Meaning of Ashtam Shani
During transit or gochar whenever Saturn transits to the 8th house from the Natal Moon Sign or Rashi, it forms Ashtam position from the Natal Moon in the chart which is known as Ashtama Shani.
Meaning if Kantak Shani
During transit or gochar whenever Saturn transits to the 4th, 7th and 10th signs either from Lagna, Arudha Lagna or the Moon sign if forms Kantaka Sani. Saturn usually gives results like a thorn in the leg and the native has to limp in all activities of life. Finances in flow are stuck and there is downward trend in the business, career and profession.
Important Note: As majority of the events depend on Transits and Dasha we should also correlate the Dasha period with above Ashtam and Kantak Shani transits and more care and related remedies will be required if Sade Sati is also running during the transit of Ashtam and Kantak Shani.
As Saturn stays in a Sign for approx 2.5 years these transits have more intense and lasting transformative effects. Ashtavarga points should also be analysed.
Effects of Ashtam and Kantak Shani.
- Transit should be judged from Moon, Ascendant and also from the Arudha Lagna.
- Person takes wrong decision when these transits are from the Ascendant or Lagna.
- The person sees downfall in career and relationships during these transits from Arudha lagna.
- The person suffers financial setback and obstacles and delays in money inflow during these transits from Moon along with physical and emotional problems.
- Transits to the 4th house either from Lagna or the Moon may create health problem because from the 4th house it will aspect the Lagna or the Moon. It may create problem with mother or health problem to her also.
- Transit to the 8th house or during Ashtam Shani it creates problems and conflicts regarding finance or joint possession you have with others. The person will not get any help financial or other from others whom he or she has expected. There can be sudden health related issue. The person may also witness death of some close relative. This is also a highly transformative and evolutionary phase in one’s life which teaches the person how to deal with other people and situations and the actual worth of money and assets.
- The person feels as if he or she is freezed at one place and restricted in actions and output in career and finance and business which created stress, depression and irritation.
- The person also faces humiliation during this period and often separation from the family.
- If the person has been involved in any illegal and unlawful activities in the earlier years of life there is every possibility that he or she gets caught and trapped during the Ashtam Shani period resulting into legal proceedings, loss of job, stuck business, and punishment or even confinement.
A period of Transformation: It can Either Make you or Break You.
8th house is also known as the the house of transformation and also of sudden gains. If the Karma, actions and activities of the person were good during the earlier period or previous life and if the Saturn is favourable in Natal chart and its dispositor and the Rashi Lord are well placed the period of Ashtama Shani can give rise in career and business.
Some persons are also seen change their line of work and adopt and start entirely a new venture of career with success in later years. This period completely transforms the person.
At the same time the period of Ashtama Shani may prove to be very adverse and devastating for some charts, when the dasha is adverse or earlier karmas were bad and will break the person and may give losses, separation, health problems.
Remedies become very necessary during Ashtam and Kantak Shani periods because entire life is on the turning point which can either make you or break you. These remedies are specific as per the individual horoscope.
If you or anyone of your near and dear ones want analysis and remedies for their Ashtam and Kantak Shani periods please click on the following link to avail consultation and remedial advice.