Dasha and various factors related to Dasha also termed as planets periodicity has deep link with the timing of events, psychological transformation and evolution of the soul in our life. Analysis of Dasha and its sub-periods help us to foresee and understand the events in our life and focus our thoughts and energies accordingly along with related opportunities, some cautions and remedies.
There are three important things for an event to take place in a native’s life – The Natal Chart, Transit and Dasa. The natal chart shows the potential. The order of events is described under Dasa and Mahadasha system.
The Mahadasha cycle also has deep link with the chakras within our body linked to the specific planets and entire karmic pattern crossing over birth and rebirth. Each Mahadasha makes you a different person with certain transformations.
But most importantly, it will be seen that each Mahadasha affects each person in a different way. Because each chart is unique, each Ascendant is unique with different planetary lordships of houses, placement of planets, lord of different houses or Bhava, degrees, aspects, ruling nakshatras, position of Rahu and Ketu, benefic and malefic planets, afflictions, good and bad yogas and much more.
Due to this ignorance prevalent in people, I have seen several persons who came to me at later stage narrating that they thought and assumed that Jupiter or Mercury were good planets for them but during their Mahadasha, they are experiencing very bad & devastating conditions and results.
Following points are activated during the Mahadasha of any planet
- The person’s mind and actions will become like that planet.
- The Karaka Bhava or house of that planet is also activated.
- Whichever house or houses that planet owns or is lord of, that or those houses become activated.
- The house occupied by the planet will get activated and start showing the matters related to the house it owns.
- Experiences will also start to manifest as per the Sign in which the planet is placed.
- The Nakshatra in which the Mahadasha Planet is placed, the ruling Planet of that particular Nakshatra also gets activated and starts showing results of the house it is occupying in the natal chart.
- Aspects (Drhisti) on the planet also become active.
- Any planet in the natal chart which is placed in the Nakshatra of the Mahadasha lord planet will also get activation.
- Yearly chart of Varshphal Chart also need to be analysed.

Analysis of Maha Dasha and its sub-periods help us to foresee and understand the events in our life and focus our thoughts, energies and actions accordingly along with related opportunities, some cautions and remedies.