22 Important Yogas in Vedic Astrology

In Vedic Astrology, the term “Yoga” signifies a combination formed by different planets having certain significance in life of the native. Thus, these form a specific planetary combinations or formations that add strength to the horoscope and also can give misfortunes and troubles.

Two classifications of Yogas:

  • Yoga: Means good strength in Beneficial formation to one or many aspects of human life may be related to wealth, health, success, marriage, children, religion and many more.
  • Arishta OR Dosha: Means a Malefic formation to one or many aspects of human life leading to unsuccessful results, misfortunes, troubles and losses.

Imp Note: An astrologer should always measure the overall strength, aspects, transits, nakshatras of the planet / planets forming the particular Yogas and also Doshas to ascertain the predictive results. There are many tested process for ascertaining the strength of planet/ planets, without which the true results cannot be and should not be ascertained.

Because during my practice, I have come across various persons who contacted me and told that they have particular Yoga in their birth chart, but relative & required results were not experienced by them in their course of lives.

  1. PanchMahapurush Yoga

The Panch MahaPurush Yoga is a combination having involvement of Five Planets:  Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn.  Formation of yogas as- Ruchak, Bhadra, Hansh, Malavya and Sasha yoga.

Ruchak Yoga : If the planet Mars is exalted and in own sign in Kendra, the Ruchak Yoga if formed.

Such native is energetic, courageous, gets wealth, prosperity, name and victorious.

Bhadra Yoga : If the planet Mercury is in Kendra and posited either in the own sign or exaltation, then Bhadra Yoga is formed.

The native belongs to Bhadra Yoga will have gift of eloquence and becomes an orator. The native gets position and authority over others. Will be skilled in art.

Hansh Yoga: When the planet Jupiter is posited in the Sagittarius, Pisces and Cancer and if these houses become Kendra, then the Hansh yoga is formed.

The native born with Hansh yoga will be wealthy, religious and intellectual. It makes the person spiritual. The native is honoured.

Malavya yoga:  If the planet Venus is posited in the own sign in Taurus, Libra and Pisces and these houses belong to Kendra, then Malavya yoga is formed.

The native born with Malavya yoga will be fond of arts, dresses and enjoy all pleasure. Native is wise, glorious and prosperous.

Sasha yoga: If the planet Saturn is in own or exalted and if it is posited in the Kendra then Sasha yoga if formed.

The person born with Sasha yoga will be successful in politics or legislation. He will be a judge and an authoritative person. The native becomes wealthy, prosperous and possess good longevity.

  1. GajaKesari Yoga

Gajakesari Yoga is a very beneficial yoga in the birth chart. It is a type of raja yoga.  It will make one highly successful in life.

When the planet Moon remains in Kendra from Jupiter and vice versa, or in conjunction or in opposition this Gajakesari yoga is formed.

This yoga gives person wealth, happiness, knowledge and longevity. The person becomes intelligent, wise and extremely glorious in life. But in formation of this yoga, we must see strength of Mercury and Venus also.

  1. Neech Bhang Raj yoga

A debilitated or Neech planet is weak in strength and can give evil, malefic or weak results. But when this yoga is formed it results in cancellation of the weakness or debilitation. The person then sees reverse results from obstacles to good results, from poverty to riches and so on.

  1. Vipreet Raj yoga

In this yoga formation, the lord of the 6th, 8th and 12th houses remain in the own sign or exchange their houses, aspect each other or conjuncts. Lord of 8th house occupies 6th or 12th. Lord of 6th is in 8th house. Lord of 12th in 6th or 8th house. These planets should be in conjunction with other planets, then Vipareet Raj yoga is formed. This yoga activates usually during its dasha period.

  1. Laxmi yoga

Laxmi yoga is formed when the lord of the 9th is posited in the own sign or in exaltation. It accelerates the result when lord of ascendant is in exaltation or strong.

A very wealthy person. Comfortable life.

Such a person with Laxmi yoga becomes happy and affluent and gets all round achievement in life.

  1. Kalanidhi yoga

If the planet Jupiter is posited in the 2nd house in own sign, gets aspects of Mercury or Venus and gets conjunction of Venus and Mercury, Kalanidhi yoga is formed.

The native born with Kalanidhi Yoga get success and glory in the country. Such a native becomes efficient in the field art, entertainment and culture.

  1. ShubhKartari yoga

The ascendant house is seen in the birth chart for this yoga. It has to be of full strength and very powerful.  If any auspicious planet remains both the sides of the Lagna or ascendant, the SubhaKartari Yoga is formed.

The person with SubhaKartari yoga will be healthy, robust, intelligent, commanding, rich and prosperous.

  1. Akhanda Samrajya Yoga

The persons having this yoga in their chart the- Akhanda Samrajya yoga becomes king or ruler and has great influence over the people and society.

If the lord of the 2nd, 9th and 11th is posited in the Kendra either from the ascendant and Moon and the planet Jupiter as a lord of 2nd, 5th and 11th and gets posited in the Kendra, Akhanda Samrajya yoga is formed.

  1. Amla yoga

 Amla yoga is formed when any auspicious planet such as Jupiter, Mercury and Venus gets posited in the 10th house either from the Lagna and Moon.

Such a person is very prosperous, wealthy and fame during entire of his life time.

  1. Kotipati Yoga

Kotipati yoga is formed when the Lagna belongs to a movable sign (CharaRashi), Venus and Jupiter placed in the Kendra and Saturn also in Kendra.

These planetary combinations make the person a crorepati or make the person opulent.

  1. Mahalaxmi Yoga

When, the lord of the 5th and 9th are in Kendra and get aspect of auspicious Jupiter, Moon and Mercury, Mahalaxmi yoga is formed.

The Mahalaxmi yoga makes the person highly rich and prosperous.

  1. Shukra Yoga

A unique yoga, when the planet Venus remains in the 12th house, it formed Shukra yoga.

This position makes the person rich.

  1. Chandra Mangal Yoga

If the planet Moon and Mars placed in the 9th house or 11th house or if it is posited in the own sign or exalted sign leads to formation of this Chandra Mangal Yoga.

The person born with this combination becomes highly rich.

  1. Guru Mangal Yoga

If the 2nd lord Jupiter conjoins with Mars, then Guru Mangal yoga is formed.

The native becomes highly rich and prosperous.

  1. Kahal Yoga

Kahal Yoga is formed when the lord of 4th and 9th house placed in mutual Kendra and the lord of the ascendant becomes powerful.

The person is rich, famous, and of a kingly status.

  1. Shrapit Dosh

This yoga is formed with the combination of Saturn and Rahu occupying a single house in the birth chart. One will not have success and achievement in life. That also means too much efforts but least or begging for results. This mainly happens because though Rahu and Saturn are said to be of similar nature, but both are greatly different. When positioned in a same sign or house, where Saturn wants to discipline and teach the person the true things with restrictions, Rahu on other hand generates obsession with the matters related to that particular house and desires it now and then. This creates too much conflict and tension in the mind and emotional disturbance in the person.

Here the house in which this combination occurs needs to be analysed properly by the astrologer before recommending the remedies. Why? The other house just opposite to this combination is occupied by ketu – which is generally ignored by many astrologers during their analysis.

  1. Kemdrum Dosh


This yoga is formed there is absence of planets in the second and twelfth houses from the moon.  This dosh leads the person to bad actions, miserable and ultimately losses and misfortune in life.

Here, Kendra and their occupancy, association of moon with other planets, aspects are to be studied for ascertaining the exceptions before analysing this dosh.

  1. Guru Chandal Dosh


Conjunction of Jupiter with Rahu forms this Dosh. This leads to poverty and disturbed mind always. If this dosh is formed in females chart it leads to more disturbing results.

  1. Shakata Dosha

Formed when the planet Moon and Jupiter occupy 6th, 8th and 12th house from each other. This dosh gives bad results but gets cancelled Jupiter is placed in the Kendras i.e 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th house.

  1. Grahan Dosh

Grahan dosh as the name predicts, occurs due to Rahu, Ketu, Sun and Moon.

If Sun or Moon placed together with Rahu or Ketu in the birth chart, then Grahan Dosh is formed.

It also happens when the person birth is during the period of Solar and Lunar eclipses. This dosh requires special remedies.

  1. Budh Aditya Yoga

This yoga is formed with the conjunction of Sun and Mercury. This yoga is also termed as Nipuna Yoga in Vedic Astrology.

This conjunction should occur in signs- Aries, Leo, Virgo or Gemini. Better results if Mercury is behind Sun.

Persons born under this yoga are strongly focussed, intelligent and courageous. Good education and good speaker. Here Mercury and Sun should not have malefic planet aspects.

  1. Mudrika Yoga

This yoga is formed when Venus, Jupiter and Moon occupy mutual Kendra or are conjunct in one house. Such person will be attaining a high position in life.

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