Principle of Bhavat Bhavam

This concept is a exclusive and a key principle of Vedic Astrology. Using this principle, it can be applied to analyze and derive in depth and maximum information about an individual. This is a wonderful extension of relative analysis.

“Bhava” means House in Vedic Astrology and “Bhavam” means ‘from House to House. Logically, it gives much deeper interpretation of a particular house under study.  To be more clear and precise, the things related to a particular Bhava or House are also studied and read from the House which counts to the same number when counted from the house under consideration.

For Example, if we are analyzing the 5th house in any chart, then for further deep study of the things signified by the 5th house, we have to analyze the 9th house which is 5th from 5th house. Similarly, while studying the 2nd house for any horoscope, we have to at the same time also study the 2nd to 2nd i.e. the 3rd house.  

So, by studying the “house of house” through it lordship, sign, planets influencing by placement, aspects and conjunctions we can see its manifestation, coming into existence, turning into and execution.

So, to see and get the results for desires related to a particular bhava or house, it is very necessary that that energy is transformed into action or execution from it bhavam or ‘house of house’. Therefore, it becomes necessary to interpret both the houses.  

Apart from several techniques for arriving at the predictions, this principle is very important and makes a great difference and signification.

Example of using this Principle:

Suppose while analyzing Second House of Second Bhava of the horoscope of a Person, What other things can be interpreted using the Principle of Bhavat Bhavam

2nd House / Bhava is

  1. 12th from 3rd So losses, hospitalization, imprisonment of brothers and neighbors
  2. 11th from 4th So Gains and profits of Mother, land, house, property and vehicle
  3. 10th from 5th. So career, job and fields of children, their status
  4. 9th from 6th So long journeys of maternal relatives
  5. 8th from 7th. Death of Spouse, end of marriage, separation
  6. 7th from 8th. So legacies through spouse
  7. 6th from 9th. So illness, health problems, debts and enemies of father
  8. 5th form 10th. So Investments and speculation in career and job
  9. 4th form 11th. So home of elder brother and homes of friends circle
  10. 3rd from 12th. So short journeys of hidden enemies


Bhavat Bhavam House Count

1st House- 1st from 1st is 1st house

2nd House- 2nd from 2nd is 3rd house

3rd House- 3rd from 3rd is 5th house

4th House- 4th from 4th is 7th house

5th House- 5th from 5th is 9th house

6th House- 6th from 6th is 11th house

7th House- 7th from 7th is 1st House

8th House- 8th from 8th is 3rd House

9th House- 9th from 9th is 5th house

10th House- 10th from 10th is 7th house

11th House- 11th from 11th is 9th house

12th House- 12th from 12th is 11th house


What can be further studied from each House: (for all 12 Houses) using principle of Bhavat Bhavam

1st House or 1st Bhava

1st house is 12th from 2nd house. So it also shows expenses of family wealth.

1st house is 2nd from 12th house. So it also shows wealth from foreign sources and gain of isolation also.

1st house is 11th from 3rd house. So it also shows gains, desires and network circle of one’s younger siblings.

1st house is 4th from 10th house. So it also shows career, reputation and status of mother.

1st house is 9th from 5th house. So it also shows luck and attitude of children.

1st house is 8th form 6th house.  So it also shows the end of our diseases. It also shows death of one’s uncle and aunt.

1st house is 6th form 8th house. So it also shows illness and health problems of one’s in-laws.

1st house is 3rd from 11th house. So it also shows efforts, courage and competitiveness of one’s elder sibling.

1st house is 2nd from 12th house. So gain of spiritual efforts is also studied.

2nd House of 2nd Bhava

2nd house is 12th form 3rd. So it also shows loss and expenses to younger siblings and also their foreign travel or settlements. Being 12th from 3rd it also shows a person’s loss of communications and skills, loss of wealth.

2nd house is 11th from 4th house. So it also shows hopes, wishes, desire and gains of mother and her social circle.

2nd house is 10th from 5th house. So it also shows career of first child.

2nd house is 8th from 7th house. So it also shows inheritance of spouse, surgeries of spouse, joint assets.

2nd house is 7th from 8th house. So it also shows types of business partners of in-laws.

2nd house is 5th from 10th house. So it also shows luck of father

2nd house is 9th from 6th house. So it also shows luck through enemies. Luck through debts and loans. Luck through struggles and competition. Luck through religious beliefs of maternal uncles and aunts.

2nd house is 4th from 11th house. So it also shows professional life, circle, comforts and happiness of elder siblings.

2nd house is 3rd from 12th house. So it also shows efforts in foreign lands or in isolated places.


3rd House or 3rd Bhava

3rd house is 2nd from 2nd house. So it also shows wealth from wealth. That is wealth creation from existing wealth or capital. It can be self made wealth or family wealth into business development.

3rd house being 2nd to 2nd house it also shows success through collection of resources, speech and writing.

3rd house is 12th from 4th house. So it also shows loss or death of mother. Also loss to property and vehicle of mother and her happiness. Also her isolation and sleep.

3rd house is 11th from 5th house. So it also shows gains from past life karmas, form pious deeds, from investments and long travels. It also shows hopes, desires and gains for the first child.

3rd house is 6th from 10th house. So it also shows illness and medical condition and debts of father.

3rd house is 5th from 11th house. So is also shows children of elder sibling.

3rd house is 4th from 12th house. So it also shows storage of spiritual karmas and attainment of Moksha.

3rd house is 8th from 8th house. So it also shows hidden talents, in-laws and inheritance.


4th House of 4th Bhava

4th house is 2nd from 3rd house. So it also shows gains, resources and communication of younger siblings.

4th house is 12th from 5th house. So it also shows expenses, isolation, loss and foreign travels and hospitalisation of children.

4th house is 11th from 6th house. So it also shows gain of enemies and gains from debts.

4th house is 8th form 9th house. So is also shows obstacles in higher learning, obstacles of Guru, hidden wealth of Guru, Obstacles in teaching of Guru and obstacles in religious life. Surgery of Guru.

4th house is 6th from 11th house. So it also shows enemies and illness of elder siblings.

4th house is 10th from 7th house. So it also shows career of Spouse.

4th house is 9th from 8th house. So it also shows luck from joint assets, in-laws and inheritance.


5th House of 5th Bhava

5th house is 2nd from 4th house. So it also shows gains out of learning. Gain from mother and home or homeland. Fixed assets, hoarded family wealth. Gain from vehicles.

5th house is 3rd from 3rd house. So it also shows communication ability and intelligence and efforts of younger siblings.

5th house is 12th from 6th house. So it also shows losses of enemies.

5th house is 11th from 7th house. So it also shows desires, hopes and gains of Spouse and type of network circle and organization. It also shows elder sibling of Spouse.

5th house is 10th from 8th house. So it also shows status and reputation of Spouse’s family

5th house is 8th from 10th house. So it also shows end of karma or karmic efforts, end of job or assignment. New opportunity or transformation in job and karma.

5th house is 6th from 12th house. So it also shows diseases and illness of Paternal Grandmother.

5th house is 9th from 9th house. So it also shows past, future and highest if dharma, philosophy, luck of grand children and gains out of learning from a Guru.

5th house is 7th from 11th house. So it also shows end of desires. End of large organisations and job and even dissolving of an organization.


6th House of 6th Bhava

6th house is 3rd from 4th house. So it also shows communication of divine learning and knowledge.

6th house is 12th from 7th house. So it shows health, hospitalisation of Spouse apart from the illness and health of one’s own.

6th house is 8th from 11th house. So it also shows sudden gains or losses from network circle. Sudden transformation of circle.

6th house is 4th from 2nd house. So it also shows comforts, education and happiness of family lineage.

6th house is 2nd from 5th house. So it also shows food and eating habits of children. Also wealth and fame of child.

6th house is 11th from 8th house. So it also shows gain through spouse family or in-laws, inheritance, insurance.

6th house is 10th from 9th house. So it also shows status and reputation of Guru. Also of father (if 9th house is taken for fathe)

6th house is 9th from 10th house. So it also shows luck from career and profession. Philosophy or belief system of your workplace. Luck from your seniors.

6th house is 8th from 11th house. So it also shows sudden evens, hidden wealth, psychology and transformations of elder sibling.


7th House or 7th Bhava

7th house is 3rd from 5th house. So it also shows communication ability, manual skills, creative interests of your child and related efforts.

7th house is 5th from 3rd house. So it also shows intelligence and attitude of younger sibling. It also shows children of younger sibling, It also shows second child of the native.

7th house is 6th from 2nd house. So it also shows enemies, debts and obstacles and illness of family.

7th house is 4th from 4th house. So it also shows completion of education, status of education, hoarded wealth, house, rental or earnings from house. It also shows relationship with grandmother.

7th house is 2nd from 6th house. So it also shows wealth of enemies and finance condition of Uncle and Aunt. It also shows having grip over enemies.

7th house is 12th from 8th house. So it also shows loss of sexual life. Loss of longevity, loss of interest in hidden knowledge and research.

7th house is 10th from 10th house. So it also shows rise in career, promotion and benefits, status and fame in profession.

7th house is 11th from 9th house. So it also shows luck and gain of father and Guru.

7th house is 9th from 11th house. So it also shows luck, rise, religious belief and travel of elder sibling.


8th House of 8th Bhava

8th house is 5th from 4th house. So it also shows education, investments, attitude and creative pursuits of mother.

8th house is 2nd form 7th house. So it also shows gains from business activities, gains from shared resources, gains from others properties and also gains from foreign lands.

Also being 2nd form 7th, it also shows wealth of Spouse and wealth gained form in-laws. Also gains from legacies and inheritance. It also shows nature of in-laws.

8th house is 11th from 10th house. So it also shows gains as well as losses from job and career. It also shows change of job or business. It also shows other people’s wealth. So wealth of people a person will deal in his business or job.

8th house is 10th from 11th house. So it also shows career of friends and network,

8th house is 9th from 12th house. So it also shows the luck of the native in foreign lands.

8th house is 6th from 3rd house. So it also shows illness, enemies, debts and obstacles of younger siblings. It also shows maternal relatives of younger siblings and friends.

8th house is 3rd from 6th house. So it also shows time of paying the debts for the native.

8th house is 4th from 5th house. So it shows happiness, home environment, types of vehicles and fixed assets of children.

It also shows communication of maternal relatives.  


9th House of 9th Bhava

9th house is 3rd from 7th house. So it also shows communication, manual skills, writing ability and hobbies of Spouse. Is also shows younger sibling of S;pouse.

9th house is 6th from 4th house. So it also shows debts, illness, medical condition, enemies and conflicts of mother.  

9th house is 12th from 10th house. So it also shows loss and end of career or job. Loss of actions, reputation and status.

9th house is 10th from 12th house. So it also shows actions and karma done for religious or spiritual life and charities and donations.

9th house is 5th from 5th house. So is also shows creative pursuits and expression of children. Their hobbies and liking. Also their attitude and speculative gains.

9th house is 4th from 6th house. So it also shows home and properties of maternal uncle and ant.

9th house is 8th from 2nd house. So it also shows destruction or transformation of family’s wealth.

9th house is 7th from 3rd house. So it also shows Spouse of younger sibling.

9th house is 3rd from 7th and 10th from 12th house. So it also shows ability of earning form foreign lands.


10th House of 10th Bhava

10th house is 4th from 7th house. So it also shows environment and home of Spouse.

10th house is 2nd from 9th house. So it also shows death of Guru.

10th house is 12th from 11th. So is also shows spiritual belief of elder sibling, his isolation, sleep, foreign affairs, hospitalization and expenses.

10th house is 11th from 12th house. So it also shows gains from paternal relatives. Gain from foreign lands.

10th house is 9th from 2nd house. So it also shows luck & fortune from family, from family wealth and treasured wealth.

10th house is 8th from 3rd house. So it also shows sudden transformations in the life of younger siblings. Sudden accidents, surgeries and obstacles and ups and downs in life of neighbors and younger siblings.

10th house is 6th from 5th house. So it also shows debts, illness, competition, daily struggle and enemies of children.

10th house is 5th from 6th house. So it shows children of maternal uncle and of enemies and also their luck.

10th house is 3rd from 8th house. So it also shows siblings of in-laws of native.


11th House of 11th Bhava

11th house is 2nd from 10th house. So it also shows gains from father and from career and profession.

11th house is 12th from 12th house. So it also shows quality of our subconscious mind and sleep. It also shows loss in foreign land.

11th house is 10th from 2nd house. So it also shows reputation and status of family. Is also shows career of family and fame of the actions of the native.

11th house is 9th from 3rd house. So it also shows luck and fortune of younger siblings apart from their religious and spiritual beliefs and also their travels.

11th house is 8th from 4th house. So it also shows sudden transformations, obstacles and surgery of mother. It also shows in-laws and joint assets of mother. The occult and mystical side of mother.

11th house is 7th from 5th house. So it also shows Spouse of the first child of the native.

11th house is 6th from 6th house. So it also shows debts, illness, diseases and enemies of maternal relatives. It also shows victory and gains through enemies and gain from illness of the native. It also shows the dissolution of loan of the native.

11th house is 5th from 7th house. So it also shows luck, attitude, creative talents and hobby of Spouse.

11th house is 4th from 8th house. So it shows the home environment, karma, land of in-laws.

11th house is 3rd from 9th house. So if 9th house is taken to represent for father, then it shows communication of father, his younger siblings.   


12th House or 12th Bhava

12th house is 11th from 2nd house. So it also shows gains of the family of the native.

12th house is 10th from 3rd house. So it shows career and job of siblings and their status and reputation.

12th house is 9th from 4th house. So it also shows luck and fortune of mother and her spiritual belief. It also shows about paternal grandmother and maternal grandfather.

12th house is 8th from 5th house. So it shows transformations, obstacles, longevity, psychological issues and joint assets of children.

12th house is 6th from 7th house. So it also shows illness, diseases, enemies, struggles, debts of Spouse.

12th house is 4th house from 9th house. So it also shows happiness and comforts of father.

12th house is 3rd from 10th house. So it also shows efforts of native for career and job. Conversion of investments can also be seen from 12th house.