Virgo 2022 Predictions

Position and Transit of Planets in 2022 for Virgo:

The position and transit of planets during the year 2022 for Virgo will be as follows:

This year on April 13, Jupiter would enter Pisces your 7th house and Rahu will enter in Aries Sign your 8th house on 12 April and Ketu enters Libra your 2nd house. Saturn remains in Capricorn your 5th house till 28 April 2022 and enters Aquarius your 6th house on 29 April 2022. In retrograde motion re-enters Capricorn on 12 July 2022 and remains throughout 2022.  Venus lord of your 2nd and also of your 9th house transits to your 5th house Capricorn on 27th February and then enters Aquarius your 6th house on 31st March and then Pisces your 7th house on 27 April and then Taurus your 9th house on 18th June and then in Libra your 2nd house on 18 October. Mars enters Capricorn your 5th house on 16th February and in Pisces your 7th house on 17th May and Aries your 8th house on 27 June. Sun enters Aquarius your 6th house on 13th February and your 7th house Pisces on 15th March and your 8th house Aries on 14th April and in Leo your 12th house on 17 August and Scorpio your 9th house on 16th November. Mercury lord of your own sign and of 10th house will be retrograde in the beginning of the year on 14th January in Capricorn sign your 5th house.


Profession and Career

This year would be moderately auspicious for work and profession perspective. In the beginning of the year you would not experience any difficulty in accomplishing your aims and objectives. Enemies would be helpless in creating obstacles in domain of your work. Those who are absorbed in Jobs would get reverence and prestige at their respective work place. If you talk about the career of Virgo natives, then the year 2022 is bringing mixed results in matters related to money for the natives of this zodiac sign. In the first month of the year 2022 i.e. January, when Mars enters Sagittarius it will aspect the tenth house of profession, both employed natives and businessmen will be able to make significant progress in their careers. The months of January, March and May are also showing the chances of incurring the best outcomes for both jobseekers and businessmen. Because this will be the time when you will be able to complete all your unfinished tasks on time, and implement your plan properly, which will lead to progress.

Apart from this, Saturn will be present in your fifth house from the beginning of the year till the end of April 2022, and in your sixth house from the end of April, as a result of which the idea of ​​changing your job will arise in your mind. While taking any decision related to this, you are advised to think carefully. Between April and September, there is also a possibility of a big change taking place in your job. Due to the transit of Saturn in Aquarius and aspecting your third house of movement till July, its effect will last till September . Employees will be able to earn name and respect at the workplace while improving their relationship with their superiors and bosses, especially from September to November due to the transit of professional house lord Mercury in friendly signs. This can increase the chances of getting a promotion in the upcoming future. Also, the last months of the year are bringing many important changes in your career.

In the later half of the year, there would be a good gain from profession. There are indications for new sources of income. If any new venture is started during this period, success of the same is imminent. You would get cooperation of experienced and senior people. You would have desired gains from partnership profession and be satisfied with your partner.


Finance and Wealth

Beginning of the year would be auspicious for economic perspective. You could make desired savings and make your economic status stable and strong due to combined aspectual effect of Jupiter and Saturn on Second House. You could bag gems and ornaments. There would be incessant flow of income and you could get rid of prolonged debts etc. from that income. Talking about the financial life of the Virgo natives, the year 2022 is going to give you many financial problems as per Finance Horoscope 2022 for Virgo. Especially this year, you will have to avoid spending extravagantly. However, the initial month of the year, i.e. January will be good for you. Because during this time, the transit of Mars will be in your fourth house of property wealth and happiness, as a result of which you will get financial benefits and wealth. After this, in the month of February also, you will be able to gain money through many different mediums, since Venus, your second house lord of wealth will transit in Capricorn and will aspect your house of income and gains.

Expenses made during this period can also generate financial constraints. Those who were thinking of investing in a business should avoid doing so during this period. However, if it is necessary to do so, invest your money only after seeking the advice of an expert. If your money was stuck somewhere, then you are more likely to get it back after April 17, when Jupiter will move from your house of debts to your seventh house of association. This time period will also be favourable for your investment. Especially those who are working will be able to add to their income through some new sources this year with their hard work.

You would incur expenditure on auspicious occasions. After April 13, transit of Jupiter would be more favourable. At that time you could get wealth through your friends or spouse.


House, Family and Children

This year would be highly auspicious for family perspective. Due to combined aspectual effect of Jupiter and Saturn on Second House, an atmosphere of peace and comforts would prevail in your family. There would be addition of a member your family because of birth of a child or marriage of a family member. According to Virgo Horoscope 2022, married natives of Virgo zodiac sign will get mixed results in their married life this year. Significantly, the beginning of the year will be a bit stressful for you, because during this time you will fail to reconcile with your spouse since your marriage house lord Jupiter will be in the sixth house of fights. At this time, you will also remain under mental stress due to your in-laws’ side. Particularly from January to April, there is a possibility of estrangement from the in-laws’ side.

After this, the time from September 11 to mid-December will be good for married natives. Because during this time some of you will be able to get a big profit with the help of your spouse, which will improve the married life of both of you. Also, if there was an ongoing dispute between you two, both of you would be able to resolve it together. You can also plan to visit a religious place with your spouse, where both of you will get many opportunities to understand each other’s feelings.

Virgo Horoscope 2022 reveals that when it comes to your family life, the natives of Virgo zodiac sign will get average fruits. However, when Saturn’s transit takes place in Aquarius at the end of April, your sixth house of fights will be influenced, and this may cause you to move away from your family for some reason. Some people will most likely end up getting into a dispute with the family members about some or the other topic. In such a situation, do not use any abusive language while talking to them, as any such act can lead to family estrangement.

According to 2022 Virgo Family Horoscope, the time period between June till October will be the best time for you. During this period, you will be able to attain the support of the members of the household since your fourth house of domestic comforts will have the aspect of benefic planets like Mercury and Venus between this period. Also, there is a high possibility that any auspicious ceremony or program can be conducted in the family, which will give you the opportunity to relish and gorge on delicious dishes. This year, especially in the month of April due to the transit of Jupiter in your Kendra, there will be a peaceful atmosphere in the family, as a result, you can also express the desire to spend some memorable time with the members of the household. However, the last three months of the year, that is, October, November and December will turn out to be the best time, especially for your siblings. As your third house lord of siblings will transit from your profession house and fortune house respectively, therefore, at this time, you will get full support from them, as well as their honour and respect will also increase.

According to the Virgo Love Horoscope 2022, these natives are more likely to get good results in their love life this year. However, despite this, at the beginning of the year, you are advised to be a little cautious, as the month of January seems to be slightly unfavourable for your love relationships as Saturn in Capricorn might create some discrepancies. During this time, there is a possibility of a big dispute taking place with your sweetheart about something. In this case, choose your words carefully while talking to them.

Apart from this, the period from February to July will be very favourable for you. Also from October to December, your relationship will strengthen and it will be quite visible. Under these circumstances, you can also decide to get married. This year, both of you will be fully capable of resolving every past dispute together.

There are indications for accomplishing an auspicious ceremony at your house in the beginning of the year. After April 13, time period would turn more favourable. If you are unmarried you could be wed locked during this period. You would have melodious relations with your wife and friends. You would get full cooperation of your brothers because of aspect of Jupiter on Third House, you social prestige would be enhanced.

This year would be moderately auspicious for children perspective. In the beginning of the year, you might feel somewhat odd regarding your children. His/ her health could also be adversely affected which might become a cause for their poor educational performance.

But after April 13, time period would be appreciably favorable. There would be auspicious time period for your second child. He/she would succeed in domain of work. If he/she is desirous of having higher education, he/she might get admission in a high profile institution. If your children are of marriageable age, they could solemnize their marriage.


Beginning of the year would be average for health point of view. Jupiter in Sixth House might cause some minor diseases. It is indispensable to be cautious for health under these circumstances. Talking about the health life of Virgo natives according to Virgo Horoscope 2022, you will get average results. However, during the months of January, April, June and September, you will need to be more cautious towards some minor ailments, otherwise it can possibly increase your mental stress. Apart from this, when the transit of Rahu will take place in your eighth house by April end, you are advised to maintain a healthy diet while taking special care of your health.

Especially for natives over 40 years of age, they may have to suffer from problems like diabetes, urinary irritation, diseases related to nervous system etc. due to the influence of the shadow planet Rahu. In such a situation, avoid spicy food and consume more and more fluids. This year, November and December will turn out to be the best for you as your sign lord Mercury will transit in the favourable houses during this period. Especially if you are suffering from any chronic disease, you can most likely get rid of that problem forever during this period.

On April 13, Jupiter would transit Seventh House. After that your health would improve slowly and steadily because of aspect of Jupiter on Ascendant, you would get mental satisfaction, internal happiness contentment, health, self- confidence and wellness from Yoga and exercises.


Education, Career and Competition

First half of the year would be moderately favourable for competitive examinations perspective. Hard and sincere efforts are to be put in to get success for career. The time period is favourable for students who are desirous of going abroad or at a distant place to get education. According to Virgo Education Horoscope 2022, you will get better than average results in your academics this year. However, during the initial times, you are instructed to work extra hard and remain cautious towards your education. Apart from this, the transit of Mars from 26 February in Capricorn, which falls in your fifth house, will mark a positive effect on the students preparing for competitive exams.

By the end of April, Saturn will also transit in your fifth house and thereafter move into your sixth house, which is going to make you work extra hard. According to this placement of Saturn, you will be blessed with the outcome as per your efforts, be it favourable or unfavourable, therefore you are specially instructed that during this time, try to direct your focus and attention only towards your education. During this time, you can also seek the help of your teachers and elders if needed. The months from August to October are going to be particularly favourable for students pursuing higher education since Mars will aspect your house of studies during this period. Apart from this, from September to the end of the year, those students who were dreaming of going abroad, are most likely to get a chance to enjoy fruitful results.

After April 13, time period is tuning very much favourable. It would be an auspicious time for participating in a competitive examination. You would succeed in competitive examination. You would also succeed if you intend to acquire any professional education.

Travel and Transfer

This year would be moderately auspicious for journey perspective. In the beginning of the year, aspect of Jupiter on Twelfth House could cause a foreign journey for some of you. Also due to the effect of Nodes – Rahu and Ketu you would perform short journeys along with long journeys. Most of the journeys would be undertaken unexpectedly.

Those who are performing jobs might get transferred after March. After April 13, professionals would perform journeys related to their profession because Jupiter is posited in Seventh House. The professionals would earn a considerable profit by performing these journeys.

Note: These are general predictions for Virgo for 2022 based on transits of planets over the year. More accurate personalized analysis and predictions with remedial advice can be done after analyzing the individualized birth chart/ horoscope, the placement and overall strength of planets in the natal chart, ascendant and moon sign and analysis of divisional charts, yogas and doshas, mahadashas, antardashas and conjunctions along with the annual chart (varsh Kundali) and the transits.


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