As per the ancient epics and scriptures of India, a demon named “Tripurasur” caused too much havoc and trouble and also fought and defeated Lord Brahma Vishnu and other Devtas, thereby creating too much problem in lives of all people. With only one option, all the gods approached Lord Shiva (Rudra) for seeking help. Lord Shiva then evoked his Bow and Arrow along-with his divine weapon called “Kaalagni”. Lord Rudra meditated for thousand divine years to attain powers to kill Tripurasur. Due to meditation and happiness, tears dropped from the eyes of Lord Shiva (Rudra) and at places where these tears fell on planet Earth, Rudraaksha trees emerged.

There is another story that Lord Shiva was pained (full of Karuna) to see the cyclic and continuous suffering of humans seen as the repeated cycle of birth and death. Due to the deep pain and out of “Karuna” of Lord Rudra tear drops started to flow from his eyes and at places where these tear drops fell on planet Earth, Rudraaksha trees are supposed to have grown. The seeds of these trees (Rudraaksha) are believed to have the powers to provide moksha (salvation) from the cycle of birth and death.

Uses of Rudraaksha:

Rudraaksha has electro-magnetic properties and apart from Rudra as its deity, each Rudraaksha has relation to specific Planets also due to which Rudraaksha has gained much significance in Astrology, Spiritual evolution and also has medicinal and Ayurvedic benefits.

Also known as Elaeocarpus ganitrus, it grows in the area from the Gangetic plain in the foothills of the Himalayas to South-East Asia, Nepal, Indonesia, Thailand, New Guinea, Guam, and Hawaii. Rudraksha seeds are covered by an outer husk of blue colour when fully ripe, and for this reason are also known as blueberry beads. The blue colour is not derived from pigment but is structural.

Macro-nutrients available in Rudraksha beads are Carbon (50.024%), Hydrogen (17.798%), Oxygen (30.4531%) and Nitrogen (0.9461%) and many micronutrients in small proportions are also available like Sodium, Aluminium, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Cobalt, Nickel, Copper, Chlorine and Zinc.

Widely used is the Five-faced bead or Panchmukhi Rudraksha because it is safe and good for everyone. It is for general wellbeing and health. It can lower your blood pressure, soothes your nerves and brings a certain calmness and alertness in your nervous system.

Rudraksha has also been found to have effect on the central nervous system. Rudraksha are worn as beads or as a string of beads (mala). Rudraksha is also found to act as a shield against negative energies. It is widely used in spiritual practices, chanting of mantras and for specific reasons related to the Planets.

Categories of Rudraakshas and benefits: Though there are upto 28 faced Rudraakshas mentioned in several scriptures and books, I am giving brief details and benefits of upto 14 Mukhi Rudraakshas as they are seen to be available. Further, purity of thoughts, words and deeds is necessary to obtain true benefits from Rudraaksha.

The One Faced or Ek Mukhi Rudraksha represents Lord Shiva and its wearer is blessed with various Siddhis. The person is encircled by positive mental and spiritual vibrations. The ruling planet is Sun. This Rudraksha also cures diseases of the right eye, head, ear, stomach, and bones. It increases confidence, charisma, leadership qualities, and overall prosperity. It can bestow brings power, wealth, fame, self-confidence along with spiritual growth.

The Gauri Shankar Rudraksha increases the overall compatibility between husband and wife. It also removes negative vibrations from house. This Rudraksha may be worn by unmarried persons favouring good partner in life and also if marriage is getting delayed. It can also remove the negativities related with feelings of enmity. This Rudraksha also balances the mental energies.

Two faced or 2 Mukhi Rudraksha gives success in work and business. It balances the heart and emotion and increases and improves relationship. It can ease negative vibrations, anger, disappointment, and lack of focus. It is ruled by planet Moon. It can bring emotional stability and balance, thus strengthening the mind.

The Teen Mukhi or Three faces Rudraksha represents planet Sun and Mars. It increases courage, self-confidence. It can also improve physical strength. It burns the negative energies. It helps in overcoming obstacles in one’s life. It can also counter depression.

The 4 Mukhi or Four Faced Rudraksha activates the vivek that is the logical though process in the person. It can increase mental ability and concentration. Planet Mercury rules this Rudraksha and this it generated creativity. It reduces the malefic effects of Mercury and brings the blessings of Goddess Saraswati and God Ganesha.

Found in abundance, the Five faced or Panch Mukhi Rudrkasha is ruled by the planet Jupiter. It can decrease the malefic effects of planet Jupiter. It can give wisdom which in turn develops rightful focus and beliefs, religious inclination and has good effect on health and wealth.

The six mukhi or six faced Rudrakasha is rule by planet Venus. It can increase wealth, luxury and vitality of the person. It can also be good for married couples. It has healing effects on diseases related to private organs, heart and also eyes. It can balance the heart chakra and develop compassion. It also helps in overcoming obstacles.

A Saat Mukhi or seven faced Rudraksha is ruled by planet Saturn. It is auspicious if planet Saturn is placed bad in the chart or if it is functional malefic. This Rudraksha also benefits during Sadesati period. It is also beneficial for those in business and also those in job or service. This Rudraksha also protects the wearer from poisons and can give wealth.

The Eight faced or Eight Mukhi Rudraksha is ruled by planet Rahu. It is beneficial for all who are getting malefic effects of Rahu. This Rudraksha also protects those who are having Kaal Sarpa Dosha in their horoscope. It is also believed that this Rudraksha help in problems related to nervous and respiratory systems. It can also help in skin related ailments.

The Nine faced or Nine Mukhi Rudrakasha is related to planet Ketu. It develops courage, intelligence and patience. It can reduce fear. This Rudrakasha has the blessings of Goddess Durga and reduced the malefic vibrations of planet Ketu. It has effect on ailments related to lungs, eyes and concentration. It also leads to rightful action orientation.

The Ten faced or Ten Mukhi Rudraksha has Lord Vishnu as its ruling deity. The wearer can achieve fame, health and wealth. This Rudraksha also nullifies many Vastu related Doshas. It also generates positive vibrations during legal issues to win over enemies. Persons wearing this must always tread on the right path in life.

An 11 Mukhi or 11 faced Rudraksha has Lord Hanuman as its deity. The wearer gets wisdom, success, courage and decision making ability. It also helps in diseases related to head, heart and liver. It is good for those who are prone to frequent accidents and imbalanced emotions. Women can also wear it as its’ good for their husbands.

The twelve faced or 12 MukhiRudraksha represents Lord Vishnu and planet Sun. Also known as Aditya Rudraksha benefits the wearer by positive energy, intelligence and courage. It gives good health and balanced life. It also has curative vibrations for diseases of Right Eye, Bones, Anxiety and Heart ailments. This Rudraksha removes malefic vibrations of planet Sun. It can also help in skin related problems. It can benefit those in administrative related services.

The Thirteen Mukhi or 13 faced Rudraksha is ruled by Kamdeva and planet Venus. It gives beauty, sexual power, luxury and attraction and also removes the malefic effects of the planet, Venus in the persons chart. It also helps those in high position with giving good judgement powers. It has good effect on speech also. This Rudraksha helps in overcoming many obstacles and also helps in ailments related with neck and throat.

The fourteen faced of 14 Mukhi Rudraksha has represents Lord Shiva and the planet Saturn and Mercury. It helps in meditation and concentration. It removes many obstacles and helps in wise right decision abilities. It also helps in diseases related to arthritis, stomach and nerves. It benefits people in senior levels, politicians, businessmen. People having conjoined malefic influence of Saturn and Mercury can also wear it.

Method of Wearing Rudraksha:

  1. Rudraksha should first be energized also termed as Pran Prathishtha by some Pandit in a Shiva Temple.
  2. There as specific Mantras for specific faced Rudraksha to be chanted during wearing it for the first time along with the specific auspicious days and time or siddhi yogas for it.
  3. Rudraksha should not be bought during the Rahu Kaal.
  4. Rudraksha should be bought from one’s own money and should not be bought by borrowing money from anyone else. If someone bring Rudraksha that your seek, then make sure to pay for it instantly.
  5. Rudraksha should not be touched with dirty hands.
  6. If one ever visits a funeral or cemetery, then immediately after returning from there, one must take complete bath and wash Rudraksha.
  7. Rudraksha should be re-energized once a year during the time of MahaShivratri or Navratri.
  8. Rudraksha beads of mala should not be exchanged or inter changed.