The Seven Chakras:- Significance, Energies Balanced and Imbalanced Effects:
Before explaining the significance of 7 Chakras and their relation to Planets following 12 facts must be understood:
- Seven Chakras represent and control the main functions of our lives- psychological, physical, energy and spiritual.
- Chakras are connected with the spinal cord in a specific sequence, which is the very axis of our existence and also of evolution.
- Entire body is controlled by the nervous configurations and everything is energy, food that we take, nerve currents, all cells, thoughts and everything.
- The seven chakras are located in the spine from top of the brain to the bottom of the spine. Chakras are connected with the physical as well as astral body.
- Chakras are the root or major conjunction center points of circuits in our body.
- Chakras have intimate link with the central sensory nerves, motor nerves and perception nerve and also has control of our astral body thus the store house of our karmas, habits and evolution.
- Seven Chakras have deep relation with Rahu and Ketu (North & South Nodes of Moon).
- Different planets have relation and control chakras. Each chakra has its receptive channel, reactive channel and storage channel.
- Each chakra has its own color and vibration.
- .Imbalance and blockage in chakras are the root causes of all mental, physical and problems.
- Chakras can be perceived, can be balanced and can be healed by several methods.
- The rising of energy, vibrations & opening of chakras impact and change our dimensions of consciousness.
THE FIRST CHAKRA: The Mooladhara Chakra or also called the Root Chakra is ruled by Saturn. Element is Earth and color is Red.
It is called the root chakra because all our sensations, habits, perceptions we have made in this life and also from the past lives are also stored here. It is the root store house and so also linked to the Kundalini.
Balanced Mooladhara Chakra:
When this chakra is balanced, we feel secure, bold and confident, ready to take up the challenges and obstacles in life, positive reactions, have good nervous energy. Open to changes.
Symptoms of Blocked Mooladhara Chakra:
When this chakra is not balanced and having some blockages it increases the anxiety level of a person, so there is naturally feeling of insecurity. This ultimately results into negative thoughts, wrong impressions, difficulties in focussing on duties, affinity of negative persons, forming of self images on the basis of what others say and impatient error in decisions. Estranged relationships are possible. Physically persons experiences illness in back of spine and legs.
THE SECOND CHAKRA: Svadhishthana Chakra is ruled by planets Jupiter and Venus. The element is Water and color is Orange.
Balanced Svadhishthana Chakra:
When this chakra is balance, we feel more creative. Our artistic and creative faculties are well balanced and energetic. We feel more wise, optimistic, better relationships & emotional balance, growth and expansion in life. You feel more dynamic. This chakra also controls the reproduction.
Symptoms of Blocked Svadhishthana Chakra:
When this chakra is not balanced and having some blockages, it lowers the creative instinct of the person. Reduced sexual urge, problem in reproduction, always offended, inferiority complex, feeling of guilt, inclination to escapist tendencies in the form of drugs and spicy junk foods. Financial problems. Physically person always feels low energy levels in life, weak reproductive system increased frequency of infections.
THE THIRD CHAKRA: Manipura chakra also called as the Solar Chakra and is ruled by Mars. Element is Fire and color is Yellow
A very important chakra as it is the central chakra. Some yogis also call it the Navel Chakra and that along with Mars, Sun also controls this chakra. This chakra controls entire autonomy of the human system and is the nucleus – the Navel Centre. (Significance and importance of the Navel Chakra has very well been elaborated by the great mystic Osho also)
Balanced Manipur or Solar chakra:
When this chakra is balanced our digestive system remains excellent. Energy and self esteem are high. Ability to meet challenges and handle all situations is good. Persons likes honor and is fearless. There is increase in confidence and courage. Clarity of goals and independent.
Symptoms of Blocked Manipura Chakra:
When this chakra is not balanced and having some blockages, Lack of self worth, feeling of insecurity, weak in facing challenges in life, loses honor, bad thoughts and dreams backfire, no purpose and lack of goal, unsuccessful efforts. At physical level person suffers from bad digestive system and weakening of the entire system.
THE FOURTH CHAKRA: Anahata chakra also called as the Heart Chakra is ruled by Venus. The element is Air and color is Green to light blue.
Balanced Anahata or Heart chakra:
When this chakra is balanced we evolve in love and compassion. Person will feel emotionally at peace and also able to understand the emotions of others. There is order and love in relationships. This increases the level of perception. Persons develop in areas of forgiveness and kindness.
Symptoms of Blocked Anahata or Heart Chakra:
When this chakra is not balanced and having some blockages, there are feelings of hurt, restlessness. Person develops irritating nature and feeling of hurt develops with loss of trust and so block in relationships. There can be feeling of jealousy, no clarity in perception, forming evil images of others, emotional discontent & revengeful. Person resorts to sudden outbursts of emotional imbalances and decisions. At physical levels this can lead to sleep and dream disorders, heart problems and uneven flow of blood in body.
THE FIFTH CHAKRA: Vishuddhi chakra also called the Throat chakra is ruled by Mercury. The element is Akaash (also called as Ether) and color is Blue to Purple.
Balanced Vishuddhi or Throat Chakra or Heart chakra:
When this chakra is balanced, person develops and maintains efficient speech and communication. There is increase in intellect, knowledge and related skills. Person develops healthy logical abilities and also able to understand astral science. Person is able to maintain good professional and personal life.
Symptoms of Blocked Vishuddhi or Throat Chakra:
When this chakra is not balanced and having some blockages, person has difficulty in expressing himself properly. Differences arise because person feels other people do not understand him. This may result into hormonal (thyroid) imbalances. It affects all types of communication. A feeling of isolation may develop. This situation indirectly has effect on the lower chakra also. At physical levels this imbalance can lead to hormonal imbalances, problems in the neck area.
THE SIXTH CHAKRA: The Ajna Chakra also called the Third Eye is ruled by sun and moon. The element is Mental Space ( Chitta Akasha) and color is White.
Important chakra for spiritual seekers. Here all the three main nadis and currents – Moon, Sun and Spiritual Nadi or the Ida, Pingala and Shushumna Nadis unite.
Balanced Agna Chakra or Third Eye Chakra:
High intuition, able to read thought of others, control over manifestation, great success in law of attraction, goes beyond emotions and reasons, ability to perceive real things of universe. Lives the actual purpose of life, develops power of healing, can be a inventor and a great planner.
Symptoms of Blocked Ajna Chakra or Third Eye Chakra:
When this chakra is not balanced and having some blockages, persons feels lack of ability to take right decisions, dissatisfaction, lack of life path purpose, developing wrong impressions. Unable to do right planning and set goals in life, lack of inspiration and creativity.
At physical level persons experiences head ace, vertigo, and poor eye vision, lack of proper imagination and neuro disturbances.
THE SEVENTH CHAKRA: Sahasrara Chakra also known as the Crown Chakra:
This Chakra is the seat of divine Consciousness, of Self Realization and of divine light and illumination. Awakening of this Chakra is the unity of the individual Soul with the Cosmic or Universal Consciousness, rather dissolving of the individual Consciousness with the Universal Existence, Consciousness, Bliss.
Methods & Remedies:
There are various methods and techniques of cleaning, healing, balancing and awakening the blocked Chakras. But first, it is very important to know and understand which of the Chakra is blocked and reasons behind it, which differ from person to person as past life actions and inactions are also involved in this.
Methods may range from different types of meditation, yoga, mantras, energised gems and stones, prayers. One particular method cannot be common for everyone. It depends on proper analysis and diagnosis of the individual horoscope and personal discussion to recommend a set of remedial measures.