Cancer 2022 Predictions
Position and Transit of Planets in 2022 for Cancer:
The position and transit of planets during the year 2022 for Cancer will be as follows:
This year on April 13, Jupiter would enter Pisces Sign your 9th House and Rahu in Aries Sign your 10th house on 12 April and Ketu enters Libra your 4th house. Saturn remains in Capricorn your 7th house till 28 April 2022 and enters Aquarius your 8th house on 29 April 2022. In retrograde motion re-enters Capricorn on 12 July 2022 and remains throughout 2022. Venus lord of 4th and 11th houses enters your 7th house on 27 February and then 8th house on 31 March and in Pisces your 9th house on 27 April. Mars enters Sagittarius your 6th house on 16 January and then in your 7th house Capricorn on 16 February. Sun enters your 7th house on 14 January and in your 10th house Aries on 14 April. Mercury lord of your 3rd and 12th house will be retrograde in the beginning of the year on 14th January in Capricorn sign your 7th house.
Profession and Career
This year would be moderately auspicious for work and profession perspective. There might be some problems in the beginning of the year. Besides this unnecessary problems could crop up all of a sudden in the month of May, June and July. But you would succeed over these problems by dint of your hard work, self-confidence and working efficiencies and capabilities. There are chances that the year 2022 is likely to be fruitful on a career front. Jupiter is going to transit in April in the house of fate while Sun is in Aries your 10th in April. Owing to these two transits, the period from April to mid-September is going to be favourable in the context of your career. During this, those who are looking for a job or desired job may get success. Those who complain that they are not paid as per their hard work are likely to get desired rewards.
At the end of April month, Saturn is going to transit in the eighth house, the house of longevity, and this will prove to be beneficial. You may also get the rewards more than your expectations. During this, there are chances of a transfer. Your fate is likely to be rewarding in the last few months of the year and you may get good results from a career point of view. You are advised to sacrifice your laziness and remain active.
You would be able to accomplish your ventures due to the effect of Saturn in Seventh House. Your secret enemies and competitors could create hindrances for four domain of work. Hence work incessantly with great caution by applying your mental capabilities. Those who are performing jobs would get reverence at their work place.
Finance and Wealth
This year would be average result oriented for economic perspective. During first quarter of the year Rahu in Eleventh House indicates sudden gains for you. You could get rid of long pending debt by these sudden gains. As per the yearly horoscope of Cancer 2022, the year is likely to be profitable from a financial point of view. Saturn is going to remain posited in the seventh house at the beginning of the year and this may make you face challenges. However, after April, Saturn is going to transit in Aquarius which may result in the betterment of the financial aspect. Due to this transit, there are chances that the period from April to August is likely to be highly favourable. You will be able to control your expenses and there are strong possibilities of accumulating money.
During the mid of April Jupiter is going to transit in your ninth house, the house of fate. During this, there are chances of positive results and you might be financially sound. As per the Cancer zodiac sign, Mars is going to transit in the eleventh house in the month of August, the house of gains aspecting its 5th house of Scorpio sign. During this, you will get favourable results and there is likely to be a new source of income. Also, there are strong possibilities of getting favourable results from other sources.
The later half of the year would be auspicious for your economic growth. Due to auspicious transit of Jupiter there would be enhancement in your money gains and hence you could make desired savings. You would incur expenditure on auspicious ceremonies, social activities and education of children.
House, Family, Children and Education
Beginning of the year would be averagely auspicious for family perspective. An environment of peace and harmony would prevail in your family because of combined aspectual effect of Jupiter and Saturn on Fourth House. You would get full cooperation of your mother. Cancer horoscope 2022 states that the year is likely to give mixed results from a family point of view. The beginning of the year may not be up to the mark. Your mother may face health-related issues due to the transit of Mars in the eighth house of and this may lead to tension in the house, since it will aspect the second house of family.
However, Jupiter will remain posited in the ninth house, the house of fate, in April month. You may get good results due to the favourable aspect of Jupiter in your zodiac sign and all the family differences may be resolved.
In April, Rahu is going to transit in Aries your 10th house while Ketu is in the fourth house Due to these transits, you may stay away from your family members till September.
There are chances that there may be peace in your family from October till December. During this, there is a possibility of a new arrival in your family and it may lead to a festival-like atmosphere in the family, since there will be a conjunction of three planets i.e. Sun, Venus and Mercury in the fourth house of home. There will be a sense of togetherness and good understanding in the family. You may get the full support of family members in your personal as well as professional life.
In the later half of the year, worries regarding children would be over and social prestige be at a higher pinnacle. You would participate enthusiastically in social activities. You would get full cooperation of your younger brother and sisters. The year 2022 is going to be average at the marital front. There are chances of ups and downs at the beginning of the year. Saturn will be placed in the seventh house due to this, there can be discord in married life. There can be bitterness in relationships and there are chances of bickering. Also, you may remain under mental stress.
After April 13, there can be peace in your married life due to the special grace of Jupiter on your house of self .i.e. Lagna and love house. During this period, there are chances of getting full-fledged affection from your spouse. You may sit together to sink the differences and understand each other well. Due to this, there will be sweetness in your relationship. Also, it will be full of romance and you will recall your old memories.
All sorts of misunderstandings are likely to be resolved due to the transit of fifth house lord of affections, Mars in Aries in the month of June, from where it will aspect its own house i.e. the fifth house. The last month of the year may be favourable in the context of married life and you may spend a nice time with your better half. You can get full cooperation from your life partner and you will come close to each other.
Children & Education
Beginning of the year would generally not be so auspicious for children perspective. Your worries about problems and hindrances for health education and employment of your children will be added up.
In the later half of the year, better time period would be experienced and your worries about children may be seen to completely come to an end. Newlyweds could be blessed with offspring. There would be reformations for health and education of your children. Those who are concerned about education are the year 2022 is going to be favourable for them. The special effect of Jupiter will be on your fifth house of studies for the period from mid-April to September. Due to this, you are likely to get good success in the context of education. During this, you will be able to focus on your studies and perform much better than before. You are likely to go for higher education and there are chances of getting success in competitive exams.
The most important thing is that you have to be a bit alert as Saturn is going to change its position in the last part of April. Due to this, you might face some problems from an educational point of view. During this, there are chances of relocation and there can be mental stress. In this regard, you have to be strong and make decisions intelligently.
However, Mars is going to transit in June to Aries, which falls in your tenth house and will aspect your fourth house of basic education. Due to this, there are chances of changes in the education field.
There are possibilities that the months of November and December from an educational point of view are favourable. During this, you may not only get good marks but also succeed in competitive exams. Beginning of the year would be an average period for competitive examination point of view. Incessant and untiring hard work is indispensable for success.
If you intend to have admission is higher profile institution for higher education, success would accrue in later half of the year. Those who have not yet been absorbed in some job might have to wait for some more time
Beginning of the year would not be so much favourable for health perspective. There would be problems due to weather borne diseases because of effect of Jupiter in Eighth House. Improve your daily routine along with food habits. Take regular exercises and practice Yoga in the morning while inhaling fresh air. Do not have any mental tension because of any economic aspect or opponent. People having the Cancer zodiac sign need to be cautious in the context of health. In the beginning of the year, Saturn is going to remain posited in the seventh house and you are likely to face health-related troubles owing to the same.
On the other hand, Mars is going to transit in Sagittarius in the month of January and this transit is likely to help you in fighting against health-related problems.
In the context of the Cancer zodiac sign, Jupiter is going to transit in Pisces i.e. the house of fate, on April 13. During this, you may observe improvement in your health and there are possibilities that you may get rid of health-related problems by the end of September. This year, you have to take special care of your diet and if possible, you are advised to exercise or meditate regularly. If you join a gym, it will prove to be beneficial from a health point of view. Try to avoid stress and stay calm. The last few months of the year may give better results on a financial front.
In the latter half of year, your health would be well and steady. You would have positive thoughts in your mind because of aspect of benefic planet on Ascendant. Interest in religious activities would be augmented as a result you would be mentally more contented.
Travel and Transfer
This year would be of average grade for journey perspective. In the beginning of the year Saturn in Seventh House could journeys for professionals in relation to their professions.
You could enjoy a foreign travel because of effect of Jupiter on Twelfth House during first quarter of the year. In the later half of the year you would have pilgrimages along with visit to your birth place.
Note: These are general predictions for Cancer for 2022 based on transits of planets over the year. More accurate personalized analysis and predictions with remedial advice can be done after analyzing the individualized birth chart/ horoscope, the placement and overall strength of planets in the natal chart, ascendant and moon sign and analysis of divisional charts, yogas and doshas, mahadashas, antardashas and conjunctions along with the annual chart (varsh Kundali) and the transits.
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