Rahu in 1st House for Scorpio Ascendant

The native is physically and mentally weak. The native bear some trouble in the body. The native is always worried about his health. The native is most selfish, sharp in nature, and always talks cleverly. The native cares for his wife.
The native undertakes strong methods to get success in business. The native keeps his patience and influence to maintain his respect in society. The native sometimes faces death inflicting trouble. The native is constantly worried about life.
Rahu in 2nd House for Scorpio Ascendant

The native is worried for the family. The native faces several problems in accumulating wealth for family welfare. The native works hard and uses secret devices to earn and accumulate wealth. The native is intelligent and courageous. The native is cautious of enemies. The native takes loans to manage his business affairs.
The native works hard to get success in his occupation/ profession. The native earns some wealth. It adversely affects his longevity of life and the benefit of inheritance. The native thinks himself to be poor. The native is always seen in the grip of anxieties and worries about wealth
Rahu in 3rd House for Scorpio Ascendant

The native is courageous, industrious, clever and careful. The native does not lose his patience. The native works hard and moves on the path of success. The native opposes his brothers and sisters. The native feels anxious and loses family pleasures.
The native is full of valour and smartness. The native works hard but adopts the wrong methods to earn wealth. The native tries to get a name and fame in society.
Rahu in 4th House for Scorpio Ascendant

The native feels unhappy with his mother and faces hurdles and hindrances in using the power of land and house property. The native always feels worried and disturbed. The native is physically weak and feels restless.
The native suffers in family life. The native is unhappy with his father. The native uses secret methods to get success in occupation/profession. The native goes abroad and gets good gains or for studies.
Rahu in 5th House for Scorpio Ascendant

The native is intelligent but faces difficulties in getting higher education. The native bears some trouble with children. The native is wise and talkative.
The native always cheats to achieve his selfish objectives. The native is very clever to get his work done by others within pre-set limits of time. The native is in the habit of taking stimulants for strength. It results in his anger and is not good for his health and happiness
Rahu in 6th House for Scorpio Ascendant

The native is brave and bold. The native does not care for his internal diseases in the body. The native influences over enemies. The native is harsh and selfish but careful and smart. The native works hard very patiently using improper means to increase occupation/profession and gets success.
The native overcomes all hindrances and hardships in the way. The native gains much. The native controls everything and appears satisfied and happy. The native is a good diplomat.
Rahu in 7th House for Scorpio Ascendant

The native faces some trouble with partner and feels nervous in getting sexual pleasures but does not want his weakness to be disclosed. The native faces many troubles in business affairs. The native works hard to get success and recover immense loss.
The native is lazy but most selfish. The native uses some improper and hidden methods for gains. It adversely affect’s health and personality. The native gets no help from his brothers. The native is courageous, overtakes difficulties and feels satisfied.
Rahu in 8th House for Scorpio Ascendant

The native is energetic and enthusiastic. The native gets the advantage of longevity of life and of inheritance. The native lives long. The native has some abdominal troubles and is always worried. The native feels quite impatient. The native spends much on illness and loses hereditary wealth and earnings.
The native manages some gains through overseas sources. The native thinks itself to be great and shows his coquetry and force. The native leads a royal life.
Rahu in 9th House for Scorpio Ascendant

The native is unlucky. The native feels much anxious about his future. The native makes efforts to become lucky. The native speaks too much. The native has no faith in religion. The native is unhealthy but he appears to be courageous. The native uses many improper hidden schemes to earn money.
The native is restless but tactful. The native finally feel capable to get some success in business. The native loses his fame. The native leads a struggling life and bears constant mental disturbance.
Rahu in 10th House for Scorpio Ascendant

The native is clever but faces problems due to his father. The native works hard to get success in occupation/profession. The native faces hurdles and hindrances at workplace. The native loses respect and honour in government. The native puts in his best efforts and applies some difficult methods to raise his wealth position and family status.
The native is always worried. The native loses his health. The native controls the situation with great care and boldness.
Rahu in 11th House for Scorpio Ascendant

The native is careful and cautious. The native works hard to get more than required. The native uses most secret and illegal methods to achieve his ends. The native earns sufficient wealth. There can be sudden big gains in life if Mercury is well placed and strong.
The native is intelligent but selfish and greedy. The native works hard to become successful in business and gets wealth suddenly. The native never loses his patience and enjoys comfortable domestic life.
Rahu in 12th House for Scorpio Ascendant

The native incurs heavy expenses and loses enough wealth but he never worries. The native manages the expenditure easily. Possibility of foreign travel and settlement and the native faces many difficulties but earns from overseas sources.
The native never feels nervous. The native always shows firmness. The native controls all the problems by applying illegal methods to earn money and gets wealth suddenly. The native is influential and faces all troubles for the sake of family happiness.