Important Houses to analyse for Education
Apart from the Lagna or Ascendant for education related queries we have to study:
4th House: 4th house is the most important house for education and it indicates primary education.
5th House: 5th house is the house of intelligence, aptitude and attitude, focus and knowledge. Without proper intelligence, we cannot acquire knowledge and wisdom.
2nd House: 2nd house indicates family support and resources to complete our education. 2nd house is also the communication skill and sanskars.
9th House: 9th house is very important for higher education. 9th house is the house of luck, higher wisdom etc. For a good success in higher education we need the help of 9th house.
Important planets to analyse in Astrology for education
Jupiter, Mercury and Moon are important planet while judging education.
Jupiter is the planet of knowledge and wisdom. It helps us to assimilate the knowledge we gather from various sources like Book, Teacher etc. Without the help of Jupiter we cannot acquire knowledge and cannot achieve significant success in education.
Mercury is the planet of quick intelligence, reasoning memory and analytical power of the mind. It gives quick grasping power. So without the help of Mercury, it will be difficult to get success in the learning process.
Moon is the Signifactor of mind. For getting success in study, concentration is very important. We need a focused approach and high level of concentration for a good education.
Important combinations to consider during analysis and prediction of education
- We must see the strength of the aforementioned houses and planets, strength of house lord. If all of them are weak and afflicted due to many reasons then the result will be negative.
- Malefic planets should not be in 4th house or aspect 4th house or 4th house should not be in papkartari yoga.
- 4th lord should not be posited in 6-8-12 or debilitated or afflicted.
- Mercury and Jupiter should not be weak or afflicted.
- If 4th house is having relation with strong Jupiter or Venus or mercury, good education is promised.
- Relation between 4th lord and 5th lord is also very good for education. Here relation means aspect, conjunction or exchange of house.
- Jupiter in Ascendant or Lagna is very good for education. Jupiter, Mercury and Venus in Kendra or Trikona is considered highly favourable. This Yoga is very good and indicates success in education and also good fortune.
- 4th lord in 4th house aspected or conjunct with Jupiter, Venus or mercury is good for education.
- If 4th lord is exalted and in relation with Jupiter, Venus and mercury then also it is good.
- Conjunction, aspect, exchange of 4th and 5th lord is good and if the 9th lord also gets related here, it becomes excellent
- 9th lord in 1sthouse or 4th house or 5th house or 11th house is good for success in education, but it should not be afflicted.
- Exchange between Lagna lord and 9th lord or Conjunction of Lagna lord and 9th Lord is also good for higher study.
- Mutual aspect or conjunction or Nakshatra exchange or sign exchange between 5th Lord and 9th lord is also a good for education.
- If 9th Lord is in a friendly house and also Jupiter and Mercury is strong good education is seen.
- If Venus and Jupiter are conjunct in 1stor 4th or 9th or 5th house and not afflicted or weak good education is seen.
- If 2nd and 9th lord is in 1stor 4th or 9th or 5th house along with the house lord of 1st or 4th or 9th or 5th house and aspected by Jupiter good education is seen.
- If the 4th Lord is in 6th or the 6th lord is in 4th house or 4th lord is debilitated or weak there will be problem in education.
- If the Lagna Lord or 2nd Lord is in 5th and also strong, you will get good education.
- If Lagna Lord is debilitated or in 6, 8, or 12 house or weak it will create problem in education.
- 2nd, 4th, 5th and 9th house should not be afflicted.
Note: Apart from above combinations Mahadasha and Transits should also be studied during the time period of education life.
Which Planet signifies which Fields of Education:
- Sun signifies Science, Medicine, Chemical, Doctors, Light, Heat, Solar and Government Jobs, Maths, Philosophy, Medicines, Ayurveda, Healing, Astronomy, History, Metallurgy, Electricity, Medicine, Gems, Agriculture, Cardiac / Orthopaedic Surgeon,
- Moon signifies Creative Arts, Psychology, Psychiatry, Herbs, Chemistry, Biology, Hospitality, Fisheries, marine engineering, hotel management, human resource, nursing, sales and marketing, Navy, Fisheries, Textile, Chemical Engineering, Agriculture, Dairy Farming, Toiletries, Drama and Theatres, Dentist,
- Mars signifies all types of Engineering Courses, Automobile Engr, Army, Factories, Manufacturing Industries, Catering, Construction Business, Law, Logic-oriented courses, Construction, Black Smithy, Arms and Ammunitions, Sports, Engineering, Analysis, Research, Physics, Technology, Surgery, Power and Energy etc.
- Mercury signifies Commerce, Journalism, Acting, Theatre, Radio, Account keeping, Library Studies, Company Secretary, Electronics and Communications, Neuroscience, Robotics, Dermatologists, Banking, Editing Air force, Trade, and Communication- oriented subjects, Astrology, Mathematics, Accounts, Finance and Logic etc.
- Jupiter signifies Philosophy, Languages and Finance, Business Management, Trading, Investment Banking, Real estate Social Works, Aeronautics, Diabetics specialists, Religious Teachers, classics, Vedas, Astrology, Mantras, Priests, Philosophy, Sanskrit, History, Management Economics, Biology Its combination with Sun indicates Biology, Genetics and Micro-biology etc.
- Venus signifies Arts, Humanities, Fine Arts, Botany, Painting, Creative Arts, Fashion Design Interiors, Architecture, House Keeping, Training and Counselling, Performing Arts, Garments, Vascular surgeons, Gynaecologists, Travel and Tourism, Aviation, Music, Dance, Chemicals, Chemistry, Perfume and Social Studies etc.
- Saturn signifies History and Archaeology, Mining, Petroleum, Constitution, Law, Heavy Metals Civil Engineering, Menial Work, Mentors), Civil Aviation, Environmental Engineering, Geologists, Engineering related to construction, and study of Ores, History, Politics, Ancient Science and Mythology etc.
- Rahu signifies Big Businesses, Transportation, Animal Husbandry Leather Industries, Plastic Industries, Bodybuilding and Gyms, Alcohol-related businesses, Pathologists, Cancer Specialists, Radiologists, Business management, photography, acting etc.
- Ketu signifies Medicine, Mathematic, HR, Accounts, occult subjects, Lab technicians, Editors, Proofreaders, Researchers, linguists, painters, Preachers.
Fields of Education as per Houses of the Horoscope
1st house: Military science, Psychology, Professions related to law and order, ministry of home affairs.
2nd house: Economics, Mathematics, State revenues, commercial transactions, and Government Treasury; Nationalized Banks; Commerce and industry of Stock Exchange business, Arts and Painting etc.
3rd house: Military science, Telecommunication, Postal Services, Railways, printed media, Publication, Business or Libraries, Journalism, Philosophy, physics, Advertisement, Communication and Telecommunications.
4th house: Agriculture, University, colleges or school jobs, Mines and Geology Ministry of Agriculture, Department, PWD, Home science, Sociology, Civil engineering, Automobile engineering, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Farming, Poultry, Research in sea, oil research, Architecture.
5th house: education, higher education /research institutes, Maternity Centers and amusement spots, Gynaecology, Teaching training, Higher education of all sorts.
6th house: Ministry of Defence, Army, Navy, Medical hospitals, financing companies., Chemistry, Biology, Higher studies in medical science, Nursing training, Military science, Law.
7th house: Business management, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, trade and family courts, gynaecological clinics, and children’s hospitals., Private business, military science.
8th house: History, Archeology, Geology, Mining, Occult sciences, ehabilitation of masses; death birth/mortality rate record maintenance, secret services. Research works.
9th house: Law, religion, Spirituality, Teaching, Higher education, learning about foreigners and foreign land, Judiciary, supervision of religious organizations, tours, and travels, shipping, and courier.
10th house: Political science, Professional training, governmental heads, parliament affairs pension departments, chairperson of the board of directors, etc., Training for getting govt. job, Business management, General management.
11th house: Commerce, All science, Income Tax Department, Revenue Department, Ministry of Finance, Stock and Share Brokers, Corporate Training.
12th house: Foreign languages, foreign studies, Occult science, CBI or Secret Service, diplomats, wards of hospitals, spiritual heads.
Some Combinations for different Fields
Combination for Study in Medical Field
Jupiter and Mercury should be strong. Apart from this, Moon and Sun are also important planets for becoming Doctor.
Favourable combinations between houses 1, 6, 8, and 12 with houses of education is good to go for medical related studies. If Surgery field is to be seen then role of Mars also becomes important.
Combination to Study Engineering
Mars and Saturn are important Planets for Becoming an Engineer. Houses 8, 12 with combinations of education, 4, 5, 9, 11 houses indicates this field. . The 5th Lord, 9th Lord, Jupiter and Mercury Should be in a good condition in the chart. Strong 6th house and its lord are necessary to clear any competitive examination.
Here if 4 and 11 houses are prominent in the chart along with other combination of engineering, civil engineering, automobile engineering, architecture, interior decoration and allied fields can be seen.
For Coding, Programming and Software related studies role of Rahu and Mercury are very important, If Venus adds here then it suits Robotics.
If Moon and Watery Signs like Cancer or Scorpio are prominent, chemical engineering or Marine Engineering is possible.
Combination to Study Business Management or MBA
Good combination of 6th, 10th, 11th house in the Horoscope is usually favourable for studying business management. If Saturn and Sun are also strong and in favourable position then Administrative jobs are seen. Mercury and Venus conjunction and favourable 3rd house are Good for success in Marketing field, Human Resource.
Combination for Accountancy
Houses 2, 11 combining favourably with the houses of education indicate commerce, CA’s studies. The Planet Mercury and Signs like Virgo, Capricorn are important here. These combinations can also give you Study in Economics.
Combination for Journalism
Favourable Combinations of 3rd and 11th house with Signs like Gemini and Planets Mercury promote study in journalism.
Note: There are only a few combinations for different fields of studies and education. Overall individual chart analysis is important for right selection and prediction.