Aquarius 2022 Predictions
Position and Transit of Planets in 2022 for Aquarius:
The position and transit of planets during the year 2022 for Aquarius will be as follows:
This year on April 13, Jupiter would enter Pisces Sign your Second House and Rahu in Aries Sign your third House on 12 April and Ketu enters Libra your 9th house. Saturn remains in Capricorn your 12th house till 28 April 2022 and enters Aquarius your sign on 29 April 2022. In retrograde motion re-enters Capricorn on 12 July 2022 and remains throughout 2022.
Venus enters your sign on 31 March and in Pisces your 2nd house on 27 April. Mars enters Sagittarius your 11th house on 16 January. Sun enters Aries your 3rd house on 14 April and Sagittarius your 11th house on 16 December. Mercury lord of your 5th and 8th house will be retrograde in your 12th house Capricorn in the beginning of the year 14 January.
For Moon Sign- Aquarius- Aquarius persons will still be under 1st cycle of their Saturn Sade Sati this year so they must get analysed their individualised chart for required remedies.
Profession and Career
This year will be favourable for the natives of Aquarius. The transit of Mars will be in your eleventh house of gains in Sagittarius in the first month of the year and will prove to be prosperous for you. This year would be favourable for work and profession. You would get success in domain of your work and profession as Jupiter aspects Seventh House. This would cause enhancement of your income. This is the time period when your fortune smiles for you.
In the later half of the year due to the effect of Saturn in Twelfth House your secret enemies might cause problems and hindrances in your domain of work. There are indications for progress of those who are in jobs but there would be some problems along with their transfers.
According to the career horoscope 2022, this year will be favourable for the natives of Aquarius. The transit of Mars will be in your eleventh house of gains in Sagittarius in the first month of the year and will prove to be prosperous for you. With this, you will be able to achieve immense success in terms of your career. If you are a businessman, you will have chances to earn good profits, at this time. On the other hand, if you are moving towards new business, then the period from January to May will be favourable for you. Along with this, there will be chances of getting job promotions for the working individuals.
Saturn will transit in your sign from April. You will get the complete support of the planet Saturn in getting the best results from your tasks done in the past. However, your laziness will also increase during this period. But you need to give up your laziness and keep yourself focused on your goal to reap the best results.
Those who are in business with their partners are especially advised to improve their relationship with their associates during this period. The months of September, October, and November will bring many changes in the lives of the employed people. Your tenth house lord will transit from your fourth & fifth house respectively which will influence your house of profession and income. There is a possibility that you might have a small dispute with your colleagues and your boss at the workplace, due to which you may have to suffer loss.
Also, the end of the year will prove to be the best in terms of your career. If you do business related to foreign countries or are employed in a multinational company, then the period till November will be favourable for you since Saturn will be placed in your house of foreign land and will bring favourable results. Those people who were willing to go abroad will also get opportunities to go on a foreign trip related to the field.
Finance and Wealth
This year would be moderately favourable for wealth and property points of view. Instead of certain problems, there would be incessant flow of income. But it would be very hard to control the expenditure of wealth. After April 13, Jupiter would transit Second House. At that time you would some relief positively. Talking about the economic life of Aquarius natives, you will get more fruitful outcomes than usual. Especially at the beginning of this year, you will be able to make good money through different means. The transit of Mars in Sagittarius on January 16 will bring positive changes in your financial life, which will bring you luck, and you will be able to get rid of all kinds of financial problems. The time after April will also be favourable for you as the lagna lord will be in its own sign, which will strengthen your position. During this time, the auspicious effects of planets will make you earn money, and you will benefit from every investment made by you in your life.
Beginning in March, favourable Yogas will be created in your zodiac sign. As a result, your financial condition will be better. Also, you will be successful in getting your stuck up money. Especially if your money was stuck somewhere, then the chances of getting it are going to be the best during this time.
However, this year your expenses will also increase, especially from the beginning of the year, when lagna lord will be in twelfth house of expenditure until September. You are advised to be cautious while putting money in your new plan and control your money expenditure. During this period, many people can spend a large part of the accumulated wealth for the fulfilment of their own family and some of their own desires. Apart from this, some people will also be able to earn money from foreign contacts and sources.
With the movement of Rahu in the Aries sign from April 12, the third house of your zodiac will be activated. Though Rahu will increase your courage and risk taking ability here but during this time, you may show some haste in making decisions related to money. You may also suffer loss in the future because of it. In this case, while investing any money, take special care. Apart from this, the months of November and December, i.e The last part of the year will give you financial benefits in every way due to the grace of eleventh house lord Jupiter. Whether you work or are into business, you will be able to recover your stalled money. Many natives may have to go on many trips this year. These trips will be mostly auspicious for you..
House, Family and Children
Beginning of the year would be highly auspicious for family and society perspectives. After April 13, Jupiter posited in Second House would bestow peace, harmony and comforts upon the family. Feeling of mutual cooperation among the family members would be inculcated. There could be an addition of a family member this year. You would have cooperation of family members. In the beginning of the year, your mother might face some affliction (distress).
After March 17, your social prestige would get a boost. You would succeed in controlling your enemies and competitors by applying prowess and influence and hence maintain social status by getting rid of problems.
Beginning of the year would be favourable for children’s perspective. Jupiter improves Fifth House due to its aspect and hence your children would make a progress. Their attitude towards studies would look forward. If any of the child is in marriage age group, he/she could see marriage prospects during this period.
Time period is favourable for your second child he/she would get success in domain of his/her work. After April 13, time period would turn more favourable newly married couple might be blessed with offspring. According to Aquarius yearly horoscope 2022, this time is coming with mixed results for married natives of Aquarius. In the initial phase of the year, you will have to face some difficulties due to the aspect of Saturn in your house of marriage. Then in the second half, the circumstances will start to get better, and you will be able to experience newness in your relationship with your spouse again in a sweet and cooperative mood. If any previous dispute was going on, then the month of January might just pass on by resolving it. Apart from this, from January to April, you will get constant stress from the side of your spouse and in-laws since your eighth house lord Mercury will aspect your house of marriage in the month of March will bring misunderstandings in the relationship . As a result, you will find yourself surrounded by mental stress.
However, during the mid of the year, i.e. in June and July, you will see things getting better between you and your spouse. After which, especially in September, there will be an increase in love and romance again. It will result in the growth of love and trust between the two of you. This year, the movement of the planets is showing that, from May 9 to December, the two of you can plan to go for a religious trip or a trip to a good place together. This journey will increase the feeling of love between you both. Some newly married couples will also be thinking about the expansion in their married life.
The family life of Aquarius natives will bear the normal results. This year, there will not be any significant changes in your family life. However, from January to the middle of March, you may have to face some family problems or family disputes due to the aspect of Mars in your second house of immediate family in the beginning of the year. It will increase your mental stress. But this will also be the time when you will be supported by your father, and you will be able to keep yourself composed to a large extent.
This year, the transit of Rahu will be in Aries sign and Saturn will transit in Aquarius, and this situation will especially affect your family life. You will be highly stubborn and because of it, some of you may have to move away from their families. In the first half of the year, you are also advised to keep a check on what you say to others. Also, at this time, it will be better for you and your family to maintain distance from all types of court-related matters.
After this, the time from June till September is also pointing towards a few circumstances, when you will have to move away from your family due to the influence of hot headed planet Mars in your fourth house during August. However, the love and bond with your family will be intact. Then in the last 3 months of the year, that is, October, November, and December, your siblings will openly support you.
Also, you will be able to get the blessings of the elders of the house due to the presence of the planet of grace and blessings Jupiter in your second house of family. This period of the year will be the best for you because, during this time, you will get the chance of getting utmost respect from the family members.
This year would have ups and down effects as far as health is concerned but in the beginning of the year, Jupiter being in ascendant, your health would not decline and remain mentally balanced. You would try to accomplish every task in a constructive way. Yet there could be weakness and exhaustion from exertion. According to the Aquarius 2022 horoscope for health, the coming New Year will be normal for your zodiac sign. However, you might have some mental trouble from the beginning of the year, i.e., mid-January, which will result in increased stress since there will be a number of planets transiting from your twelfth house of losses. From February to May, you may have to deal with different external problems. However, at this time, you will need to understand that you need to keep yourself healthy and avoid worrying about external things as much as possible.
In the middle of April, the shadow planet Rahu will transit in Aries your 3rd house. Due to this, from mid-April to June, your siblings might have some health problems. Keep a close check on their health, and take them to the doctor, even if there is the slightest problem. Otherwise, problems that look small can also take the form of a serious illness. And also keep check on your haste and fiery moods and actions.
From May to October, there will be positivity in your life. If you were troubled by any kind of problem in the past, you will get relief from it during this period. Since life force energy Mars will be transiting from the second, third, fourth and fifth house respectively, it will bring strength and improve your stamina. Also, during July and August, your mother’s health will improve as the fourth house lord will be well placed in its own house in the beginning of July. If they have had any health-related issues, they will have the chance to get rid of all their problems.
Significantly, the last month of the year, i.e., December, can give you some stomach-related problems. Do not be careless about any problem at this time, and if necessary, consult a doctor immediately.
You would be very much particular for your diet to maintain a good health. If you catch any weather borne disease, you would recover soon.
Education and Competition
According to Aquarius, the year 2022 will be good for you in terms of education, as Mars will aspect the fifth house of education in the beginning of the year & uplift the dynamism & competitive spirits in students. However, in the initial phase of the year, you will need to pay extra attention to it while working hard in education, and only then will you be able to do better in the upcoming exam. Apart from this, the relocation of Mars from February 26th is going to make you work harder in education.
At the same time, Saturn sitting in your zodiac from the middle of April will make you work harder from April to September. During this time, Saturn will be a troublemaker for the students, and their mind will not be able to concentrate on studies. In such a situation, they will need to keep themselves focused and keep full faith in their hard work and education.
This year will be especially good for those people who are preparing for the competitive examinations as there will be aspect of Jupiter in your house of competition. From September to November, the graduates who have finished their studies will get success in every field, as well as getting a job in a good place or organization. Also, the end of the year is showing good prospects for your education.
This year would be of average value as regard to success in competitive examination. If you are ambitious for seeking admission in a high profile institution to have higher education then beginning of the year would be favourable. The time period is good for students because Jupiter has its aspectual effects because Jupiter has its aspectual effect on Fifth House.
After transit of Jupiter, both Saturn and Jupiter would have aspect on Sixth House, which indicates success in competitive examination for the competitors. Those who are yet unemployed could get employment during this time interval.
This year would be favourable for journey perspective. In the beginning of the year, Saturn in Twelfth House could induce a foreign trip for you. After 12 April, you would undertake many short journeys and also the journeys in connection with your profession and also related to religion and pilgrimage.
After April 13, there are very strong indications for a voyage because of combined aspect of Jupiter and Saturn on Eighth House. To be much cautious while driving a vehicle is the utmost need of the hour.
Note: These are general predictions for Aquarius for 2022 based on transits of planets over the year. More accurate personalized analysis and predictions with remedial advice can be done after analyzing the individualized birth chart/ horoscope, the placement and overall strength of planets in the natal chart, ascendant and moon sign and analysis of divisional charts, yogas and doshas, mahadashas, antardashas and conjunctions along with the annual chart (varsh Kundali) and the transits.
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