The 27 ‘Nakshatras’ in Vedic Astrology

Zodiac is divided into 27 Nakshatras or Constellations. Study of Nakshatras is very important in Vedic Astrology. Very important point to remember always is that Vimshottari Dasha i.e. the cyclic 120-year-long planetary cycle is based on the particular Nakshatra at the time of birth.

Each Nakshatra is further divided in four sub sections called Padas of 3 degrees and 20 minutes.

Each Nakshatra has its lord which has prime importance in astrology. Nakshatras are also termed as ‘Constellations’, ‘Lunar Mansions’, and ‘Asterisms’. Nakshatra also means ‘that which never decays’. Each Nakshatras forms out a cluster of several of stars in a particular sequence having deep significance.

Nakshatras also hold special significance in deriving the characteristics of the planets placed in them during the time of birth and related birth chart and also during the progressed horoscope during transits. So, this study becomes very important during predictions, to understand all the aspects of life cycle.

The Nakshatra at ascendant (rising sign) and Nakshatra at Rasi or Sign of the Moon, and specific Nakshatras in which all other planets are positioned, can be analyzed to decide the time of major events and evolutionary cycle.

Since Moon is the fastest moving planet and governs our minds and emotions and also the fact that the Mahadasha in each birth chart begins from the Nakshatra the moon occupies, the Birth Star, daily predictions are also deep rooted in this analysis. So, Nakshatras influence our life daily. I would say, deep study and analysis of Nakshatra is just like analyzing our DNA.

Further, as planetary strengths, exaltations and debilitations are measured in parts and degrees, Nakshatras become more important with their Pada and Lords.

Most significant is the role of Nakshatras related to the four Aims of our life. The four Aims as per Vedic Culture are Dharma (that one should supposed to do for evolution of the soul), Artha (actions for creating income and wealth in life), Kama (pursuing the desires), and Moksha (liberation of our Soul).

Without understanding and analysing the energy and waves of each Nakshatra, planets posited in specific Nakshatras in the natal Chart, transit of planets in different Nakshatras along with the Moon, Ascendant and Sun Nakshatra relating with the Dasha, we cannot derive proper results and predictions. 

To know about the Characteristics, Features, Career interests for Each Nakshatra- Click on the related Icon of Nakshatra from below:


S.No Name Guna Gana Type Symbol Diety
1 Ashvini Tama Deva Dharma Horse Head Asvini Kumars
2 Bharani Raja Manushya Artha Vagina Yamaraj
3 Kritika Raja Rakshasa Kama Razor Agnidev
4 Rohini Raja Manushya Moksha Chariot Brahma
5 Mrigashira Tama Deva Moksha Deer Head Candrama
6 Ardra Tama Manushya Kama Head Rudra
7 Punarvasu Satva Deva Artha Bow Sri Aditi
8 Pushya Tama Deva Dharma Flower Brihaspati
9 Ashlesha Satva Rakshasa Dharma Serpent Nagas
10 Magha Tama Rakshasa Artha Palanquin Pitris
11 Purva Phalguni Raja Manushya Kama Front Legs of Cot Bhaga
12 Uttara Phalguni Raja Manushya Moksha Back legs of Cot Aryaman
13 Hasta Raja Deva Moksha Palm Suryadev
14 Chitra Tama Rakshasa Kama Pearl Visvakarma
15 Swati Tama Deva Artha Sapphire Vayu
16 Vishakha Satva Rakshasa Dharma Potters Wheel Indra
17 Anuradha Tama Deva Dharma Umbrella Mitra
18 Jyeshtha Satva Rakshasa Artha Umbrella Indra
19 Mula Tama Rakshasa Kama Crouching Lion Nritta
20 Purva Ashadha Raja Manushya Moksha Front of square Apas
21 Uttara Ashadha Raja Manushya Moksha Back of square Visvadev
22 Shravan Raja Deva Artha Arrow Sri Visnu
23 Dhanistha Tama Rakshasa Dharma Drum Vasus
24 Satabishak Tama Rakshasa Dharma Flower Varuna
25 Purva Bhadrapad Satva Manushya Artha Front Legs of Cot Ajaikapad
26 Uttara Bhadrapad Tama Manushya Kama Back legs of Cot Ahirbudhnya
27 Revati Satva Deva Moksha Fish Pushan