Sagittarius 2022 Predictions

Position and Transit of Planets in 2022 for Sagittarius:

The position and transit of planets during the year 2022 for Sagittarius will be as follows:

This year on April 13, Jupiter would enter Pisces your 4th house. Rahu will enter in Aries Sign your 5th house on 12th April and on same date Ketu will enter Libra your 11th house. Saturn will remain in Capricorn your 2nd house till 28 April 2022 and will enter Aquarius your 3rd house on 29 April 2022. Then Saturn will be in retrograde motion and will re-enter Capricorn on 12 July 2022 and will remain in Capricorn throughout 2022.  Venus which is lord of your 6th and 11th house will transits to your 2nd house Capricorn on 27th February and then will enter Pisces your 4th house on 27 April and then will enter Taurus your 6th house on 18th June and will enter in Virgo your 10th house on 24th September and then will enter in Libra your 11th house on 18 October. Mars will enter Sagittarius your own sign on 16 January then it will enter Capricorn your 2nd house on 16th February and will enter Aries your 5th house on 27 June. Sun will enter your 5th house Aries on 14 April and will enter in Leo your 9th house on 17 August and then will enter Scorpio your 12th house on 16 November. Mercury which is lord of your 7th and 10th house will be retrograde motion in the beginning of the year on 14th January in sign Capricorn your 2nd house.

For Moon Sign- Sagittarius- Sagittarius persons will still be under 3rd cycle of their Saturn Sade Sati this year so they must get analysed their individualised chart for required remedies.

Profession and Career

This year would be quite auspicious for work and profession related matters. In the beginning of the year, because of aspectual effect of Jupiter on Seventh House, you would get cooperation of high officials, senior persons and experienced people. Due to this cooperation, you would considerably gain from your profession. In the beginning of the year, Mars will remain posited in your zodiac sign and this will help you progress in your work. After this, you will be successful during the period from April to mid-September and your seniors will also appreciate your work, due to the aspect of Jupiter in your house of profession.

After this, the transit of Saturn in Aquarius will give positive results to those who are associated with jobs in the period from April to mid-September. During this time, you will be successful in getting promotions and you may get a good hike. Along with this, if any work is pending for a long time then it is likely to be successfully completed during this time. After the month of October, there are possibilities of travelling abroad and this may prove to be highly favourable, since the twelfth house lord of foreign land will be in your seventh house of journey. You are likely to make new contacts and will succeed in earning from different sources.

During the later part of the year, those who are in search of a job will have the opportunity to be successful and as far as the businessmen are concerned, this period is going to be rewarding.

You would be bestowed with success in your business and domain of work by dint of your hard work. After April 13, because of aspect of Jupiter on Tenth House the persons involved in service would be transferred to their respective desired places along with their promotion.

Finance and Wealth

The beginning of the year would be moderately auspicious for economic perspective. In the beginning of the year, due to aspect of Jupiter on Eleventh House, there would be incessant flow of income and hence, you could get rid of old pending debts from this income. Although the transit of Mars in Sagittarius in the middle of January month will strengthen your source of income, you are suggested to control your expenses, otherwise, you may face financial challenges. Jupiter is going to transit in its own zodiac sign i.e. Pisces in the period from April onwards and this time, you will succeed in procuring money from different sources. Especially, the government sector can play a vital role in the same concern since both the planets will aspect your tenth house of authorities.

During this period, you need to stay away from all sorts of illegal activities, otherwise there can be mental stress. Besides this, there are strong possibilities of sudden financial benefits due to the transit of Mercury in your ninth house in the months of August and September. After this, you are suggested to control your expenses in the last two months of the year November and December since your eleventh house lord will be in its own house and then will transit through the twelfth house and lagna during this period.

Auspicious ceremonies would be celebrated in the family and you might spend your money. After April 13 Jupiter would transit in your Fourth House. At that time you can get accumulated wealth such as land or building, vehicle etc.

House, Family and Children

This year would be favourable for family perspective. During the first quarter of the year due to transit of Jupiter in Third House working efficiencies would further develop. You would accomplish some task for social progress or social welfare and your married life is going to be average. The presence of Mars in your zodiac sign may distance you from your life partner in the period from January till mid-February as there are chances that some differences may arise in your relations. In this regard, you are suggested to sit with your partner and sort all the differences amicably.

Along with this, the conjunction of the Sun with Saturn in Capricorn is going to have tremendous effects on your married life from January to mid-February since it will distort the peace and comfort of your home. This may not only intensify arguments but also enter into the blame game. Your harsh words may put you in trouble and you may hurt your life partner unwillingly. In such a scenario, you should mind your language.

However, the situation is likely to reverse in the period starting from June to July 20, 2022 and the feeling of love and affection will return since your seventh house lord will transit in its own house in July. In the last phase of the year, the presence of Jupiter in your fourth house will bring happiness in your married life. Some natives may also go on pilgrimage with their spouses.

The year 2022 is going to bring peace and prosperity in your family life and you are likely to sort the differences that have been taking place over a long period of time. However, you need to be a bit careful in the beginning of the year as you may face mental stress concerning your family matters due to the influence of Mars in your fourth house of domestic comforts and thereafter second house of immediate family. At the same time, the aspect of Mars in your seventh house will help you overcome the problems in a short span of time. Some natives may distance from their family members due to the transit of Saturn in its own zodiac sign i.e. Aquarius in the month of April and this may increase stress level and you may feel alone. But the situations are likely to improve with the passage of time.

The transit of Jupiter in your zodiac sign of 4th house Pisces will impact your fourth house very much favourably and as a result of which, you will feel more attached with your family and family, comforts and assets will increase. During this time, you will help your child and try to cultivate better relations with them and you will be able to create a better image in your family.

Besides this, you will be seen spending quality time with your siblings in the period from September to November

The love life of Sagittarius zodiac sign, the year is going to be fruitful and there are chances that some natives may have the opportunity to tie the knot with their beloved since your love house lord will influence your house of marriage twice this year. However, the presence of Mars in your first house in the beginning of the year is indicating some clashes with your lover. During this time, you may be emotionally unbalanced and this may cause problems to your beloved. In such a situation, you have to bring positive changes in your behaviour.

Besides this, you will desire to take your beloved to a beautiful place and try to sort out all differences in the period from February till mid-April and this may deepen your relations. However, you should keep in mind that the interference of any third person may spoil your relations and therefore, you must not allow anyone to meddle in your affairs.

You may take the decision to let your beloved interact with your family in the last quarter of the year. During this time, some natives may get the cooperation from the family and there are chances that their love relations will touch new heights.

In the later half of the year, your family environment would be congenial as Saturn has its aspectual effect on Jupiter in Fourth House. You would also get cooperation from parents as well as other members of the family and this would yield peace of mind. Auspicious ceremonies would be solemnized in your family and you play a chief role for those ceremonies.

This year would be of average favor for children perspective. In the beginning of the year, your children would make progress by dint of their hard work. This year is specifically auspicious for your second child. This year is specifically auspicious for your second child. If he/she desires for higher education can get admission in a well reputed institution. This year, there are indications of best possible results in the field of education. Focusing on the beginning of the year, you are likely to get good results in studies due to the aspect of your fifth house lord of studies in your fourth and fifth house respectively. Your efforts will pay you off from mid-February till mid-June and you will achieve good results in exams. Fortune will knock at the doors of those who are preparing for competitive exams as you will be in a position to memorise and understand the subjects properly.

Education and Competition

The aspect of Jupiter to your eighth house may bring some unexpected obstacles in your studies after the months of June till August. During this time, you will not be able to focus on your studies. In this regard, you are advised not to lose patience and stay calm and take the help of your friends, Gurus and teachers. However researchers will have an edge during this period and they will be able to explore new horizons due to the aspect of lagna lord in the house of depth.

Besides this, the period from September to November is going to be highly favourable for those who are pursuing higher education due to the influence of the twelfth lord of the overseas in the house of competition and examinations. If you are dreaming of studying abroad, you are likely to hear good news by the end of the year.

From April, Rahu would transit Fifth House. Be cautious for your own decisions and children’s health and education at that time. Pregnant women need to be extra careful and cautious during that period.

Beginning of the year would be favourable for competitive examinations. You would excel in competitive examinations due to the effect of Rahu in Sixth House. You would noticeably reform your way of working by accompanying some experienced persons.

Your all foes would be defeated. But after March effect of transit of Rahu would be on Fifth house and hence it would create hindrances and obstacles in studies of students.


This year would be auspicious for health point of view. If you are not down with any disease earlier then this year would be very much auspicious. You would not bother about your health because of prior engagements in social activities and not be able to consume your food punctually. This might cause deterioration of your health. This year, you will experience positive results from a health point of view. The presence of Saturn in your second house may make you suffer from small problems, but you will not face any serious problems.

From the middle of April till June, you are suggested to take out time from your busy schedule and take rest. There are chances that any prolonged disease or serious ailment may cause your mother health troubles and this will increase your mental stress. As your twelfth house lord Mars will aspect your house of diseases and mother between this period. Besides this, the transit of Venus in your sixth house, the house of diseases, may put you in problems due to infection in the period from June to August. In this regard, you need to take all the precautionary measures to avoid infections. If you drive a vehicle, you are suggested to be careful in the months of November and December as there are chances of meeting with an accident, due to the presence of planet Mars in your sixth house. Leaving aside small problems, the year is going to be favourable from a health point of view.

You must maintain regularity and punctuality as regard to daily routine and diet. Don’t be careless in this regard. Rahu in Fifth House might cause diseases related to stomach.

Travel and Transfer

This year would be auspicious for journey perspective. In the beginning of the year some of you would undertake long journeys as well as short journeys. After April 13, those who are residing away might visit their respective birth places. Due to the aspectual effect of Jupiter on Twelfth House there could be journey to a foreign country also for some of you.

Note: These are general predictions for Sagittarius for 2022 based on transits of planets over the year. More accurate personalized analysis and predictions with remedial advice can be done after analyzing the individualized birth chart/ horoscope, the placement and overall strength of planets in the natal chart, ascendant and moon sign and analysis of divisional charts, yogas and doshas, mahadashas, antardashas and conjunctions along with the annual chart (varsh Kundali) and the transits.

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