Houses to analyse for Child Birth
2nd house:
5th house:
11th house:
9th house:
Planets to study and analyse for Child Birth
Jupiter: It is the natural Signifactor for child birth. So We Should Always Judge the condition of Jupiter in the Horoscope for Any kind of Analysis Regarding progeny.
Sun: Sun is the Ruler of 5th house in the Natural Zodiac.
Mars: Mars being ruler of the 8th house Scorpio in the Natural Zodiac it also rules the male sexual organ.
Venus: Venus also rules the female Sex organs and also the quality of semen in the Male. It is the Planet of Love and Sex.
Following are some combinations in a Horoscope which indicate Child Birth without problems:
- The 5th House and the 5th Lord should not have any affliction. Malefic Planets such as Rahu, Ketu and Saturn should not be placed in the 5th house. Mercury is also not considered very favourable for childbirth but it placement should be analysed.
- 5th lord placed in the Ascendant and Ascendant lord in the 5th good children. The placement of 5th lord in 2nd house can bless you children without problem. Also the placement of the 5th Lord in Kendra Houses or in the Trikon Houses such as 4th house, 7th, 11th, 10th and the 9th House without affliction is seen as good and favourable for childbirth without much trouble.
- Navamsha or D-9 and Saptamsha of the D-7 charts should also be analysed. The condition of the 5th Lord in Navamsha and also in D7 chart should be checked. It should not be debilitated or of very weak strength or afflicted.
- If the 5th lord goes into enemy sign, debilitated sign, combustion, weakened in planetary war or if it occupies 6th, 8th or 12 houses then there can be loss of children, or delay or no children. When 8th lord is placed in the 5th house, it may indicate the delay in getting children.
- The 5th Lord Should not be retrograde and the 5th house should not be occupied by any retrograde planet. This creates problems in conception and getting child. Jupiter should not be retrograde. Putrakarka Planet (As per Jaimini system) should not be retrograde. More than one Planet in 5th house and 5th lord badly placed shows some past life bad Karma which reflects in this life.
- The Sun should not be in close conjunction with Planets like Rahu, Ketu or Saturn.
- The 5th house in D1 chart or D9 Chart or D7 chart should not be occupied by planets like Rahu or Ketu or Saturn.
- The 5th Lord of D1 chart should not be debilitated in D9 and D7 charts.
- The Lagna of the D7 chart and Lagna Lord of D7 chart should not be weak or afflicted.
- Aries, Gemini, Leo and Virgo are barren Signs. The Placement of 5th Lord in these barren Signs creates problem in getting child.
Miscarriage, Abortions and Problems during Pregnancy
- When Mars joins Jupiter and Venus in the 8th house, a women can face abortions or complications during pregnancy. More problems are seen if the 5th Lord is in the Star of 8th or 12th Lord.
- If Ketu is transiting over the 5th house during the pregnancy, complications or problems like miscarriage, abortion is possible. If 5th house or 5th lord at the same time is afflicted and unfavourable Mahadasha is running sometimes it also results into still birth.
- Also if the 5th Lord is in 8th house and in the Star of Mars or Rahu, it can give problem like miscarriage or abortion.
- If there is Pitra Dosha, Nadi Dosha or Naag Dosha in a Horoscope then also there is problem in getting child.
Other Factors of Problem in Child Birth
Reasons of Male Infertility as per Astrology
Azoospermia means there’s no required measurable sperm in a man’s ejaculate. Its causes include a blockage along the reproductive tract, hormonal problems, ejaculation problems or issues with testicular structure or function.
- Debilitated Saturn in sixth or twelfth house.
- Placement of Venus and Saturn in 3rd or 11th house.
- If seventh lord is placed in movable sign and aspected by female planets (Saturn and Mercury).
- Placement of Venus with Saturn in tenth house.
- Conjunction of Sun, Mercury and Saturn.
- Venus’s placement in Capricorn sign & Ninth lord is placed in eighth house.
- Both sixth lord and mercury is placed with Rahu and has association with ascendant.
- Saturn is placed in sixth or twelfth from Venus.
- Mars’s aspect on Mercury placed in Leo sign.
Malefic planet is being the lord of seventh house is placed in ninth house.If Mercury is placed in Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn or Aquarius ascendant and aspected by Saturn.
- Malefics in the 6th, 7th or 8th house can cause sexual related health problems.
- 7th house affliction by the impotence causing planets. Moon, Ketu and Saturn in the 1st house. The affliction of the 1st or 7th house by Rahu and Saturn. Mercury and Ketu in the 7th aspected by Saturn and Rahu from the Lagna.
- Rahu in the 7th house with Saturn in the 8th. This gets enhanced by Mercury’s aspect.
- When Venus is in the 7th house and a malefic for the Lagna or under affliction, impotence is caused.
- Saturn in debilitation in the 12th or the 6th house.
- Saturn in a water sign in the 6th or 12th houses without any benefic aspect.
- Ketu in the 8th in a Rashi owned by Mercury (Mithuna or Kanya) without any benefic aspects.
- A very strong Mercury in the 8th or Mercury conjunct Ketu in the 8th.
- Saturn conjunct Venus in the 8th or 12th houses.
- Both Moon and Venus afflicted by Rahu, Ketu or Saturn.
- Saturn and Mercury conjunct in the 7th.
Reasons of Female Infertility as per Astrology
- If Saturn in sign Scorpio, placed in the 8th house will give diseases of reproductive organs for long period
- Due to Affliction to Moon and Mars in a female astrology chart create disturbance in menstrual cycles
- If afflicted 8th house/lord and sign Scorpio
- If Mars afflicting 7th /8th house
- Moon associated with malefics and with malefic Navamsa located in the ascendant.
- If Moon and 8th house/lord afflicted by Mars and negative Jupiter can give excessive bleeding during cycle. Rahu & Mars in 7th also causes this.
- When Malefic aspects on lords of 6th and 8th houses
- Venus/Moon being afflicted by Saturn/Rahu indicates blockage in fallopian tubes.
- 7th/8th house afflicted by Saturn and Rahu indicates obstruction in fallopian tubes
- Sun and Saturn posited in 8th house
- Rahu Ketu forming 5th and 11th house can give false pregnancy and still birth
- If Moon and 8th house lord afflicted by Saturn indicate irregular and limited flow in menstrual cycle with severe pain
- Venus posited in 6th/8th/12th house indicates common female genitals disorders
- If lord of ascendant or 6th is conjunct with Mercury and Rahu
- Afflicted sun and or moon in sign Scorpio indicates ovarian disorder
- If 8th lord and or 8th house and Moon are seriously afflicted by Saturn and Rahu can result in uterus cancer & with Ketu fibroid
- Moon and sign Cancer being afflicted by Saturn or Ketu or negative Jupiter indicate lumps and tumours in breast. Same affliction by Rahu can result malignant tumour.
- Lords of 4th and 7th houses if posited in 6th/8th/12th house and getting aspect of malefic planet can give urinary tract infection.
- Lord of 8th house and Venus afflicted by Rahu indicates venereal infections
Time of Child Birth:
- The horoscope of both Male and Female should be analysed. 5th and 9th house of both should also be checked.
- Childbirth is possible during the Mahadasha or Antardasha of Lagna Lord or Ascendant Lord, 5thLord, 7th Lord, 9th Lord or 11th Lord.
- During Transit, when Saturn and Jupiter aspect 5th or 9th house, it also indicates the childbirth.
- Char Dasha of the Sign where Putrakaraka Planet is placed is also favourable period for Childbirth.
- Transiting Jupiter, Saturn or both are placed in the 5th or the 9th
- During transit Jupiter, Saturn or both are in conjunction with the lord of 5th or the 9th