Effect of Rahu & Ketu Transit from 30th October, 2023 To 18th May 2025 on All Ascendant / Moon Signs:

Planets with long duration transits have long, lasting and deep impact on our lives. Transit of Rahu (Moons’ North Node) and Ketu (Moon’s South Node) lasts for about 18 months.

Rahu will transit to Pisces sign and Ketu to Virgo sign on 30 October, 2023 and remain in these respective signs for a period of 18 months till 18 May 2025.

The overall impact of Rahu and Ketu transit should be analyzed on following studies from individual charts and should be looked from both – the Ascendant (rising Lagna) as well as from the Moon Lagna.

  1. The House they are transiting
  2. The Sign they are transiting
  3. The Nakshatra they are transiting
  4. Their own aspects during transit
  5. Aspects of other planets they get during transit
  6. Position & placement of Nodes in the natal chart
  7. Rahu & Ketu return
  8. Conjunction made by the Nodes during transit
  9. Their transits over the natal planets
  10. Position and dignity of their dispositors as well as Saturn and Mars in the chart

Rahu and Ketu are tremendous energy points (called shadow planets in astrology) which indicate not only our past life and present life karmas but also have very significant role in shaping our life and destiny. Rahu & Ketu are the main planets controlling the evolutionary cycle of life. Both planets have their positive as well as negative sides.

Following are the brief narration of the effects of these Nodal Transits which you can read as per your Ascendant and your Moon Sign.

Aries Ascendant / Aries Moon Sign

Rahu transit in 12th house

You will get an opportunity to travel abroad during this period. At the same time you may have to experience sudden gains or losses. You should curd the developing tendency of indulging in unnecessary expenses. You may get some opportunities to prove your worth. Some hindrances in the professional area and health area are foreseen. Many of you may be seen inclined to mystical and spiritual subjects which may change your religious and spiritual thoughts and philosophy.

Some of you may develop affinity towards use of intoxicating substances which should be avoided. You should think twice before taking any major decisions. Mental challenges will be there and you should develop your inner self and confidence. Those who are already pursuing some creative and imaginative works can gain much out of this transit.

Aries Ascendant / Aries Moon Sign

Ketu transit in 6th house

You will get good results only if you remain focussed and pay proper attention to your daily work and routines. Otherwise work and relationships will hamper. You may get into disputes. Some of you may develop interest in medicines or legal subjects or try to learn any new skill involving some research. With this there can be success in competitions.
If you remain vigil opponents will not be able to harm you. Some of you may experience some illness.

related to stomach and intestines. So you need to remain careful about your health, daily routines and develop health eating habits. You should also remain careful for any accidents.

Taurus Ascendant / Taurus Moon Sign

Rahu transit in 11th house

You can expect good progress and gains during this period. Progress can be in the business or job both. You may receive fame and become popular in your work or social circle. You will be attracted to the people in religious and spiritual field also. You may get promotion along with relocation or change. You will have some financial gains.

Those planning for foreign travel may get success. In the dispositor of 11th house is not favourably place then there can be some issues with elder siblings in the family and vice versa and benefits from them if favourably placed and strong. Health of father may need care. Mostly, domestic life will be peaceful. Higher knowledge and education obtained in earlier years will give beneficial results in this period.

Taurus Ascendant / Taurus Moon Sign

Ketu transit 2023 in 5th house

This transit of Ketu will be good for any research based subject, spirituality and related creative pursuits. Some of you will witness change in your work environment or even change of job. Health matters particularly related to stomach may need care. Think twice before making any decision regarding your job or investment.

You will face troubles from your children or will be emotionally and mentally separated from them. Love life and any love relationships will also lack interest in this period. You should avoid your tendency of seeking and expecting perfectionist nature and attitude from your children and love relations. There can be sudden loss and sudden gain with a new start during this period.

Gemini Ascendant / Gemini Moon Sign

Rahu transit in 10th house

Your outlook and actions will change towards your career and profession and many of you will experience growth, rise and expansion in these areas but at the same time it is advised to be highly practical and proceed with a planned approach to avoid any decisions and actions fuelled by illusions and illusory perceptions and some distractions about gains and persons in authority. Some may gain from their father. You will also like to pursue higher education or skills.

You can witness some stability to your sources of income. Some of you may need to take care of your mother’s. Practical and focused approach will yield good results.

Gemini Ascendant / Gemini Moon Sign

Ketu transit 2023 in 4th house

You may witness sudden transformations in domestic environment. You may be away from your home or from your mother due to any of the reasons. Health of mother will need care. Some of your may travel abroad also. This transit of Ketu will trigger spiritual and meditation practices in many of you. You may be planning for a new house. Some misunderstandings at your home is seen in the family.

You should be careful while driving vehicles. Make expenses and investments carefully. You should try to avoid disputes related to your home or property.

Cancer Ascendant / Cancer Moon Sign

Rahu transit in 9th house

This transit will give you pilgrimages and related long travels. You may become inclined towards religious and philosophical subjects whereas some of you may be planning for higher education, travel for it and also interact with persons of different cultural background and different ethnicity. As your knowledge and related views will change many of you may start questioning your previous Gurus and their philosophies. Some of you may travel abroad for pursuing higher studies.

Health of parents may be a cause of concern for many. You should also take care while travelling to avoid any accidents.

Cancer Ascendant / Cancer Moon Sign

Ketu transit 2023 in 3rd house

Those who are seeking new approach and results in education and career will find this transit useful with proper focus. You can learn any new skill related to your job and work and accumulate good knowledge which will give good results in your job. Some of you may be travelling abroad. Health of your parents may need your attention and care.

You will be inclined to plan out a own business and venture related to communication, travelling or any research. There can be some low confidence in you and you need to overcome it with consistent approach. You may feel disturbed or separated from your younger siblings. Be careful while driving vehicles.

Leo Ascendant / Leo Moon Sign

Rahu transit in 8th house

Transit of Rahu in your 8th house can give variety of results which will depend on your mental status whether strong or weak, your lord of Ascendant, placement of Saturn and its strength in your particular charts and also on the lord of your 8th house. Some of you might develop interest in mystical and spiritual matters and matters related to other world. Life may witness some major transformation either due to some incident or some change within. This transformation can be good and gainful or bad depending on the individual charts. Some of you may gain money and assets by some sudden ancestral inheritance whereas some of you might face major conflict in getting benefit by some inheritance or from the side of in-laws property. You will witness conflict in relationships.

Some of you may take up some research related work which may benefit others. Those in business will have opportunities of gains but they should guard themselves from frauds as well as they also should not cheat others. You should also guard from sudden illness or accidents. There may be sudden tendency towards sexual gratification.

Leo Ascendant / Leo Moon Sign

Ketu transit 2023 in 2nd house

This transit of Ketu will require utmost care and attention in matters related to your overall family, financial matters and way of communication. You may be separated from your family either physically or emotionally. You will benefit from research on financial related matters. You should watch your investments and make efforts to save your money. Your manner of communication will see a transformation and avoid disputes within family and think twice before speaking.

You may witness sudden expenses. There can be rise in mental stress and take care of your eyes and also of eating habits. You should take care of your home and belongings. Relationships with your spouse may witness some stress.

Virgo Ascendant / Virgo Moon Sign

Rahu transit in 7th house

You should be vigilant as well as practical while engaging in any financial transaction or business relationships to avoid being misled or cheated. There will be intense desire to form business relations enter into communications and related investments. You will also have intense desire to enter into physical relationship with other persons of other culture or foreign persons or entering into a love marriage. You will gain substantially if you remain practical and focussed.

Differences might arise in a marriage or in relationships with spouse and there can be a break up. Or health of your partner may require attention. Your own health may also need attention if your lagna lord is weak or any unfavourable Mahadasha is in progress. For those whose Rahu is already exalted in Kendra houses and Rahu Mahadasha is also in progress may gain substantial financial gains.

Virgo Ascendant / Virgo Moon Sign

Ketu transit 2023 in 1st house

This transit of Ketu wants you to work on yourself with introspection and internal focus on the own self because suddenly you may feel separated or isolated from others or within your own mental frame. Due to this you may start lacing self confidence and self image. Only attention within and self introspection and self analysis will bring out desired positive transformation and evolution and this transit can help you immensely in this aspect.

Health may need care. Good for higher education. Avoid taking loans if not too necessary. There can be some stressful moments in your married life. Transparency, practicality and logical approach are the desired way.

Libra Ascendant / Libra Moon Sign

Rahu transit in 6th house

Rahu will give good results in your career and job or any enterprise if you remain focussed and active towards daily tasks. There can be financial gains and benefits in this area. You will also grow if you try to learn some new skills related to your job. It is also advised that you should remain alert and practical and not get involved in office politics, avoid illusion and conflict with co-workers. You may also plan to take small or even big loan for yourself or for your children for education. If 6th lord and Mercury are will placed then you may get good gains and benefits from your Maternal Uncles.

Health will require attention during this period. Some sudden illness may erupt may be related to intestines, immune system or lymphatic system which may require proper diagnosis and treatment. So health should be guarded.

Libra Ascendant / Libra Moon Sign

Ketu transit 2023 in 12th house

You will experience some stress and conflict in your married life leading to differences with your spouse and in-laws. There will be decline in sexual desires. You will get opportunities to travel abroad. You should remain practical while making big expenditures during this period and also avoid lending money to others.

You will like and develop interest and invest your time and energy in matters related to deep research, imaginative subjects, spiritual subjects and practices. So this transit is good for your spiritual growth.

Scorpio Ascendant / Scorpio Moon Sign

Rahu transit 2023 in 5th house

You will suddenly experience rise in your creative thoughts, images and indulge in creative pursuits. The area of creativity to find source of happiness can be related to your work, home, education, hobby and even spirituality. Some of you may find new love relationship. Some of you may be planning for childbirth or for new investments. But these areas need proper focus and planning as there can be problems at child birth and love or romance may have some hidden motive or there can be cheating.

There can be sudden ending of job or work and starting a new job or work for some. In case prevalent Mahadasha is not favourable and 5th lord is weak or badly placed this will result in illusion and confusion in your mind while taking decisions which may lead to anxiety, challenges and misunderstandings in future.

Scorpio Ascendant / Scorpio Moon Sign

Ketu transit 2023 in 11th house

You will experience a feeling of emotional separation from elder siblings and friends. Your social circle will become lesser. There can be change in your residence either permanently or for some period of time. You may remain away from your mother. Some of you will feel isolated within your circle of large company. There can be sudden change of your source of income for some.

There is also possibility of acquiring new assets or profit from your business or you may start your own business. Planning done previously may start materializing now and there can be flow of income. You will benefit if you do meditation practice. If your children are grown up they may try to find their soul mate.

Sagittarius Ascendant / Sagittarius Moon Sign

Rahu transit in 4th house

Your Mother’s health may need attention and you may have to incur expenses on this regard. Matters related to real estate or home may gain importance. Either you may be dealing for purchase, sale or renovation and expenses seen in these areas. But you should be careful during all such dealings and transactions. 

Those who were planning for foreign travel will have related journeys. Many of you may also plan for some start up from your home. If 4th lord is unfavourably placed in your chart then domestic environment may remain tense. There can be relocation or change in work for some. You should drive vehicle carefully during this period.

Sagittarius Ascendant / Sagittarius Moon Sign

Ketu transit 2023 in 10th house

Situations at workplace may become stressful as there can be job change or even relocation. Relations with superiors and co-workers at workplace may become bad. You may not get the desired progress in the professional area. You may lose interest and consistent efforts and lack of focus in your work which may cause troubles. If you remain focussed and consistent in your work then you may receive some recognition.

Some of you may want to start your own work. Health of your father will need care and also your relationship with him.


Capricorn Ascendant / Capricorn Moon Sign

Rahu transit in 3rd house

You will feel sudden enhancement in your courage, will and approach towards communications and your active efforts which may give optimistic results. You will try to complete your tasks and assignments in haste and earlier. Many of you may plan for having your own business setup. Daily routine can be hectic and with desire to achieve. There can be foreign travel for some. You will be focussed to learn new things. Relations and communication with siblings will find new pace and support. Some of you may get fame in your society.

Some of you may have to face some conflicts at your workplace whereas some of you may get recognitions and increment at your work place. Health of parents may need attention and care. Be careful while driving vehicles as you would always like to accelerate at high speeds. Ongoing legal conflicts may be in your favour ultimately.

Capricorn Ascendant / Capricorn Moon Sign

Ketu transit 2023 in 9th house

Your views and beliefs regarding religion and philosophy may change. You may begin questioning your teachers and leaders. You will develop deep interest in research, religion and higher education which can be beneficial. Some of you may even travel to other countries for higher education.

Health of parents may need care. Some of you may suddenly experience lack of earlier support from superiors and change or switch your job. There can be religious journeys. You should avoid conflicts and disputes with your siblings or children.

Aquarius Ascendant / Aquarius Moon Sign

Rahu transit in 2nd house

Matters related to money, finance and family will be affected. Either there will be gain of good wealth for some of you or great loss of wealth due to illusion and wrong decisions regarding investments and assets. Your communication may become tricky or may not be clear. There may be foreign travels in the family. Expenses may rise.

Relationships within family may go through some unusual communication. With practical and focussed approach and attitude Rahu in this transit can also give substantial gain in your career and business. There can be some challenges in married life. Those having weak eyesight and dental problems may need more treatment and care.

Aquarius Ascendant / Aquarius Moon Sign

Ketu transit 2023 in 8th house

Transit of Ketu in your 8th house can give good and bad results depending on your individual horoscope, lord of 8th and placement of Saturn and Mars. Your life can go through some transformations which can be good as well as bad. There can be issues related to inheritance and some relationships may end. Some issues with in-laws can be experienced.

Some of you who are already in this path can see enhancement in your progress in your spiritual path and related research and activities. You should also be careful with accidents and health issues and check your eating selection and habits. There can be some financial loss if practical and focussed approach is not applied during investments and maintaining assets.

Pisces Ascendant / Pisces Moon Sign

Rahu transit in 1st house

You will become more imaginative, creative and be inclined to spirituality. Some health issues will also be faced by many of you so you need to focus on your mental and physical health during entire period of this transit. You will be tempted to make unnecessary expenses which may need control.

Some of you may be opting for higher education or travel abroad. You will develop illusion in your mind and dealings or you may show up to others in an illusory image. There can be some stress in family and work place and relationship will need proper care and practical approach. The best thing during this transit is that if you focus on yourself, your mind, body and spirit and work on yourself there can be immense evolutionary progress and positive change in your life.

Pisces Ascendant / Pisces Moon Sign

Ketu transit 2023 in 7th house

All matters related with relationships will require your focus and attention as there can be relationship issues, conflicts and separation from your spouse, in-laws and family. There can be some misunderstanding within relationships. You should watch your words and actions before you speak. If your work is related to serving others and through research based ventures then it can be a profitable and beneficial phase of transit.

You should also watch and take care of your health and mental stress and take necessary medical advice. Health of your spouse may also need attention. You should also check twice before making big expenses.