Missing Numbers

Missing Numbers often indicate the missing traits, characteristics – desirable or undesirable- from a person’s persona. They also indicate some important lesson a person needs to learn, or maybe some important habits a person needs to cultivate, in order to lead a more balanced life.

Moreover, understanding your life partner’s missing numbers can help you become supportive in their pursuit to overcome their flaws and shortcomings and be tolerant at times if required.

The absence of a number’s energy, because a number is missing, creates a tendency to approach life in certain ways. It attracts experiences consistent with the approach.

Two persons may have same Life Path Numbers but they can be entirely different in their characteristics, behavior and approach due to difference in Missing Numbers.

Missing Numbers also indicate the specific areas of our life which we need to work up consciously. Because you may have worked very hard and prepared a very good recipe but one or two very small ingredients were missed and this results entire recipe useless and neglected. 

So we must discover and analyse our chart for missing number and make conscious efforts for transformation and gradual evolution. Lack of a particular number is a weak link which if understood and worked upon can become our greatest strength.

How to discover and calculate the Missing Numbers in your Chart:

I have observed many people calculate their missing numbers from their Name numbers only. But this is not correct approach.

The missing number may be elsewhere in the person’s numerology chart. In that case, the effect of the missing number energy tends to be less.

So, I always suggest and advice that the missing numbers should be analyzed by calculating the Name chart as well as the full Date of Birth Chart.

Example: Name SRISTI RAI

S=1              R=9

R=9              A=1

I=9               I=9

S=1         Total =19

T=2              =1


Total 31


Name Number Total =4+1=5


Date of Birth of Sristi Rai: June 14, 1980

Birth No 1+4=5

Month No 6

Year Total 1+9+8+0= 9

Life Path No 5+6+9= 20 =2+0=2


So Numbers present in Date of Birth and Name are:  1,4,6,1,9,8,5,6,9,2

Missing Numbers are: 3 and 7



Meaning of Missing Numbers


Missing Number One –
If number one is missing, person is lacking initiative, will and determination. He should learn to be more confident on his judgment and should trust his individuality. You need to work on your confidence and drive. Learn to take the lead in your relationships and not be shoved into the background by others. Work on your self-image. You should engage in creative outlets for enabling to express emotions constructively and creatively.

Missing Number Two –
You lack sensitivity and intuition. You need to become more sensitive to the needs of others. Learn to trust your intuition about other people. You need to be more open to cooperation with those around you.

Number two in a chart makes it difficult for a person to cooperate and work as a team member. Lack of two can create problem as we all are interdependent but this can be compensated if 3, 6 and 9 are there in the chart. Instead of a tendency for justifying your immature actions, you should admit your mistakes and learn from it. You should learn to balance your heart and mind energies.


Missing Number Three –
Life will provide him situations where he needs to be more optimistic, creative and imaginative. It is important to be upbeat and express yourself better to make your mark in some areas of life. As you will lack confidence and find it difficult to express yourself. You may have a need for more imagination or you may find creative expression difficult in some way. Math can be a problem area for you. You may be faced with distractions in your life.


Missing Number Four –
You need to be more practical in your day-to-day life as you will find it difficult to set yourself in a set routine. You dislike working on tasks which are boring or do not challenge you. Carelessness over details can cause problems for you. You can be disorganized and lack motivation. Many tasks that you attempt will be abandoned before they are completed. One with no 4’s in the chart will have to learn practical aspect of issues. Person will find it difficult to work hard and nature demands same from him. Deficiency of 4 can be compensated by 8’s in the chart. You should learn tolerance.


Missing Number Five –
You have problems in motivating yourself and need to be pushed by outside forces to be productive. It is difficult for you to set your goals and lack drive and vitality. You tend to be uncertain about which path to take in life. You recognize many opportunities in your life but do not know how to use them. A life partner or friend who pushes you to take action can be a blessing to you. Change is the only constant thing in life. If five is missing in your chart it is important for you to learn to be more flexible and adaptable. Life gives you new experience every moment and you need to change accordingly for your own betterment.


Missing Number Six –
Lack of six makes a person irresponsible and one who shuns duties. Circumstances will give you opportunities to learn taking responsibilities. It might appear to you as a burden but if you accept you will get reward of highest order. You may try to hide your innermost feelings from others and this can give mental disturbance and problem with relationships.  Your home life, though important, is not the central focus of your life. An appreciation of beauty or art may need to be developed. You may have had conflict with one of your parents as a child. Some element may be missing from your home life.


Missing Number Seven –
You may be hesitant to rely on yourself for strength. You fear loneliness and crave the support of others. You can be highly disorganised in your feelings and perceptions. This ultimately reflects in your actions. You may have problems keeping yourself physically fit. You distrust anything which must be taken on faith. You need to see things with your own eyes before you’ll believe them. You distrust your own talents and have no interest in spiritual matters. You must specialize in one particular field as you will have to understand things more deeply than understanding them at superficial level. Be more research oriented. You should learn to express your feelings and feel more relaxed.


Missing Number Eight – 
You need to work on your organizational skills. You tend to avoid the details in a job. You may have a lazy streak. Carelessness about money and handling financial matters affect you. Lack of attention to the mundane chores of life could be your downfall. No eights in name means you lack judgment and are poor in handling money. You also leave tasks unfinished. It is important for you to learn handling finances otherwise there might be some problem at the financial ends. You should learn logical thinking and practical actions.


Missing Number Nine – 
They have tendency to overlook the feelings and needs of others. Lack of these traits can cause trouble in both your personal and professional life. They are unconcerned about the needs and feelings of others. There is a need to be more compassionate and kind to others. You need to develop a broader view of life; A long-term goal. Seek the help of others in this area. Their view may be clearer than yours. They should develop humanitarian qualities.