Remedies in Astrology

Astrological remedies should be practiced only after your horoscope has been properly analyzed and diagnosis done by an astrologer.

I would like to be very clear here that astrological remedies are meant to first re-discover yourself through your birth chart (natal & progressive), your strengths, your shortcomings, your karmas and your approach to life and relationships to everything, your thoughts and actions, and reasons why you were born in a particular sign and ascendant, the present stage of your evolution, negative and positive influences of planets, reasons of hindrance to results or cause of results, then secondly to heal and progress by certain tested and customized practices and remedial measures to develop yourself and realize your actual potential in different spheres of life thereby gaining best results.

So astrological remedies are not for running away or measures to escape or evade the situation, not for controlling the stars and making them work as per your desire.

Astrology (Jyotish – Eyes of the Vedas) teaches us about overselves foresee situations and conditions and make us to act in a more conscious manner for good results.

 In the long way, astrological practices (which should be done even when there are no problems) and remedies enhance your capabilities and efficiency by changing & evolving your perceptions, thoughts, response and actions.

Following are Ten important types of methods of practices and remedies:

  1. Gemstones
  2. Colours
  3. Mantras
  4. Yantras
  5. Donations
  6. Prayer, Homa and Rituals
  7. Meditation
  8. Right actions and service
  9. Vastu
  • Tantra

I always guide people who approach me to do the recommended remedies with utmost faith. Following thoughts is an example—-

The whole universe is made of energy, each particle, each atom, each cell has certain vibration, certain configuration, certain energy. Everything is connected to another thing. Mind is energy, life is energy, thought is energy and every motion is cyclic in nature.

Amid all this tremendous and huge existence, human beings on this planet have got freedom to think, to analyze, to understand, change and grow.

As an example the people who approach to me and while recommending some specific mantras, I always explain and make them first understand following principle for obtaining results:

Shabda (Word) + Sound (Vibration) + Bhavana (Emotion with faith & clarity of thought) = Shakti (Energy)

Majority say that – For every problem, there is also a solution.

Agreeing to it, I would add a little to it- if there is a problem, there is a cause also to that problem.

……………………………………….  To be continued in further articles coming soon……..