Lo Shu Grid Numerology

It is a Sacred Square-shaped design that consists of 9 numbers from 1 to 9 with 3 rows and 3 columns. Total of each row and each column sums to 15, whether you total the figures vertically, horizontally or diagonally.

The number 15 is considered a significant number because it corresponds to the number of days in each of the 24 cycles of the Chinese solar year. And in fact, a new moon to the full moon cycle also lasts for 15 days — the way we have 15 Tithis in our Indian system. All the numbers in the Lo Shu Square have a specific characteristic, or they express particular energies.

The Sacred Square which also called as Magic Square and the Loshi Grid gives the important analysis of the overall personality and destiny, entire life pattern, the inner traits, strengths and weakness of a person. It gives patterns and analysis of the mental, emotional, financial, practical, thought, will and action patterns of a person.

Loshu grid is also connected to the Vastu or directions and their energies and the Nine Planets and their Vibrations and can show the Vastu defects too.

Legend says an ancient Chinese emperor name Yu happened to be down by the Yellow River one evening when he noticed a turtle emerged from the river. The turtle had unusual marks on his shell which formed a magic square where all columns, rows, and diagonals summed to the same amount.

Chinese Numerology says that it was discovered around 4000 years ago and practiced since then.  It is the main root and principle behind the Flying Star Feng  Shui and based on the ancient wisdom. From China it came to India and spread all over the world.


Significance of Turtle/ Tortoise in Vedic Astrology and Ancient Scriptures

Kurma (Tortiose) Chakra Siddhanta:  is very important in astrology having significance of deep analysis of energies, movements and effects and related predictions.  It is the most useful chakra and help in determining the directions and places of malefic and benefic events of any place and country.

Kurma (Tortoise) – Lord Vishnu Avtaar:

Kurma, (Sanskrit: “Tortoise”) one of the 10 avatars (incarnations) of the God Vishnu. In this incarnation God Vishnu is associated with the story of the churning of the ocean of milk. The gods and the asuras (demons) cooperated in the churning to obtain amrita, the elixir of immortality. The great serpent Vasuki offered himself as a rope, and Mount Mandara was torn out for use as a churning stick. A firm foundation was required to steady the mountain, so God Vishnu took the form of a tortoise and supported the churning stick on his back.

Use of Lo Shu Grid:


North: Represents numerology number 1 and Water Element. Career prospects, planning and middle Son. Planet- Sun

Southwest: Represents numerology number 2 and Earth Element. Marriage prospects, marital bliss, happiness, initiative, Mother. Planet – Moon

East: Represents numerology number 3 and Wood Element. Family, relationships, health, growth and eldest Son. Planet – Jupiter

Southeast: Represents numerology number4 and Wood Element.  Wealth, prosperity,  Eldest Daughter. Planet – Rahu

Centre Represents numerology number 5 and Earth Element. Strength, stability and Family. Planet – Mercury

Northwest Represents numerology number 6 and Metal Element: Mentors, helpful people, friends, foreign contracts, new opportunities, Father. Planet- Venus

West: Represents numerology number 7 and Metal Element.  Mental peace, children, creativity, Youngest Daughter. Planet- Ketu

Northeast: Represent numerology number 8 and Earth Element.  Knowledge, education, memory, Youngest Son. Planet- Saturn

South: Represents numerology number 9 and Fire Element. Recognition, fame, energy, Middle Daughter. Planet- Mars


The Different Planes and their Meaning:

The top row (numbers 4, 9 and 2) represents the head of a person. The middle row (numbers 3, 5 and 7) represents the body. Finally, the bottom row (numbers 8, 1 and 6) represents the feet.

These Arrows in the form of Rows, Column and Diagonal are also called as Arrows of strength and Arrows of weakness. These Arrows are known as Arrows of Pythagoras.

While assigning the numbers calculated from the date of birth (please refer to the steps given in example below) we will observe that all Arrows do not appear completely in every individual chart of Lo shu Grid.

The formation of Arrows can be divided into positive and negative arrows or arrows of strength and arrows of weakness.

The Arrows of strength occur when three numbers appear together in a row, column or diagonal which indicate good efficiency and ability in that area of life. The Negative Arrows occur when three numbers are missing in a row column or diagonal. Negative arrows indicate the areas of life that a person needs to make more effort in this lifetime. Some of the negative arrows are Karmic also.

Having only one or two numbers in a row, column or diagonal indicates an above average ability in that characteristic.


Arrows of Strength

Mental Plane:

Top row can be regarded as the Mental plane. It encompasses thinking, creating, imagining and analysing. It is associated with Head.

Emotional Plane:

The middle row is called the Emotional plane. This plane includes spirituality, intuition, feelings and emotions.

Practical Plane:

The bottom row is called the Practical plane. This encompasses physical labour, creativity, athletic ability, physical coordination and the ability to be practical in everyday life.  

Similarly, the vertical rows (4,3,8), (9,5,1) and (2,7,1)are also interpreted as follows:

Thought Plane:

The first of these vertical rows is the Thought plane. This reveals the person’s ability to come up with ideas, create things and carry them through to fruition.

Will Plane:

The middle vertical row is the Will plane. This gives determination and persistence to succeed.

Action Plane:

The final vertical row is the Action plane. This shows the person’s ability to put his thoughts into action.

The three vertical rows make a natural progression. First of all, the person has to come up with an idea (Thought plane). He (or she) has to have determination and persistence (Will plane), otherwise the idea will never be acted upon. The planning is done at this stage. Finally, the person needs to be able to put the idea and the determination into action (Action plane).


Two Yogas or Raj Yoga

Golden Yoga

This Yoga is formed by the completed numbers 4, 5, and 6, which related for respect, wealth, and reputation.

Silver Yoga

This Yoga is formed by the completed numbers 2, 5, and 8.  It is also referred as Property Yog. The individual will have several assets or wealth, but will also have to experience various types of challenges.

Arrows of Weakness

Arrow of Poor Memory

This arrow is made up of the absence of the numbers 3. 6 and 9. These people are forgetful and their memory gets worse over time.

Arrow of Sensitivity

This arrow is made up of the absence of the numbers 2,5 and 8. These people are very sensitive and can be easily hurt. They try- and hide their feelings. They are usually shy as children, though some overcome this shyness as they mature but may develop inferiority complex.

Arrow of Impracticality

This arrow is made up of the absence of the numbers 1,4 and 7. These people are not practical. They use too much logic and emotion. They are very idealistic and romantic.

Arrow of Frustrations

This arrow is made up of the absence of the numbers 4, 5 and 6. People with this arrow suffer from regular disappointments and frustrations. They may exhibit depression or hidden aggression many a times.

Arrow of Inactivity

This arrow is made up of the absence of the numbers 7, 8 and 9. They lack proper planning and related motivation leading to inaction and get less results.

Arrow of Indecision

This arrow is made up of the absence of the numbers 1, 5 and 9. These people lack determination and persistent actions and usually leave tasks in between.

Arrow of Scepticism

This is a Karmic arrow. This arrow is made up of the absence of the numbers 3, 5 and 7.

These people lack trust and will accept things only when it is proven. They prefer proven facts only. Though they can posses ability to detect hidden motives of others they do not trust anyone.


How to Prepare and Calculate your Lo Shu Grid:

There are Five Steps:

For preparing your Lo Shu Grid you need your full date of Birth. i.e Date, Month and Year of Birth.

Then you need to assign the numbers in the Lo Shu Chart.

Example: A person born on Feb 14th, 1998 or 14/02/1998

First Step: Note down the Numbers in the entire date which are: 1,4,2,1,9,9,8

Second Step: Calculate Birth or Root Number and Life Path Number

Birth or Root Number is 1+4= 5

Third Step: Calculate the Month number which is 0 +2 = 2

Fourth Step: Calculate the Year number 1998 which is 1+9+9+8 = 27 and 2+7= 9

Fifth Step: Calculate Life Path Number which is 1+4=5, 0+2=2 & 1+9+9+8= 9. So Life Path Number is 5+2+9=16 & 1+6=7. Life Path Number is 7

Final: Assign all the above Numbers in the Lo Shu Chart (as explained above). You will see that some numbers are repeated, so mention those numbers and you will also see that some numbers are absent or missing so leave that square blank.

The total Numbers present in the above date of birth as per above 5 steps are:

1,4, 2,1, 9, 9, 8, 5, 2, 9, 7

The Numbers missing in the above date of birth are: 3 and 6

The Numbers repeating more than one time are 9, 2 and 1

Also it will be observed that some arrows are complete and some are incomplete depicting arrows of strength and weakness simultaneously.

Missing Numbers Meaning:

Missing Numbers often indicate the missing traits, characteristics – desirable or undesirable- from a person’s life and personality. They are also indicators for some important lesson a person needs to learn, or maybe some important habits a person needs to cultivate, in order to lead a more balanced life.


Each one of us will have at least one number missing from our respective Numerology Charts, created using our Date of Birth or Name.

Missing Number 1

People with a missing number 1 will find it difficult to express themselves and their individuality. They will, most likely, not have any major issues with ego or self-pride, and may spend most of their time helping and nurturing others. Maybe, that is why the beginning of the 2000’s is also termed as the Age of Humanity (or the Age of Aquarius.)

In creative pursuits and self-realisations goals, they will find a constructive outlet to their emotions.

Missing Number 2

A missing Number 2 indicates a lack of sensitivity and intuition in the native’s personality. Such people also possess a marked impatient and unpunctual streak. And, they may be too much into justifications and clarifications for their actions or for the lack of them. The biggest mistakes they will commit in their lives shall be because of them ignoring that small, quiet, yet mostly correct, voice inside them. In order to lead a better life, they should strive to adopt a more balanced approach.

Missing Number 3

People without Number 3 in their charts may suffer from a lack of self-confidence, and may also find it tough to express themselves on most occasions. This shall carry on for the initial years of their lives, and may become better only once they learn to accept themselves as they are. Once that happens, these people shall gain confidence, self belief and self-esteem from all their endeavours. Till then, they tend to underestimate their abilities which can lead to their self-effacing attitude. Also, such people lack the ability to think logically, when faced with distractions and roadblocks.

Missing Number 4

Such people lack organizational skills, and that is the most important quality they need to cultivate, in their quest to lead an enhanced life. Working in set routines, with strict norms is a major issue for them, and they may turn up late usually. They also have a low self-motivation, and seriously need to alter their perspective for life, if they wish to make giant strides towards success. Life becomes easier and better for them, once they develop dexterity, passion for what they want, and more tolerance and patience.

Missing Number 5

Setting defined, targeted goals is a major issue for these people. They lack drive and versatility. Usually not great at multi-tasking, they require external sources of motivation and reinforcement to keep them on the right track. Also, such people have to be guided to set realistic goals and targets, which they will attain and complete, before embarking onto others.

Missing Number 6

People without a 6 in their charts tend to hide their innermost feelings from others. They also lack the quality of being self-less, even in their closest relationships. Due to which they find it difficult to relate to others, and may even have troubles with one of their parent. They need to cultivate the quality of giving more of their heart and soul, of being open and free, at least for the sake of the relationships that matter to them.

Missing Number 7

Decidedly inconsiderate and insensitive, when it comes to others’ feelings, such people live a self-immersed life. They are usually disorganized in everyday life, and tend to remain aloof from anything remotely spiritual or metaphysical. They are not independent and self-sufficient on most occasions, and hate being left on their own. The lesson they need to learn is of free-flowing, honest communication. They become better once they learn to convey their feelings well, and in turn become relaxed with other people.

Missing Number 8

8 is a practical number. People without this number are generally bad at handling their financial affairs. Plus, they lack motivation and drive, and may even be prone to leaving/ abandoning their tasks mid-way. Quite impulsive and careless, they need to think before they act. Their trusting nature may jeopardize their finances and security.

Missing Number 9

Everyone born in the twentieth century possesses this number, but from twenty first century onwards there will be many people who will not have it in their charts. Such people will tend to be insensitive and shall overlook the needs of others. Detached and oblivious to others, these people need to develop that much-needed streak of humanitarianism. They also need to be more candid and giving in their dealings.



Planes and their Significance:

Horizontal Planes and their significance-

4, 9, 2– If someone has 4,9,2 in his/her Lo Shu Grid that person will have a very good memory and also have a very logical mind and a new Idea will always strike their mind.


3, 5, 7– If someone has 3, 5, 7 in his/her Lo Shu Grid that person will create a strong emotional connection with anyone very quickly, also that person will have helping nature and love to do donations and charity.


8, 1, 6–  If someone has 8, 1, 6 in his/her Lo Shu Grid that person will be practical in their life. That person will always make a decision by thinking twice after noticing all future and past incidents. This combination also known as prosperity numbers, one who is having these numbers will always complete their work.



Vertical Planes and their significance-

4, 3, 8– If someone has 4, 3, 8 in their Lo Shu Grid this plane is thought planet this shows how strong a thought a person has. Person who is having these numbers in their DoB will always work ethically and always give knowledge to others. People with this combination can be a good teacher or coach.


9, 5, 1– If someone has 9, 5, 1 in their Lo Shu Grid this plane will achieve great success. People who are having these numbers in their dob will make everything possible by their will and can be big players and leaders in their forte.


2, 7, 6– If someone has 2,7,6 in their Lo Shu Grid are the action takers. People who have this combination always believe in work, they are very active and find their goal with their hard work only.


Success Plane (Raj Yogas)

Success Plane First (4, 5, 6)

If someone has 4,5,6 in their Lo Shu Grid this diagonal line or arrow from SE to NW known as success plane 1 you always hear from people saying this person has Raj yog. This combination is a very strong combination whosoever has this will always succeed in everything.

Success Plane Secone (2, 5, 8)

If someone has 2, 5, 8 in their Lo Shu Grid this diagonal line or arrow from SW to NE is known as success plane 2 . This combination is a very strong combination whosoever has this will have chances to get lots of wealth and assets from their ancestors.


Few Solutions for Missing Numbers:

The below are just few solutions for respective missing numbers. Analysis of Lo Shu Grid is a very deep and analytical process. You must consult with me for complete analysis and matching your individual Grid with your Life Path and your Name and customised remedies to attain a needed balance, synergy and progressive uplift in your life.



Numbers repeating more than one time – Meaning

While some numbers are missing, some numbers will be seen repeating many times in the chart where particular energy or vibration is intensified. This also needs study, remedies to balance the energies.