Analysing Extramarital Affairs or Infidelity in Horoscope in Vedic Astrology

Being loyal in Love, Romance and Sex are one of the essences of a good and harmonious relationship but when it happens outside of Married life, it can destroy the relationship and the married life. In current society infidelity has increased to a large extent as large number of such cases come to me for Consultation and remedies. Marriage is treated as one of the biggest Dharma in our society and purity in it is of supreme importance. We must remember Marriage is not only a relation between a Man and a Women only but it is a relation between two families and form a foundation of good Society.

Our entire Life is controlled by planetary influence. So before marriage we must check the planetary influence that is responsible for extramarital affairs in astrology. Judging Infidelity in female Horoscope or Male Horoscope should give due importance during Horoscope Matching.

Planets and Houses responsible for Extramarital Affairs in Horoscope

Moon is the Signifactor of Mind. Venus is the Planet of Love and Romance. Rahu or North Node provokes a person to break the social norms. Mars is the Planet of aggression and passion.

In majority of the cases these three planets with their combinations through conjunctions, aspects are responsible for Extramarital affairs in Astrology. 5th House is the house of love and romance. 3rd, 7th and 11th houses are known as the Kama Trikona or houses of Desire. 12th house is the house of pleasure of beds in Vedic astrology. So 3rd, 5th, 7th, 11th and 12 house and their Lord if be connected with Rahu, Venus, Moon or Mars in any way in a Horoscope form way for secret love affairs.

Venus — Signifactor of marriage for male, rules emotional love, sensual pleasures and worldly desires.
 Jupiter — Signifactor of marriage for female
 Mars — rules intense sexual expression, daring and passion for carnal pleasures
Rahu — indicates extreme mental tendencies, unconventional thing of life
Moon — mental tendencies, harmony with others, emotional stability 
5th house — stands for love, romance, and scandals and is the primary indicator of affairs.
7th house — indicates marriage, harmony in love
8th house — house indicates sexual attitudes, orgasm, masturbation, secrecy of life etc. The 8th house indicates whether the affair will be physical or not.
12th  house/lord — Bed pleasure

Few Planetary Combinations Indicating Extramarital Affairs in Astrology

  1. Moon or mind when not in proper control or not channelized through wisdom and intelligence and afflicted by the related planets leads to seeking carnal desires outside. If Mercury is conjunct or in 5th or 9th from the Moon in Rashi Chart or in Navamsa of D9 chart, it will follow the Mind seeking the carnal desire. But if the Mercury is conjunct or in 5th or 9th places from Jupiter, the intelligence will follow the dharma or religion and conduct.
  1. If Venus is conjunct with Rahu or Mars it increases uncontrolled passion within a person. When this conjunction happens in signs like Scorpio, Aries, Libra, Gemini etc or in Nakshatra like Bharani results are more prominent. If such conjunction happens in Navamsa, it increases the chance of extramarital affair in astrology. Rahu and Venus conjunction in Scorpio sign in Navamsa is a highly potent combination of infidelity in astrology. Moon and Mercury conjunction in Gemini sign is also an indication of extramarital affairs in astrology. If such combination is aspected by Saturn or Rahu the person gets exposed for their infidelity.
  1. If the 8th lord or 8th house (house of secrecy) is connected with such combination it is a strong indication of Extra Martital Affairs in Astrology. So if the 5th lord is conjunct with 7th lord in 8th house is strong indication of Extramarital affairs in astrology or some kind of secret love affairs in astrology.
  1. If 2nd house in Navamsa chart is owned by Venus or Mars or is having them or their aspect is there in, then a person can be adulterous.
  1. A strong and unafflicted Jupiter in the chart along with strong 9th house usually makes the person moral. But in case Jupiter is weak or engulfed with Guruchandal Yoga and the 9th house is afflicted by Rahu or Mars or Moon, it increases the chance of extramarital affairs in astrology.
  1. Lord of 7thhouse is in the conjunction of Rahu indicates those people who are not so committed in their relationship.
  1. Weak Mars in a horoscope afflicted by Saturn/Rahu in the horoscope indicates high sexual desires.
  2. Afflicted Mars in 7th house is responsible for creating intense feelings of jealousy and mistrust due to false suspicion of infidelity.
  3. 7th lord is aspected or conjoined with Rahu, the native will attract to elder women mostly married or divorced.  If Venus is also involved in this combination the native will have very high sexual drive and   will fall into many illicit relations.
  4. Lords of 7th and 6th combined in 9th house, without having any benefic influence, the native will involve in several relationships with several women and maximum of them will be elder to him.         
  1. Upapada Lagna is also studied for marriage and the Arudha pada of 7th House shows physical relationship, Arudha pada of 5th House shows Love or Romance. If the Upapada Lagna is connected with Arudha Pada of 5th House and Arudha Pada of Seventh House there is chance of falling in love affair after marriage particularly if it happens in the watery signs like Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces as they represents our emotions. If the Upapada Lagna (UL) and Arudha Pada of 7th house (A7) is in 2-12 condition, it indicates lack of physical pleasure in marriage which can lead to infidelity
  1. If the Moon is conjunct with Rahu, it makes the mind clouded and a person becomes inclined to all sort of illicit relationships. The same can happen during the Moon and Saturn Conjunction and a person cheats his or her partner. This is highly potent Yoga for cheating spouse in Vedic astrology. Aspect of Saturn and Rahu on Lagna and Moon also creates such situations.
  1. As told earlier the 3rd House, 7th house and 11th house is known as Kama Trikona. These are the houses of desire. If there is affliction of malefic planets or malefic conjunctions in these house chances of getting involved in extramarital relationship increases too much.
  1. Malefic like Rahu or Mars in 3rd house will enhance the potential of extramarital affairs in astrology. If Venus is afflicted by 6th lord or 8th lord and placed in 7th house, it is a indication of secret Love relation. If Rahu is placed in 7th house, it can give some sort of cheating from spouse.
  1. Rahu and Ketu Axis and its influences should also be studied in the natal chart as well as during transits for triggering such affairs in life.
  1. Moon/Venus afflicted by Saturn gives immoral behaviour.
  2. Moon aspect/conjunct   by Venus gives extreme sensuous thoughts in the mind.
  3. If Libra sign is owned by 4 or more than 4 planets domestic pleasure, cohabitation and conjugal life gets disturbed.
  4. In male horoscope if Sun, Mars and Venus are heavily afflicted by Saturn, the native will definitely become a characterless person.  
  5. In female horoscope if Mars is heavily afflicted or sitting in a malefic house she will have a very high sexual urge and may have multiple sex partners.
  6. Lords of ascendant and 6thhouse combined in a house also having malefic influences, the native will have illicit relations.

We can improve the understanding between couple by Astrological remedies. Also If we know that our prospective spouse can involve in secret love affair outside marriage, we can avoid the person. We have to understand that everything is not predestined. There is a scope of Free will as well. If we try we can change the result to a great extent.