Signs, Planets, Houses and Nakshatras that are Important for Foreign Settlement in Astrology
Signs are of thee types as per their characteristics and energies:
Chara Rashi or Movable signs – Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn
Sthira Rashi or Fixed Signs – Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius
Dual Rashi or Common Sign.- Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.
For considering foreign Travel in Astrology Chara Rashi or Movable signs are of prime importance. Movable Sign means-the movement tendency is high in these signs. So when Planets are placed in these signs, they give a changing tendency to the native like changing of residence, changing of job, changing of country etc.
Sthira Rashi or fixed Signs are not helpful for foreign settlement in astrology. Planets in these signs give a tendency to stick to particular place. So those who have more planets in Fixed signs, they do not change their residence or job too much. Going abroad means change of country or change of residence. So planets in fixed signs usually block the chances of going abroad.
Common Sign or dual Sign can give short term foreign travel. Like if you have multiple planets in Dual sign you may go to abroad frequently but for very short duration may be like one month or few months.
The signs are further divided according to quality or Tatwa of the Rashi. They are -Fiery sign, Earthy Sign, Airy Sign and watery Sign.
Fiery Signs – Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.
Earthy Signs – Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.
Airy Signs – Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.
Watery Signs – Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.
Watery Signs like Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are important for Travelling Abroad or crossing over the Seas. Planets like Rahu, Moon, Saturn and Venus in watery Sign are good indication of Foreign Travel.
Planets important for foreign settlement in Astrology
The five main planets which helps a person to travel abroad or going out of own country-Rahu, Ketu, Moon, Saturn and Venus. Analysis of these 5 planets, their overall placement, strength and dignity and their connection with related houses in Horoscope for going abroad becomes important.
Rahu is the most important planet for travel abroad. When Rahu is conjunct with 7th lord, 8th lord, 9th lord or 12th lord, it can indicate foreign travel in astrology. Rahu in Lagna or 7th can also give travel abroad.
Apart from above, Moon being the natural 4th Lord, Moon is also equally important when judging foreign settlement in astrology. Moon placed in 1st, 7th, 10th houses the person can travel a lot within country as well as outside of country particularly when conjunct with Rahu. Also Moon in 8th, 9th or 12th houses or exalted Moon in 12th can indicate foreign settlement in astrology.
Sun if it is placed in the 5th house from Ascendant and considering other favourable placements in a horoscope gives foreign with connection with diplomats.
If Mercury is placed in 4th, the individual changes his residence frequently and travel lot of places. The result will be more prominent if Mercury is placed in Movable signs.
Nakshatras to consider for foreign travel
The Nakshatras – Ashwini Nakshatra, Bharani Nakshatra, Aridra Nakshatra, Swati Nakshatra, Pushya Nakshatra, Hasta Nakshatra should be studied while judging the foreign travel in astrology. Moon or Rahu in these Nakshatra increase the chance of going abroad.
The Houses in Horoscope which are most important for Foreign Travel in astrology
- The houses to study for foreign journey are 12th, 9th and Ascendant or Lagna and 4th house, 3rd and the 7th
- 12th house represents foreign land and foreign connections. If Moon is placed in 12th house along with Venus, this is a indication of Foreign Travel in astrology. If Rahu also involves in this conjunction, it becomes a very strong indication of foreign journey. If there is Saturn in 12th house, the individual will have a strong inclination towards foreign country. 9th House signifies long journeys or long distance travel. When 9th Lord is placed in 12th or 11th house or Vice versa, it indicates that your fortune is in foreign land. Cluster of 4 or 5 planet in 9th house of 12th house is a strong indication towards foreign travel in astrology.
- If Lagna lord makes a relation with 12th lord or Lagna Lord sits in the 12th house, it is a strong indication of foreign travel in astrology. If this relation happen in Watery Signs like Cancer, Pisces or Movable Signs like Libra or Capricorn the chances are good.
- 4th House in the horoscope represent Home land or own country. So, 4th house should be afflicted to move out of the own country. So any Affliction to 4th House or 4th Lord can give Foreign settlement. If the 4th house lord is placed in 6th, 8th or 12th and 4th Lord is equally afflicted and there is relation between 9th and 12th house or their Lords there is always a high chance of foreign settlement in astrology. If there are planets like Rahu, Ketu, Sun or Saturn in 4th house at the same time the chance of going abroad in astrology increases. These conditions can give permanent settlement in a foreign country.
- We should always remember that there is difference between travelling abroad and permanently settlement abroad. Both situations are to be studied in a horoscope.
- The 7th house also rules foreign travel. When 7th house is involved in any way with 12th or Planets like Rahu, Ketu there can be foreign journey due to Business purpose or Business Trip.
- Similarly the 3rd house shows short Journeys or short travels. It is not directly connected with foreign travel always but if the 3rd house lord makes a relation with 12th lord and 9th lord by aspect, conjunction or exchange it creates a yoga for foreign Travel.
Planetary Combinations and Timing for Foreign Travel in a Horoscope
- The fourth house or the fourth lord has to be afflicted from Lagna.
- Rahu, Ketu should be connected via conjunction or Nakshatra exchange with 4th lord or 4th house.
- Whenever 4th House is afflicted and 4th Lord is placed in houses like 6th, 8th or 12th the native leaves his or her homeland to settle abroad.
- These configurations should be studies from Lagna as well as from Moon and also in the Navamsha D9 and chaturthamsa or D4 charts.
- If the 9th or the 12th house of a Horoscope falls in Moveable or Watery signs or the 9th & 12th lord is placed in Movable or watery signs Foreign Travel is indicated. For example If the 4th Lord is placed in the 9th house with 12th lord and the sign is also Movable or watery signs, it is a indication of Foreign Travel for higher education.
- When 4th lord is placed in 12th house then native will find more pleasure in living in abroad rather than at his native place.
- Association of 5th, 9th, and 12th lords in the Dasamsha or D10 chart indicate travelling abroad for professional reasons. These persons are usually employed as skilled professionals.
- Rahu in 12th house with 9th lord particularly in a watery sign will give foreign or travel in its Dasha-Antardasha. Also Planets like Rahu or Saturn in the 12th house can give foreign settlement.
- If the lord of the 7th house is associated with 8th, 9th or 12th house or its Lords, it indicates foreign travel after marriage.
- If the Lagna and Lagna lord both are in moveable signs or dual signs then it would indicate foreign travel.
- If the 9th lord is associated with the 4th or 5th house or its lords, the individual will travel for study purposes.
- If the 9th house lord forms an association with the 10th house or its lord, the travel will be for a job or work-related travel. Also, If the 6th house associates with yoga, then the foreign travel will be Job related.
- If the 7th house is associated with the 9th or 12th house, it indicates foreign travel in astrology. And, the reason for it will be for business purposes.
- Dasha-Antardasha of the 9th lord or the 12th lord, or the planets that are connected with the 12th lord or 12th house.
- Dasha of Venus, Rahu, Ketu, Moon or Saturn – if these planets are connected with 12th house
- During Transit when Planets like Rahu or Saturn transit in 8th house or in Moon Nakshatra, that is also a good time for foreign journey.
- Mahadasha / Antardasha of the 9th lord or the 12th lord, or the planets that are in association with the 12th lord (by placement or aspect).
- Mahadasha / Antardasha of the planets that are associated with Moon.
- Mahadasha / Antardasha of Rahu, Venus, or Moon if these planets are in the 12th house.
- Mahadasha / Antardasha of exalted/ debilitated planets in the horoscope.
- Sub-periods of Ketu and Rahu in the major period of Rahu.
- Jupiter Antardasha in Saturn Mahadasha (if Jupiter owns 12th house).
- Mahadasha / Antardasha of the planets associated with the 9th lord.
- When Saturn in its transit crosses the natal position of Sun.
- Dasha of Rahu is very important for foreign travel in astrology as Rahu. Saturn period is also equally important.
Success, Luck or Less Luck in Foreign Countries
It is also seen in Astrological calculations that though there are strong indications of travel abroad in horoscope the person does not always get luck or expected outcome in a foreign country whereas, some get too lucky and prosper in foreign country.
If in a person’s horoscope the 11th house lord is placed in the 6th house, the person has great luck to go abroad and work in foreign countries. This should be studied from Arudha lagna also. If you have the 11th house lord in the 12th house you will have connections and friends abroad.-
If your Lagna lord or Ascendant lord is in the 7th house you will constantly travel abroad for your business purpose or for work.
But if Malefic Planets like Rahu, Saturn, Mars occupy the 12th house in Horoscope, though a person goes abroad but you will not enjoy the stay there and life will be full of stressful conditions or success will come very late.
Different Purpose of Foreign Travel in Astrology
Planetary placements, combinations, conjunctions, aspects and dashas also indicate the various purposes of travel abroad which are studies and analyses as per the individualised horoscopes.
Different purpose can be:
- Education
- Profession and Career
- Business
- Diplomatic Services
- Travel after Marriage
- Foreign Settlement
- Pleasure and Vacation
- Tourism
- Discovery and Exploration
- Sports