Moon in 1st House for Libra Ascendant

The native gets respect and honour in the political field. Preferment and dignities, honours through merits, success through industrious efforts. High ambitions, gain through mother and Government; relations with opposite sex. Comforts from conveyance. Respectful to elder. May be afflicted with rheumatic pains. The native with Moon in 1st House for Libra Ascendant controls his desires and acts according to his own will. The native gets a beautiful wife and is happy with her. The native with Moon in 1st House for Libra Ascendant enjoys specific sexual pleasures and feels most happy.
The native is very careful about his income and daily business. The native earns huge wealth through business. The native with Moon in 1st House for Libra Ascendant gets much respect and honour in the government and society. Such a native is lucky and gets all comforts and peace in life. The native is handsome, majestic, and dignified. He is physically and mentally strong.
Moon in 2nd House for Libra Ascendant

Moon is debilitated in this sign here. Gain through trade, industry and Govt.; or parents. Gain of ancestral property. Wealthy and respected, knowledge of many languages. Less progeny. The native with Moon in 2nd House for Libra Ascendant loses his family’s happiness. The native faces hurdles and hindrances in business and feels unlucky. The native uses secret methods. The native works hard to earn wealth and keep up the family’s dignity.
The native with Moon in 2nd House for Libra Ascendant engages himself in deep politics and worldly affairs. The native is quite healthy and gets the advantage of life longevity and the benefit of inheritance. The native with Moon in 2nd House for Libra Ascendant is respectable and remains busy in his works. He leads a happy and peaceful life. The native loses his power of earning huge wealth.
Moon in 3rd House for Libra Ascendant

Respected, gain in honours and advancement through partner’s relatives. A native of brave and sanguine temperament, many enemies. Honours through short journeys, writings and accomplishment. An average financial condition, no gain from brothers. Gain through business trips and Governmental commission. The native with Moon in 3rd House for Libra Ascendant is intelligent and works wholeheartedly for the development of the family. The native gets some gains. He has good conjunction with his brothers and sisters. The native with Moon in 3rd House for Libra Ascendant loses his vigour due to reasons of heavy expenditure.
The native is handsome, physically fit, and a man of morale. The native with Moon in 3rd House for Libra Ascendant is industrious and fortunate. He has full faith in almighty God and participates in religious activities. The native with Moon in 3rd House for Libra Ascendant is successful, wealthy, and famous. The native is energetic and hard-working.
Moon in 4th House for Libra Ascendant

The native with Moon in 4th House for Libra Ascendant gets happiness from his mother. The native gains property land and buildings. The native family life is peaceful. The native with Moon in 4th House for Libra Ascendant gets pleasure and cooperation from their father and succeeds in his occupation/ profession. Wealth, respect and comforts from conveyance, land and property. Gain and honour through parentage land and property. Success at close of life. Troubles and worries from internal relations. Interest in reclamation, colonization, cooperative movements, horticulture, mining, architecture and archaeology.
The native earns huge income easily. The native with Moon in 4th House for Libra Ascendant gets honour and appreciation from the government and society. The native likes beautiful things, clothes, and ornaments in life and leads a happy and respectable life.
The native with Moon in 4th House for Libra Ascendant is handsome and physically strong. The native is always in a state of exhilaration.
Moon in 5th House for Libra Ascendant

The native with Moon in 5th House for Libra Ascendant is happy with his children and progresses through them. The native has ingenious, and He gets happiness. The Moon aspects of its own. The native with Moon in 5th House for Libra Ascendant has extraordinary effective ideas and succeeds in getting gains due to his wisdom.
The native is very sensible, performs his duties honestly, and earns his livelihood. The native with Moon in 5th House for Libra Ascendant leads a happy and comfortable life. The native gets higher education. The native is intelligent and learned and has good communication skills. Children may suffer from sickness but rise to honours. Gain and honour through speculations, pleasure, young people, sports or the stage, Wealthy, respected and owner of land and property. Gain from children in life. Lucky and happy in last part of life.
Moon in 6th House for Libra Ascendant

The native gets some income from his father. The native with Moon in 6th House for Libra Ascendant spends money more than his income to treat disease and his family’s happiness. The native is friendly and always keeps himself busy in a splendid business. gain and honour through service, employment, army or navy affairs. Many enemies, may be disreputed. May face worries and troubles upto middle of life and face debts.
The native with Moon in 6th House for Libra Ascendant earns money through secret methods and court cases. The native also hears from distant places/overseas relations. The native is weak and mentally worried. The native with Moon in 6th House for Libra Ascendant is always afraid of enemies but gets success because of his polite nature. The native is dependent on others for income and gains.
Moon in 7th House for Libra Ascendant

Gain through law suits and dealing with the public generally. Honours and reputation assisted by an honourable marriage and partnerships in responsible concerns. Connections with many women. Respect and gain through mother’s relations. Intelligent and learned. Travel in foreign country. Gain from Govt.; and business.
The native has strong willpower and keeps himself engaged in his business. The native with Moon in 7th House for Libra Ascendant works hard and gains enough money through his business. The native also gains wealth through his father-in-law. The native with Moon in 7th House for Libra Ascendant is good-looking and healthy.
A native is a man of initiative and morale. The native gets success and honour. Such a native leads a happy, peaceful, and wealthy life. The native with Moon in 7th House for Libra Ascendant is handsome and bold. He gets a beautiful wife and enjoys sexual pleasures.
Moon in 8th House for Libra Ascendant

The native lives long. The native with Moon in 8th House for Libra Ascendant loses his personal relations. Though Moon is exalted here in this sign, the native is worried about family wealth and faces hindrances in business due to tough relations. The native with Moon in 8th House for Libra Ascendant works hard to earn wealth. The native also uses secret methods for success and progress. Gain and honours in handling the estate or money of others, also through law suits, legacies, inheritance, insurance etc. of deceased person. Many enemies, difficulties in early part of. Troubles through relations. Last part of life will be very lucky.
The native with Moon in 8th House for Libra Ascendant is always short of money but gets honour from foreign countries. The native is lucky and gets praise after death. The native with Moon in 8th House for Libra Ascendant lacks beauty and bears mental disturbance but gets the advantage of life and inheritance.
Moon in 9th House for Libra Ascendant

Honourable voyages, professional journeys, honours through learning, writings, publishing, research or philosophy. A religious or intellectual, mother’s care, training and efforts. Wealth and honest. The native always celebrates and adheres to religious traditions. The native with Moon in 9th House for Libra Ascendant gets God’s grace and honour, and fame from government and society. The native gets sudden wealth and manages the expenditure.
The native with Moon in 9th House for Libra Ascendant is good-looking, healthy, truthful, and influential. The native gets full cooperation from his brothers and sisters. Such a native secures a good position after teenage. The native with Moon in 9th House for Libra Ascendant is fortunate and farsighted. He has full faith in almighty God.
Moon in 10th House for Libra Ascendant

The native with Moon in 10th House for Libra Ascendant is industrious, conducts a big occupation profession, earns huge wealth, and gets honour and fame in government and society. Gain and honour through profession, honorary office or Govt.; employee. Success aided by mother’s care, training and efforts. Comforts after troubles and worries. Reverse results when afflicted or weak. The native gets love from his mother. The native gets the advantage of property and building.
The native with Moon in 10th House for Libra Ascendant spends too much on costly domestic decoration and family happiness. A native is a man of self-pride. The native enjoys all pleasures of life. The native with Moon in 10th House for Libra Ascendant lives like a king with great pomp and show. He respects his father and gets full cooperation from him.
Moon in 11th House for Libra Ascendant

The native works hard and gets decent gains spontaneously from the society. The native with Moon in 11th House for Libra Ascendant believes in pomp and show in life. The native spends much for the happiness of the family. The native is wise and acquires good education. . An honourable fortune, a comfortable and happy life after middle age. Eminent friends among legislators and those in high or professional position. A law suits but recovery from worries. The native is helpful to his associates and others. Ambitious and ideal.
The native with Moon in 11th House for Libra Ascendant is eloquent in speech. The native gets happiness from children. Such a native is clever and appears to be progressive and successful. The native with Moon in 11th House for Libra Ascendant is active, industrious, and influential.
Moon in 12th House for Libra Ascendant

The native earns money through contacts with foreign countries to fulfil family expenditure. Sometimes, he is seen as worried. The native with Moon in 12th House for Libra Ascendant is intelligent and wise. The native thinks with a cool mind. Loss of office or honour, dignity etc. through business associates who become secret enemies. Unfortunate environments and conditions. Professional secrets. Difficulty in employment. Limitations relieved by the studies of recondite science or metaphysics. If Moon here is well aspected and strong only then favourable results.