Pisces 2022 Predictions

Position and Transit of Planets in 2022 for Pisces:

The position and transit of planets during the year 2022 for Pisces will be as follows:

This year on April 13, Jupiter would enter Pisces your own Sign and Rahu will enter in Aries Sign your 2nd house on 12 April and Ketu enters Libra your 8th house. Saturn remains in Capricorn your 11th house till 28 April 2022 and enters Aquarius your 12th house on 29 April 2022. In retrograde motion re-enters Capricorn on 12 July 2022 and remains throughout 2022.  Venus lord of your 3rd and also lord of 8th houses enters your own sign Pisces on 27 April and then Taurus your 3rd house on 18th June and in Virgo your 7th house on 24th September and then in Libra your 8th house on 18 October. Mars enters Sagittarius your 10th house on 16 January then it enters Capricorn your 11th house on 16th February and Aries your 2nd house on 27 June. Sun enters your 2nd house Aries on 14 April and in Leo your 6th house on 17 August and then Scorpio your 9th house on 16 November. Mercury lord of your 4th and 7th house will be retrograde in the beginning of the year on 14th January in Capricorn sign your 11th house.


Profession and Career

Beginning of the year would have mixed effects as regard to work and profession. During this period don’t start any new venture, run the already existing business in a planned way. People in service might be transferred temporarily i.e. for a short period. According to the Career Horoscope 2022 for Pisces, this year is going to be favourable for the natives of the Pisces zodiac sign. Beginning of the year, the transit of Mars this year after mid-January in your seventh house will have its fourth aspect in the house of profession, which will give you much better results than normal at the workplace. Due to this, you will get immense success in both work or business. Also, for those people who are looking for a new job, this year will prove to be a better time than usual.

After this, in the month of April, the transit of Jupiter will be in your own zodiac sign, as a result of which your own sign will be activated. During this period, the maximum job occupants will be able to earn their cooperation at the workplace while improving their relations with their officers and colleagues since Jupiter will aspect your ninth house of luck and respect. Then from August to mid-September, the natives of Pisces zodiac sign will have luck on their side at the workplace since Mars will have its direct aspect in your house of profession, which will help them to progress and move ahead in life along with earning a promotion. In such a situation, take advantage of this time and to get the most benefit out of this auspicious period, continue your efforts and hard work.

For the businessmen and merchants, the period from April to September this year will prove to be very good for those who are doing business or are looking for starting a new business as your rising sign and the house of fortune will be active with the positive influence of lagna lord Jupiter. Also, the end of the year is going to be good for most businessmen. Apart from this, those employed natives who were thinking of starting a new business venture apart from their job, will also see favourable outcomes.

After April 13, due to the aspectual effect of Jupiter on Seventh House, you would undertake something distinctive in your business which yields excellent profits. You would develop novel ways for your business because of Jupiter posited in ascendant and this would ensure success for your business.


Finance and Wealth

This year is going to be very good. With this, you will be able to earn money through different means since the eleventh house lord of income and gains will be on its own houses most of the year. After mid-April, Saturn’s transit in the twelfth house from the eleventh house from your sign will also create a new source of income. Especially from April 13, you will be able to accumulate your money, which will increase your bank balance and with the help of this, you can decide to invest in some kind of policy as well.

However, the constant movement of planet Mars, which is the lord of the second house of wealth from October to November, is indicating that this period will bring some positive changes in your economic situation. Which will help you land an increment and promotion. But in the last phase of the year, especially during the month of November to the end of December, the transit of Jupiter will remain in your zodiac sign i.e. it will affect your first house, as a result of which you will be seen spending openly on your comforts and ambitions. You will enjoy the material pleasure from this, but for this you may have to spend a large part of your money. Chances are also showing the possibility of benefiting through some kind of ancestral property for many natives during this period since Jupiter will aspect your ninth house of luck and paternal things.

This year would be moderately auspicious for economic perspective. In Twelfth House (up to April 13) you would incur more expenditure, Saturn in Eleventh House would provide incessant flow income and you could get rid of your prolonged debts.

You might get your blocked wealth. You could get gains from elder brother or friends. This time period is specifically auspicious for investment. If you made an investment at this time, you could make desired savings.


House, Family and Children

This year would have mixed effects on family. You would not be able to devote sufficient time to family members due to your prior engagements. This could cause some contrary opinion with a family member. According to Pisces Horoscope 2022, this time is going to be better than normal for married couples of Pisces zodiac sign. Especially the beginning of the year i.e January to March will be a much better time for you, your seventh house lord Mercury will have an influence on its own house in the month of March. During this time, you will be able to understand your spouse and communicate with them freely. This will be the time when you will feel an immense sense of love and romance towards your beloved in your relationship and this situation will increase happiness and peace in your married life.

After April 21, the relationship between you and your spouse will undergo an innovative makeover due to the aspect of the planet of wisdom Jupiter in your house of marriage. However, from mid-May to October, you are advised to be a little cautious. Because at this time, married natives will have to face some stressful circumstances. In such a situation, keeping in mind such factors, there will be a need for you to move forward. Additionally, after September, there can be unnecessary arguments taking place in your married life since the seventh house lord will be in the eighth house of uncertainties during this period.

In the last three months of the year 2022 (October, November, and December), you will get some good news related to your children, which will bring happiness and prosperity in your married life. If you are unmarried but eligible, then during the middle of the year, there are chances of them getting married.

According to the 2022 Yearly Horoscope for family life the people of Pisces zodiac sign will get favourable results in the year 2022 since the fourth house lord Mercury will be transiting from the first and second houses respectively in the months of March and April. In the beginning, there will be a feeling of peace and prosperity in the family, and you will be seen spending some time with the members at home. However, after this, Saturn will be seen transiting in Aquarius during the last phase of April, as a result, Saturn, the Mighty Justice, will be in the twelfth house of your zodiac sign. It will create some yogas where you may have to stay far from your family. At this time you will have to go away from your home for some time for a reason and chances are that many of the natives may travel abroad.

The period from May to August will also be auspicious for you since the fourth house lord will be transiting from the favourable houses. Especially if your mother was suffering from some health problems, her health will improve during this time. This will also improve your relationship with her. From the middle phase of May, the position of Jupiter in your own zodiac sign and its conjunction with the other two planets Mars and Venus in your zodiac sign will help you incur the blessings and support of the elders of the family along with the benefits from the family. During this time, you will be able to earn good profit from your maternal side.

From August to October this year, you will also attain freedom from any of your chronic diseases, which will make you feel relaxed to a great extent. Your eighth house lord of chronic diseases will be in a debilitated position with less power in the month of September, which can give strength in recovery. However, the last phase of the year will prove to be a little cautious for you. Because during this time, you will need to act more carefully in family life. In such a situation, it is also possible to spend your money on some household items. This can also spoil the peaceful atmosphere of the house. Also, behave decently by treating the members well at this time, otherwise your image may get spoiled in a matter of seconds.

According to the Love Horoscope 2022, this year is going to give normal results in love relationships for the natives of the Pisces zodiac sign. At the beginning of the year, the presence of the planet Mercury, the ruling lord of the fourth and seventh house, in your zodiac sign Pisces, thereafter in the house of wealth followed by in your house of love in July is indicating favourable results in your love relationship. On the other hand, if you are still single, then it is possible for you to meet a special person in your life during this period. Chances are high that you meet this person with the help of a friend, close friend or social media, who will gradually play an important role in your life.

The time from April 17 to June 19 will prove to be a little better for your love. However, during this time, you should also avoid dominating your beloved, and talk to them using profanity. Otherwise your lover may feel suffocated in this relationship.

Then between September to November, you will feel liberated with all kinds of misunderstandings and love and romance will rise in your love life since the twelfth house lord of distance will aspect your love house during this period. In spite of this, you will have to make your beloved understand without getting into any disputable issues with them.

Apart from this, the last month of the year, i.e. December, is going to be the best time for your love life. Because, during this time, many lovers can decide to tie the knot but before that, you will try and arrange a meeting between your family and beloved since the seventh house lord will transit in your fourth house of domestic life.

After transit of Jupiter, time period would turn favourable but still there could be some stressful situation in the family. So be tolerant and have patience. Newlyweds might be blessed with offspring.

This year would be favourable for children perspectives. On April 13, Jupiter would transit your sign. At that time your children would attain success by dint of their hard work. According to Pisces Yearly Horoscope 2022, the year 2022 is going to be better for you in terms of education. From the middle of January to June this year, the transit of the red planet Mars in Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces will prove to be good for the natives who are pursuing higher education. At the same time, students preparing for competitive exams or government examinations will also be able to achieve great results. By this, they will be able to get good marks and gain immense enthusiasm.


Education and Competition

The transit of Jupiter in your own zodiac sign from April 13 will affect your first house. Due to this, those entering the world of academics will get immense success. The position of the planets is showing that the time from August to September is going to be most favourable for you since there will be the conjunction of three planets Sun, Mercury, and Venus in your fifth house of studies. Because during this time you will also be able to remember and understand the courses which you were finding to be difficult. With this, you will be successful in every competitive examination with better marks.

If you are pursuing higher education, then this period will be very beneficial for you. Also, those students who were dreaming of going abroad will most likely get some good news in the last part of this year . The last two months of the year i.e. November and December will deliver fruitful outcomes as per your expectations and hard work as there will be aspect of three planets on your fourth house of studies. So it would be better for you to try to keep yourself focused on your education right from the beginning. For this, if necessary, make the right changes in your company. This year would be auspicious for competitive examinations. Due to aspect of Jupiter on Sixth House, you would get success. You would reform your working style by associating yourself with experienced persons.

You would have cooperation of senior people. Gains would flow to you from your works. There is probability for unemployed people to get employment. Time period would become more favourable after transit of Jupiter

Time period is very much auspicious for your second child. If he/she is in marriageable group, he/she could solemnize his/her marriage.



This year would be moderately auspicious for health of view. Initial 3 to 4 months of the beginning of the year due to Transit of Jupiter in Twelfth House is not much auspicious for health. If you are down with any disease earlier, this time period could be more painful. Pisces Health Horoscope 2022 for the coming New Year will bring normal results for the natives of your zodiac sign. Because the beginning of this year will be mixed for you, after which the planet Mars will make transit and change its position in the middle of January in your tenth house. During this time, you will see an improvement in your health. With which you will be able to embrace a healthy life.

From mid-April to September, Saturn’s full aspect on your house of diseases and sickness is indicating that you have to focus your attention on your health at this time. In such a situation, do not ignore even the smallest problem, consult a good doctor. Apart from this, from the middle of May, there will be a conjunction of three planets Mars, Venus and Jupiter in the first house, which will increase your mental tension. During this time, you will have to refrain from thinking over anything, otherwise you may have to suffer from problems like headaches due to excessive mental stress.

However, during the period from May to August, your parents’ health is likely to improve due to the transit of Mercury and Sun in your sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth houses during this period, so you will remain somewhat stress-free. Also, during the last phase of the year i.e. from October to December, you may plan to travel somewhere. During this time, you are also likely to face some problems with these journeys. In this case, avoid going on all kinds of journeys for now and if necessary, take special precautions.

After April 13, time period is turning more favourable you would develop positive thoughts due to the effects of Jupiter in Ascendant. While realizing the importance of vegetarian diet, regular occupation of the day, Yoga and meditation etc. you would practice these for purity of mind and physical fitness.


Travel and Transfer

Beginning of the year would be favourable for journey perspective. Jupiter in Twelfth House is a strong indication for foreign journey for some of you. During this period you would perform a journey to a foreign country. There are indications for short and long journeys after April 13.


Note: These are general predictions for Pisces for 2022 based on transits of planets over the year. More accurate personalized analysis and predictions with remedial advice can be done after analyzing the individualized birth chart/ horoscope, the placement and overall strength of planets in the natal chart, ascendant and moon sign and analysis of divisional charts, yogas and doshas, mahadashas, antardashas and conjunctions along with the annual chart (varsh Kundali) and the transits.


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