Taurus 2022 Predictions
Position and Transit of Planets in 2022 for Taurus:
The position and transit of planets during the year 2022 for Taurus will be as follows:
This year on April 13, Jupiter would enter Pisces your 11th house and Rahu will enter in Aries Sign your 12th house on 12 April and Ketu enters Libra your 6th house. Saturn remains in Capricorn your 9th house till 28 April 2022 and enters Aquarius your 10th house on 29 April 2022. In retrograde motion re-enters Capricorn on 12 July 2022 and remains throughout 2022. Venus lord of your own sign and also of your 6th house transits to your 9th house Capricorn on 27th February and then enters Aquarius your 10th house on 31st March and then Pisces your 11th house on 27 April and then Taurus your own sign house on 18th June and then in Libra your 6th house on 18 October. Mars enters Capricorn your 9th house on 16th February and in Pisces your 11th house on 17th May and Aries your 12th house on 27 June. Sun enters your 11th house Pisces on 15th March and your 12th house Aries on 14th April and in Leo your 4thth house on 17 August and Scorpio your 7th house on 16th November. Mercury lord of your 2nd and 5th house will be retrograde in the beginning of the year on 14th January in Capricorn sign your 9th house.
Profession and Career
This year would be auspicious for work and profession perspective. In the beginning of the year, due to the effect of transit of Jupiter in Tenth House, you would have noticeable gains from work. Profession would take a positive turn which causes more profits from business. Probabilities for promotion of employed people do exist. Favourable for those who are looking for a job. In the middle of January month, Mars is going to transit in the eighth house, the house of secrecy. During this transit, you may benefit financially from the hidden sources.
On the other hand, Jupiter is going to transit in Pisces i.e. the eleventh house, the house of profits. In this regard, your business relations are likely to strengthen as the probabilities of profits are likely to increase with this transit of Jupiter. During this period, you may cultivate good relations with your seniors and colleagues. Besides this, there are chances of progress and success in business. The period from August to September is going to be lucky for the natives of this zodiac sign in the context of work and promotions can take place due to the influence of the number of planets i.e. Sun, Venus (through aspect) and Jupiter (positioned) in the house of income during September . During this period, if people put in their best efforts, they will definitely succeed as regards professional life.
The period from April to September is going to be fruitful for both existing businesses as well as venturing into a new business. The end of the year 2022 may be favourable for businessmen from all perspectives.
After April 13, Jupiter in Eleventh House could cause enhancement of income from your business. At that time, you would get cooperation of influential people. After April 19, aspect of Saturn on Fourth House might become a factor for transfer of those who are doing jobs.
Finance and Wealth
Beginning of the year would be auspicious for economic perspectives. There would be incoming of wealth but you might lavishly spend on sources of physical comforts. You could get land, buildings, vehicles and gems etc. because of aspect of Jupiter on Fourth and Second Houses. The year 2022 is going to be average from a financial point of view for the people belonging to the Taurus zodiac sign. The planet Saturn seems to be posited in the tenth house, the house of deeds, and therefore, it will pave new ways of earning. However, the earning and expenses will go hand in hand. It means that the financial position will remain stiff but things may change after April 13 with the transit of Jupiter in your house of income. During this period, you are likely to save money, but if you invest or lend money then you may face loses as Jupiter owns the lordship of the house of loses and uncertainties,
In August the Sun and Mercury are going to transit in the Leo zodiac sign while Mars is going to transit in the Taurus zodiac sign. Due to these planetary movements, there are chances of favourable changes in the context of finance. On the other hand, Jupiter will transit in the eleventh house, the house of profits, in the month of April. In this regard, you may spend a lot of money to fulfil your desires. New possibilities that originated due to the transit of Jupiter are likely to stay with you till the end of the year. By the end of the year, the financial situations may weaken due to over expenses.
After April 13, Jupiter effect on Eleventh House and hence you could receive your long standing payments. Along with this, there would be elevation of your income. You could get rid of loans and debts which were pending since long. You could add to your accumulated wealth money would be spent on marriage ceremony of either brother or sister or son.
House, Family and Children
Beginning of the year would be auspicious for family point of view. Due to the aspectual effect of Jupiter on Fourth House, a peaceful and harmonious environment would prevail in your family. You would get full cooperation of all family members including parents. Your personality would get refined. A positive change in way of your communication and behaviour is imminent. After April 13, you would succeed in your love affairs. Your relationship with your spouse would become melodious. Your social status and prestige would be enhanced due to the effect of aspect of Jupiter on Third House. The year 2022 may be average from a family point of view. In the last part of April month, Saturn will remain posited in the tenth house. During this, there can be misunderstandings with your father or your father may face health-related problems and this may lead to conflicts in the family. After this, there are chances of improvement in the health of your parents from the duration of May till August since the lord of the fourth house of domestic comfort and natural Signifactor of father the Sun will be transiting from favourable houses.
The conjunction of Mars, Venus and Jupiter is going to take place from the middle of May and this may help you get good results in the upcoming months. This conjunction will give you auspicious results from the duration of August till October. During these months, any elder of the family can get rid of prolonged diseases and this will lessen your mental stress. At the end of the year, you may have to be extremely cautious. There are chances of higher expenses to fulfil your desires during this time and this may lead to problems in your family.
As per the year 2022, the natives belonging to the Taurus zodiac sign may get mixed results as regards to married life. There are chances of better understanding in married life at the beginning of the year when the married house lord Mars will be in the eight house of in-laws. During this period, your married life may be full of happiness and peace. Further, your relationship may turn out to be better after April 21, since there will be full grace of Jupiter along with the aspect of seventh house lord in your house of marriage . You may enjoy fresh air in your marital life and there may be positive vibes all around and these things may strengthen your understanding to a great extent.
The duration from the middle of May till October is going to be extremely important for you as your married life may remain under stress. You have to be extra cautious from mid of May till June end as Mars, which is your marriage house lord, will transit in the twelfth house of losses. It would be better if you speak patiently and sincerely. Problems are likely to occur in your married life even after the month of September. There are chances of strained relations due to conflicts and misunderstandings.
However, there are possibilities that the last three months of the year may be favourable from a child’s point of view. During this, your child may succeed in some field or you may get good news in the same context.
The prediction of the year 2022 depicts that the natives may get positive results in the context of love. At the beginning of the year, Mercury, the ruling lord of the fifth house, the house of child and education, is going to transit in the ninth house, the house of fate, and owing to this, the love life can be fruitful. The period from April 17 to June 19 can be favourable for the people having the Taurus zodiac sign, since your love house lord Mercury will be in the rising sign. During this, there are chances of new love relationships. Those who are thinking of proposing to someone may get auspicious results.
The duration from September till November is going to be average from a love point of view. This is due to the position of malefic planet Mars initially in your rising sign and thereafter in your second house with its harsh aspect on your fifth house of love. Although both you and your beloved will come close to each other, you have to be a bit careful. During this, you should not enter into arguments with your lover or quarrel over petty talks. If possible, you should listen to your partner calmly and sincerely and try to understand them. The month of December is likely to infuse fresh air into your relationship as your romance house lord Mercury will be in the house of depth and desires. There are possibilities and the feeling of love and romance can enhance and you may like to spend nice time with your beloved.
The beginning of this year would be moderately auspicious for children point of view. Your children would make progress by dint of their hard work. They would achieve their goals owing to their mental capabilities. After April 13, due to aspectual effect of Jupiter on Fifth House, newlyweds might be blessed with progeny. Your children would have progress. Happy news would be received for your first child. There are auspicious indications for conspicuous progress of your children in the field of education. If your children are in marriage age group, he/she might celebrate a marriage ceremony.
Beginning of the year would not be much favourable for health point of view. Rahu in Ascendant might cause ups and downs in your health. Sometimes you would feel mentally dissatisfied but due to transit of Jupiter in auspicious place would provide conformity to your health. The Horoscope of the year 2022 states that it is likely to give you average results. Although you will get good results by the end of January from a health point of view due to the transit of twelfth house lord Mars in the same month, things will not remain the same from the period of April till September. During this period, you need to be careful about your health. Also, the conjunction of Mars, Venus and Jupiter is going to take place in the middle of May and this may worsen your health. You are also likely to face mental stress in the same duration. On the other hand, there are chances that the health of your parents may turn out better. At the end of the year, you need to be careful about your health and do not avoid minor problems and pay a regular visit to a doctor.
If you are not down with any disease earlier, then it would be auspicious time. If you have any problem from weather borne diseases, you would soon get recovered from that disease. Be pure vegetarian to keep your health up to the mark. There is no indication for any prolonged disease.
Education and Competition
This year would be favourable for competitive examination. There would be success in competitive examination because of aspect of Jupiter and Saturn on Sixth House. Unemployed persons might get employment. The year 2022 is likely to be favourable from an education point of view according to 2022 Taurus Horoscope based on Vedic Astrology, especially those who are preparing for competitive exams. The duration from the middle of January till the end of June is going to be beneficial in the context of education due to the transit of Mars in the eighth house of depth in the month of January. During this, the natives may get opportunities to get higher education. There are possibilities of success for those who are preparing for competitive exams.
The period from April 17 till September is going to give good results due to the transit of Jupiter in your eleventh house from where it will aspect your fifth house of studies. Especially those who are trying to get admission in educational institutions may succeed. During transit, especially from August to September, things are going to be highly beneficial in the context of education. The natives may also secure good marks in competitive exams. They may also get the good news to study on foreign lands. The last two months of the year will give favourable results to the students having the Taurus zodiac sign since your fifth house lord will be in the house of research followed by the house of knowledge and fortune . During this, they are likely to get results as per their expectations.
After April 13, time period is auspicious for students who are desirous of having professional education. Students would be more interested in their studies at all time if you concentrate on your studies, success might be there.
Travel and Transfer
This year would be favourable for performing journeys. Saturn in Ninth House might cause long inland journeys for you. You would undertake more journeys to nearby places after April 13.
There would also be journeys for profession and business after March transit of Rahu in Twelfth House gives strong indications for foreign journeys.
Note: These are general predictions for Taurus for 2022 based on transits of planets over the year. More accurate personalized analysis and predictions with remedial advice can be done after analyzing the individualized birth chart/ horoscope, the placement and overall strength of planets in the natal chart, ascendant and moon sign and analysis of divisional charts, yogas and doshas, mahadashas, antardashas and conjunctions along with the annual chart (varsh Kundali) and the transits.
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