spiritual path in previous lives.
- Due to opposition of Goddess worship.
- Person can also take birth having Kaal Sarpa Yoga to fulfil certain work, desire or task unfulfilled in past life or lives.
- It can also be result of continuation of certain spiritual journey and path from past lives.
- Formation of this yoga can also be an important task to be carried out by the person as per kartavya or dharma allotment by divine force.
- This dosha can also result due to energy concentration of past life evil or good deeds in a particular axis or points in the chart creating a huge swing up or down which has to be worked out in the current life.
- Kaal Sarpa Dosha is also sometimes found to be genetic in nature.
Twelve types of Kaal Sarpa Yoga Configurations: Their formation, Effects, Precautions and some Benefits:
- Anant Kala Sarpa Yoga – Rahu in 1st House and Ketu in 7th House
- Kulik Kala Sarpa Yoga – Rahu in 2nd House and Ketu in 8th House
- Vasuki Sarpa Yoga – Rahu in 3rd House and Ketu in 9th House
- Shankhphal Kala Sarpa Yoga – Rahu in 4th House and Ketu in 10th House
- Padma Kala Sarpa Yoga – Rahu in 5th House and Ketu in 11th House
- Mahapadma Kala Sarpa Yoga – Rahu in 6th House and Ketu in 12th House
- Takshak Kala Sarpa Yoga – Rahu in 7th House and Ketu in 1st House
- Karkotak Kala Sarpa Yoga – Rahu in 8th House and Ketu in 2nd House
- Shankhchud Kala Sarpa Yoga – Rahu in 9th House and Ketu in 3rd House
- Ghatak Kala Sarpa Yoga – Rahu in 10th House and Ketu in 4th House
- Vishdhar Kala Sarpa Yoga – Rahu in 11th House and Ketu in 5th House
- Sheshnag Kala Sarpa Yoga – Rahu in 12th House and Ketu in 6th House
Anant Kalasarpa Yoga:

Rahu occupies the lagna and Ketu the seventh house. Other planets are between them. Due to this yoga, the native witness struggle for progress, late marriage, affliction of his health and spouse’s health, problems in married life and in relationships. For some, situation is seen to improve little after 27 years. This type of yoga also may lead the natives to spiritual practices. The persons having this Yoga also may suffer some physical and mental problems. They also get involved in problems related to legal matters. One of the good things about this yoga is that the person who is influenced by this Yoga are seen to be brave, courageous, confident and broad-minded. The mental agony and indifference towards family and relationships becomes the part of life. Some are seen to be interested in to gambling, lottery, stock market and quick money scheme. However, they face a lot of losses in these kinds of business and activities. They often have disputes with business partners.
Such persons should keep away from all types of intoxicating elements like alcohol, drugs, smoking. Heavy and dark colours should be avoided. They should not enter into any partnership without thinking and analyzing many times. They should also avoid sleeping in daytime.
Kulik Kalasarpa Yoga:

Rahu occupies the second house and Ketu in the eighth house, this yoga forms. Due to this yoga, the native may witness setback in financial affairs, loss of ancestral property, health affections. The native may not get desired cooperation from family members.
The family or Kul of such persons also suffers due to many of the reasons.
Person with Kulik Kaal Sarp yoga suffers from diseases and weakness of private organs. There can be harsh speaking by him and such person may be inclined to intoxicating items like alcohol, tobacco, drugs and eat wrongly. Their health suffers and sometime the problem is not diagnosed by medical persons.
The position will either improve after 34 years of age or become worse. The person who is influenced by this Yoga bears financial loss. His family life is also full of struggle and conflicts. They also do not have a good rapport in the society. The native gets victimized of defamation and scandal. The academics of the native become very slow. The person has marital dispute and the native may also suffer inharmonious conjugal life. The loss of business, devoid of children and deceits from friends becomes the part of life. The energy and courage gets degraded gradually. Though the native gets success due to hard work, he does not enjoy the fruits of his hard work.
It has also been observed that persons with Kulik Kaal Sarp Yoga are inclined to meditation and Yoga practices. It can increase their healing powers. If they try, they can get good financial support from in-laws also
They should stay away from reptiles. They should watch their speech. They should keep away from intoxicating items.

Rahu occupies the third house and Ketu the ninth house, this yoga forms. The native may face problems from children and parents, lack of self confidence and becomes unpopular. The native’s position will improve gradually only after 36 years. The person who is influenced by this Yoga has to struggle a lot in his life as well as face problems in his professional life. His luck may not be so strong and may have increased chances to be cheated by his or her friends or relatives. The native gets dispute with political people. There can be legal disputes. There can be losses in business and profession. They may face less appreciation against their hard work.
The native gets everything late in life. The person having Vasuki Kaal Sarp Dosh becomes more successful in the faraway places.
On the other hand some of them may see positive effects related to their efficient decision making power. Some may benefit from travels and also develop spiritual side in life. There can be sudden and unexpected gain also.
They should always avoid disputes with friends, spouse, children, brothers, sisters and colleagues. They should keep visiting and travelling to holy places.

Rahu occupies the fourth and Ketu in the tenth house with the formation of this yoga form. This yoga may lead to disputes with mother or health of mother may be a major issue. Disputes and problems may also arise in property and lands and may lead to disturbed mind and emotions. There can be problems and obstacles in the work place and relationships with seniors may be bad. Efforts may not get desired appreciation. Rash driving may lead to accidents and there can be higher expenses on vehicles owned due to sudden faults in the vehicle. The native may have to face troubles up to the age of 43 years. Some persons with this dosha may suffer in their higher education. If the Moon, lord of 4th house and sign cancer also also found to be afflicted in the chart, then such person may develop imbalance mind with disturbed emotions.
But such persons are also found to be successful in their later part of life with their hard work and determination. Such persons can gain in politics and some may gain from overseas. Any creative side may seem to blossom later in life. Meditation is good for them.
They should always take care of their mother. They should try to maintain harmony in their immediate and extended family life. They should keep good relations with their bosses.

When Rahu occupies 5th house and Ketu the 11th Padma Kaal Sarp Yoga is formed . The native having this yoga usually get gradual improvement and good results of their efforts after 48 years of age. Their education is seen to be effected. Women with this yoga can have difficulty in conceiving and many problems during child birth. There can be problems in married life. There can be disturbance in love and relationships. Then can develop problems in left ear.
The person may feel disgraced at times. Such persons may have hidden enemies amongst their social circle and face loss of fame from them.
Good part of this yoga is that this yoga can also give good financial position in form of assets. There can be options of earning money from various sources in life. Income can also come from share market.
Persons having this yoga should be loyal to their spouse. They should take extreme care while planning their family and at time of birth. Studies should be given proper time with devotion. Anger and frustration should be avoided in relationships. They should not enter into any activity having illegal source of income.

When Rahu occupies in the sixth house and Ketu occupies the twelfth house, this yoga comes into formation. The native has to face a lot of enemies- open and hidden, may get deceived from near people. Person faces sudden ups and downs in financial situations. Such person may be too much indulgent in sexual thoughts and activities. There can be disharmony with spouse, even divorce and disharmony within family also. There can be sudden change in fortune and gains after 54 years. Persons with this yoga usually have to travels a lot due to many purposes.
Positive side of this yoga is that the person having this Yoga also gets victory over the enemies. The person can become a successful politician and even a good lawyer. Under some circumstances such person can get gains from foreign countries. Gains of power and money may result out of social service. There can be tendency towards religious thoughts also.
Persons having this yoga in chart should not trust other easily. They should take care of health and avoid over indulgence towards sex and such relationships. They should practice meditation.

Takshaka Kaalsarpa yoga is formed when Rahu occupies the seventh and Ketu the first. The married life will be troublesome having disturbances creating dissatisfaction and disputes. Delay in marriage can be experienced. Person can face mental stress and even more than one marriage cannot be ruled out. Such persons usually face losses in business involving partnerships. They can find difficulty in expressing themselves clearly of their emotions. Some persons may find a changed life post 27 or 28 years of age. It can be good. It can be bad. Persons with this yoga should not involve in extra marital affairs and keep away from illegal money making ideas and practices. Some may face health related problem in their nervous system. Problems and obstacles are also observed related to parental property.
Positive side of this yoga is it can develop spiritual and occult inclinations. Finance can be gained from self owned business, stocks and shares.

When Rahu occupies the eighth house and Ketu the second house this yoga comes into formation. The person can suffer from problems at mental or physical level or both. A feeling of insecurity related to finance and success troubles such persons. Problems also arise due to harsh language used by the person. It is observed that the person starts sees improvement after 33 years of age.
Persons with this yoga can witness health problems related to throat, lungs, chest and joints. Person can see flow if finances gains and at the same time there can be outflow of big expenses. They can have bad relationships with in-laws and misunderstanding in all relationships. Losses can be seen though speculative practices, gambling etc. There can be eating disorders and related problems.
On positive aspects, there can be gains from inheritance. Person can be seen to have developed power of speech and communication benefits. Financial improvement is seen post marriage. There can be sudden and unexpected gains. Some persons with this yoga also witness development in spiritual matters in life. Some may gain by good inheritance.
Shankhachud Kalasarpa Yoga

If Rahu occupies the ninth house and Ketu the third this yoga takes its formation. Due to this yoga obstacles may be faced in education, higher education & business. Such person may be gripped with a feeling of inferiority perception which may effect relationships. The person who is influenced by this Yoga, may not receive happiness in his life. There can be disputed with father. Many self efforts are seemed to be lost and fruitless many times. These persons see gradual improvement from 36 years of their age. Due to wrong conceptions and poor power of judgement the person may invite legal disputes and losses.
On positive side, such persons are seen to be brave, strong and some also have philosophical mental frame. Some may gain popularity in spiritual field. If the keep balance and harmony with their father, they can gain much from him.
Persons with this yoga in their chart should not involve in any dispute with their brothers and sisters. They should develop positive mindset and keep health relationships always. Visiting holy places regularly will always help them.
Ghataka Kalasarpa Yoga

When Rahu occupies the tenth house and Ketu the fourth house in the chart this yoga comes into existence. Persons with this yoga have to struggle very hard in their earlier phase of life but usually receive less or no results. Many problems are faced on the professional front resulting into demotions, suspensions and even terminations from service. Relations with seniors usually suffer. These persons are also seen to get involved with wrong friendships who channelize their energy into wrong and illegal or unethical activities inviting bad results. There can be problems and disputes in their family and members may carry wrong impressions about each other. Sometimes in certain phase of life these persons may also be pushed to loneliness. Property related matter give trouble. Mother of such persons may face chronic health problem and such persons may also have to live away from their mother during their studies.
On positive side, these persons are usually seen to gain improvement in their lives after 42 years of age. They can get good gains from their father. Travelling for job or business is fruitful. Some of them can also have good gainful relations from foreign countries connections. They usually possess good decision making power but at many times seperatative in nature. Small business is beneficial for them.
Persons having Ghatak Kaalsarpa Yoga in their chart should maintain good relations with their seniors at workplace and not try to find and expose loopholes and faults of their seniors. They should take good care of their mother always which will bless them. They should keep control on their aggressive emotions and high investments. Some of them may gain at political level.
Vishadhar Kalasarpa Yoga

When Rahu occupies the eleventh house and Ketu the fifth house this yoga comes into effect. These persons face lot of obstacles in completing their higher education. They face problems in child conception and child birth. Relationships with children also are seen to have problems and disputes. They may not have any elder brother or sister and if there, disputes may arise with them. They face problems on professional front also. They can be inclined towards unethical or illegal work in their profession or job without coming into light and getting involved in such activities from behind. Their friends may have bad and immoral influence on these persons which may later spoil their social image. They can have disharmony with spouse and business partners. Persons with Vishdhar Kaalsarpa yoga face mental stress due to sudden and explosive decisions. Much mental stress may develop memory loss in later age.
On positive side they will witness improvement after 48 years of age. They can be rich and possess much wealth. Some of these persons with this yoga are seen to develop good spiritual advancement and gain from powers of meditation and healing. They can possess mantra Shakti also. They can gain from many sources. They can have philosophical as well as business bent of mind and may excel in both.
Seshnaga Kalasarpa Yoga

If Rahu occupies the twelfth house and Ketu the sixth house, this yoga is formed in the chart. These persons usually get success or fruits of their efforts very late in their lives. Due to this reason, some may develop much mental stress, some may lose hope, there is disharmony in relationships and some may take to unethical ways. Some can face chronic health issues also. These persons may have to face conspiracy of their open as well as hidden enemies to much extent and there can be legal complications also. Financial problems are also faced and there can be rise in debts. They face obstacles and difficulties on professional front and an instable life. Some may face isolation, imprisonment. Some may see frequent visits to hospitals. Some of them may indulge in criminal activities. Some may get involved in extreme sexual contacts and activities.
On positive side such persons see improvement after 54 years of age. Some may gain from foreign connections. Some may get work in isolated environments. Some may get gains from working in support functions. Some of them may feel to be driven by spiritual practices and places.
Some Remedies for the Kaal Sarp Dosh:
For negative effects being experienced by persons having Kaal Sarpa Dosha, there are many kinds of remedial measures for Kaal Sarpa Dosh Nivaran .
But all remedies are not for all types of Kaal Sarpa Dosha. This is why people do not get benefits even after doing different types of remedies. In my opinion and experience, if you are having Kaal Sarpa Dosha and experiencing problems in life as mentioned in the above 12 types of configurations, then you should consult for Personalized Analysis. Only then Personalized remedial measures be suggested and can be effective. (Because entire horoscope has to be analyzed and not only Kaal Sarpa Yoga)
- Naag Dosh Nivaran Puja & Kaal Sarpa Dosha Nivaran Puja.
- Following Mantras:
- Naag Gayatri Mantra
- Maha Mritunjaya Mantra
- Sarp Mantra
- Lord Vishnu Mantra
- Lord Shiva Mantra
- Never kill any innocent animal particularly snakes (as some snakes are not merely snakes but Naag Devas).
- Avoid eating Eggs.
- Never destroy any abode of animals, snakes in ground, in trees or in water bodies.
- Visiting Shri Rameshwaram Temple and performing Puja.
- Gomed (Hessoniate) or Cat’s Eye be worn after due consultation with an Astrologer.
- If there are other Doshas like Pitra Dosha, Grahan Dosha along with Kaal Sarpa Dosha in the same chart, then it also needs to be remedied.
- Avoid alcohol, tobacco and other drugs and also non-vegetarian food.
- Get Snakes from Snake Charmers (Sapera) and let those Snakes free in nearby Jungle asking forgiveness and seek blessings.
- Do Rudrabhishek in the month of Shraavan & Puja on Nag Panchami.
- Worship Lord Shiva Daily with Chandan, Milk and Water.
- Learn and do Meditation daily.
- Learn and do Pranayam (breathing exercise and mind control) daily.
- Visit Ma Mansa Devi Temple and offer prayers religiously.
- Mantras of Rahu and Ketu to be recited daily.
- Keep fast on every Panchami Tithi and offer prayers to Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu and Snake Gods.
- Take care of Mother and Father and respect them.
- Clear any Vastu Dosha particularly in the South-West & North East direction of the house.
- Watering Peepal Tree.