Weak Immunity and Medical Astrology 


The immune system is designed to execute rapid, specific, and protective responses against foreign pathogens. To protect against the potentially harmful effects of auto reactive escapees that might arise during the course of the immune response, multiple tolerance checkpoints exist in both the primary and secondary lymphoid organs.


The overall function of the immune system is to prevent or limit infection. The immune system first recognizes these signals and simultaneously it gets activated and responds to address the problem


 The immune system is made up of several different types of white blood cells. Each white blood cell type has specialized functions. For instance, neutrophils are important to fight bacteria and fungi, while lymphocytes generally fight viruses. Some T lymphocytes can kill other cells that are infected with a virus, and B lymphocytes make antibodies, which are proteins that fight infection. They can also function together. 


Lines of defence in our body:


  • Skin
  • Bone marrow
  • Bloodstream
  • Thymus
  • Lymphatic system
  • Spleen
  • Mucosal tissue
  • Endocrine Glands


Glands are regulators of the body. These glands secrete thousands of different types of hormones directly into our blood. And so the proper functioning of these controllers of our body is very important and most vital for sound health. Their functions protect the body against any illness. Immunity system of the body is largely controlled by these glands.


Medical Astrology and Immune System:


Immune system in our body is controlled mainly by the following


  • Sun
  • Ascendant
  • Lord of Ascendant
  • Moon
  • Birth Nakshatra (the constellation in which Moon is placed at time of birth)
  • 8th House


Apart from above, 6th house, its lord and Mahadasha of 6th lord also become important analysis.



  • Our Immune system is run by Prana energy – the life force that is signified by Sun. It lends vitality, energy and life to native.


  • If Sun is badly placed, under malefic influence then vitality suffers


  • Of the Signs, Taurus, Gemini, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Pisces, are believed to have weak immunity. (subject to overall analysis)


  • Persons born with Moon in the Nakshatra (constellation) of Ketu and Mercury within certain specific degrees (called Gandanta points in Vedic astrology) are seen to suffer on account of ill health.


  • Rashi gandanta births also to be considered for persons born in the ending degrees of signs of Pieces, Aries, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio and Sagittarius.


  • Mental health directly influences the Immunity System of our body. There is a strong co relation between Psychological and Physiological functions now also realised by medical science.


  • Moon, if placed badly, under negative aspect and affliction or for birth during Grahan Dosha or during Amavasya tithi gives weak mind and several mental afflictions which ultimately affect overall Immune System. So Mental Immunity is directly linked to Body Immunity


  • During my analysis of several Horoscopes, I found that prolonged mental problems such as – Stress, Worry, Anxiety, Nervousness, Lack of Sleep and Fear influenced the Immunity of persons severely.


  • Sometimes, Evil Eye, Curses in a horoscope also affect overall vitality and immunity of the person.


  • So afflictions of 4th, 5th and 12th house also needs analysis.


  • Vish Yoga (Saturn conjunct Moon) in birth chart, or if Mercury is badly influenced by Rahu or in case Moon conjunct Rahu negatively then such person are seen to get quickly infected by others.


  • If Saturn and Rahu are negatively placed together in the 8th house of chart the power to recover from illness is very less.


  • If lord of ascendant, Jupiter, Sun and Moon are overall good in placement and strength give good resistance to fight against disease and good immunity.


  • If the lord of ascendant is under papkartari yoga in chart gives weak immunity. (Combust condition also need to be checked)


  • If any of these combinations are placed negatively in the 8th house can give weak immunity. Mars-Venus, Saturn-Mars, Venus-Ketu, Sun-Saturn and Ketu-Mars.


  • Immune system is also related to genetics and heredity factors


  • 2nd and 6th house analysis is also necessary while analyzing causes of weak immune system because lifestyle, food choice, food quality and eating habits are also responsible to develop weak immunity.



Medical Astrology analyzes the native’s personalized chart by studying the related afflictions of houses, planets, weaknesses and inauspicious planetary configurations and effects on the mind, organs, body parts and helps in finding the astrological root cause and recommends necessary remedial measures.




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