Libra 2022 Predictions
Position and Transit of Planets in 2022 for Libra:
The position and transit of planets during the year 2022 for Libra will be as follows:
This year on April 13, Jupiter would enter Pisces Sign your 6th House. Rahu will enter in Aries Sign your 7th house on 12 April and on same date Ketu will enter Libra your own sign. Saturn will remain in Capricorn sign which is your 4th house till 28 April 2022 and will enter Aquarius your 5th house on 29 April 2022 then after that in retrograde motion Saturn will re-enter Capricorn on 12 July 2022 where it will remain throughout 2022. Venus which is lord of your own sign and also is lord of your 8th house will enters Pisces your 6th house on 27 April and after that in Aries your 7th house on 23 May and then after that will enter Taurus your 8th house on 18th June and then will enter in Libra your own sign on 18 October. Mars will enter Sagittarius your 3rd house on 16th January and after that it will enter Capricorn your 4th house on 16th February and after that it will enter in Aries your 7th house on 27th June. Sun will enter your 7th house Aries on 14 April and after that in Leo your 11th house on 17 August. Mercury which is lord of your 9th and of 12th house will be retrograde motion in the beginning of the year on 14th January in Capricorn sign your 4th house.
For Moon Sign- Libra- Libra persons Saturn will still be in your 4th house (Shani Dhaiya) this year so they must get analysed their individualised chart for required remedies.
Profession and Career
This year would be moderately favourable for profession perspective. Considerable gains would be there from profession in the beginning of the year. But after April 13, there are indications of lesser favourable time. At that time there are indications for ups and downs in your profession due to the effect of Jupiter in Sixth House. If you are intending to adopt a new venture then it is quite essential to seek advice of people having experience in concerned domain of work. Mars entering Sagittarius in the first month of the year is going to give you success in your career. Especially those who are into a business will enjoy most benefits during this period. Also, if you are thinking of carrying out a new business, then the time from January to May will be the best for you. At the same time, there will be the possibility for employed natives to get promotions or financial increments during this time.
Apart from this, the transit of Saturn in the fifth and fourth house from your zodiac sign throughout the year is going to make you work extra hard. Your results will be based on your actions. In such a situation, overcome your laziness, and keep working hard. Natives who manage a business in the partnership are also advised to avoid lying while improving their relationship with the partner. The months of September, October, and November will also bring many changes in the lives of employed natives since the Lagna lord Venus will be in the first, second and third houses during this time period. During this time at the workplace, it is possible for you to get into a dispute over something with your officers and boss due to the aspect of sixth lord Jupiter in your house of profession. However, all these disputes will end in the month of December and you will be able to improve your relationship with them.
Do not involve your family members at your work place. Also It would not be favourable for you to do any work is partnership during this period. Those who are engaged in jobs might face some mental problems. In the later half of the year, transit of Rahu, Jupiter and Saturn would be unfavourable. Hence during this period do not undertake any new assignment or work, otherwise you would not get desired gains and might not be having return of your money.
Finance and Wealth
Beginning of the year would be favourable for economic perspective. There would be incessant flow of income because of aspectual effect of Jupiter on Eleventh House. But later half of the year would not be so much favourable for economic status. Prospects will be good especially in the month of January when the planet Mars will be positioned in the house of wealth. Because, during this time, the unlimited grace of Mars will make you the possessor of wealth. After this, in the month of February, you will be able to earn money through different means.
However, you will need to control your expenses this year otherwise the burden can increase your financial crisis. In such a situation, strategize and plan wealth accumulation and expenditure accordingly. If you are thinking of investing money somewhere, then seek advice from elders and experts of the house. It is important to note that the movement of many planets in the month of March is highlighting the fact that the creation of good planetary yoga in your zodiac sign will prove to be effective in getting rid of all kinds of financial problems. If your money was stuck somewhere, you will be able to get it too.
After this, the placement of the shadow planet Rahu from April 12 will affect your zodiac sign the most. In such a situation, avoid taking any decision related to money in haste, otherwise loss is on the cards. You will witness the possibility of wealth gains during the last two months of this year i.e. November and December, along with getting rid of your financial problem in every way your second house lord will be transiting from your ninth house. Other than that, whether you are working or managing a business, you will be able to gain money through both mediums.
There could be such expenditure which might weaken your economic position. Therefore at that time you shall have to put a curb on short cut methods for earning money.
Avoid investment in ventures which involve a great risk, otherwise you might incur huge losses. You would incur expenditure for avoiding physical diseases due to the effect of Rahu and Ketu. Do not lend money to anyone otherwise there is no probability to get that money back. Control your expenditure otherwise you shall have to bear unnecessary expenses.
House, Family and Children
This year would produce a mixed effect on family and society. You would not be able to devote sufficient time to your family members because of very busy schedule. Newly married ones may be blessed with offspring due to the effect of Jupiter in Fifth House. You would get cooperation of your elder brothers. According to Libra horoscope 2022 for married life and children, married natives of the Libra zodiac sign will get mixed results this year. The beginning of the year will be a bit of a struggle for you because, during this time, you will be seen struggling a lot in uniting your family and your spouse. However, from January to April, you will get the support of your spouse. Apart from this, from your in-laws’ side, there will be strong chances of you getting a gift.
As per horoscope 2022 predictions, you are expected to remain alert and careful during the time between June and July since the impact of the transit of Rahu in your seventh house will be visible during this period. There is a possibility of you getting into several arguments with your spouse. At the same time, in the month of September due to the placement of seventh house lord Mars in its own house. You will be able to clear every doubt and end all the disputes and misunderstandings, and carry on your life with love and care. During this time, good coordination between you two will strengthen your relationship, which will increase your faith and confidence in each other. From May 9 to December, you can plan to go on a religious trip or somewhere to the mountains with your life partner. During this time, you will get many opportunities to come closer to each other. Newly married natives can also plan to expand their family during this time.
Later half of the year, there are probabilities for some odd situation in the family. You might develop difference in opinions with some member of the family. Hence during that period develop tolerance and patience otherwise the situation would turn from bad to worse. Especially from January to the middle of March, you may have to face several family-related problems due to the influence of the number of malefic planets in your fourth house of family. During this time, any dispute with members of your household is also possible due to some or other reason. Because of Rahu’s transit in Aries in the month of April and Saturn being in Aquarius, it will have a negative effect on your family life. In such a situation, while interacting with your family members, control your words and behave decently with them.
During this time, for any reason, you should also avoid going to court for family matters. From June to September, some of the natives may have to stay away from their families. During this time, you will get the utmost support from your family. Your father will especially guide you with great support, which will increase your respect for him. The last 3 months of the year i.e. October, November, and December are good for your siblings. During this time, they will get the blessings of the elderly, as well as your image will become better among the family, and this will help you attain great respect at home.
Libra zodiacs are more likely to get positive results in their love life this year. However, the beginning of the year will be a bit of a struggle for the natives in love. Because your anger and aggressive nature during this time can upset your lover. The transit of Mars in the middle phase of February is going to give you some positive results. Because during this time there will be a boost in the level of confidence between the two of you, which will help you move your relationship forward.
Rahu’s transit in Aries from 12 April will impact your seventh house. During this time, you can also decide to tie the knot and get married to your lover. Because this will be the time when both of you will be able to share your feelings clearly towards each other. For some natives between October to November, the favourable yogas for marriage will form as the lagna Lord will be in the origin sign and then in the second house of the family during this time. At the same time, the last month of the year will also lead to a rise in your feeling of love. Because during this time you can plan to go on a journey with a lover, where you will be able to openly share your heart to each other.
Beginning of the year would be favourable for children perspective. Combined Jupiter and Saturn in Fifth House would enhance devotion of children towards their studies. If your children are desirous for having higher education, they could seek admission in a high profile educational institution. you will get immense success in education this year. However, at the beginning of this year, the movement of planets reveals that at this time, you will need to work extra hard and keep yourself focused only on your education. After this, when the planet Mars changes its zodiac sign by making transit on February 26, your fourth house will be impacted. During this time, the students will get the fruits according to their hard work.
Education and Competition
As Saturn will be transiting through your zodiac signs in the fifth and sixth house is going to make you study extra hard and put in extra efforts. During this time you will develop laziness in your actions and your confused state of mind can also trouble you. In such a situation, concentrate and focus your mind only on attaining a good education. If you are preparing for a competitive exam, then this year will be special for you. On the other hand, if you were looking for a job, then the time period between September to November is going to give rise to good job prospects for you. This year would be auspicious for competitive examination point of view. Beginning of the year would be exceedingly favourable for the students. Jupiter posited in Fifth House is a sign post for admission of the students aspiring for higher education in a high profile institution.
As Saturn aspects Jupiter in Sixth House, so it might cause success in competitive examinations. In the later half of the year your enemies would be defeated. You would get success in your career. Those who are in search of employment could be employed somewhere. Your children would achieve success. If a child is of marriageable age, he/ she would solemnize his/her marriage.
Beginning of the year would be favourable for health perspective. Due to aspectual effect of Jupiter on Ascendant, you would remain mentally contented and physically fit. You would develop constructive energy within yourself and hence immunity also. However, the beginning of the year will be slightly unfavourable for you due to the aspect of the sixth lord Jupiter on the Lagna or rising sign. During this period from January 9 to the middle, you may have to suffer from some mental troubles. Apart from this, from February to May, you will be suffering from some problems. In such a situation, it is advisable to avoid worrying too much about anything. The transit of Rahu in the seventh house of your zodiac sign from April 17 can give you some mental troubles related to married life, which will increase your stress. Also, it will have a direct impact on your eating habits.
Also, this period is going to cause health problems in your spouse’s life and children as well, as a result of which it is possible that there can be a significant increase in your mental problems since the malefic planet Saturn will be in your fifth house of children and aspect the seventh house of marriage. However, from May to October, there will be some positive improvements in your health, due to which you will be able to get rid of any of your chronic problems. If your mother also had a health problem, then between July and August, she will also be able to get rid of those issues as the Lagna lord Venus will aspect fourth house of the mother during this period. In the last month of the year i.e. December, you may have stomach-related diseases. In this case, avoid eating fried, roasted, and spicy foods, and consult a doctor immediately if necessary.
In the later half of the year, transit of Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu in conjunction might adversely affect your health. Jupiter is watery sign in Sixth House might cause problems related to cough or obesity.
Travel and Transfer
This year would be moderately auspicious for journey perspective. In the inning of the year you might undertake a long journey due to the effect of aspect of Jupiter on Ninth House. There are indications for a pilgrimage. After March 17 Rahu in Seventh House could cause journey related to your profession. This journey could be undertaken all of a sudden.
In the later half of the year those who have connections abroad are likely to travel to a foreign country. This time period is much favourable for students who are desirous of having higher education abroad.
Note: These are general predictions for Libra for 2022 based on transits of planets over the year. More accurate personalized analysis and predictions with remedial advice can be done after analyzing the individualized birth chart/ horoscope, the placement and overall strength of planets in the natal chart, ascendant and moon sign and analysis of divisional charts, yogas and doshas, mahadashas, antardashas and conjunctions along with the annual chart (varsh Kundali) and the transits.
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