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Jupiter, the planet of luck, abundance, expansion, growth & success was retrograde for nearly four months is coming out of its retrograde motion and going direct on 13th September, 2020.

The period during retrogression of Jupiter made us reflect backwards and review our business, initiatives and finances. Now it turns direct in Sagittarius and will be retrograde again on 20th June, 2021 in Aquarius (moving from Capricorn to Aquarius during this period)

The motion and energy of Jupiter will be tremendous during this period.

How each Sign will take this energy, what areas of their lives will be affected and what they will focus during this phase?



Aries will see moving. There will be travels for occupation and business purposes and it will be beneficial for them. Financial review and progress will take the centre stage. Creative ideas for business and investments will come up in their minds. Your hobby will also drive you. There will be increase in communications.


You have realized that in order to grow it is necessary to learn some new skill. Transformation is the key. Many Taurus persons have researched a lot during this period. Learning yoga and meditation will help. Some Taurus will be getting opportunities to increase their bank balance while some may start thinking of investing in new vehicle or home. There is future planning with the family.


Gemini persons have been reviewing their relationships very seriously later. There has been a lot of learning with emotional draining. So now you will set new channels and boundaries in relationships and partnerships. Things will start improving on this angle. Right selection in business partnerships will see gains in future. There will be increase in desires and network. Some may see short travels.


Your workload is likely to increase and workplace will start beaming with activity. So, you should be ready to take on the surge of responsibilities. And you cannot do this until you are well organized. So, planning out the daily routine and keeping organized is the key to success and gains.



You really wanted to pursue your hobby and creative ideas. Now is the time to go with it. New opportunities will open up for you. Are you ready to grab it? Some of you may think of starting some advanced course in learning. You will feel expansion in your passion and desires. Any new business ideas coming in your mind note it down. Some of you will be seeing reviewing your previous investments and stocks.


You will plan out some changes in your home environment. Can be a facelift, renovation or even buying a new house or land or even a vehicle can be seen. Some get going in workplace is also seen with added responsibilities. Losses, if financial planning is not done properly.


Now you know whom to communicate, what to communicate and how to communicate. So speak out and communicate with all those who matter. Short travels can be there. Your efforts towards proper communication will be the key to expand your network of friends, business circle which in turn will be gainful in long term.


You will find yourself on the right track again after a brief pause. Financial resources, liquid money, shared resources, debts and loans all start to move. Focus will be on sources of income. Should keep confident and face struggles with creative actions.


Health will improve. Time to give new initiatives a boost with positive relationships and partnerships. Lucky phase starts for you. So go for it. Growth and rewards with hard work.


Have been working isolate and engaging in self escapes. But this phase can turn out to be a transformation for you. Self appraisal and lot of analysis. Sleep well. Take care of health and anger. Control expenses. Engage in spiritual learning and meditation.


There has been change in your desires and interests which will directly reflect your selection and filtering your network of friends and supporters. There is a change in you now and the way how you relate and interact with the world. New efforts, initiatives, support and short travels will create a new pathway for gain and growth.



Focus will be on career and occupation. New action oriented energy. Group activity is seen. Earning resources will see boost. Some may plan for a loan or its repayment. An action packed phase. Some may learn any new skill.

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