Leo 2022 Predictions

Position and Transit of Planets in 2022 for Leo:

The position and transit of planets during the year 2022 for Leo will be as follows:

This year on April 13, Jupiter would enter Pisces Sign your 8th House and Rahu will enter in Aries Sign your 9th house on 12 April and on same date Ketu will enter Libra your 3rd house.  Saturn will remain in Capricorn your 6th house till 28 April 2022 and will enter Aquarius your 7th house on 29 April 2022. Saturn in retrograde motion will re-enter Capricorn on 12th July 2022 and then will remain in Capricorn throughout 2022.  Venus which is lord of your 10th and 3rd houses will enter Pisces your 8th house on 27 April and then it will enter Taurus your 10th house on 18th June and then it will enter in Libra your 3rd house on 18 October. Mars will enter Capricorn your 6th house on 16th February and then it will enter Aries your 9th house on 27 June. Sun will  enter your 9th house Aries on 14 April and then it will enter your own Sign Leo on 17 August. Mercury which is lord of your 2nd and 11th house will be retrograde motion in the beginning of the year on 14th January positioned in Capricorn sign your 6th house.

Profession and Career

First four months of the beginning of the year would be auspicious for work and profession perspective. You would get considerable progress in your work and profession because of positional effect of Jupiter in Seventh House. There are indications for having new sources of income. If you are engaged in some work in partnership, you would have desired gains and remain satisfied with your partner. People in jobs would enjoy more respect and regard at their work place. The career of Leo zodiac signed natives, the year 2022 will be favourable for it. Especially on February 26, when Mars moves into Capricorn, then you will get immense success in the field. Whether you are a job person or a businessman, you will probably get auspicious results. After this, with Rahu’s transit to Aries after April 12, you will be able to improve your relationship with your superiors. With their help, you may get a promotion. Yogas are being made which state that the month of August to October in particular is going to be auspicious for your career since the yoga karak planet Mars will transit in your eleventh house of income and gains. Because during this time you will be able to profit from it by completing every unfinished work of your former time on time.

However, in the last phase of October in the field of work, relocation of some of the natives is possible as your fourth house lord of home and family will transit from the twelfth house of movement and travel. The most positive effect of this will be for those jobless people who were thinking of changing their jobs. Also, in the month of November, chances of getting promotions to many people are being made. On the other hand, the time will be better for the business folks than usual. Natives, especially those doing business related to foreign countries, will be able to earn good profit this year.

In the latter half of the year, the time period might have slight adverse effect. During this period, your latent enemies might create hindrances for you but no negative impact would be observed on your work and profession because of effect of Saturn in Sixth House.

Finance and Wealth

Beginning of the year would be excellent for economic perspective. There would be incessant flow of money and you could make desired savings. Jupiter aspects Fourth House and hence after April 13 you would enjoy comforts of land, building and vehicle etc. you will get the best results in the year 2022 in matters related to money. The beginning of the year i.e. in the middle of January, if there was a financial crisis, then it will improve gradually. After this, from April 17 to September, you will get secret money through many mediums due to the transit of Jupiter in your house of secrecy. During this time, due to an increase in some wasteful expenses, you may get into troubles. In such a situation, you are advised to spend the money according to the correct budget.

The time from August 10 to October will also create some favourable configurations and yogas for your financial life as your fortune house lord Mars will transit from the house of income and gains during this period. Because during this transit of Mars, you are going to acquire some good luck. With which you will be able to increase your income and this will also strengthen your financial condition and you will get rid of all your mental stress. Apart from this, in November and December you are instructed to put a special check on your expenses, because during this time you may have to face a lot of financial problems due to extra expenses.

You would incur expenditure on auspicious ceremonies of your family members or relatives. If you intend to make any big investment, it is the time to rise to the occasion. Due to the aspectual effect of Saturn on Jupiter in Eighth House, you could have sudden gains of wealth by chance. There might be gains from your in-laws.

House, Family and Children

Beginning of the year would be generally auspicious for family point of view. You would get cooperation of your brothers. You would have melodious relation with your wife as Jupiter in posited in Seventh House. If you are unmarried, you could solemnize your marriage. Jupiter and Saturn have combined aspectual effect on Third House hence your social prestige would be at a higher step of ladder. According to the Leo horoscope 2022, married natives of Leo zodiac sign will get good results in their conjugal life this year. However, it is possible for your spouse to suffer from health concerns in the initial period since the lord of the marriage house will be in the disease house. Due to which your stress will increase. In this case, like a good spouse, take good care of them. Between April and September, there will be newness in the relationship between you and you will be able to solve your every dispute and misunderstanding together.

In the middle of the year, both of you can also decide to go on a beautiful journey, where you will get many opportunities to get close to each other since Saturn will be in your seventh house of marriage and long journey. You will have an open discussion with your spouse this year about your child or make necessary plans for the same. However, due to your increasing anger in the months of June and August, there will be negative effects in the marital life. In this case, this year you are instructed to be most vigilant at this time.

After April 13, delightful atmosphere would prevail in your family because of aspect of Jupiter on Second and Fourth House. There are indications for addition of a family member. Your all in-lows would be much happier with you and you enjoy melodious relation with them. this year you will get family happiness. Because in this whole year many good and important changes will be seen in your life. Especially from January to the middle of April, you can decide to go on a remote trip with people from your maternal side as Ketu will be positioned in your house of family and domestic comforts which will bring movement. Where you spend some time with household members, you will be able to understand their heart. Then it is possible to organize an auspicious program in the family from 22 April to July. If there was a dispute related to the ancestral property, then his decision will also bring happiness in the family by coming in your favor during this period due to the transit of Jupiter in your eight house.

The transit of Rahu and Saturn in the last phase of April this year will also be very favourable for you. Because during this time, you will be able to take full advantage of material pleasures. Apart from this, between September and November, there will be chances of arrival of any new guest in the house. So at the same time, this year also shows the possibility of being particularly favourable for your siblings. At the end of the year, you will get the support of family and father. As a result, father and your relationship will become sweet and you will be seen taking their advice. Also, if the father was suffering from health problems, his health is also likely to improve at the end of this year.

According to the love horoscope 2022, this year the zodiac sign of Leo will see normal changes in their love life. The presence of Mars in your fifth house at the beginning of the year indicates that you will need to have special control over your anger while interacting with the beloved. In such a situation, choose your words carefully while conversing with them, otherwise a big dispute between you two is possible. The interference of a third unknown person between April to May due to the aspect of eight house lord in your love house can also cause problems between you. However, the two of you will be fully capable of strengthening your relationship by solving that problem together.

Any dispute that was going on between you and your sweetheart at the beginning of the year will be resolved after mid-year. At this time, many lovers will grow intimate with their beloved.

They can also decide to get married. In the month of September, you will go on a journey with your sweetheart, where the two of you will be seen having an open conversation with each other. The last two months of the year i.e. November and December will be the best months for you, because during this time you will overcome every problem coming in your love life and take your relationship to the next stage.

This year would be average for children point of view. In the beginning of the year, Jupiter in Seventh House would cause enhancement of prowess of your children. This period is peculiarly auspicious for your second child. In the latter half of the year, be careful for health of your children. Jupiter in Eighth House could be cause of mental restlessness for your children and could have an adverse effect on their education. According to Leo Horoscope 2022, you are likely to get a lot of success in education this year. The beginning of the year will be good for you, but in the month of February and April you will need to be a little careful since your fifth house lord of education will transit in the sixth house of fights followed by the seventh house of desires. In this period, you will be unable to keep your mind focused towards education due to some reason, which will have a direct impact on your upcoming exam.

Education and Competition

The transit of Jupiter in Pisces in April 13 will aspect your fourth house and it will help the students with luck. The natives, especially those associated with secondary education, will get complete success. Rahu will also transit on April 12, which will affect your luck house. During this period, students studying abroad will get auspicious results since transiting Rahu from the ninth house will activate your houses of travel and long distance. Especially if you were thinking of enrolling in a foreign college or school, at this time you will get good news. Also, for the candidates preparing for the competitive exam, the year will be better than usual.

This year would be exceedingly auspicious for career and competitive examination perspective. You would succeed in competitive examination because of positional effect of Saturn in Sixth House. This is a favourable time period for acquiring higher education in a foreign country.

Those who are engaged in electronic or hardware domains of work would have a great success in their career. This year is superb for getting employment. This year you would defeat your all competitors and proceed further.


Beginning of the year would be auspicious for health perspective. You would inculcate pious thoughts in your mind as Jupiter has aspect on Ascendant. You would maintain your daily routine and mode of eating and drinking very well.

Your time period might be affected a bit in the latter half of the year. You ought to be extra careful for your health during that period. Till March, Mars will aspect your rising sign by transiting from the sign Capricorn and Aquarius some improvement in your health will be seen. Especially those who were suffering from a serious problem, they will get some relief during this period. After this, the transit of the planet Rahu in Aries on April 12 will also affect your ninth house and as a result you will be prone to many seasonal problems, such as: cough, cold, fever, etc. In such a period, be cautious about your health during this period.

Apart from this, you may be prone to some infection between June 17 and October since the Lagna lord Sun will transit from sensitive houses and in such a situation, protecting yourself will be the most important task for you during this time. The last 3 months of the year i.e. October, November and December, as this period is showing the best results for you in terms of health due to the placement of Mars in favourable houses providing strength and vitality to you. Because during this time, you will get rid of all your chronic diseases and you will be able to enjoy a healthy life, freeing you from all your mental worries.

Travel and Transfer

You would undertake many journeys this year. After April 13 you may have inland or foreign journey due to the combined aspectual effect of Jupiter and Saturn on Twelfth House.

You would have good gains from journeys. After March 29, Rahu in Ninth House could initiate a long journey for you.

Note: These are general predictions for Leo for 2022 based on transits of planets over the year. More accurate personalized analysis and predictions with remedial advice can be done after analyzing the individualized birth chart/ horoscope, the placement and overall strength of planets in the natal chart, ascendant and moon sign and analysis of divisional charts, yogas and doshas, mahadashas, antardashas and conjunctions along with the annual chart (varsh Kundali) and the transits.

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