Life Path Numbers and Meaning

Life Path number displays your possibilities and favourable direction for you in life. It reflects the Universe’s design embodied in you. Life Path number suggests your unique way through the trials of life, taking into accounts your natural inclinations and state of mind. It makes an emphasis on what you should develop in yourself in order to be happy in your sense of this word

As its names suggest, it shows our mission in life, our life work and what the universe intends for us. It indicates the main lesson we have come to learn in this world. It shows the opportunities we must utilize in order to make the most of our innate abilities.

Along with zodiac signs, each person is born with a unique numerology personality that influences the way all Life Path numbers think.

In fact, Life Path numbers are another way of listening to what the universe is trying to say. They reveal your thought process and why you are an independent thinker when compared to someone else. Not only is it vital to understand your strengths during this journey, but also your challenges. It will help you feel less alone, knowing that other Life Path numbers face the same obstacle. Life Path Number is also called as Conductor Number.

It is always a spiritual, profound journey when we learn more about ourselves, and we all are connected to the universe.

Your life path number shows the destined path that you will be walking down in this lifetime. It shows your true nature, uniqueness as a person, and the karmic debt that you have to work through. To find your life-path number, you’ll need to add the numerical month plus day plus year in which you were born.

Life Path is the most important number in your numerology chart. It begins the moment the curtain opens on your life and sets you on the road you will travel. Your Life Path reveals the opportunities and challenges you will encounter throughout your journey

You are not placed on your Life Path without the talents and tools you need to realize your potential. 

That’s why the logo of Astrojai says: “Discover – Transform – Evolve”

How to calculate your Life Path Number:

The sum total of day, month and year of one’s birth is called by different names such as:- the Life Path, Life Lesson, Birth Path, Birth Force or, sometimes, Destiny number.

Example: Suppose a person is born on 14th February, 1982

We have to total : 14 + 02+ 1982. First reduce each number into a single root digit.

Day Total:  14 = 1+4 = 5

Month Total: 0+2 = 2

Year Total: 1+9+8+2 = 20 and further 2+0 = 2

Now total all the single digit numbers arrived for the day, month and year: 5+2+2 = 9

So 9 is the Life Path Number for a person born on 14th February, 1982.

Imp Note: Here we need to keep in mind that Numbers 11, 22 and 33 are called as ‘Master Numbers’ in Numerology and these two digit numbers should never be reduced into a single digit number.

Example: Suppose a person is born on 29th May, 1968

Day Total: 2+9 = 11 (Now 11 is master number and not to be reduced further)

Month Total: 0+5 = 5

Year Total: 1+9+6+8 = 24 and further 2+4 = 6

Now total all the arrived digits for Day, Month and Year as follows:

11+5+6 = 22

So, the Life Path of the person born on 29th May, 1968 is 22 which is Master Number and not to be reduced further.

(This is my date of birth. Birth Number is 11 and Life Path Number is 22. Both are Master Numbers.) Master Numbers in Numerology bring higher intuition, spiritual insight, deep intelligence, illumination and are inspiring world healers, visionaries and teachers.


Life Path  1 – The Originator with Creativity and Confidence. Independence

You have a destiny to stand on your own, to believe in yourself, your own ideas and your own potential. Yours will be the life of the leader and the pioneer. Being a unique individual, you can follow your own path and live free from many of the rules that govern others. You may, however, have to fight to live the way you want and to accomplish what you want to do.

Your bright personality and positive nature will provide you with the leadership in any area of life, where you will try yourself. And you will never be in a subordinate position. Your ambitions are based on the determination that makes you a respected person.

The lesson you must learn is the benefit of independence. It is a two-part lesson. First you must learn to stand on your own two feet and not be dependent on others. Second, the harder part of the lesson, is to attain and achieve by your own independent and individual efforts.

You will be divinely inspired and have a great deal of physical energy, communication skills, and many talents. Since 1 is a number of firsts, you will strive to be number one and be competitive, even if it is only with yourself. You are wilfully, confident and assertive.

The most difficult part of the lesson for the number 1 Life Path is to achieve and attain. The satisfaction comes from your own efforts. You must learn and develop self motivation, confidence and belief in your own capabilities. You must learn to develop leadership capabilities, delegation, planning, self discipline and an understanding of the needs of other people.

You have extremely high standards and will strive to be the first at everything you do. You require variety and independence. You are an innovator and inventor who love to find creative solutions. You’re a born leader and innovator, so you make a great entrepreneur or manager – any career that allows you autonomy.

Your way of solving problems is unique, and you are brave enough to wander away from well-beaten paths.  You are always annoyed with your own failures, as well as with failures of others. You are always very much concerned about your own life and strive for success and satisfaction


Life Path  2The Peace Maker with Intuition and Sensitivity

You will be loving and very sensitive to pleasing others, as well as receiving subtle energy and subconscious messages.

Your Life Path of 2 means that your destiny unfolds through relationships with others. Yours is the path of the diplomat and the peacemaker, and it is by the cautious and persistent exercise of your subtle influence that you will accomplish your goals in life. Working best as part of team, you are attracted to strong willed people. Your patience and ability to deal with details can work to the advantage of you both.

You are extremely receptive, sensitive. your sensitivity can cause a lot of trouble. Your hypersensitive ego is easily injured, and you can go all totally out for someone, not paying attention to comments and criticism.
You are aware of others’ needs and moods and often think of others before themselves.  Naturally analytical and very intuitive YOU don’t like to be alone.  

As a 2 Life Path Number you are very psychic! You are strongly connected to childhood memories (and children), and their dreams. 2s can be excellent writers, with a tendency toward mysticism.

You are a natural peacemaker and can always see two sides of a situation. This Life Path absolutely loves compassion and will always want to be in a harmonious romantic relationship. You enjoy being in any partnership whether it be as lovers, friends, or colleagues.

Sometimes you will over-cooperate and feel too sensitive and/or unappreciated. You must learn to listen to and express your own needs rather than please others. Since you don’t have natural boundaries and want to make others happy, you can do too much for other people and later resent them and retreat.

You must also learn not to take things personally.




Life Path 3Empathy, Expression and Optimism

Cooperation, fertility, and growth are life themes for you. You enjoy creating and expressing heartfelt emotion. 3s are born to inspire and uplift others, usually through speaking, writing or singing though your talents can manifest in any creative endeavor.

The lesson you must learn is the joy of expression; of yourself, life everything. If you can be open, warm hearted and friendly, you will be admired by others and desired as a pleasant companion. More importantly you will lift the spirits of those around you and help them to look more optimistically toward the future. You must learn always to look on the bright side and seek to find the beauty that can be found in the world.

Your Life Path of 3 means that that your destiny is involved with the development of social graces and good communication skills. You have a wonderful ability to inspire and amuse people. It is through those you favorably impress that your opportunities in life will come. Be creative, be artistic, and learn to use words to your advantage. You have an appealing charm and a real charisma. Versatility is vital to your success, but you must pace yourself. Learn not to scatter your energy.

You are a natural counsellor and love to make people feel comfortable and nurtured. This is a highly sociable vibration who loves to smile, have fun, and make people laugh.

Number 3 loves the limelight and being the centre of attention. The positive number 3 is always the ‘life and soul of the party’. Number 3 can tend to be drawn toward the expressive arts – from acting to music, painting, sculpture etc. Number 3 loves nothing more than to be in a crowd or in good company

Because you feel very deeply, you are sometimes self-conscious about expressing your emotions, and withdraw. You can pick up other people’s feelings and must learn to protect your boundaries so you can feel more comfortable being with others. 

Life Path 3  is a ‘doer’. This lesson is designed to be active. 3 is a good starter but must work at finishing the task, especially when things are mundane or boring. Number 3 must learn to keep things in proper perspective. Some things in life are serious and you must learn to act accordingly and proportionately.


 Life Path  4Security and Family. The Conservative and Builder

You are interested in all matters of the physical world such as structure, family, order, logic, power, property, and real estate. This includes anything in the earthly dominion, such as the four elements, four seasons, four cardinal directions, etc.

The lesson you must learn is the advantage of system, order and limitation. Your lesson will be learned in the application of reliability, order, service and hard work. You must learn to live within the laws of limitation and form – of life, environment, physical and mental. You may feel that your circumstances limit you more than others but this is because there are no short cuts for you; no ‘get rich quick’ schemes.

Everything that you do must be accomplished in a step-by-step systematic fashion. Limitations are boundaries that turn chaotic forces into balanced form. Therefore you must learn to accept restrictions rather than struggle against them

Life Path 4 is the foundation stone of the single digit numbers upon which all things are built. Without system and order there would be chaos and destruction. Number 4 pertains to security. People with this number are endowed with a sense of logic and must learn to use it to create order and security around them. Number 4 is also highly intuitive.

Your Life Path of 4 means that your destiny is closely allied to the work ethic. It is through self-discipline and conscientious labor that you will advance in life. You are best at endeavours that deal in facts and require a logical solution. You will be known as the one who gets the job done in the most effective and efficient way possible. Routine, hard work, dependability, practicality and service are the keys to your success.

You are here to learn to “father things” so it is very important for you to have security and share your bounty with others. Since security and family are important to you, if you didn’t feel protected or parented while growing up, you will seek your spiritual family throughout your life.

You were born to pass down a legacy of some sort and this can manifest in building businesses, families, or teaching others. 4s are honest and fiercely loyal and expect the same from others. You like to master things and pass down your experience to others. As a Life Path Number 4, you are a fierce protector of people and causes you believe in, so anyone would be lucky to have you on their side.

Oftentimes, you experienced either too much order/strictness or not enough direction while growing up.  You can be overly logical or stubborn, and allow your need for security to overwhelm your better judgment. You must learn how to balance reason with emotions, intuition with logic, and work with play.


Life Path 5Freedom and Change.

The Adventurous

The lesson you must learn is the constructive use of freedom. You will have the potential to adapt quickly, communicate effectively and think with crystal clarity. Your multi-talented ability can take you in any direction in life so you must learn to pick and choose carefully in order to maximise the benefits from your experiences. The number 5 is an ‘input machine’. It craves for new experiences, new stimuli and new information. You must therefore resist the temptation to flit from one thing to another – achieving nothing on the way.

Life Path 5 is the most adaptable and versatile of all the numbers.

Your Life Path of 5 means that your destiny is to learn to revel in the many changes and the variety of experiences that will come your way. You must learn to flow with life and to use well the freedom you’ve been granted. Don’t tie yourself down with too many responsibilities, or you may run the risk of boredom and frustration. Seize opportunities: live life to the fullest, and then be ready to move on to the next intense adventure.

As a Life Path Number 5, you are a quick-witted fun loving person who loves to learn and play. You are a freedom fighter and adventure lover who needs to experience things for yourself, through your five senses. 5s crave a variety of activities.

You are a natural storyteller, entertainer, and also a very good counsellor. This is a highly social vibration so you are sure to be the life of the party. You are always fun to be around!

Oftentimes you have difficulty finding what you want to commit to because your need for freedom and variety is so strong.  You must learn that freedom comes from within, so if you find something that you like, you must find the discipline to stick to it and find freedom within that.

The number 5’s constant search for the new and exciting means that the path they must follow is frequently strayed from. Some may fall into the trap of believing that the grass is always greener on the other side and become a ‘rolling stone’, never settling down for any length of time and ultimately never satisfied


Life Path 6 – Balance and Harmony. The Artistic and Romantic

As a Life Path Number 6, you are very sensitive to vibrations, and therefore wish for your environment and all your relationships to feel peaceful and harmonious. You are often highly idealistic, and find beauty all around you.

Your Life Path of 6 means that your destiny is to serve and to be responsible for the welfare of others. Be it the home, the family or a work situation, your task is to lead the group and make it unified and productive. You’ll be involved with nurturing weaker persons, and you must learn to put the welfare of the group before your own interests. Aspire to be the benign parent figure, a source of guidance and strength. Marriage is ideal for you.

You are strongly connected to music, colors, art, and anything that brings harmony and beauty.

The lesson you must learn is the satisfaction of balance, responsibility and harmony. You will have been endowed with the potential to give help and comfort whenever needed, to support those too weak to support themselves. You are likely to find yourself responsible for more than you fair share but you must accept that which is your responsibility and learn to serve family, friends and relatives.  Life Path 6 has the gift of ‘impersonal love’.

You can pick up the energy of a person or room instantly because you are highly intuitive. This Life Path learns best from relating to others, so they often feel the need to be in a romantic relationship. You love to nurture and are naturally good with animals, children, and plants.

Since you are so sensitive to vibrations, you dislike being criticized at all costs, and will often do anything to please people, even at your own expense.  You can be so idealistic that you do not see people or situations correctly, and then get bitter or disappointed after your expectations aren’t met.


Life Path  7Trust and Faith. The Analytic Intellectual

Trust is the key for you. You have a wonderful mind that loves to penetrate the truth of every situation, and therefore can make a great researcher.

Your Life Path of 7 means that your destiny lies with the mental and spiritual: the path of study and the search for life’s meaning. A certain solitude is necessary for your development. Your natural aloofness and detachment aren’t well suited to superficial social relationships or heavy family responsibility. It’s important that you specialize in a philosophical or scientific field. Don’t be aggressive; instead, let opportunities come to you.

The lesson you must learn is the peace of mind that comes with understanding. You will have been endowed with a good mind and a fine intuition. You will also have been endowed with a different perspective to others. The reason for this is so that you may study and contemplate; to challenge the established and the orthodox.

A Life Path Number 7 can read between the lines. You love to explore all of the mysteries of life, and can apply your mind to anything you choose.  You are connected to the Spirit in all things, and have a wonderful intuition.

Number 7 is the number of knowledge, analysis, understanding and questions. You are likely to question everything – even what may appear to others to be the very obvious – and will look deeply and continuously for ‘the catch’ or flaw until you are absolutely satisfied that everything is as it should be. The questioning number 7 will also question themselves and there own decisions and this is often the stumbling block for this Life Path. Your intuition or psychic ability if you like, is natural and has to be developed along with all your other skills and abilities.

Since your mind is so strong and insightful, you are always picking up higher frequencies, therefore you require a great deal of privacy, alone time, meditation and introspection to process all of the energy and insight you are receiving. You are deeply connected to nature, especially water. Being in the expansive energy of the elements helps you feel at One with everything.

You often fear betrayal and therefore attract relationships where you are, in fact, betrayed.  A Life Path 7 must learn to train your mind and develop faith in yourself, in Spirit, and the Universe.


Life Path 8Power and Abundance. The Leader & Materialism

Your Life Path of 8 means that you are destined for success in the commercial world, and you’ve only to work hard and be profit oriented for that success to be assured. You are the born executive, the one who attracts power, has vision, and is able to manipulate people and things for maximum return. You will go far if you learn how to use situations to your own advantage and to cultivate influential and powerful allies in high places.

As an 8 Life Path Number, you are a magnetic person who can make a great leader and organizer because of your ability to see the big picture of things. Life Path 8 person must also learn the benefits of ethics. All big businesses have employees and clients or customers. Greed is often the biggest downfall of any ambitious person.

The lesson you must learn is the satisfaction of the material world and the correct application of its powers. You will have been endowed with the potential for ambition and the desire to succeed. You will be concerned with money, possessions, status and power, measuring yourself against the success of others. You must learn direction and the correct use of ambition. The number 8 of this Life Path is very emotional and it may take a little while to master the potential of this energy. At first you may achieve little until you learn self motivation, goal setting and realistic targets.

You also have a knack for managing people and projects on a large scale, and have the ability to make a great deal of money. 8s do everything larger than life. You are strong, both physically and emotionally, and your strength is often tested.

This Life Path is passionate about everything they do. You can, and want (if not secretly) to make a great deal of money or be in a position of power, and use your advantages in service to the higher good. You like people to view you with respect.

You often fear your passions or power, associating these qualities with negativity or greed. Trust that your passions will lead you to your purpose, and being powerful with the right intentions, so that you can be in service of the greater good. You can often feel victimized and get so caught up in your career that you forget to take time to play or nurture your spirit.


Life Path 9Integrity and Wholeness. The Humanist

The lesson you must learn is the satisfaction of giving – of yourself, your time, and your effort – without any thought of reward. It is a simple lesson in theory but a very difficult one in practice and is by for one of the most difficult lessons to learn. You must learn the practice of selflessness, giving up material possessions or ambitions for the common good. Your love and compassion must be expressed with purity and understanding with no thought of return or reward. The satisfaction of giving is the easy bit. The difficulty of course is the lack of return.

You are a natural teacher and counsellor. Many see you as an old soul because you are. You are highly intuitive and have a strong connection to a deep wisdom within you, even if you are not aware of it.

Your Life Path of 9 means that yours is a destiny on a universal level, where the aim is an expanded consciousness and capacity for human understanding. Develop any artistic talent you have as a means of communicating the universal truths you want to express. Keep yourself free to experience the many emotional contacts you will have. With your broad, unprejudiced philosophical outlook, you have the possibility of inspiring others and of rendering service to humanity.

As a Life Path Number 9, you have the ability to synthesize vast and complex information to make it easily understood by others. You are often very magnetic to others, as people are drawn to your innate wisdom. You can often delve into a person’s psyche and know what they are thinking.

You should no longer care about what others think about you, even though you are very sensitive to other people’s energy. You often have family burdens that you have taken on, or feel a sense of rejection related to family or groups.

As a 9, you can feel misunderstood and isolated. You need to let go of the past and live in the present. Most 9’s may feel resentful at times toward the lack of return. Selfishness and insensitivity can occur due to a feeling of disillusionment. At times like this you must be careful to guard against destructive tendancies. Fortunately this kind of phase cannot be sustained for any lenght of time. Life Path 9 person must learn moderation wherever possible


Life Path 11 – The Master. Inspiration and Illumination.

You are an inspiration to others! As a born leader and teacher, you have magic hands and have the ability to heal others through energy.

Your Life Path is the master number 11. This means that you have a special destiny, one that could easily bring you fame or at least the possibility of influencing a great number of people. Blessed with a unique intuition, you have a latent creative genius that, if cultivated, will be a source of great inspiration to others.

11 is a master number, and therefore requires a great deal of spiritual skill. You are amazingly intuitive, receiving insights and divine messages as downloads from Source. 11s might see these as images or ideas, or experience them as knowing or feelings.

The lesson you must learn is an awareness of the spiritual / non-material world. This is a ‘Master Number’ and its energy potential is extremely difficult to handle. You will have been endowed with added perceptions, added awareness and different capabilities and understanding. These potentials will take a great deal of effort to develop and you must bear in mind at all times that your feet must always be planted firmly on the ground.

You are a highly tuned being. Your path is to use the innovative messages you receive from the Divine and communicate them through others. Writing is a wonderful means of expression for you, as well as any communication that uplifts and inspires others.

As a master number, you are required to overcome some rigorous spiritual challenges. You will be tested. Your inclination is to want the approval of others, or to hide behind someone else’s power by giving them all the credit.

The potential energy behind this master number is so vast that all people with this number may never come to grips with it until maybe much later in life;


Life Path 22 –  Spiritual Strength. The Master Builder

You are a spiritual architect. As a master number known as the Master Builder, you are a natural teacher, leader, and philanthropist. You have all the skills to make this world a better place.

Your Life Path of 22 is a master number. This means that your destiny is a truly special one, and carries the promise of tremendous power and influence. You must handle this power carefully, however, because it has the potential for either great creativity or great destruction. It is particularly important for you to act for the welfare of others, and harness your resources for the good. Gifted with far-reaching vision, you can then make an impact on the world and bring about great transformations.

Combine your intuitive insights, practical guidance, and physical discipline. You can build your dreams from scratch. Your dreams often benefit others for generations. Whether it’s your family, students or colleagues, you were born to leave a legacy.

The lesson you must learn is the ultimate mastery of combining the highest ideals with enormous power in order to achieve the largest of material goals.

Number 22 is a ‘Master Number’ and is the most difficult lesson to learn in Numerology. You will have been endowed with added perceptions, awareness, capabilities of understanding PLUS the ability to attain anything and everything by way of material accomplishments. You must learn first of all, and this is the difficult part of the lesson, to focus and harness this enormous energy.

As a master number you will experience greater challenges than most. This is to test your spiritual strength. You are a steward of great power and responsibility. Therefore you will go through many trials to temper your ability to handle your role as a leader.

You will often find conflict with authority until you learn that you are the authority. When the number 22 is firmly grounded in reality, your potential is limitless.


Life Path 33Creative Visionary. The responsible healer and Sacrifice

As a Master Number, you most likely feel that you’ve come to this planet to do something great. This is because you have! That doesn’t necessarily mean your career is where your greatness manifests.

33s are nurturers by heart. So, you can pour all your love and wisdom into being a wonderful parent, or helping animals or the planet. The lesson you must learn is to harness Universal compassion that comes with combining the expression and love of life with the impersonal love of your fellow man and apply it to your life in a way that its influence radiates to all you come in contact with.

Number 33 is a rare ‘Master Number’ and may never be invoked to even a small part of its potential in a person’s lifetime. You will have been endowed with kind of love and compassion that knows no boundaries. Your ability to care about everyone and everything is so strong it cannot be ignored. Most people with this number will find it very difficult and invasive.

Simply by virtue of who you are, with your loving presence, you are healing the world. You will feel a great sense of responsibility, because you know you can handle more than other people. Yet it’s important that you learn how to delegate and let go of responsibility.

You have a sensitive emotional field. So, it’s imperative you maintain balance of your body, mind, and spirit at all times. You’re here to help others heal and that begins with yourself.

As a master number you will experience greater challenges than most. You have too big vision for your life, and that can overwhelm you sometimes. You might not feel you have what it takes to live up to your own expectations.

Often, you tend toward perfectionism, which can keep you from taking action on your dreams. You can compare yourself to other people who are already accomplished, and feel you aren’t good enough as a result.

33 Life Path Number can also take on too much responsibility. So much that you don’t allow yourself the time and space to follow your heart’s desires.

Yet the 33 Life Path is ultimately about sacrifice – and this is often portrayed by a willingness to sacrifice one’s self for a complete stranger; instinctively and without hesitation. 33 is concerned about the Universal aspects of ‘rightness’, of the value of life, of goodwill to all.