Mars in 1st House for Gemini Ascendant

The native with Mars in 1st House for Gemini Ascendant has a beautiful wife. He is happy with her. The native with Mars in 1st House for Gemini Ascendant enjoys all family pleasures. His wife is helpful. The native with Mars in 1st House for Gemini Ascendant gets her help and support in his business. The native with Mars in 1st House for Gemini Ascendant succeeds in his business and earns enough wealth.
Many real friends. Two wives (subject to other indications). Brave, clever and a knowledge of the law. Strained relations with friends and relatives. Gain from land and watery profession. Wealthy. Fewer comforts from children. Victory over enemies. Fortunate actions and successful hopes.
The native leads a healthy, happy, peaceful, and prosperous family life. The native is very handsome and physically strong. He is intelligent and learned. The native loves and respects his mother and gets her blessings.
The native enjoys the benefit of the power of managing land and buildings properties. People like him and honour him. His personality is adorable.
Mars in 2nd House for Gemini Ascendant

A troubled life. Not favourable for brothers and sisters. Poor, unhappy and destroyer of property. A danger to respect. The danger of punishment without any fault. Benefits through industrious activity.
The native has no time to respect his mother. He is physically weak, but he is always busy and happy in the daily routine life. The native with Mars in 2nd House for Gemini Ascendant is lucky and gets the advantage of a long life span and inheritance benefit.
The native with Mars in 2nd House for Gemini Ascendant lives long and leads a pleased and wealthy family life. The native with Mars in 2nd House for Gemini Ascendant is intelligent and ambitious. The native with Mars in 2nd House for Gemini Ascendant works hard and earns immense wealth and accumulates it.
The native enjoys the benefit of the power of utilization of land and buildings property. He is happy in his joint family.
Mars in 3rd House for Gemini Ascendant

The native with Mars in 3rd House for Gemini Ascendant respects his mother and gets her love and blessings. The native with Mars in 3rd House for Gemini Ascendant manages properties such as land and buildings and other comforts in family life. The native is influential and lucky. He always has a sense of fairness/impartiality and gets respect. He is generous and industrious. Less comforts from brothers and sisters. Diseased. Strong willed, brave and of rash temperament. Greedy for the wordly comforts, Respect and favour from Govt. and officers, likelihood of mental disturbance when sick.
The native is a devotee of almighty God and spends some money on religious activities. He leads a wealthy life. The native is intelligent and courageous. He loves his younger brothers and sisters.
The native gets energy and strength through them. He works hard to get success. The native succeeds and increases his earnings. He accumulates sufficient wealth.
Mars in 4th House for Gemini Ascendant

The native has mixed relations with their wife. Sometimes he is happy and enjoys family pleasures, and other times angry and loses love. He is courageous and hard-working. The native with Mars in 4th House for Gemini Ascendant pursues his business well and gets some gains.
The native respects his father and gets his love, blessings, and support. He himself strives hard to run his occupational profession carefully and earns enough wealth. The native with Mars in 4th House for Gemini Ascendant gets respect and honour in government and society.
Diseased and troubled mother, disputes with brothers and sisters, Loss of wealth and problem in some body part. Less comforts from relatives Unfruitful attempts and hopes. A troubled life. Inheritance through friends fortunate in property and love for father.
The native with Mars in 4th House for Gemini Ascendant increases his earnings and accumulates wealth. The native with Mars in 4th House for Gemini Ascendant leads a happy, wealthy, and respectable long life.
The native gets mixed feelings. He sometimes gains and other time suffers the loss of happiness from his mother. He gets full help from his maternal grandfather’s side and gains utilization of land and buildings.
Mars in 5th House for Gemini Ascendant

The native with Mars in 5th House for Gemini Ascendant is intelligent and laborious. The native with Mars in 5th House for Gemini Ascendant gets higher education.
The native with Mars in the 5th House for Gemini Ascendant is unhappy with his children and suffers obstacles. Last life full of difficulties and, turmoils. Unrealised lending of money. Loss of ancestral property in repayment of debt. Disease of nerves is indicated. Life full or troubles and turmoils.
The native with Mars in 5th House for Gemini Ascendant gets the advantage of a long span of life and the benefit of inheritance.
Mars in 6th House for Gemini Ascendant

The native with Mars in 6th House for Gemini Ascendant has no faith in almighty God. The native with Mars in 6th House for Gemini Ascendant is disinterested in religious activities. Many constraints dissuade him from the path of religion. The native with Mars in 6th House for Gemini Ascendant is reluctant to incur expenditure but exerts a lot to reap a good harvest of gains. The native with Mars in 6th House for Gemini Ascendant works hard for more gains and leads a laborious life.
Many enemies due to his own talks and loss there of. Diseased, troubled, and untrustworthy. Can be subjected to diabetes and other blood disease. Faithful servants, interest in social welfare. The native with Mars in 6th House for Gemini Ascendant is courageous, fearless, and influential.
The native has great influence over enemies and earns money through court cases and from his maternal uncle. He gets strength from his mother and grandfather. He suffers from some diseases. The native is unlucky and suffers dissatisfaction.
Mars in 7th House for Gemini Ascendant

The native faces some troubles with his father. He loses his love and blessings. His father does not help him. The native with Mars in 7th House for Gemini Ascendant himself strives hard to conduct his occupation well and earns some wealth. The native with Mars in 7th House for Gemini Ascendant gets respect and honour in government and society.
The native is physically weak. He can have disease of impurity of blood. The native with Mars in 7th House for Gemini Ascendant is worried about the joint family and its wealth. The native feels inactive to accumulate wealth for family needs.
Many enemies, grief from wife, waste of ancestral property. More than two marriages. Diseased and ill health. Deaths in family of elder brother. Troubles with employees. He leads a painful and struggling life.
The native with Mars in 7th House for Gemini Ascendant is not happy with his wife. The native has some deficiency and disease in connection with sexual pleasures. He faces some difficulties in business. The native pursues it carefully and gets success, and earns some wealth.
Mars in 8th House for Gemini Ascendant

The native with Mars in 8th House for Gemini Ascendant cannot accumulate wealth. He encounters many clashes and disputes in the family. Loss due to disputes with brothers and enemies. Troubles in early life. Loss through fire. Diseased and troubled. In middle part of life, one will be blessed with comforts and wealth. Occult experience. Financial reward for faithful service.
The native with Mars in 8th House for Gemini Ascendant speaks bitterly. He is courageous and works hard to get success. The native is not happy with his younger brothers and sisters and has mixed relations, sometimes happy and angry.
The native neither help and nor supports him. He cams some wealth and loads disturbed life. The native with Mars in 8th House for Gemini Ascendant gets the advantage of a long span of life and the benefit of inheritance. The native with Mars in 8th House for Gemini Ascendant influences enemies and gets Victory.
The native has a deficiency in wealth but tries to increase his earnings and works hard for permanent gains in foreign countries.
Mars in 9th House for Gemini Ascendant

The native with Mars in 9th House for Gemini Ascendant spends much money on family happiness and welfare. The native with Mars in 9th House for Gemini Ascendant is worried about over expenditure. He gains some wealth from foreign sources. The native is brave and courageous and gets happiness and support from his younger brothers and sisters. He works hard and gets adequate gains. He faces problems from his mother.
Unreligious, miser and unscrupulous. Enmity with officers and subordinates. Opponent to relations and friends. Father will be diseased and troubled and enmity with brothers Sickness abroad. Danger through over study. Relations with high ups.
The native with Mars in 9th House for Gemini Ascendant gets some happiness and enjoys the power of managing the property such as land and residential house. He leads an ordinary happy life. The native is careless but somewhat lucky and gains in life. He does not believe in almighty God’s supreme power and hardly participates in religious activities. The native with Mars in 9th House for Gemini Ascendant faces some enemies but subsequently overcomes them and gains.
Mars in 10th House for Gemini Ascendant

The native with Mars in 10th House for Gemini Ascendant is healthy and energetic but sometimes falls prey to an ordinary disease. The native with Mars in 10th House for Gemini Ascendant has a deficiency in enjoying maternal happiness and managing land and buildings property. The native with Mars in 10th House for Gemini Ascendant succeeds in higher studies. He faces some difficulties with his children. The native is unhappy with them.
Sickness, Licentious, unreligious and a changeable life Being a man of authority he will not lead a comfortable life. Sorrows and dishonour. Friendship with persons in good position. Gain from Govt.; and officers.
Such a native increases his income and enjoys all pleasures in life. The native is intelligent, industrious, and influential. He respects his father and gets his love and blessings. His father, in return, helps and supports him in his occupation/profession.
The native with Mars in 10th House for Gemini Ascendant works hard to succeed in his occupational profession. The native with Mars in 10th House for Gemini Ascendant does good deeds and earns sufficient wealth. The native gains respect and honour in government and society. He gets victory over the enemies and ultimately gets profits.
Mars in 11th House for Gemini Ascendant

The native with Mars in 11th House for Gemini Ascendant has some family problems and cannot increase and accumulate wealth for the family. The native gets some wealth and happiness from their maternal grandfather. He is unhappy with his wife and is weak in sexual pleasures. The native with Mars in 11th House for Gemini Ascendant gets distinction in higher studies. The native differs in thoughts and behaviour with his children and hardly gets their co-operation.
The native keeps enemies under control and achieves heavy gains and strength through disputes and court cases. The native with Mars in 11th House for Gemini Ascendant is intelligent and hard-working.
The native with Mars in 11th House for Gemini Ascendant gets immense gains through his occupation profession but sometimes faces difficulties. Wealthy and owner of property but loss of wealth and being under debt. Loss to brothers. More journeys in life. A good doctor or surgeon of a good soldier, and may be a officer. Sickness among friends and family. Interest in legislative, political and social activities.
Mars in 12th House for Gemini Ascendant

The native with Mars in 12th House for Gemini Ascendant is courageous, but he has some perplexity in his younger brothers and sisters’ house. The native with Mars in 12th House for Gemini Ascendant gets no help from his maternal uncle. The native faces some problems with enemies finally control them and gets half of the benefits. The native with Mars in 12th House for Gemini Ascendant feels restless in their wife’s house and gets some sexual disorder.
The native with Mars in 12th House for Gemini Ascendant has some disease in his secret organ. He is worried about his business. The native with Mars in 12th House for Gemini Ascendant has some weaknesses but gets good gains with influence and authority. The native spends much on family welfare. He has no control over expenditure.
The native is laborious and earns sufficient wealth through foreign sources. Will be a man of authority. Can be cruel. adulterous, passionate and loss of money there from. Happy and go lucky life in youth. May face imprisonment and loss through servants. Occult science. Powerless enemies.