Venus in 1st House for Gemini Ascendant

Wealthy, sweet-tempered and beautiful. The gain of wealth through women. Intelligent and a hard worker. Conscious about his respect. Fond of music and relation with high ups. Promotion in life. Well respected and famous. Will lead a kingly life. Good deeds. Many Love affairs. Secret sorrows, many troubles, and limitations. Wife is loving and affectionate, intelligent and educated. Can be of seductive nature. Sometimes the wife is barren with inauspicious bearings but attractive for men.
The native has a lean and thin body, but he is healthy and strong. The native is intelligent, knowledgeable, mentally strong, and clever. Such a native spends much and gains immense wealth and honour from overseas connections.
The native with Venus in 1st House for Gemini Ascendant has certain differences with his wife but enjoys sexual pleasures. The native with Venus in 1st House for Gemini Ascendant suffers the loss of children.
The native with Venus in 1st House for Gemini Ascendant works hard with firm determination, gets success in his occupation/profession, and earns wealth. The native with Venus in 1st House for Gemini Ascendant is engaged in the pursuit of extra pleasures.

The native with Venus in 2nd House for Gemini Ascendant is intelligent and clever. The native faces family troubles and wealth problems. However, he cleverly makes whole-hearted efforts to increase wealth by his own planning and maintains his family status. He is unable to accumulate wealth.
Comforts from property and conveyance, many children, sudden gain of wealth. Respect and favor from Govt. and officers. The gain of ancestral property. Gain through secrecy and occult investment and children. Emotional and lot of involvement with women other than his wife. Sometimes two marriages are indicated in some cases. The native with Venus in 2nd House for Gemini Ascendant acquires higher education but lacks of children. He is most selfish. The native with Venus in 2nd House for Gemini Ascendant is courageous and clever.
The native with Venus in 2nd House for Gemini Ascendant lacks higher education. The native with Venus in 2nd House for Gemini Ascendant progresses by hard-working. The native is unhappy with his younger brothers and sisters. They do not support him. His children also have the same nature. They do not follow him.
The native is eloquent in speech and gets the work done easily. The native is healthy and sometimes sick. This physical status weakens his long span of life but he enjoys life with great pomp and show in public.
The native performs religious duties well. He improves his position and prestige by doing multifarious efforts and earns sufficient wealth for his livelihood. The native is fortunate and religious. He has full faith in almighty God.
Venus in 3rd House for Gemini Ascendant

The native with Venus in 3rd House for Gemini Ascendant is courageous and clever. The native with Venus in 3rd House for Gemini Ascendant lacks higher education. The native with Venus in 3rd House for Gemini Ascendant progresses by hard-working.
Not many brothers and sisters. More than one marriage is possible. Fond of other women, music, drama and dance, will hold a good rank. Act as a solicitor in village or institutions. Disappointment, sorrows through friends. Troublesome short journeys. Wife is attractive but proud.
Native will be sexual, licentious and fond of other women, forms relations during journey or in neighbourhood.
The native is unhappy with his younger brothers and sisters. They do not support him. The native children also have the same nature. They do not follow him.
The native is eloquent in speech and gets the work done easily. The native is fortunate and religious. The native has full faith in almighty God. He performs religious duties well. The native improves his position and prestige by doing multifarious efforts and earns sufficient wealth for his livelihood.
Venus in 4th House for Gemini Ascendant

The native is unhappy with their mother and does not respect her. The native loses the benefit of the utilization of land and buildings. The native lacks children’s happiness and is mentally worried because of family circumstances and heavy expenditure. The native resides far from his motherland in a foreign country and loses his physical strength.
The native with Venus in 4th House for Gemini Ascendant is happy with his father. The native with Venus in 4th House for Gemini Ascendant respects him and gets his blessings and support. The native strives very hard for his occupation/profession’s progress and earns adequate wealth.
More daughters, skilled, fond of music and dance. He will make new property and late gain of ancestral or other property. Low deeds, malacious, less comforts from mother and her relations: Unsuccessful in hopes. Will become prominent after youth. Love for home. Secret sufferings, restrictions at end of life. Low and mean acts.
The native with Venus in 4th House for Gemini Ascendant enjoys all happiness, success, progress, and prosperity. The native with Venus in 4th House for Gemini Ascendant gets respect and honour in government and society.
Venus in 5th House for Gemini Ascendant

The native with Venus in 5th House for Gemini Ascendant is intelligent, talkative, clever, and cunning. The native with Venus in 5th House for Gemini Ascendant gets higher education, but the lord of the 12th house, Venus creates troubles in his domestic life and makes him unhappy with his children.
The native with Venus in 5th House for Gemini Ascendant earns enough money through Overseas connections. The native expenditure is more than his income. However, he works hard to increase his income and ultimately succeeds by his own understanding and wisdom. The native with Venus in 5th House for Gemini Ascendant tries to maintain his status. He leads an ordinary life. If Mercury and Venus is strong then it will make the native intelligent and learned, respect from ruler. Gain from education. Popular, Jolly and of good deeds. High position, and respect in youth. He will be famous, wealthy and will enjoy all comforts of life, More daughters. Secret sorrows and difficulty through love affairs and adventures. Prosperous children and gain through them.
Venus in 6th House for Gemini Ascendant

The native with Venus in 6th House for Gemini Ascendant is intelligent and skilful but faces trouble from the enemies’ side. Ultimately, he overcomes them through his understanding and finances. He regains his reputation. The native with Venus in 6th House for Gemini Ascendant suffers some difficulties in education and is weak in education.
The native with Venus in 6th House for Gemini Ascendant is worried about his children. They create problems. Can be over sexed and gain from women. Voyage, victory over enemies and litigations in life. Troubles through employees, Gain through speculations, children and hobbies. May suffer from diseases due to sexual over indulgence. May marry second time. Wife will be normally of hot temperament with ideas like man. The native spends much on disputes and lawsuits and gains from overseas connections using surreptitious methods.
Venus in 7th House for Gemini Ascendant

The native with Venus in 7th House for Gemini Ascendant marries an intelligent and wise lady and enjoys sexual pleasures. Licentious and sexual, many conveyances, comforts from servants and wealth. Immovable properties and palatial buildings. Comforts of life and respect. Troubles in youth from some cruel officer. Will hold a good post of authority. Troubles through deceit and treachery, contracts and law suits. Discord with children, loss by theft. Wife will be tall and beautiful. Maintains calm and patience even in case of adverse circumstances. Wife can be a good advisor to husband. Native will not truely love his wife. Married life continues but not so happy. If Venus is afflicted, one may not marry or have two marriage. Number of romances are there.
The native with Venus in 7th House for Gemini Ascendant spends a lot of money on daily routine life. The native has some weakness in his body but gets respect and honour in the social circles and also such native gains from overseas connections.
The native with Venus in 7th House for Gemini Ascendant succeeds in higher education, loves his children, and gets stronger. The native tries to lead a happy and balanced family life.
Venus in 8th House for Gemini Ascendant

Mixed results can be seen mostly benefic results are indicated but being in 8th house some evil effects are also to be experienced depending on the placement of Saturn. There is lack of marital happiness. Enjoys and gets pleasures from women other than this wife and he gains money from them.
The native with Venus in 8th House for Gemini Ascendant is physically weak but is industrious, laborious, and diplomat. The native with Venus in 8th House for Gemini Ascendant gets the advantage of a long span of life and the benefit of inheritance.
The native with Venus in 8th House for Gemini Ascendant suffers many problems in his education and welfare of children. The native spends a lot of money for family happiness. He is unable to control the expenditure. The native faces troubles during work. He feels impatient to put up with difficulties in accumulating wealth.
The native with Venus in 8th House for Gemini Ascendant cannot maintain his status and prosperity and leads a hard life.
Venus in 9th House for Gemini Ascendant

The native with Venus in 9th House for Gemini Ascendant is very gentle, intelligent, and hard-working. The native with Venus in 9th House for Gemini Ascendant makes efforts to become lucky but faces some problems in the way. The native with Venus in 9th House for Gemini Ascendant believes in destiny.
The native depends on almighty God’s supreme power but takes little interest in religious activities. The native gets happiness from children and outstanding success in education. The native with Venus in 9th House for Gemini Ascendant earns sufficient money through foreign sources. Comforts from wife, wealthy, famous and man of powers. Marriage in a wealthy family and gain therefrom. Gain of wealth and respect from Govt.; and officers. Gain from friends, public enterprises. Fond of pleasures, and social life and of opposite sex. Sincere and faithful in love. Sudden and unexpected experiences in love. Dagmatic in views.
The native is brave and courageous. He works hard for a better future. He is not happy with his younger brothers and sisters. They do not support him. He leads a happy life.
Venus in 10th House for Gemini Ascendant

The native with Venus in 10th House for Gemini Ascendant is intelligent and full of self-pride. The native suffers some problems with their father. His father does not support him. The native with Venus in 10th House for Gemini Ascendant loses the benefit of parental property. The native with Venus in 10th House for Gemini Ascendant also faces difficulties in his occupation/profession.
The native strives hard to improve his occupation/profession’s status with the help of overseas connections and gets success.
The native earns enough wealth. He achieves respect and honor in government and society. He acquires higher education and strength from children.
There can be relations with many women in first half of life. Extravagant. Journeys to foreign land. Happy and a man of powers. Disrepute due to his wife. Loss of wealth. Fond of music. Last part of life will be lucky and comfortable. Deceitful friends and loss of children. Successful hopes. Such natives do not bind the selves in marriage bonds and are inclined to remain unmarried. They only marry after having good money. Afflicted married life. May causes two marriages. Marital tendencies than marriage bonds, may incline not to marry.
The native with Venus in 10th House for Gemini Ascendant is unhappy with their mother and lacks her love and blessings. The native loses the managing capacity of property such as land and buildings. Such a native is haughty, and he always suffers loss in every field.
Venus in 11th House for Gemini Ascendant

Lucky. Wealthy and will lead a comfortable life. Well respected and famous. Owner of land and property. A man of authority and powers. Comforts and gain from conveyance and servants. Good for marital gains. Friends will be people of culture and taste. Conservative feelings, aims and wishes are fulfilled. Etiquetted and courteous. The native with Venus in 11th House for Gemini Ascendant is intelligent and laborious. The native works hard to increase wealth. His elder brothers also support him. The native gains immense wealth. He spends a lot of money on family needs and welfare. The native with Venus in 11th House for Gemini Ascendant gives him mental tension and dissatisfaction.
The native with Venus in 11th House for Gemini Ascendant acquires higher education and distinction. The native gets happiness and strength from children, but he faces some trouble between education and children. The native with Venus in 11th House for Gemini Ascendant leads a struggling life.
Venus in 12th House for Gemini Ascendant

The native with Venus in 12th House for Gemini Ascendant is influential and clever. The native with Venus in 12th House for Gemini Ascendant spends much money for the happiness and welfare of the family. The native with Venus in 12th House for Gemini Ascendant suffers from some disease and is always worried.
The native works hard and earns wealth from overseas connections. The native lives alone. He is weak in education and thinks about the wellness of children. The native is afraid of enemies but influences them politely and courteously.
Waste of ancestral property. Kingly luck. Acquisition of wealth and property. Respect from ruler and comforts, and gain from conveyance. Occult science and Secret investigation. Speculation may cause ruin.
The native with Venus in 12th House for Gemini Ascendant gets the work done efficiently. The native is always mentally worried about more wealth