Attitude Number (Achievement Number)
Achievement Number or Attitude Number (your month and day of birth reduced to a single digit) is the most important number in our recipe of numbers as far as real transformation and evolution is concerned. It is just like the centre of the wheel that influences and affects every other number in the recipe. Once you become aware of and resolve this challenge, it becomes your greatest strength.
Attitude Number is calculated by adding the month and day of your birth and reducing it to single digit. Example: Say you were born on November 24th. So calculate it as 11+24= 35 and reduce 35 to single digit 3+5=8. So the Attitude number is 8. Another Example: Person born on July 9th. Calculate it as 7+9=16 and 1+6=7 So Attitude number for this person is 7.
The most important thing here is that the Attitude number represents the acquired ways of acting, which can be changed and transformed by our effort.
This becomes very important for majority of persons for whom Birth Number and Life Path Number is not aligned and compatible with their Attitude Number. Until you become aware of and resolve the issues associated with your achievement number, its negative aspects will rule your life.
When one achieves the fullest expression of this number, the Laws of Attraction are activated, and obstacles to a prosperous and happy life are removed.
Achievement Number 1
Low self-esteem is the main issue; sometimes it may appear as arrogance or bullying, rather than timidity. These individuals must learn to stand on their own and not let other’s define their identity or make their decisions. They will encounter situations that will test their courage and faith.
One is the number of individuality and self-directed action; the number of innovation. If you have it as an Achievement Number, you need to learn to listen to your heart, which knows the difference between enjoying the infinite abundance of the universe and forcefully taking what you want. The challenge is the achieving a state of balanced self-esteem, and when you let go of the ego-based desire to control situations and people, you’ll find that your internal guidance system will work perfectly, and attract what you want, when you want it.
This is someone who doesn’t like to ask for help. They are completely self-motivated. They usually have issues with their self- esteem: they just don’t think they’re good enough. That’s why they need praise from others. If you believe in them, then there’s nothing they can’t achieve; if you don’t, they rebel.
Some individuals with a one achievement number may be confrontational towards authority, others may be withdrawn.
The positive one is cantered, confident, innovative, a paradigm shifter, leader, explorer.
Achievement Number 2
The key word for anyone with a two achievement number is balance. Not speaking up in a timely fashion, being overly sensitive or insensitive, being too timid or too blunt, anxieties over commitment, shyness, and co dependency are the main issues. These individuals need to learn not to base their identity on how others perceive them. A negative two also needs to learn to let go of “things” (there is a tendency to hold on for sentimental or emotional reasons), pay more attention to details, and practice tact, cooperation, and getting along with feminine energy (anyone, male or female, coming from their heart instead of their head). Speaking up in a timely manner can also be an issue.
Two is the most cooperative of numbers, but when it appears as an Achievement Number, it may express itself as too much oversensitivity and shyness. The challenge is to learn to act in cooperation with others, rather than accepting their expectations as a guiding force in your life. Speak up for yourself and your needs, and when you do, you’ll find that your intuition is “on the mark.”
They are very good observers. They’re also drawn to anything regarding psychic ability, and often may experience déjà vu. It is not uncommon for them to have a dream that comes true. They are in touch with their intuition and the metaphysical side of life. They do have compassion for people and are fascinated with people’s stories.
In some women, and possibly men, this inability to speak up or to express their Self may be one cause of curvature of the spine. The trapped emotions begin to pull and tug at the spine causing it to bend or twist. It may also be an underlying cause of stiff/sore necks, upper back pain, upper respiratory problems, sore throats, or thyroid problems.
Achievement Number 3
They have a sense of humor and are charismatic. If they’re in a bad mood, you don’t get to be happy around them. They have that effect on people
Three can be a very popular and creative vibration, but if it is your achievement number, you are likely to suffer from the fear of being judged. You can overcome the “fear of success” or the “fear of commitment”, and still have trouble attracting the life you want, but if you stop worrying about being “right” and master something, you will. Complete things and don’t be afraid to fail a few times; you’ll learn from your mistakes. This will cause the birth of true charisma and humor that banishes the distracting thoughts and fears that prevent you from seeing life as an opportunity to enjoy luck and abundance.
Overcoming a lack of emotional intimacy, feelings of insecurity, inferiority, inadequacy are the main issues. Sarcasm may also be an issue. These individuals can dazzle people with their creativity, charm, charisma, and intelligence but they rarely finish what they start because they don’t want to be judged. The solution is to master something, anything, and to finish what is started.
These individuals may have trouble keeping their word, due to the number of promises they have made. There is a tendency to over obligate to themselves.
Achievement Number 4
Your love of order is likely to be unfair to both yourself and others. Being judgmental is a way to sabotage your ability to manifest your desires; rather than being grateful for your experience, you’ll either think it’s not good enough, or think (when it comes to the Laws of Attraction) “things like that just don’t happen, at least to me.” When you overcome this challenge, you may be better than anyone else at focusing on seeing yourself in a state of absolute gratitude and prosperity.
Control is a major issue for this achievement number as is procrastination. A negative four could also be a workaholic. These individuals like order, system, and structure. At the extreme, they would carry a red pen to correct the grammar or spelling on commercial signs. Don’t be overly logical and get stuck in the minutiae or going “by the book” (your book, your perceptions, your logic and your judgements). There could be confrontations with authority as they feel they should be “the boss.” The main issue is to build a solid foundation, not to take short cuts, procrastinate, be judgmental, stubborn, prejudicial, or get lost in minutiae. A negative four can also be a reactionary, someone that fights change.
Fours can be major procrastinators, influenced by a lack of attention to details and or influenced by their need for control.
They can be very quiet; you don’t know what they’re thinking. They’re keeping track of all that’s happening. You might find them surrounded by nature, or doing any form of repair, or construction. The 4 Attitude teaches all of us. They become an expert at their skill and teach us how to do it. They definitely will play devil’s advocate: they make you see all sides. That’s their Attitude Number.
Positive four’s are architects, builders, planners, organizers; they are people that get things done. They have a natural affinity for form, fit, and function … they know how to put things together.
Achievement Number 5
This number represents a desire for freedom, the freedom to do what you want, when you want, with whom you want, any time you want, anywhere you want, for as long as you want. Even though 5’s want this freedom of choice they usually don’t have the courage to pursue that freedom. Or their behaviour patterns can reflect overindulgence, scatterredness, a tendency to lose interest quickly, or to get a concept but not focus on the details. In life and as drivers they could somewhat reckless and like speed. Any major decisions impulsively made seldom work to their benefit.
Five is the central number; all the others are evenly distributed around it. But if your Achievement Number is 5, you may tend to go to extremes. It’s entirely possible that you can end up destabilizing your entire vibration matrix in the process of seeking pleasure for yourself. You need to take the center and be moderate in all things. Let the flow of universal abundance move around and through you without throwing you off on a tangent. When you overcome this tendency to slip out of synch, you’ll find that happiness and prosperity come to you naturally.
Individuals with a five achievement number can expect changes to occur in their lives every 12 to 18 months. Those with this achievement number must learn to accept the transitory nature of life.
Learn moderation of the senses and balance. Learn to be moderate in all actions (mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual), to be in the moment, and to accept change as inevitable. Their level of flexibility is directly linked to their level of self-confidence.
Don’t deny your desire for freedom. Five achievement numbers must develop skills that will allow them to be who they want, go where they want, and do what they want. They can become either adventurers seeking out life or philanders running from life
Achievement Number 6
Six is the most responsible number, yet when it appears as the Achievement Number, you’re more likely to resent responsibilities than to be grateful for them, probably because you don’t want to be blamed for others’ mistakes. Another aspect of this challenge is that you may tend to be something of a perfectionist. This is really a problem when it comes to the Laws of Attraction – the universe won’t respond to limitations and rules you may impose upon it. Focus on being a compassionate nurturer, because when you take care of yourself and others, the universe will take care of you.
You like and want the responsibility but do not take it unless you are given the authority to make decisions for everyone, because you don’t want to take the heat for someone else’s screw up. At the other end of the spectrum is a pattern of irresponsibility. Learn to accept responsibility, first for your Self, and then responsibly be of service to family and community. Don’t be an emotional buffer for others. This includes easing back from unrealistic expectations and perfectionist tendencies for self and/or others. Health issues may involve the stomach and intestinal areas and be caused by being either too emotionally involved or holding on to emotions and not releasing them.
Negative sixes have a tendency to try to do too much, for too many, with too little and then see themselves as a failure.
As a result of unrealistic expectations and perfectionist tendencies, many school age children appear to make little or no attempt at mastering their academic subjects. I believe the reason is they would rather be called lazy than stupid, their expectations prevent them from making an attempt.
Be a mentor not a martyr. Mentors do not “give” advice they ask questions in a neutral tone of voice that lead the other party towards insight or a revelation.
Achievement Number 7
Abandonment issues are a primary factor in the way this achievement number interacts with others. Patience is a huge issue they have very little if any and are usually in a hurry. The opposite is also true they may get bogged down over analyzing minutiae because of their need to avoid the embarrassment of not knowing. Even though a 7 achievement number is usually reserved, at times they can be outrageous. Their outrageousness is actually a manoeuvre that allows them to size up the situation and plan their next move.
Seven can be the most trusting, scientific or spiritual vibration, but when it appears as an Achievement Number, you need to learn how to let go of the desire to be analytical and manipulative. You cannot always plot and plan your way through everything – you need to have faith in, patience with, and gratitude for the miraculous nature of human life. Don’t allow yourself to do “just whatever” because you feel bored or isolated; it’s too easy for you to set up the kind of “psychic gravity” that manifests negative consequences. If you let yourself be vulnerable enough to be ready to receive, you will.
Sevens need to know … they will asked lots of questions. What they cannot learn from questioning, they will attempt to find out by “hook or crook.
You don’t get to know what they’re thinking or feeling. They keep to themselves and are introspective. They must continue studying the quest of why they are here: The 7 Attitude asks the big questions. They will reveal themselves slowly as they go. They can shut down and make you feel they are not remotely interested in what you are saying, but the joke is on you because they are the ultimate observers. They don’t miss anything.
There are major concerns about making a mistake, being embarrassed, humiliated, or having people think they are not as good as they know they are. This is one reason they can be perceived as being somewhat aloof. Overcome the need to be needed or validated for your wisdom, intelligence, compassion, insights, or usefulness; it’s part of the seven’s abandonment issues. Stop trying to be the teacher or healer by offering unsought advice or telling others what you think they need to do
It only creates frustration for you when they don’t listen, and feeds into your sense of being different, isolated, or ignored. Above all else you must learn faith and patience, and that the Universe unfolds according to a Cosmic Plan, not yours. Stop being overly analytical and trust your intuition more.
For any given situation, seven achievement numbers always have five plans, four backups, three crisis, two emergency plans, and a worst case scenario. Then at the last second, they ignore their logical planning and make an impulsive decision that causes them to become agitated with themselves for not listening to their intuition.
Another issue with 7 achievement numbers is a tendency to do more and extra for others. Also, a seven attitude number will find their self in a position where they are humiliated by what they do not know. This can anger them if they discover that someone knew something and had not shared it with the seven.
The positive seven has learned that they have not been abandoned, that control is an illusion, that all things come to those with patience, that they are not the messiah and it is not their job to save anyone. Most importantly, they have learned to strengthen their relationship with the god energy.
Achievement Number 8
Money is a major issue for this achievement number.
Eight is the most organized and logical number, and likes to be in charge. But if 8 is your Achievement Number, it is far too easy for you to fall into the trap of thinking that others are not giving you the respect and recognition you deserve. This may cause you to believe that the universe is not as giving and generous as you’d like it to be, resulting in extreme efforts to take respect, recognition, prosperity and happiness by force. You need to learn how to stop trying to do everything yourself. Be generous and grateful and learn how to let others, and the universe, do things for you.
They are always seen on how to make some money, and establish financial security. If they have family, then they want to be a good provider. The flipside of the 8 Attitude is that money can seem completely unattainable. Money will slip right through their fingers. The 8 Attitude has no problem telling you what they really think. They can be a little too blunt, so it is best to keep their sense of humor and focus on the positive things in life!
They can have a fear of success or be driven to achieve it regardless of the personal costs. They can become frustrated if they feel they are not being given the recognition they deserve which may lead to disloyalty on their part. There could be issues with authority as these individuals feel they should be in charge. They must prove their superiority not demand it, by using their innate wisdom, knowledge, and expertise to demonstrate their leadership abilities.
With an 8 achievement number, there is always the possibility of violence in speech, action, or manner. If the eight is not the perpetrator, they could be on the receiving end. Eights can have a very short fuse.
A positive eight is a leader not a manager. They have the ability and bearing to organize, orchestrate, and delegate to others.
Achievement Number 9
With nine as an achievement number, these individuals have chosen to take a final exam on being human. When nine is your achievement number, in addition to the challenge of nine itself (learning to do what you love, not to be loved or to maintain control), there are challenges associated with each of the previous eight challenges: (issues involving the ego-self, others, communication and focus, overcoming procrastination and/or control issues, learning to be flexible, balancing responsibility, overcoming impatience and abandonment issues, not being afraid to step into your power, and learning to do what you love, not to be loved or to maintain control. If a person with a 9 achievement number has low back pain it could indicate a co-dependent pattern. If there is no back pain, it could indicate a need to be in control.
Nine is the most compassionate and least ego-driven vibration, but, as an Achievement Number, it can suffer from the unfortunate tendency to take on other people’s problems. Life can be very intense for you, because 9 encompass the challenges of all the other numbers. Activating the Laws of Attraction requires that you become the soul of compassion and convert your own experience into tools for the teaching and healing of others.
At work they’ll not just do their job but everyone else’s. That’s the Attitude Number 9: show me what to do, I’ll do it. When it’s over, they’re exhausted and drained, but rarely allow themselves to tell the people responsible. They have a co dependency issues. It is very difficult, if not impossible, for them to release emotional attachments whether they are in their memories, possessions, relationships, or feelings. This group can suffer from low back pain, which is manifested by carrying everyone on their backs and internalizing the pain and suffering of others.